Avatar of Foster


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current GM tip: Protagonists not edgy enough? Make them edgy in realtime with your villainous player-character!
8 days ago
So a side-show to memorial-day is remembering the POWs that died in captivity, right?
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14 days ago
TFW you've been so hyper-focused on modern fortification that you forget what a castle is for an RP.
25 days ago
But yeah, the long shorty of nation-RPs is they require the existance of other nations and as a consequence, other concurrent nation-RPs... which usually means entire dedicated forums.
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25 days ago
BTW, I've been off/on a persistent nation-RP since '05. If I ported it over to here... there's going to be a LOT of noodle-incidents. youtube.com/watch?v=yNbJb1N…
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-There will be delays in replies. Largely due to working overtime, voluntary obligations; other RPs and online-things may compete for my attention.

'Bout me:
Started RPing (badly) back in '05, mostly doing nation-RPs with an emphasis on technology and strategy, later edging out to character-espionage and military-tactics before doing "less serious" character roleplays that were outside of the 2005-2008 continuity.

That's when I went to Dead-Frontier, and found the RP community there, joined a clan, did some pretty good roleplays and pretty much loosened-up my online-personality. When the clan-leader decided to move her RPs here, most of the clan followed.

Took a course in technical-writing back in '08, so now I may sometimes use the semicolon correctly.

In 2010 I dusted off the old nation-RP continuity I had, doing a few hetelia-esque RP-shenanigans there..

RP-Habbits: I tend to geek-out on little technical-details, and sometimes infer how those details would impact the background of the roleplay. Great for world-building, not so great when you had a perfectly good plotline and I just MacGyver it off the rails (though I usually er to the side of amusement, sometimes it creates very grim side-stories).

Most Recent Posts

In olleH 6 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
... therefore we reply.
Banned because there's an aurora borealis outside my kitchen window.
In Yo.... 22 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself

How lost you wanna be?
@Raptra banned for NOT being impressed
@Foster banned because i'm clueless and have no idea what you're talking about

Banned for banning me for I used same reason you did to ban Raptra without you realizing it.

And Raptra is again banned for not being an easily impressed birdie.

And the next person is pre-emptively banned from banning me for the same reason Raptra banned Hanzo to prevent banception from occuring because I'm pretty sure if this keeps up, all our heads will hurt.
Banned for not being entertained by the shiny thing.
Banned for snipping my quote of @hanzo
Banned for not tagging

Banned for hypocrisy, you can quote me on that.
Banned for not helping them figure out the puzzle earlier to earn that compliment you banned them for not getting because you didn't.
Banned for not being able to decypher banned you be-gauze they wanted to make a repost.
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