Avatar of A Lowly Wretch


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Meanwhile in the Zamindawar International Airport...

"The Annual Tournament has been cancelled."

Al had been standing among the many nomads who had recently arrived in the airport only to be hit with the bad news. Unlike the majority of the crowd who ranged from annoyed to furious Al simply looked as he always looked. His face wore a mostly disinterested frown, the sort of gloomy look most would associate with your standard JRPG protagonist. Outside of his silent spartan demeanor he pretty much blended into the background, well, outside of the fact that he was a white guy in in a middle eastern city.

His normalcy which normally kept him from standing out however made him stand out like a sore thumb in this particular crowd. Amidst a body of strange and fantastical fighters with unusual appearances and fashion senses a guy standing around in grey cargo pants and a white T-shirt did everything but help him blend in.

It didn't really matter though. He didn't care what anyone thought of him or why he was here. In fact he wasn't even here for the tournament. A shmoe like him was not going to get formally invited anytime soon, he certainly couldn't afford the entry fee and nobody was going to foot the bill for a guy like him. His attitude was virtually unmarketable. No company was going to touch him, not even with a ten foot pole.

His eyes lazily scanned through the crowd as he looked across the sea of faces. A couple stood out to him, not because of who they were but rather what they were. The young brown haired woman was carrying a microphone, interrogating several different folks about what was going on. She was very likely a reporter.

Eh. It's a start.

He casually made his way through the crowd up to the young lady.

"Hey." He gave a short hand wave to her to try and get her attention.

"You a reporter? If so I gotta ask you somethin'. I'm looking for a group calling themselves the Hellion Gang. You know anything about 'em?"

He stood there, hands in his pockets as he waited for a response.
@Dealdric - To be honest while I don't ordinarily let other deities adopt existing domains it was rather clear at the time that you were leaving hence driving the impetus to fill in the vacancy. At this point the Divine Cord for magic is now belonging to Ahmenophus and unlike the fear spire event where another Divine Cord was converted causing two identical Divine Cords to exist there cannot be more than one Divine Cord in the world.

I'm sorry to say but if you were to rejoin you'd need to bring in a new goddess. I really can't boot off the new god after it was seemingly clear that you had no intention of continuing on with your current one. My apologies if this brought any degree of difficulty in your proposed return but it's something I cannot go back on as of now.

In other news my post will likely come as early as Monday as I'll be quite busy throughout this weekend.
@ZAVAZggg - I'd prefer you wait until the old gods return from their dream. That way everyone can be involved in what's going on with the world upon their return. It shouldn't be too long but it just makes the chronology that much simpler when everyone's back on the same setting.
As soon as the fighting ended she dropped hold of the guard she was wielding. Seeing the other captives had a key to these chains she excitedly welcomed their service, loosing the chain's grip on her wrists and ankles. No longer impeding her she was quick to start peeling the gear off of a downed soldier.

Knowing her way around armor she was able to quickly strip down and promptly don a breastplate, helm, gauntlets and greaves before 'The Cav' and his reinforcements showed up. She hadn't had time to do up any of the straps and such so the greaves and breastplate did shift about but luckily neither were going to fall off at the very least.

"We'll probably die but we'll die tryin'! Am I right?!"

"Yeeaah!" Gang pumped one of the batons she had picked up off a downed guard up in the air and cheered.

"FOOORR DEEAATH!" Taking whatever it was the guy was talking about without really considering what it was even about she let out an overjoyed battlecry as she charged, making a B-line right for the gold guy. As a section of guards tried to intercept her she rammed through the first guard to attempt to strike her, her massive strength sending him flying back and knocking those following him over like bowling pins. With the path to the one who seemed to be spear heading the assault on the cafeteria cleared she charged, weapon high in the air as their clash neared.

Just as she neared him rather than go for the expected swing she lead her attack with a forward stomp kick aimed for the center of his breastplate. With the aim of stopping his advance and knocking him off balance she readied her baton to strike down upon him when the opening presented itself.
@ZAVAZggg@Stabby@Duoya@Archangel89 - I have updated the Characters tab to reflect the current roster of deities. I would add in my new addition but that will have to come tomorrow as I've been catching up on posts in other rp's I'm in.

@Archangel89 - I have reviewed Ahmenophus and I am happy to say he is accepted. You have my permission to post him into the characters tab. I will update the roster listings to include him once he is.

Also, just a note for everyone with new gods: Those of The New Era will not appear in the dream of the temple beyond the golden gates for they are not yet born. Over the duration of this your deities will come into existence and go about their lives on Tabrasa while Those of The First Era discover a truth long hidden from them.

Also of note: As soon as the dream reaches it's end I will post an interest check and see about bringing in new players to join in the new era. Given the ten thousand year gap there is plenty of space for them to appear without detriment to the narrative.
"Are... Are you going to be ok?"

Such words were not unfamiliar to her ears. Her appearance alone, this wretched state she was left in, often drew many a concerned look and words of worry. Much like her own end most interactions with friends and strangers alike typically reached the same terminus: Her condition. It was not their fault though. Much like her magic she brought that element of melancholy to pretty much everything that involved her. That sadness simply clung to her, afflicting those around her. Inevitably the same as always.

"Let's not hang around here too long. Sure, if anyone comes back and makes the connection, we'll be able to take on them no problem, but it's something we could do without."

Sophia nodded in agreement to Noriko's conclusion. As they traveled she largely remained quiet, her eyes largely fixed to the path on the lookout for bumps and cracks in the road that might give her wheelchair trouble. It seemed Fuyuko was intent on talking however.

"So, um... Where to?" Fuyuko asked. It seemed before either of them could provide any input she continued on.

"That is, of course, if you want us to stay around. Ah! I-I'm not saying we don't want to stick around! What I meant is... After that just now, and considering everything going on tonight, would you rather be alone, or...?"

After a lingering silence carried in the air for the moment Sophia answered.

"I am sorry... To have brought you discomfort." Her face was an unbroken mask of calm, no change to her inflection. Even despite that the weight of the pause between her words wove the apologetic subtext into her words no less.

"Nonetheless I am happy to meet you two. My welcome into this magical girl community has been much warmer than some. I fear a newcomer to the magical girl trade itself was greeted with far more cruelty from her peers."

It was something she had on her mind even throughout the tense confrontation and mysterious run-ins she experienced. This was her way of subtly steering the topic to that of the magical girl community while also providing the two insight in regards to a new arrival amidst their flock. In part she was helping them. In part she was hoping to encourage them to open up about the other local magical girls. It was a possibility they knew them better than she did.

It also didn't hurt that it steered the conversation away from the topic of herself, something she loathed to discuss. It was hard not to loath the subject when it always came back around to the same end it always did.

Inevitably the same as always.

@LuckyBlackCat- Apologies for the wait. I'l have my post up by tonight.

Edit: The post is up.
I have updated my post and review both new arrivals.

@ZAVAZggg - While I will note that mortals with sufficient divine energy can resist the maddening effects of M'arash's realm I am happy to say that your character is accepted. You may feel free to post him in the characters tab.

@Stabby - I will note that you misspelled the word "Authority" In your rules and limits tab but otherwise I am happy to say that your character is accepted. You may feel free to post her in the characters tab.

I will get to updating the deities roster tomorrow. You may also see a new deity of my own entering the field now that the setting is prime for his arrival.
Just letting everyone know the second half of the post is underway but may take until tomorrow to complete. I'll review the new sheets along with it as well. Sorry for the delay.
@Duoya@Noodles@Archangel89 - I decided you've all waited long enough so here it is, the first half of my intro into the Hall of The Divine. As I've mentioned all currently existing deities were affected so basically everyone aside from the newcomers will be placed in a ten thousand year long slumber. Luckily (Or unluckily depending on how you see it) time passes differently in the dream so they won't be stuck hanging around inside a dream for that long.

You may notice I don't have the second half of my post up. I'll be working on that first thing tomorrow but I figured I'd let you all see what was done thus far so there wasn't any more silence from my end of things.

@ZAVAZggg@Stabby - So I've erred on the path of bringing the setting forward into the age of medieval fantasy. Your deities don't have to necessarily have been around for the entirety of that time so you can determine how long within those ten thousand years your deities have existed. They could be relative newcomers, coming into their own around the time the old gods begin their awakening or they could have come to be just shortly after the gods entered their centuries long rest. Either which way you, and anyone else entering new gods, are free to submit sheets for review. Since I've thrown some new information some editing might be required so I'll have to look any submitted sheets over to see if they conform to the current circumstances proper. Aside from that those who I have seen look quite good so it should be of little issue.

And of course like before if you're still participating but I haven't @'ted you do feel free to let me know since my memory is far from perfect and thinly spread.
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