Avatar of Achronum


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7 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

@Tybalt Capulet Right? The itch has finally been scratced!

@HueMan Understood!
@TaroAndSelia Welcome to the team! I'll be keeping you alive along our journey, can't wait to adventure with you!

@Ithradine Always! And if you mean by front lines, you mean me keeping you alive from behind our trusty meat shi- Paladin, then absolutely!
Skyler calmly closed his book and stored it away as Willow spoke again. He wasn't particularly fazed by the revelation of his death. He'd apparently had some time to mull it over as he worked on the garden during the transition. Apparently this place didn't have anyway of measuring soil pH outside of dying plants according to his aggravated writing. Too bad he couldn't remember much about that. Oh well, I'm sure given time I'll remember. He though to himself as Willow paused for questions.

Then a situation erupted. Someone was yelling, swords were being drawn, threats were made, and now an elf was leaping over- He snatched his coffee out of the way- tables to escape. Skyler chuckled quietly at the elf now dabbing on the table. "You are absolutely ridiculous. Get down before you trip silly. You just died, no need to break you neck just after you got here." An odd noise caught his attention. He glanced over and froze. A girl stared down his wings, drooling. He shivered, thoroughly creeped out, and scooted further away from her. He slipped his wand out his bag and rested it on the table, just in case she decided to try fried wings today.

"Everything okay over there?" He hesitantly asked the girl.

@Leaves @HokumPocus
@hagroden @Ithradine I think at this point, our magic classes are both specializing in support roles. I know we had someone originally interested in playing a dps mage but they didn't move over a character sheet so I assume we lost them. At least we don't have to worry about popping potions for damage, just keeping everyone alive!

Submit some spell ideas you want to see in game to the GM then! If there are specific spells/actions you want to see, put together a rough idea, submit it, and the GM will balance it :D
@hagroden Whoot, support buddies!
Skyler glanced around, mouth wide in disbelief. This couldn't be real! Elves, a bird person, and - His back twinged and he heard a flutter. Looking over his shoulders, he froze. Where those-? Holy, yes he had wings! He spun around like a dog chasing his tail and tried fluttering them. He hovered for a brief moment and nearly tripped on the landing. Grinning like a ten year old on their birthday, he hopped and tried again. He got higher. And promptly hit the ground as his wings gave out. The woman, Willow, startled him as he picked himself up. This was going to take some getting used to! This was wilder than anything he had heard death could be like.

He followed the group into the building, nothing jumping out to clarify the situation. Though did it really matter? He could fly! How cool was that. They reached a room filled with picnic tables and one of the group broke off to- His nose twitched. Was that... He followed the smell to one of the drinks steaming on the table and snatched it up. Coffee. The only thing that could make remembering you just died any better. And woke up with wings. Its hard to top that. Lucas settled down at the table, pulling out the journal he had made notes in during his time gardening. His memory of it was hazy but he'd apparently taken plenty of notes. His wings fluttered periodically as he flipped through, content to wait for someone to fill him in on what exactly was going on.

Are you sure I can't open that spoiler? Ehhh.... XD


I just woke up and saw a new post in the IC and got all excited. You evil evil GM @HueMan
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