Avatar of Aeolian


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3 mos ago
Current If you're ever disappointed, it's okay. All will be well. :) Let that bittersweet sting motivate you to create something wonderful.
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1 yr ago
Maybe I can make time for 1 RP. Right?
2 yrs ago
Going on an indefinite hiatus from this site due to burnout, mental fatigue, and long working hours. Thanks everyone for the amazing RPs I've been in over these many months!
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3 yrs ago
I hope everyone has been safe and well here. <3
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4 yrs ago
Taking a break to focus on school and work :) See you guys in a few months!


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@Aeolian Good to go! Move him over to the character tab when you have time.


Thanks Haley!

Thank you again Haley and DPL.

*Cries softly*

I really hope Arctic hasn't forgotten about this.

This will be the second RP in a row for me where the GM disappeared before it began. I hope this isn't the case. :(

<Snipped quote by Aeolian>

Hey there ~

Thank you for your interest, but we are currently not accepting new players/characters at this time due to the high level of interest we have already received.

I could keep you on a list of people to contact in case any extra spots open up though?

No no no.

That's okay. :)

You guys have fun!

Gonna see what kind of character I can put together if that's alright!

This is a really cute concept.


Still working on my character btw.

Just wanted to let you know in case you forgot about me. lol

Gonna express interest here.

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