Avatar of Aeolian


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3 mos ago
Current If you're ever disappointed, it's okay. All will be well. :) Let that bittersweet sting motivate you to create something wonderful.
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1 yr ago
Maybe I can make time for 1 RP. Right?
2 yrs ago
Going on an indefinite hiatus from this site due to burnout, mental fatigue, and long working hours. Thanks everyone for the amazing RPs I've been in over these many months!
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3 yrs ago
I hope everyone has been safe and well here. <3
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4 yrs ago
Taking a break to focus on school and work :) See you guys in a few months!


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☾ Time: Two days before ✩ Location: Berlin, Germany (Airport) ✩ Interaction: No one yet. ☽

[In German] "Bro, pleeaasse! You don't understand. My flight leaves in like, 15 minutes!"

It had been quite an arduous morning for the once bright star of Tanner. Before Cai's father shipped him off to Berlin, it seemed like he had had it all; money, good looks, charming personality, on his way to becoming a witch, top of his class, and athletics. But there's a saying, that those who seem perfect on the outside often hold deep-seated darkness within, or something poetic like that. Either way, Cai was a cliche case of such a conundrum--you couldn't write it out more clearly than in a comic book. In many ways, Cai resented the pressure, so when he finally found himself in Germany, in a way, he was reborn. He started a new life, forged his own path as a songwriter, and ultimately, embodied the freedom that he had so desperately desired in his youth.

The young airline associate looked at Cai with an uninterested sort of gaze, as though she might quit faster than a blink. [In German] "First, I'm not your bro." the girl said curtly, "Second, sir, as I said, you've missed the boarding period. We can arrange a complimentary..."

[In German] "I'll sit on somebody's lap! Please!" Cai cut in, so desperate he didn't stop to think about the ridiculousness of his statement. Unintentionally, he slammed his hands on the countertop, causing it to rattle under his strength.

The associate rolled her eyes, unperturbed. [In German] "Sir, do I need to call security?"

Cai pulled his arms away and placed his hands over his face, sighing heavily, [In English] "Fuck. No. I'm sorry." He put his hands down and looked at her with a puppy-like pout. The associate seemed puzzled, clearly not understanding English. [In German] "It's just, I booked his flight months in advance. It's basically life or death."

She wasn't moved. [In German] "Okay well, whichever way it goes, you can deal with it on the next available flight."

Cai sighed. Seeing no other way around it, he nodded, relenting. It was his fault though. He got stuck in an impromptu meeting with a new up-and-coming German artist, some young lad named Rex Stein. Cai had been commissioned to write the artist's newest single and it had to be a big hit, or modestly successful enough for Rex's agency to make a return on investment. Cai was not one to usually cave under pressure, but somehow he convinced himself that his trip to Tanner would be work-free. He had only planned to stay for a short while, tell the truth about his life, see what was so urgent with his father's message, and then return home to Berlin. Strange, he considered Berlin more like home than Tanner.

In any case, he had fooled himself.

☾ Time: 2 in the Morning ✩ Location: Tanner, Washington U.S.A (Washington Manor) ✩ Interaction: His younger sister Yuna

By the time he arrived in Tanner, darkness fell and in the wee hours of the morning, moonlight licked the town in a quaint and comely sort of way. Once the taxi pulled up to the rustic gates of Washington Manor, Cai stepped out and handed the driver his fair (throwing in a little extra, just because). Once he saw that the taxi driver was out of sight, he turned back to the manor, his old home. He marveled for a moment, taking in the atmosphere of it all; the familiar smells, the always pristinely lit foliage, the vines and flowers that trailed up the home like in the fairytales. Being "home" after seven years, it felt a bit unfamiliar somehow and second nature all at once. Typical though, nothing really changed. His father was a stickler for keeping the status quo of what is, shall always be.

When he pushed on the gate, it was locked. He pushed it again, no luck. With no luggage to weigh him down, Cai looked around for a moment. Peering down both ends of the road to ensure no cars were coming, Cai posed and gazed towards the stars. He felt his magic bubbling, this old age he hadn't touched in such a long time. He concentrated feeling it in the core of his being, as it moved to his back. It didn't take long though. In but a moment, a pair of large ivory wings sprouted from his back. The juxtaposition of his snow-white wings against his dark skin was mystical and eye-catching.

With one deep breath, he flapped his wings and took flight. It marvelous feeling, being in the sky. For a few minutes above his childhood home, he danced upon the wind, returning himself to the feeling of weightlessness he had so enjoyed in his youth. This was a feeling plane flights could never replicate. Crossing against the silhouette of the moon, Cai looked like an Angel. Eventually, Cai descended slowly until he was face to face with his sister's bedroom window. He hovered there, flapping his wings gently to stead himself mid-air.

He tapped on the window once, peering in to see his sister sleeping soundly in her canopy bed. She rustled feebly, but remained in slumber. Scrunching up his face in annoyance, Cai tapped it again, with a little more ferver this time. Finally, his sister woke in a daze, curly hair disheveled. She reached for the lamp on her nightstand, turning it on before putting on her glasses and peering towards the window, moonlight gleaming through. For a moment, she stared at the window, not scared, but just confused as to what she was seeing. When she was certain that the angelic figure in the window was Cai, her eyes furrowed.

On the opposite end, Cai was beaming, his smile as radiant as witchlight. He was excited to see his younger sister in person, after what, four years or so.

[German] "Yuna, open up, it's me." he whispered with child-like glee.

Yuna groaned, forcing herself out of bed and a wonderful dream about acing her next exam. "English Cai, English." she bemoaned.

"I said open up." he retorted, masking his voice in a half-whisper as not to wake their father who slept in the master bedroom downstairs. With a casual flick of her wrist, the metal latch on the window unlocked itself and opened. Looking surprised, Cai entered her bedroom, gently landing on the hardwood floors with a soft creak.

"Nice magic. What kind is it?"

Yuna shrugged, "It's nothing" she said cooly.

Cai made a silly ah ha! kind of face, before grinning guiltily at his sister, who just rolled her eyes. Feeling ever affectionate and standing at least a head or two taller than Yuna, Cai opened his arms and moved in for a big bear hug. As he approached, Yuna put her hand out, blocking his attempt.


Yuna shhh'd him and crossed her arms, clearly annoyed.

"Where were you? Dad and I were worried sick. We expected you to be here yesterday morning." She adjusted her glasses and Cai's face fell, knowingly.

"Yeaaah...about that. First, I missed my flight...."

"Of course you did" Yuna snorted.

"And then, the airline lost my luggage." Cai held his hands up, showing he was luggage-free.

Yuna slanted her eyes at him, unconvinced, "The airline lost your luggage...??"

Cai nodded aggressively, eliciting a sigh from Yuna.

"So why didn't you call? I called you five times."

Before Cai could answer that, something she said earlier stuck out to him. "Wait, dad was worried?"

"That's not the point" Yuna retorted, lightly nudging him in the chest. Cai put his hands to his heart, playfully pretending to be heartbroken and in pain. "We were worried sick." Yuna continued, unamused, "I mean...I was worried sick."

Cai understood the meaning of her correction and despite not wanting to face the truth, it was expected. "Whatever. Just give me a hug you know-it-all little shit." When he moved in again to hug her, she didn't resist, though she kept her arms crossed. Cai relished in the warmth of his sister within his firm embrace--like old times. "I know you missed me, kid," he said, teasing.

"Not really," Yuna said coldly. But actions speak louder than words and she wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly as if she would never let go again.

"By the way...your shirt is ripped...again."

Cai looked over his shoulder, peering down at the two giant holes where his wings tore through the fabric. It had been so long since he used his wings, he had forgotten. He just shook his head, not surprised with himself.


Hope's Theme
Hope's English Voice
Hope's Japanese Voice
🌹 "This light is a ray of hope." 🌹

🌹 Time: Morning 🌹 Location: Inside a dark forest 🌹 Interaction: Griggs the One-Eyed Knight (NPC), Yasha (Special NPC) 🌹

Hope's eyes traced the movement of his angelic spirit Yahoel as the being hovered over the knights like a feathery star and shimmered under the moonlight, its eyes trained across the tree line for any signs of bandits and other mongrels who wish them harm. Before Hope had a chance to call on this angel for a report, someone shoved him in the back, causing him to stagger. It was a thick knight, seemingly missing an eye. Hope recognized him, one of his harrassers of no notable notoriety.

"You fool. You don't do anything until the Knight-Captain commands it. With this spectacle of magic you put on..." he said, motioning toward the angel in the sky with a look of disdain, "...you might as well have exposed us to the enemy. You pretty little mages don't belong in the Rose Knights anyways."

Hope looked at the man, startled. "I'm sorry. This is my first..."

"I don't give a damn if this is your first masquerade, princess, you wait until you're given the command to act."

Stunned, and ashamed at the reprimanding, Hope remained silent, looking away with a clenched jaw, uncharacteristically hardening his delicate features. The one-eyed man stepped closer and shoved him again, in the chest this time. "You got that beauty queen?". A heavy silence fell between them, only angering the knight further. Hope flinched as the man moved in to shove him again. But before he had a chance, someone grabbed his wrist. When the shove never came, Hope's eyes raised slowly and landed on a tall slim figure. Another knight, a man with features like snow; white hair framing a pale face under his helmet and piercing silver eyes.

"That's enough Griggs." the silver-haired knight said. Hope looked at him, perplexed. He'd never seen him in Candaeln before.

"Piss off, Yasha. He don't need your protection." Griggs barked, jerking his wrist loose from Yasha's firm grip. "I'm not..." Yasha responded, voice cold like ice, "...but your causing a bigger spectacle than the angel. Move up the line before you sully yourself."

"You..." Griggs growled, and the two men glared at each other for a brief moment. Eventually, Griggs relented, shoving past Hope and Yasha. The latter turned to the Hope and they shared an unusual gaze, though, despite his prior actions, Yasha's look toward him wasn't very friendly. "Your charms won't save you out here. Try not to get killed." And with that, the silver-haired Yasha moved past him as well.

Hope stood absolutely motionless, stunned by the interaction that just transpired. Eventually, he was shaken from his perplexed countenance when the Knight-Captain, Fanilly, began preparations. Hope admired her resilience and will to command an entire army. Despite her age, she took up the mantle and it was truly awe-inspiring. Hope nodded when she mentioned the support that his winged-spirit Yahoel would provide to Dame Cecilia's mission. And as they finally entered the dark forest, Hope's angel kept to the canopies, illuminating the darkness in a way that the moonlight just couldn't reach.

When they came to the shocking scene with the abandoned broken caravan and the bleeding person on the ground, Hope's spirit immediately flew back to him, knowingly. It expanded it's wings in a way that partially surrounded Hope's lithe frame. It took a battle stance, as did he. Hope looked at the scene, his stomach dropping. He only wished that Fanilly had been more careful before running to the body so haphazardly. But, once others took position around her, he felt a bit more relief. Still, enemies loomed in the darkness, waiting to pounce. Yahoel had seen something, which is why it flew back to protect him so quickly.

"My lord, danger lies within the shadows." Yahoel said.

Hope nodded. "I understand. Remain on guard. We must provide support to our comrades where we can." He stepped closer to the angel, leaning into its protection and familiar aura. Hope understood that his role was not on the front lines. Charging in with silver and brawn was not why he had been invited to join the Rose Knights. With his defensive magic, he could save a lot of lives tonight. He steeled himself, ready to protect his compatriots from any vagabond that tried to strike them.
@Lionhearted So glad to see you! <3

It really was though.

That's why you've gotta join our current RP, Prisk's "The Spiritis Within/Aeon". It's basically Bleak Centauri or Bleak 1.0, but with some differences. But the atmosphere and dreaminess of the first Bleak is still present in this one. We're two months in, but you can still easily integrate a character into the story.

@Prisk Prisk, tell him. Make them join our RP! lol

Outside the Sunrise Resort

There was something scary about listening in on the witches conversations. Discussions about killing animals and sacrificing virgins brought a chill through his spine. And the mere fact that he himself was a virgin made Blu feel all the more anxious about getting captured if something went wrong. Darkness settled in nicely, and a brisk gust of cold night air caused his long hair to blow wildly. Steadying his posture while still crouched, Blu gripped his hair up into a ponytail and then held it tight with a hairband.

Smoothing out the remainder of his hair behind his ears, Blu watched carefully as Justin took a secret photo of their target, this healer named Thea apparently. He wasn't really sure, to be honest. But once Justin held up the digital photo to him, Blu studied it, his eyebrows furrowing intently. He pictured her face in his mind's eye. Her blonde hair and blue-ish grey eyes. There was something ghostly about her look that struck Blu as her image seared into his head. Once he was sure he had truly understood her visage, he looked to Justin and then the rest of the team and nodded.

At first, Blu wasn't sure what was happening. He trained his eyes on Justin, who seemed quite focused on something through the window. Perhaps his own magic was at work. Must have been, because shortly after Justin's concentration fell, the sprinkler system inside the abandoned resort went off suddenly. The witches began to scream and whine about getting wet, and once Justin nudged him to act, Blu whispered to them.

"I'll try to lure her to that brush over there", he said, pointing to the location. "Let's hope she isn't the resistive type. My magic doesn't work on everyone."

With one final nod of confirmation, Blu used the opportunity to quietly move to an isolated spot on the other side of the building, settling himself inconspicuously within a brush.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Blu replayed the image of the Healer in his mind. He felt her presence as if he were part of her, and then, bringing the ocarina to his lips, he began to play.

The tune emanated from him like an iridescent aura of light, a stream that flowed from his chest, into the house and then connected itself to the Witch's chest like a tether. The melody was striking and hauntingly beautiful, otherworldly even--something you might hear at the gilded gates of heaven as it reverberated around him. This was no ordinary ocarina. The music that played was almost like a chorus, slow, dreamy, and ghostly.

His comrades would be able to see this tether of light and even hear the accompanying melody, though it would not affect them on a supernatural level; however, they may appreciate the angelic beauty of the song and finally witness his magic for the first time. But for certain, the siren's song would have no direct effect on them, Blu made sure of that. The only ones he barred from hearing the melody were the other witches, still squealing away about their wet hair and clothes, to preoccupied to notice how Thea suddenly became enthralled. Not zombie-like, but more, enraptured with an unnatural curiosity.

As the tune continued, Thea would find herself seeking out the source of the melody, to get closer to the song and be fully enveloped by its beauty. She might seem confused, wondering why she was suddenly hearing this mysteric and mystical tune. But it is that insatiable enchantment and intrigue of the song that made it so irresistibly difficult not to follow. Blu felt their connection, his innate empathic sensitivity enhanced as his magic bonded him to the woman. If it worked, Thea would walk out of the resort and come right to him like a moth to a light.

His comrades, seeing her exit, would only need to follow.

Hope's Theme
Hope's English Voice
Hope's Japanese Voice
🌹 "This magic was given to me by my mother. I cannot waste it." 🌹

🌹 Time: Late Evening 🌹 Location: Outskirts of a forest 🌹 Interaction: Katerina @Richard Horthy 🌹

It was a lovely late evening, night was setlling in, and the brilliance of the moonlight licking Hope's fair skin gave him a certain glow. There was a dark wind that carried his hair and the veil that sat upon his crown. If it had not been for the current task at hand, one could of thought they were simply going for a starry stroll. But the armoured calvary, of which he was a part of, painted a different image.

Hope was a new recruit to the Iron Roses, an unusual figure who presence seemed to draw equal parts intrigue and admiration, as it did disdain and loathing from some of his fellow knights. Perhaps it was his beauty, that was the most obvious assumption. Or perhaps his inclination for magic rather than the sword, like most of his comrades preferred. It was in these moments of revelry that he appreciated Katerina, one of the other few mages in the Iron Roses that understood his plight. She had warned him early on that his magic and beauty might draw attention, for better or for worse. Most had not seen his magic, so it must of been the latter.

In many ways, Hope found it to be a burden he could not shake. In any case, he would not let his inner thoughts cloud his current purpose. This Bandit King he had heard about brought a fair bit of concern to his quivering heart. If his defeat required the throngs of the Iron Roses to be placed upon his doorstep, then the man must be a formidable adversary. But Hope understood his role. He may not be the one to lay down the sword onto this King of Bandits, but he would certainly provide whatever support was necessary.

Dismounting from his horse in one graceful swoop, he took his place beside Katerina as she jested about his beauty. A never-ending joke, heard time and time again from within the Candaeln halls. Whenever he walked by, some of the knights would whistle or try to pull him in for a kiss. He'd resisted, of course, each and every time, but eventually he feared that he might snap. Hope just wasn't sure when. Luckily, Katerina's teasing meant no harm, so a soft smile graced his supple lips, clearly amused.

"I possess no inhuman wiles, none more formidable than yours at least." He chuckled, hiding a humble grin behind his small hand like a demure princess. Eventually, a silence fell over him and he looked around to glean who was in his immediate presence. Of course, captain at the front. Then there was Lucas, a pleasant young man Hope was quite fond of; he often doted on the younger lad, giving him encouragement whenever he needed it. And then, curiously, Hope's gaze fell on Gerard, lingering over the man's frame for a short while. The look Hope gave was unclear, perhaps, some type of interest burned in his optics. In any case, he eventually looked away and back to the forest ahead. He surveyed the shadows of the forest that loomed, the canopies so thick that very little moonlight filtered through.

Hope put his hands together as though praying and then closed his eyes. This would be the first time many of the knights would see his rare summoning magic. An aura of magical energy surrounded his lithe silhouette, rippling the air with iridescence. When he began the incantation, his voice seemed to echo.

"O' angel whose brilliance lightens even the darkest of skies, favor this ground for the fulfillment of thy eternal journey. Yahoel!"

There was no way around it. Summoning magic was a spectacle, sharing in the same lack of subtly that Hope's renowned beauty seemed to possess. A crack in the space above his head opened, glittering particles of iridescent light filtered through and feathers as white as snow began to fall. Within the gleam, an angelic multi-winged spirit slowly began to descend. It was a beautiful creature, female in shape and firm like an athlete. Juxtaposing with the darkened night sky was truly magical.


The angel-like spirit hovered near Hope, and he looked up at her with grateful eyes, "Thank you, Yahoel."

"It is an honor, my lord. How may I assist?" The spirit's voice was sensual and womanly.

Hope gestured toward the forest peak, "Do you see that canopy over there?"

Yahoel took a look at the forest, then the stars, and then nodded knowingly. "For now, keep watch from the skies. Darkness falls quickly, so please alert me of any incoming threats. I shall call for you if I am in danger." He and the angelic spirit reached out to eachother and held their right hands together, affection everpresent and tactile in their touch. They gave eachother a warm and familiar smile, "It shall be as you wish, my lord."

"Right then, be careful."

Once their hands fell away from one another, Yahoel flapped her many wings, dispersing glittering specks of witchlight and glowing feathers in her wake. And then, she gazed towards the moon and took off, hovering high above the Iron Roses so she could get a fair survey of the area. Eventually, Hope looked back toward Katerina and placed a gentle hand on her arm. The night was always scary and full of mystery.

"You be careful as well."

DAY 1 《》 STEELWATER [Ground - UDF Portable Research Station] 《》 Late Morning 《》 @Aeolian

RECAP: Last we saw Dr. Isolde Featherswallow (Lady of Shadows), she was in the UDF Portable Research Station, east of a now besieged Steelwater. Inside the domed enclosure were medical staff tending to injured soldiers and civilians who hadn't perished in the city or in the throngs of war. There was also ResDiv personnel conducting sensitive research. Within this station was a special room that housed people who had been infected by the stigma, their health deteriorating rapidly by a deathly fever.

Only Dr. Poole, Isolde, and the last remaining infection specialist could access this special room (the other infection specialists had died during the last relocation of the UDF PRS). With only a few fever agents on hand (thanks to Dr. Featherswallow) and no duplicator to quickly reproduce them, Isolde and her small team went to work on the time-consuming task of manually making more--time they did not have to spare. Accuracy and urgency were key to achieving the outcome that Isolde sought after.

UDF soldiers stood guard on all sides of the dome in case stigma made it through. Marcus, Isolde's son and bodyguard, joined them in duty.

Now, let's continue.

Isolde walked with purpose. Despite the chaos of the situation, she seemed poised, calm even. Not a glisten of sweat licked her skin. Had it not been for the moans of pained soldiers or the beeping of equipment, you'd of thought she was walking down a red carpet. It was a shocking scene, truly, the difference in her step compared to the fervent movements of Dr. Poole or the timid scurrying of Oerba (Isolde's assistant).

After entering the special Infection Room, a woman tending to one of the infected patients approached them. Dr. Poole, still riled up from everything, gestured to her. "This is Dr. Helen Khan, our last infection specialist. I don't know how I would have managed without her." Dr. Khan put out her hand for a shake and when she did not receive one in turn, she gave Isolde a brief glare and then dropped her hands and settled for clasping them together instead.

Isolde gazed at the woman with no particular interest, surveying her up and down. "Their condition?" Isolde began, ignoring formalities. Dr. Helen let out a deep breath, "Bleak, but manageable, for now." They moved toward one of the patients and Isolde followed. The patient was unconscious but breathing heavily, their form soaked in a fever sweat so unnatural and severe that it couldn't possibly have been caused by something from the natural world. One after another, they moved to each patient and Dr. Khan informed Isolde about their current condition. Some were far more along in the fever than others and though she did not say it aloud, Isolde knew some of them would not make it to inoculation. Time just was not on their side. This was a pill that Isolde found easy to swallow, but Dr. Khan was presently fatigued, her essence weighed down by the inevitable reality that she knew to be true as well. But Isolde, never smothered by the death of others, simply turned to Oerba and a medic Dr. Poole had pulled into the room.

"Administer the remaining fever agents to the patients who are in the poorest condition". As if on cue, Dr. Khan stepped forward and handed Oerba a list of the patients to tend to first, each one designated by a number. Oerba's hands were shaking as she looked over the list, clearly unnerved to be in such close proximity to the infected. The medic sympathetically placed a hand on Oerba's arm to calm her quivering and nodded, "We'll handle it. But what about the remaining patients?"

Before Isolde could respond, Dr. Khan cut in, earning her a sideways look from Isolde. "Just focus on your task at hand." The medic nodded to them and then looked to Oerba, pulling her along, "Come. Don't be nervous. I'll show you how to do it". Oerba looked back to Isolde, nervousness twisting her countenance. Isolde gave Oerba a commanding nod and then looked to Dr. Khan and Dr. Poole.

"I think it needs to be said--some of these patients won't make it." Isolde stated matter of factly.

Dr. Khan scrunched up her face, annoyed at Isolde's bluntness. "But we'll try to save them all if possible."

"It's not."

The two women glared at each other, invisible electricity sparking between them. Dr. Poole, jumping up and down in his lab coat, interrupted their staring contest by grunting loudly. "Ehh ermm. I've..ummm...I've prepared the necessary materials to begin fever agent production." He shifted his glasses and then gestured toward the aforementioned resources and materials lumped on the other side of the Infection Room. "Now all we need are six hands, three brilliant minds, and some teamwork to get them ready." Both women looked at Dr. Poole, then back to each other, and then nodded, relenting.

As they began working, Dr. Poole, equal parts anxious as he was giddy, shifted his glasses nervously. He looked at Isolde, then back to this work, then back to Isolde and then back to this work again. He did this a few more times until Isolde noticed him out of her peripherals. She rolled her eyes and then gave him her attention as though he were a pesky child. "Yes?" she inquired, peeved at his interruption. Dr. Poole was trying to stifle his inner fanboy, unsuccessfully of course.

"I'm an admirer. Truly. I've been following your work for years. The last journal published about your progress in finding a cure...nothing short of pure genius."

Isolde couldn't help but smile. She loved compliments.

But Dr. Khan snorted, unimpressed.

Isolde looked at the infection specialist, raising an eyebrow. "Deary, do you have something to add?"

In truth, Dr. Khan did. But she knew of Isolde's ranking and reputation, and she was highly outclassed. She was very much aware of their gap in the hierarchy. One word to the UDF higher ups and Isolde could have her position terminated. She was petty like that. But most of all, she knew Dr. Featherswallow was an Aeon, and that simple nugget of knowledge scared her more than the idea of getting fired or even the rumors in the Emberletter tabloids. Dr. Khan, with all the strength she could muster, bit her tongue and simply shook her head.

A cheeky grin settled onto Isolde's plush lips, satisfaction filling her. She enjoyed it when people knew their place without her having to expressly state the obvious. It meant the structure of the hierarchy was well-intact, and she thrived on it.

But for now, a heavy silence settled between them once again and they continued working.

In the distance, a sonorous rumbling could be felt under their soles. Something large and scary loomed. Whatever it was, Isolde got the feeling that its destruction was pivotal to their continued survival.

Inside the UDF Portable Research Station, Isolde, along with the help of Dr. Poole and infection specialist Dr. Helen Khan, have begun manual production of additional fever agents to try and reduce the fever in patient's infected with the stigma. Not all will survive. Oerba, Isolde's assistant, along with a medic, are dispensing what current supplies they have. Dr. Poole admires Isolde, while Dr. Khan and she very obviously do not get along.

That's okay! I hope you feel better!

And thanks. I guess I'll wait for Raineh to confirm and then put the CS over once I get the final okay.

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