Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

Collaboration with @webboysurf

Jex Saranth walked briskly towards the Jedi Grandmaster’s Chambers. His breathing was calm, almost meditative. His footsteps were equally measured, and his mind was at ease. Under his breath, the Jedi Knight was muttering the Jedi Code up until he approached the door. Without so much as a knock, Jex waved his hand and the door opened. His eyes locked on the two padawans. He slowly walked forward, turning his gaze towards Padawan Farlance. ”You may take a walk. I wish to speak with Padawan Dayne. Alone.” His voice was firm and deep, and his expression was stoic and stern.

As the door opened, Brye was half expecting Satele to walk in; instead walked in someone who she hadn’t really seen much, but she still knew who it was. Jedi Knight Saranth, though is first name eluded her.
He was quite stern as he spoke, even more so as his gaze fell on Brye. Although unintentional, Brye was half glaring at the Knight at his tone, though she did not hesitate for a moment. She turned and left the room in the next moment, not even sticking outside the door. She would find somewhere that she was needed more.

Jaslyn watched Brye leave and sat up straighter. She waited for Knight Saranth to speak. And waited. And waited. Well we are either waiting on Brye to get out of earshot or this has already started. Possibly both. I’m gonna go with this last one.

Jaslyn studied Knight Saranth. He is physically imposing. If he hadn’t been in the temple I’d have assumed he was a normal street thug. Maybe a laborer that worked with his whole body. I don’t remember seeing much of him around here.

Jex simply stood still, and he moved his hands behind his back as his feet were shoulder width apart. His eyes focused intently on Jaslyn for a moment, and the rest of his body seemed still and locked in place. He turned his head to scan the room, before his eyes fixed back on Jaslyn. While his hands remained firmly behind his back, Jex spoke with the same deep volume, but ditched the same sternness from earlier. ”I am Jedi Knight Jex Saranth. My purpose for being here is to determine what exactly transpired between you and the Force Sensitive earlier today, why you used your lightsaber against a fellow Padawan, and what you experienced. I am not here to pass judgement, and I am not putting you on trial. I am looking for the truth. Let’s start with how you ended up alone with the Force Sensitive.” Jex’s expression softened slightly as he spoke, and his eyebrows furrowed as he finished as he seemed to show signs of concern.

Jaslyn watched him warily as he made his speech. She relaxed at his tone. It was much different from San’s, Battlemaster Kyla’s, Grandmaster Shan’s and even Brye’s. He sounded like he wasn’t passing judgement like he said. Jaslyn nodded. “I had been out roaming the hills checking on sensors as well as practicing my forms. I like to practice the movements without a saber and I prefer the challenge of utilizing the terrain around me. I saw Selene...uh the Force Sensitive crash into the rift. I took the bike that I had over to the Rift. As I was in route I saw Battlemaster Kyla’s ship pass over and they landed before I got there. I followed them down into the Rift. We were able to locate the wreckage but not Sel-the Force Sensitive. We were then attacked by something...wrong. We quickly ascertained that it was a group of them. Knight Elav held them off and was wounded. He’s dead now they tell me. And apparently I’m to blame for that.” She pulled a grimace that spoke of self loathing at that thought spoken out loud.

Jex’s only movement was a slight nodding of the head to Jaslyn’s words. He did his best to keep his expression stoic at the news of Elav’s death. From what he had heard, the deceased Knight was a good man. But Jex put that aside for now. It was something to deal with after this matter was sorted. ”Your actions alone did not kill him. His death is part of the cycle of the Force, and he honored our order by sacrificing himself for the sake of others.” His voice had softened significantly, but hardened again after Jex took a deep breath. ”They told you he was dead after the fact. Where were you? Were you separated from the others?”

Jaslyn weighed his words. My actions alone...still held accountable.

“We fell back at my suggestion, since there were six of the beasts, and climbed to the top of the Rift. I had started climbing first and was in a position to observe someone, presumably the Force Sensitive, climbing to the surface and upon reaching the surface I noticed that someone was in the ship as the doors were closing. I made the decision to get to the ship and that is when I was separated from the others. I requested assistance from the Force Sensitive and was told that I was to get out or sit down. I made the decision to see what she was up to.”

Jaslyn sighed. And that is the part that will get me in trouble.

Jex gave a curt nod as he closed his eyes at the last part of Jaslyn’s explanation. He tilted his head, and his expression seemed to scrunch up in confusion.”Then you spoke with the Force Sensitive? Did she say anything else to you? Even just a name?”” While he was typically able to keep his emotions under control, a small well of frustrated anger grew in the center of his chest. She just left the others behind out of curiosity… Dangerous.

Jaslyn nodded. “Her name is Selene. Or so she said. We had a slightly philosophical debate about the Jedi Order. She expressed her truth I expressed mine. Besides stalling for time and trying to find out why she’d even come down here. Then we didn’t talk because we were in the Silent Desert.”

Jex began his pacing at this point between Jaslyn and the door, each step equally paced to the last. He churned through the thoughts in his mind. ”Do you believe that Selene, an individual with a strong connection to the Dark Side to the point this planet reacted as if it wanted to tear itself apart, shared her ‘truth’ with you? And what made you believe that you could discern a truth from Selene that a Knight or Master could not?” He was growing more impatient internally. Externally, he seemed rather stoic and contemplative, as he did when he was trying to solve a case. Before Jaslyn could answer, he added one final question. ”And what happened from the time you entered the desert to the time you and Selene were found?”

Jaslyn’s jaw set stubbornly and watched Knight Saranth pace. “We all believe in something. What matters to me may not matter to you. The way I see things is no less important than how you do. We all have ‘truths’ are hers the same as ours? I know that you won’t believe me if I told you that she believes what she said.”

Jaslyn looked away then sighed and looked back at Knight Saranth. “Leaving the ship, to whatever destination was programmed in it, we leapt to the surface. She seemed to know where to point the beast and have it open the way to…” Jaslyn looked fascinated by the mystery as she went on. “I’m not entirely sure what it was exactly. Tho Yor. Symbols that looked older than Aerabesh. It was almost alive with the Force. It had a pulse, almost. Or a call. I’m not doing it justice but there are few words that would.”

Jaslyn trailed off and was staring a hole into the floor contemplating what it would mean if she explained what happened to her in the Tho Yor.

Jex closed his eyes as Jaslyn got defensive. He knew this would be the reaction, and she was clearly taking the bait. What did surprise him was her description of what happened next. He stopped pacing, and his brow furrowed in a confused expression as he turned his gaze towards her. ”A call? What do you mean by that?” Jex took a few steps toward her, his expression seeming to show the tiniest bits of curiosity that the Jedi Knight didn’t bother hiding. This was becoming more interesting as things developed. ”What is this… Tho Yor?”

Jaslyn looked back at Knight Saranth as his questions pulled her out of her morbid contemplation. “I’m not sure this is accurate but, ships that brought early Force Users to Tython from...possibly from all over the universe. Do you know anything about this planet’s past? The Je’daii?” Jaslyn was curious to know that what she was told could be corroborated by facts.

Jex folded his arms, shrugging his shoulders. ”If you’re interested in these ‘Je’daii,’ I’m sure you can find something in the archives. My areas of expertise are focused on the present, not the past of our order.” His eyes focused in on Jaslyn’s, his expression returning to his bitter stoicism. ”This… Tho Yor gave you some sort of vision, then? Or spoke to you? Told you that about Tython, I suppose.” Jex’s jaw then began to clench for a moment, before he gave a sympathetic sigh. ”What none of this tells me, however, is why you never attempted to stop this Dark Sider. Nor why you lifted a saber in defense against a fellow Padawan. Please… just help me understand why you’re here.”

Jaslyn sighed and ran her hands over her hair to the ponytail positioned high in the back of her head. Then finger combed her tangles as she talked. “I am not equipped to make any of this right, as much as others wish it so. I knew that I didn’t have the power to turn the ship into something that could be used to break atmosphere. I knew I didn’t have the ability to stop her from taking the ship. I knew I didn’t have the ability to cast her off planet with a thought.”

Jaslyn leaned over and tapped the arm of the chair lightly but firmly every other word. “Yet knowing all this I chose to observe. Knowing that at some point someone would be needed to say why she was here. And after all that risk to my reputation and everything that I’ve worked for to have a fellow Padawan undo all of that was unacceptable.” Her hand made a fluid slashing motion in the air as she shook her head. She winced slightly at a tangle that was particularly knotted that pulled when she shook her head.

Making eye contact with Knight Saranth directly Jaslyn went back to finger combing the snarled places in her hair that were left. “My risk of self was fine. I was willing to take that punishment but I was not about to let anyone else suffer. Killing Selene out of hatred served San no purpose but to further her down a dark path. I did her a favor, even if she does see it as such yet. In short, I did what I could do to help knowing that I was risking more than my life.”

Jaslyn was done finger combing through her hair by the end of the speech. And although that is the truth I doubt that anyone is going to believe it. That’s why I was pretty much treated as if I’d betrayed the Order.

Jex shook his head, placing his hands behind his back, giving a small sigh. He had gathered what appeared to be all the information he was going to receive, yet the normally reserved Jedi Knight stayed for a moment and turned his eyes to Jaslyn. ”The Jedi Masters and even the council will see your actions as a failure. While you claim you didn’t have the power to stop or impede Selene, I believe that you could have if you had chosen to. It could have come at a terrible cost to yourself, but that’s a price a Jedi is willing to make.” Almost as if anticipating a response or backlash, Jex raised his hand and continued speaking. ”The path you chose, however, was in part inspired by the Code. Your choice to defend Selene by turning against a fellow Padawan who was succumbing to the dark side was a sign of courage. More so, you sought a path of peace and knowledge. Your master should be proud of that much, Padawan. Two words of wisdom, however: Jedi must always be willing to sacrifice themselves even when the odds look unwinnable, and don’t trust those trained in the Dark Side. Their lessons are rooted in fear and power.”

Jaslyn nodded at Knight Saranth and massaged her temples. She noted he made a motion to stop an outburst as if she was supposed to interrupt him, which she had no intention of doing. “I understand. I hope to do better in the future. Am I released to my quarters then Knight Saranth? I’d like to change if possible.”

Jex shook his head temporarily. ”Stay here, for now. Given recent events, especially regarding your fellow Padawan, I would prefer if you stayed here until someone comes for you.” Jex gave a slight nod, his face changing from stoic to melancholic. ”May the Force be with you, Jaslyn.” And with that, Jex turned on his heels and exited the Grandmaster’s chambers, waiting outside the door for Brye to return and resume her watch.
O’Keemi T’Sombe Senator for Amar Government in Exile

“Senator T’Sombe?” A timid voice came from the open door.

O’Keemi looked up from the data pad she was currently glaring at to see Tasha Jinn her Chief of Staff. “Come in Tasha. You’ve worked for me for two years now?”

Tasha nodded her brown bob swinging. “Yes Senator.”

O’Keemi set the data pad to the side. “Drop the formalities girl. At least when we are in private. It gets tiresome at times.” Tasha smirked and tried to smother it and O’Keemi harrumphed without real attitude. “What do you have for me Tasha?”

Tasha marched into the immaculate office that was set up in a chic black and white decor. It made the Senator the focal point of the room. The prints on the walls were monochromatic and were landscapes found in Amar. A bold statement for a Government in Exile. They helped anyone not Amaran recall just who the Senator was supporting. The outer offices that Tasha and the others were just as severe and they had prints of other planets in the same monochromatic black, white and gray. All places where Senator had assisted refugees and home planets of her staff.

Tasha cleared her throat and the others filed in. The Junior Representative for Amar Kozan Masatoshee an Amaran male who was black and gray in his markings. The Deputy Chief of Staff: Keyjin Seikow another Amaran male who was all white in color. The Legislative Assistant: Sora Naokey an Amaran female who was a pale golden color. The Communications Director/Secretary: Sen’sha Tanoor a purple Twi’lek female. And the twins; Supplemental Aids: Jetald Thormea and Josall Thormea, Human males identical blondes with green eyes most times the Amarans were the only ones that could tell them apart.

O’Keemi’s eyebrows went up at the fact that her office was now teeming with her staff. “Alright someone out with it.”

Kozan cleared his throat his green eyes met O’Keemi’s deep blue ones. “This came over from the office of Senator Towler.” He handed over a data pad that was open to view.

O’Keemi scanned the first few sentences, frowned and read on genuinely interested. Then she got to the end of the page and growled. “Get me-”

“Senator Alastor? Or Lyla from Senator Towler’s office?” Sen’sha inquired blankly.

O’Keemi smirked. “Tychus. Yes Tychus first. Lets see what he makes of this before we settle on how resounding a Nay we are going to give.”

Will do. Thank you for the review.

Updated @Jackdaw

Kaylee looked over and saw Nik approach Unà. She and Aya were farther away but it looked like Nik was worried and that “man” had a gun on Nathan. “Aya are you alright? I know this is hard but I need you to focus. Did you see anything when you were in the Astral Plane? Anything weird or out of place?”

Aya winced against the voice, though the movement was subtle with how little energy she had. It made the pounding in her head grow louder. But she recognized that voice. It was kind and gentle and soothed some scared part of her. It was asking for help. She had to help.

“...Unà… ‘s taking Unà…” Her voice was as weak as she felt, barely even leaving her throat. “The monster… it was real.” A memory burst in Aya’s mind of fangs and claws and a seething, consuming pain.

Kaylee’s eyes widened. “Real? No. Not an illusion? Quickly what happened? How did you find this out and know where she was?” Kaylee split her consciousness and reached out to the Astral Plane and gathered more energy, then dropping back to the Material Plane. Quickly but gently she grabbed Aya’s hands feeding her energy slowly. “This will ease the backlash, not get rid of it, and you’ll be able to talk but you’re still physically exhausted so no moving.”

There was a soft gasp from Aya as more energy flowed into her. The pain became more distinct as the world began to unmuddy. Her eyebrows pulled closer together. One breath. Then a second.

Aya’s eyes fluttered open to focus on Professor Everose in front of her. The image was still slightly blurred and doubled. “I… I followed her from the club.” She paused. “Something was wrong though. She wasn’t Unà. She was…” Aya squeezed her eyes shut, the image and words floating ephemeral through her mind. She remembered the fake Unà’s eerie warning to tell no one what she’d learned. “The monster – the Sluagh. It wanted to bring her back, it said. To the… the Fairy Court.”

Kaylee didn’t know what to say. She latched on to the one thing she understood. “You went too far but I understand why. You had to find out where they were taking her. Good job Aya. Unfortunately I have no idea about this Fairy Court thing but something seems to be off about Unà… she’s different. Do you remember anything about the not Unà?” Kaylee nodded over to the quarrel that looked like it was getting intense.

“It’s like… a different personality. Like a side she’s suppressed until now.” She opened her eyes again to look at her mentor. “She warned me not to say,” Aya murmured.

Kaylee nodded. “Alright. We can get into that at a later date but I think you’re onto something here. Rest now. You’ve earned it.” Kaylee gently slid away from Aya and stood up. The air was icy the air pressure increased as she closed the car door gently and made her way over to the other students.

Kaylee announced in a clear no-nonsense voice. “Something isn’t right here. Something is off we should leave. Now.”

Unà was about to speak as Professor Everose cut in. “We’re just about done here Professor. Go back to the car and tell Aya to keep her mouth shut.” Unà snarled her eyes completely black.

Kaylee was stunned. This wasn’t like the bubbly sweet teenager that she knew. Her countenance was off and her personality an about face from the girl she knew. “THAT’S NO-”

Unà stretched out her arm toward Kaylee and closed her fist cutting Kaylee off. “I’m done talking and you don’t really want to finish that sentence.” Unà looked back at Nik and everyone else. “Fine. We won’t kill him but we can make a point. I think we owe him that much don’t you agree? Guarantee he’d never mess with us again.”

Nathan looked at the others. “I can hold him for a little longer. He can’t do anything I don’t allow right now. If you want to punch him better make it quick.”

Nik’s eyes were wide. This wasn’t right. Professor Everose had tried to say something that Nik was beginning to realize. This isn’t the Una I know. She’s going Vader. Nik only had a moment to try and do… well, the only thing he could think of. He turned his gaze towards Lex, and began sprinting at full speed directly at his target. The cloth around his right fist arced with energy, and seemed to grow brighter as he got closer. Hoping this would satisfy Una’s desire to teach him a lesson as Nik’s fist collided with Lex’s skin, and Nik expended the charge on the cloth in an attempt to rocket Lex back through the club.

The moment of confidence that Cleo had quickly faded, she really hoped Lex would of just left at the very least, come back another day, preferably when not half of them were drunk at the least. But as soon as he raised the gun to Heidi and then Nik, things just went faster than Cleo could even process and just simply generally went to crap. The air seemed to go from warm to icy as the air pressure increased, everything just started to feel off and Cleo was slow starting to freak out over it.

Una just wasn’t… Una? Just everything she was saying, acting and those eyes… *Yep totally freaked out right about now* Cleo thought, if she was being honest, the mutant simply wanted to go and be thank you she was not dead or dying in a gutter somewhere, but nope she’ll stay with her friends, she just needed to think of what to do next.

The professor tried to get a handle on the situation, telling everyone that it was time to go and who were they to argue? Everything went to shit tonight and it would no doubt be only a matter of time before to much attention came there way. But it was what Una had done that made Cleo do a double take and step back, she did some crazy Jedi trick and stopped the professor from talking and she freaked. “Professor! Oh my god.” Cleo went to Everose quickly forgetting everything else, she needed help but how, what was that girl doing to her?

“For christ sake Una, Stop! You made your point! Why are you doing this to us? We are your friends trying to help you!” Cleo pleaded as she could help the professor, she simply didn’t know how and turned to the redhead, forming an idea she knew would be an instant regret one as she tried to fight this new inner battle, Una was her friend, but she was not her right? And she was doing freaky things that Cleo didn’t even know she could.

Was she scared? Damn right she was, she was anxious as she worded sorry to Everose before turning round and looking dead straight at Una. it was now or never, everyone seemed focused on Lex and after a deep breath Cleo went for it and ran for Una just like she did when the blonde was trying to save her earlier, only slowing down enough to make sure she wouldn’t miss. “Hey!” was the only warning she would get as Cleo using her momentum, proper punched Una in the face, hoping that it would force the redhead to break her hold on the professor, she only hoped the others can forgive her for this action that even she was not proud off.

As Nik came flying at Lex making contact with his solar plexus. He doubled over in agony then dropped to his knees. His grip on the gun had loosened and in the scuffle he'd lost it. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth slowly and nodded.

Uná's head snapped in the opposite direction of the punch from Cleo. The air pressure lifted and the coldness disappeared. The alternate effect of knocking Uná's hold on Professor Everose off was an added bonus.

Uná turned back to speak but an unearthly howl was heard. It was spine tingling in its etherealness. The pure undiluted raw rage and satisfaction within the howl made birds take flight and small animals freeze in sheer terror. This sound made the scariest movie noise sound tame.

Uná and Lex both flickered and faded away as where once Lex stood the real Uná did now. She turned back to everyone and you could see where she was a little battered and bruised but alive. Here eyes were wide with terror as the building behind her collapsed in flames. “We need to leave. I wanna go home and watch a romantic comedy. With popcorn and ice cream.”

Non-Player Characters

Gender Balance

3 Male 7 Female
Cleo groaned a little from her rather amazing collision with Uná and Heidi. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry guys, I didn’t mean to trip over you Heidi!” Cleo began untangling herself from the other two so it would be easier to move and pull away from Lex. Watching the scene begin to unfold in front of her with a smile when Hiedi asked what was going on as Nik had charged. “Haha, Demo just kicking his… No he’s not” as she watched him fly back into Nathan.

“Come on we need to move” Cleo motioned to the two girls as she began falling back when… What’s her face was up to something, suddenly every car lights and radios came on loud, Cleo immediately covered her ears as it was totally unexpected as the announcement played out, honestly except for the ear ringing, that was pretty awesome.

It was still a little disorientating when she managed to gather her bearing and make her way over to Jasper, standing by her side facing Lex. Cleo was feeling rather confident right now, there was more of them and that guy and now it seemed he was famous too now. “Surrender… Leave… Or don’t, either way Uná is coming with us” her smile on her lips had formed before she looked over to the others a couple of times before speaking again. “Hey guys, what’s a kook?”

Kaylee watched at the “kids” took on Lex with a bit of satisfaction. Her powers were not for combat. She could kick ass with the rest of them if we were talking about martial arts but the walking wall masquerading as an albino gorilla was something she might break her foot on if she kicked it. Kaylee froze for a moment as she looked at the building on the Astral Plane.

The colors were almost hypnotic. Vivid greens, pale pink, neon red, bright blue, gold, white. The swirling patterns made it hard to look away from. Tearing her eyes away she pulled energy from the area in general as she strode over to the other car in both planes. Opening the door she then wrapped her hands in energy from the Astral Plane.

This would only work on people who could cross planes like herself and Aya, whom she was in front of right now. She looked like she was rubbing lotion into her hands as she spread the energy evenly. She leaned over and touched Aya’s temples at the exact same time. The energy sank into Aya. It was a temporary fix and the girl would be able to wake up. Luckily, Kaylee had practice with this technique so she had mitigated any backlash that had originally come with it. That had been years of practice.

Sinking back into the Material Plane fully Kaylee opened her eyes and gently patted Aya’s cheek. “Aya? Aya wake up.” The radio blared out static making Kaylee wince then pumping out Jasper’s speech out. She looked back to Aya.

Lex threw back his head and laughed. “Honey that makes no difference. Carrying a gun isn’t a crime and kidnapping is harsh when I saved her life. As I see it you have attacked me. The gun? I was outnumbered and in the middle of the night. Not to mention that I know quite a few of our wonderful LAPD. They do good work. Now we can work this out. Red and I need a little bit longer to get to know each other. Or I can just do things the hard way. Whichever is fine with me.” Lex smirked and pointed the gun at Heidi while looking at Uná . It was center mass practically point blank range. “Your choice. She has five seconds before I pull the trigger. Or less if I prefer. Chose Red. Them. Or me.
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