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2 mos ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
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2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

Most Recent Posts

I just remembered this is the perfect timing for their kiss.

Who does it?

Hiems is socially awkward, confirmed.
Yep. :]

also did you notice a little change on the Hiems narrative
Midoriya fidgetted his fingers. Even thoufh Nensu said she didn't mind, it wasn't the only thing that kept him so hesitant and shy about it. Evidently, he has a crush on her- and it was the one big fact that made him even more awkward with her.
"Sorry, I... I think I have a crush on you."
Midoriya scrambled to cover his mouth. Did he just say that out loud? That was definitely not what he intended to do. He balled up next to the bed, feeling the great urge to shrink down and hide away from Nensu's view. This was just too embarrassing for him to withstand.
"Please tell me you didn't hear that..."
A murmur escaped from under his arms.

Hiems stared forward while Momo stared to the side. After her answer, Hiems did not say anything. He still needed to process the hectic events of yesterday and today. Mostly today. Getting a confession while stuck on bed was a peculiar thing after all.
After the final exams, before the shopping, or after, there will be even more free time arc to fill Hiems' sleeping desires more fluff in.
But before that we have some big fights to fight.
"Training? Absolutely!"
Midoriya's eyes sparked with excitement as he remembered the girl's offer. Besides, he had more than his old, glass cannon self to show her. During the experience with All Might's teacher, he learned to control One for All. He learned how quirks were normally to be used. Full Cowl was in his hands. It wasn't as much difference in fight, but it was a huge progress to him. Midoriya unconsciously pushed closer to Nensu.
"We'll get to do so much more working together! It's gonna be a long way, surely, but it'll be awesome!"
Midoriya found himself only an inch away from Nensu's face. Midoriya backed away, cupping his blushing face in his hands as he looked away.
"I...I'm sorry....?"
He whimpered.

Hiems shook the blush away as a cool breeze escaped his nostrils. He shrugged at Momo's statement. It was far from a good news out of a flood of bad ones. To him, at least. And now that she made clear of her feelings, he had no escape from putting a handful of his sleep schedule into getting to know her. And hopefully date one of the smartest kids in the class. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?
"Hi glad, I'm Hiems."
He answered, recovering his usual empty stare from a surprised stare he had from the kiss.
"And now that I know how you... we? We. We feel about each other, would you mind using the door next time you pay my home a visit?"
Name: Argo Hominid

Age: 71

Race: Telluris
A noticably tall race, averaging around 2.8 meters in height. They mostly live around the Grayspires, many of them well known for their use of their traditional bows that exceed the size of the human bows.

Class: Designated Bowman

Appearance Description:
2.73 meters tall, slightly shorter than average of his race. Argo has short dark black hair, blue eyes, and reddish skin. He has well built muscles over his body from his experience as a weaponsmith and practicing archer.

Image Reference:

Argo is not much of a good talker. He can talk, yes, but not that greatly. He prefers not to talk a lot, and tends to go silent in moments he have to concentrate greatly. But he's not a complete lone wolf- Argo seeks new friends with curiosity.

BRIEF History:
For the most of his lifetime, Argo spent time working in his family workshop near Shin Kadôl where they built and repaired arsenal of various people-mercenaries, hunters, and rarely the members of the military. He learned the necessary skills as he took part in those jobs. In his free time he practiced wielding the traditional bow of his race. He set off to start his career as a hunter when he saw a one of his kind- he set off with a spark of curiosity, seeking for a target his arrow can hit.

Alchemy - 1
Armor Smithing - 1
Weapon Smithing - 2
Gathering - 0
Skinning - 0
Engineering - 1
Cooking - 0
After apologizing several more times, the policeman left them by themselves in an awkward silence. Shoto and Iida traded looks and slowly walked out too. They needed some fresh air-that's what Midoriya guessed. He looked at Nensu. 'This isn't good at all.' He told himself. 'We got ourselves into trouble, we got no credit for catching the hero killer, everyone's in a gloomy mood...' He went back to his usual mumbling habit once again, before he broke out of it realizing he was leaving Nensu alone.
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
He said.
"..this really is a bad day for us, isn't it?"

Through the thick layer of bandages, Hiems visibly lit up to a light shade of red as Yaoyorozu leaned closer, and kissed him lightly on the cheek. His brain went silent, and his eyes stared pointlessly into nothing. After spending nearly a minute in the state, he slowly turned back to Momo.
"...what just happened?"
Name: Argo Hominid

Age: 71

Race: Telluris
A noticably tall race, averaging around 2.8 meters in height. They mostly live around the Grayspires, many of them well known for their use of their traditional bows that exceed the size of the human bows.

Class: Designated Bowman

Appearance Description:
2.73 meters tall, slightly shorter than average of his race. Argo has short dark black hair, blue eyes, and reddish skin. He has well built muscles over his body from his experience as a weaponsmith and practicing archer.

Image Reference:

Argo is not much of a good talker. He can talk, yes, but not that greatly. He prefers not to talk a lot, and tends to go silent in moments he have to concentrate greatly. But he's not a complete lone wolf- Argo seeks new friends with curiosity.

BRIEF History:
For the most of his lifetime, Argo spent time working in his family workshop near Shin Kadôl where they built and repaired arsenal of various people-mercenaries, hunters, and rarely the members of the military. He learned the necessary skills as he took part in those jobs. In his free time he practiced wielding the traditional bow of his race. He set off to start his career as a hunter when he saw a one of his kind- he set off with a spark of curiosity, seeking for a target his arrow can hit.

Alchemy - 1
Armor Smithing - 1
Weapon Smithing - 2
Gathering - 0
Skinning - 0
Engineering - 1
Cooking - 0
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