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Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
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2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

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All we need is a video ad of that shampoo commercial running while Momo checks Hiems' back. >:]
Midoriya placed a hand on the supporting grip Nensu stretched out as he tripped, showing appreciation for her help. He dusted his knees as he checked if he hurt himself anywhere. Then he turned back to Nensu.
"Oh, it... it's nothing. Really. Just thinking about plans for today."
Was he thinking too much? He was concerned of improvising everything, and had even considered making a whole new notebook for it. Seeing how it turned out now, maybe it was a bit too much concern for a happy little walk around downtown. The boy scratched his head, embarrassed of his own mistake. 'Let's keep things simple next time.' He told himself.

Hiems reached for his back and shrugged. It was just a minor pain, there is no need for-
The touch was definitely not a wise decision. With a signal of sharp pain running up his spine, Hiems flinched with a short groan. He awkwardly looked up at Momo. It was just a minor remainder of what he went through, counting how many rolls of bandages he had to put around himself that night.
"...no need for more inspection."
He managed to finish his sentence.
Sadly Hiems doesn't have a television, but I'll figure another way >:]

Matching shirts in terms of couple shirts :]
The mall? That was out of his plans, but it sounded good enough. He didn’t expect his plan to be perfect anyways. He made a mental note of the change in detail as he nodded to Nensu. Maybe they can shop some clothes, have a good time together. As Midoriya thought of all the things they could do, his gaze hardly left Nensu. His half unconscious steps were still guiding him to the park correctly, but his mind was all too concentrated on imagining the wonderful date he could have. The only thing that broke him out of his happy thoughts was a random pebble on the ground, tripping the green haired boy. Midoriya stumbled, but managed to regain his balance and get back to his feet.
“S...sorry, I must’ve wandered off into my thoughts again.”
He apologized.

Hiems , after gesturing Momo to sit on the chair(stationed in front of the desk in the corner of his room), sat himself on the bed and took a sip from the can. His lazy gaze turned back to Momo. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke again.
He said.
“It’s always good to be prepared for unexpected events.”
Imagine if Hiems had a tv at his room, he leaves it on as she pays a visit and the ad with her in randomly appears.

Are Midoriya and Nensu gonna get some MaTcHiNg ShIrTs?!
Clenching his free hand into a fist, Midoriya held himself from melting down at the spot. 'She complimented me back!' His insides squealed. Trying to calm down his beating heart, the boy walked alongside Nensu. Going back through his plan for today inside his head, Midoriya gave himself a reminder not to be so shy. Again. Nensu was fairly stylish in her clothes-though he did not dare question the boots- and it was hard not to stare at her.
"So. Do you want to walk around the park a bit? The weather's nice enough for a walk."
He suggested.

"A pain in the back's always the problem."
Hiems said, turning to his small fridge and not even bothering to notice the blush. It was all too obvious for his brain to point that part out. They liked each other, and blushing was not much of a problem. From the fridge, he pulled out two cans of drink. He reminded himself to prepare a bit more for a guest-he couldn't pull out cans and packs all the time.
"So, how was your job experience?"
He asked as he handed her a can.
Midoriya: back injury, fine
Hiems: full body beat up, aftermath remaining

If you think there's something a bit unfair among the boys you're right

I thought Momo would pick the window lock. But she used the door this time. Neat. :]
Midoriya heard a familiar voice call out his name, and turned to respond to Nensu. But instead of waving back, his hands rose up to his mouth as he blushed and marveled. It was as if no matter what she wore, it fit Nensu perfectly. Midoriya nodded with a great red tone spreading over his cheeks. Then he shook his head left and right. He couldn't just stand there gaping at her. He was the one who suggested that they meet. 'Stay calm, Izuku,' he thought, 'just do as I planned and everything will be fine.'
"Hey, you look great today!"
He said. The boy pulled his hands off his mouth and finally waved back. His lips stretched into a wide smile. He was trying his best to keep himself inder control, but the smile was one thing he couldn't hide.

The sound of the knock on the door broke Hiems out of his near-sleeping trans. He pulled himself up from the chair, clutching his back, and walked up to the door. He slowly opened it and let out a sigh of relief as he saw Momo stand in front of him.
"You didn't rely have to come though."
He said. After a shrug, the boy gestured her to come inside.
"Come on in. I can't take you on a date, but I can still have a nice chat with you."
That was at the shopping mall, which is after this little sequence I believe.
And there it is! It somehow got that long.

Midoriya asks Nensu out for an even proper date, nervous as usual.
Hiems tried to ask Momo out but his back pain asked him out first.
And I guess Momo will have to breach the window this time.
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