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2 mos ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
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2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

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Midoriya's mom unloaded all her stacked worry about her son as the chance to do so came rightfully. She spoke of how worried she was starting from the Sports Festival-where he was literally crushing down his own fingers- up to now, her son always destroying himself in seemingly any incident he was involved in. As much as she knew how much he wanted to be a hero, she was worried for him. As his mother, she didn't want him to get hurt so badly. And now he experienced a threat that could've killed him, right up to his throat. It was too much for her to handle.

"Izuku... can't you stop this? Mom can't handle any more of this... I don't want to see you get hurt more."
Midoriya clenched his fist. It was a dream he longed for, and something more now. There was All Might, and the entire country, in the future, depending on him. He had the power descending from the past to carry on. Now it was a responsibility, more than just a childhood dream.
"I'm sorry, mom..."
Mrs. Midoriya looked up at her son.
"I need to move on."
Just as her eyes were about to flood with tears again, Midoriya shook his hands rapidly.
"I... it's been a dream from my childhood, and there's more than that now... I don't want to give up now."
His mom managed to show a smile at him. Midoriya helped her wipe the tears off her face. She took a deep breath and slowly took a seat again. Midoriya sat next to her, between his mom and Nensu.
"So... who's this nice little lady here?"
Midoriya's mom said, trying to change the subject from the glum one.
I'll move Hiems and Momo to the police station after their talk is over, as they'd be guided out from the mall too.

Also I have another idea for a comic strip, I just need the energy to draw it.
Midoriya's mom turned to Nensu at the mention of 'Midoriya'. She wiped a droplet of tear off her face and looked at the girl.
"H..hello. Are you Izuku's friend?"
She asked.

Midoriya was dismissed quickly after a few questions about the encounter. The officer gave him a pat in the back, saying he did the best he could. After leaving the interrogation room, the boy was greeted by Nensu and his mother sitting at the main room.
He said. Mrs. Midoriya bolted up at the sight of her son and crashed into him. Midoriya heard her sob as he nervously pat her back. He gave a short glance at Nensu.

Aye aye. >:]
Mesmund organized his thoughts as he stood at the crossroad doing nothing. He did have plenty of time, seeing how things weren't city-infested-with-all-kinds-of=demons emergent. Walking headfirst into the heart of the city would give him enough detail to take a grasp of what was going on, but a thorough investigation wasn't that bad. It was about time he started to actually think. The hunter stuffed the flail back into his chain arm, which sucked up the weapon like it had some kind of extra space inside it. Then he cocked his gun open, stuffing fresh bits of chain into it. The hunter headed his steps towards the shopping village, his legs slow and steady. His little demonic partner was so far silent in his head, perhaps everything was so far so good.
I forgot I had a villain gang to work on.
I could continue designing them and show their basic concepts to you, or I could keep it a secret until the last moment if you want unexpected pointless overpowered self insert surprises.

Also I need to draw more Deku and Nensu.
Midoriya slumped himself against Nensu. The sudden release from great tension took away his will to fight. He needed to relax first. For Nensu's question, her awaited answer came after a minute or two of the frightened boy slowing down his breath while clutching onto her arm. By the time he opened his mouth again, his eyes were evidently calmer than when she found him with the stranger.
"He... he was Shigaraki Tomura, the head of the League of Villains."
He said.
"He came to talk... about... things. The incident before with Stain. His, their, first raid at USJ, those kind of things."
Midoriya reached for his neck. The pressure of the grip still felt vivid.
"And he came to a conclusion... that it was all because of All Might."
'Everything.' He mouthed that word. All he could think of was all the recent shenanigans the League of Villains and Stain pulled out recently, but he had a feeling there might be something more than that to the 'Everything' Tomura had said.
"We have to call the police..."
Sorry for delayed posts.
Here's a kazoo music to listen to while you wait.
I'll try to post ASAP.

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