Avatar of Ammokkx


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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
1 like
10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

This website and forum and all seems pretty professional from what I've seen


Girl, don't even worry about it, 99% of us are hot garbage even if we don't like to admit it.

People have put up interest checks for far stranger things, too. Just hop onto the 1x1 section and browse a bit, I bet you'll find some right away that'll get your head turning. I have not fact-checked this and will not held legally accountable for any bamboozling.

We're all just nerds with a wish-fulfillment hobby; post whatever the fuck you want. God's long left this site, you got nothing to fear.

EDIT: Oh and just one more personal note; I'm a random-ass white dude where half his characters are female. If cross-play was a crime on this site I'd have been banned long ago. I mean, I was banned once, but not for that, at least.

Chie's question weighed heavily on her, silence having fallen inside the car when Wei had given them the answer. The people that attacked her weren't actual people- they were turned into monsters by the Nox. They could've been anyone. Could've been her, for all she knew. The Nox had breached Calcaria- maybe not in her district, sure, but what of others? What about those who lived closer to the border? Try as she might, Chie couldn't shake off the worry she felt. She looked up and to the soldier who had been stuck under the debris not long ago.

Would he have turned if she'd just left him there?

She didn't get much more time to think on it, the car pulling to a stop. The four girls were shepherded into a part of Calcaria not even Chie had been to before- and for good reason. The average high-schooler had no need for a trip to a heavily guarded military center, the heart of Calcaria's defenses. The environment felt cold, not from the chilling night air but the rigid and practical nature of the buildings around her. The dimly lit pavement didn't help matters.

Once Wei had left after the four were shown to their temporary , Selma had wasted no time in crashing on top of one of the cots. It was sudden enough to get a small yelp out of Chie, but not surprising enough for her to comment on it. The adrenaline was wearing off for her, too, and her earlier stint with magic hadn't helped Chie in feeling any less exhausted. She stumbled over to the closest cot not occupied by Selma and sat down on the edge of it, pulling out her phone from the coat she wore. Its screen was cracked now, hardly surprising, but was otherwise unharmed. She looked at the hour, which read 22:53. Its barely been two hours since she stood at that dock, waiting on the airship. Only a few hours ago, she was dropped off there, saying goodbye to her father as she reassured him she'd be fine on her own. It was surreal, in just a few-

"Y'know what I'm gonna miss?"

Chie snapped back to reality, albeit slightly confused, when Selma was the one to break the silence- again, that is. Not that Chie got much time to think on that, either. Selma wasn't looking at any one of them in particular, merely wistfully musing on her mother's stew as she kept her eyes fixated on the ceiling above them. It wasn't much of a story, but Chie could feel the warmth in it nevertheless... or maybe that was just Selma's natural charisma at work again. It wasn't like Chie got much of a chance to figure it out- her thoughts were occupied by the question Selma had asked the four of them at the end. What would Chie miss...?

"I suppose... it's seeing my father come home."

Maybe that sounded strange, but Chie didn't have much else.

"He isn't home very much and he can't really cook, so I'm the one making dinner for us. It's lonely, but when I see his eyes light up after returning from his work, I... I feel like I can keep trying my best."

She raised her head and turned her body to look at the other girls, a sheepish look on her face. "I-I'm sorry, that must sound super weird... I'm just worried about leaving him there without me, you know?"
update: didn't start re-playing yggdra union.

started playing Riviera: The Promised Land instead for the first time.

I love Dept. Heaven games. They're unique, have horrible item management, damn near demand you have a guide for all the missable shit, the continuity is a vague suggestion at best and overall perfect just the way they are.

The dev team behind them have such a unique handprint with how they make games from art style to sound and UI choices, even when those games individually turn out very different across the board. Just look at the clusterfuck that is Knights in the Nightmare and then try to remember they intended to make a PC MMO canon to the series at one point.

It sucks that Blaze Union never got a translation.

"Selma is really strong," Chie thought to herself. Not just strong, either. Kind too, with all her reassurances. It felt strange. As if that twang of guilt and doubt never left Chie, but instead got overwritten by the other girl's unwavering optimism. She still knew the danger of the situation, of course, but as she clung to Selma, somehow, she figured everything would turn out okay.

Captain Wei, quick to act in their time of need, shepherded the girls up the subway's staircase. Chie heard the gunshots of the various riflemen-and-women echo behind her, but was too scared to look back even if she could. It was only by Selma's attitude that she could keep calm at all, at least up until the cool night breeze brushed her skin. The subway wasn't particularly warm by any stretch of the imagination, but the flow of air tickling her skin made everything just that little bit colder. Made everything feel like they were outside, at last.

An armored vehicle pulled up in front of them and the four girls were helped inside. Chie had forgotten to thank Selma for letting her down, though given the situation, it'd have been a surprising if the other girl had held it against her. Chatter quickly filled the somewhat claustrophobic environment. It had sunk in to the girls around Chie that all their luggage was left behind, with some taking it harder than others. Chie herself paid it no mind- neither her luggage nor the chatter. Her mind was on something else as the vehicle drove through the night.

"Captain Wei," she shakily addressed the officer. It felt like a lump was caught in Chie's throat, but she still managed to share her question: "Those... masked people that attacked us. Do you... does the military know anything about them?" she asked.

There was so much more she wanted to add. 'Are they terrorists?' 'Were they coming for us?' 'Did one of them use magic?' and so forth. For now, however, she kept it simple, if only because Chie was still shaking like a leaf and couldn't muster much more.
why is it that every time I think of Yggdra Union I want to replay that game

Goddamn why is it so ridiculously good but also ridiculously overlooked

Put on job armor and you're straight-up trailer derplander
Oh SHIT more FFXIV talk? And talking our characters?

Have some screenshots I just now took showing off my glams for DRK, WHM and SAM, then! (Khenda Chelewae on Exodus by the by)

mooncats masterrace
What are some games you actively have enjoyed but after you've beaten it once you have no desire to return to it despite liking it a great deal?

Oh there's plenty of those.

Idk if Hand of Fate counts because of its rogue-lite nature, but after my initial spree of playing it I haven't picked it up again since. That's a fantastic game, even though I never saw it all the way through to the final boss.

West of Loathing took all the best aspects of Kingdom of Loathing and made it into a single-player RPG instead of the webgame it was, and that worked really really well. The game is unbearably funny and actually manages to be a really good RPG, all things considered.

Eternal Sonata is a really fun RPG with a hilariously convoluted plot but it suffers from "large RPG syndrome" where anything past a certain number of hours in playtime isn't anything I'm willing to go back to any time soon.

Brutal Legend is a game I played once and then never again, despite me having a fun time with its action RPG and RTS mixed gameplay.

...Am I even allowed to mention something like Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed without getting laughed out of the room? Because that was a funny and competent game, it's just, y'know, also total bait to get someone like me to play it.
A good "MMO game", two words combined and not just one, is a game based around having fun through group socialization within the context it provides. Therefore in order to succeed both as a product AND as a MMO it has to tick not one but both of those boxes. It has to combines both a set of good team and/or PVP activities to engage you and keep you engaged when you have friends around and a good set of mechanics to forcefully make sure even the most awkward shy person ever could make friends so as to ensure nobody was stuck awkwardly playing along. It's a game that creates conditions for forced (if stealthily so) socialization and than makes that socialization fun.

I have mentioned about 7 different games that all do this and you refuse to acknowledge any of my examples in favor of the ones you can't even remember.

And commercial success does factor in, because people playing the game means people are socializing in the game.

You explicitely left these supossedly social experiences because they had nothing to offer you. The most you can remember is a bot crisis in one game, while RMT activities are shit that happens in every MMO.

I'm done with this. You are completely talking out of your ass.

Because they did their job of locking me and a bunch of other people in a room with the explicit order that none of us are getting out before each has at least one friend good enough that I don't have to remember them.


They don't

want you to get out

they want you to keep playing and spending money on it

I literally cannot fathom this perspective of yours. Even the original Everquest in all its archaïc glory was built to be a fun game for a certain crowd of people. The devs behind Everquest didn't want you to quit and not play their game. And that is one of those MMO's that, as you put it, "locks you into a room until you've grinded 300 tigers"


Final Fantasy 11 is the epitome of a game that forced(/forces) its community to come together to achieve anything and while people loved that at the time of its release, they took every wrong lesson from it for FFXIV 1.0 and that game did so bad it nearly caused a goddamn financial crisis at SE.

If a good MMO, by your definition, is forgettable and retains no players then PPQ, mate, I'd rather go play the bad ones.
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