Avatar of AngelBites15


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Update : 26 YEARS OLD! 💜
5 mos ago
Merry Christmas, Guild! 🎄
5 mos ago
Character-Creation, Giving Me Pain

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9 mos ago
Finalizing Characters (& Ensuring Lore-Sense) For Alternate Events :P
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10 mos ago
‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ Rating: 8.5-9/10


Geek | Gamer | ISFP-INFP-ISTP | Music-Lover | Daydreamer | Writer
Taurus | 26 | Female | Bisexual | EST

Name: Bre.
Aliases: Angel, Panda, Kinoko, Princess, or Rae.
Birthday: May 15.
Ethnicity: Caucasian/African-American.
Ancestry: English, Irish, Polish, German, and South-West African.

Sources of Writing: Apple Laptop, Windows 11 Personal Desktop, and iPhone.
Years of Experience: 11
RP Level: All. It varies on health/mental state, knowledge, and time.
Commitment/Dedication Level: Very High.

Personality: Ambiverted, Caring/Compassionate, Understanding, Friendly, Honest, Imaginative, Artistic, Funny (in my own way, apparently), Confident, Strong-willed, Feisty, Sisterly, Organized, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Tomboyish, Determined, Opportunistic, Sarcastic, Obsessive (somewhat), and Easily Distracted.
Habits, Tics, and Quirks: Using Accents (Australian, Russian, British, German, and Kiwi), ADHD, ’Experience-Taking’, Asperger's Syndrome (don’t worry, I’m highly functional).
I must warn you that, when it comes to the works, I tend to be a little preoccupied, or hyper-fixated, with the ones I'm already into. If I lose interest in a story within play, it may either be a short-term writer's block, or if it's time for me to recommend something else. Bear with me, if I ever reject an unfamiliar idea, or suddenly suggest a new one.
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Whereabouts and Ghosting.
Please be present and keep me updated from time to time. I'll do the same.
It's annoying when people become invisible, miraculously appear out of nowhere, and complain, once they find a story cancelled.

Close Peeps: @Jazz @DestinyStar @Tajjus @MegaraFoxfire @SporkoBug @MegaMatt ZX

Basic Comforts:
~ Primarily 1x1, since 'time' and 'waiting' are not really me.
~ Mainly female OCs, though on rare occasions, I'll take on male and non-binary roles.
~ OCxOC, CanonxOC & (rarely) CanonxCanon. I can play various canons for both of the two.
~ FxF, MxF & (rarely) MxM. I mostly lean into the dominant-role, depending on character and plot.
~ Both thread & PM, but stories with strong adult content belong in the PM. No exceptions!
~ Face-claims are preferable for live-action OCs.
~ Open to dark themes (drugs, abuse, etc.), but NO pedophilia or bestiality (except for anthros).
~ Smut-only, slice-of-life, and rushed story-lines are (also) a big NO!

Genres - Action, Adventure, Anime/Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Thriller & Western
Themes - Coming of Age, Cult Classic, Epic, Girl Power, High School, Martial Arts, Medieval, Post-Apocalypse, Supernatural & Familial Bonding

Find my ideas HERE! (Currently CLOSED atm)

Music: '80s-'00s Heavy Metal/Rock, House/Electronic-Dance, Pop, R&B, Latina, '90s-'00s Hip-Hop/Rap & Trap. I'm also a sucker for Nightcore!

AC/DC, Halestorm, Queen, Manowar, Little V Mills, Avril Lavigne, Megan Thee Stallion, K/DA, Mick Gordon, Friedrich Habetler, Jonathan Young, Kim Petras, Falconshield, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ava Max, Kesha, Dua Lipa, Little Mix, Rustage, Daddyphatsnaps, Demi Lovato, Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, FabvL, JT Music, and more!

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The look on the human’s face told AVA that she might have probably committed herself to following orders, as she had been doing for the past four years, and yet, she didn’t act on the chance to act out on deciding for herself, as well as express her own feelings by doing such deeds that apply to them. In addition, the android showed the trust that she had in her creator to hold onto such a weapon. “Doctor, we should hold onto it. Apart from law enforcement, I don’t know who or what we may become to the other people, but we should, at least, protect ourselves from those who may express a hatred for us. For me, in particular”, she suggested, having to share her opinion about the gun she just turned over to Sophie.

There was a huge chance that society might come to find AVA the one to blame for the death of one of their kind. In this case, a very important one. As calm as she was, the dark-haired woman can come into tolerating the discontent being aimed towards her, but she didn’t want it to be aimed towards her creator. As much as she wanted to please the blonde on her quest to create the “perfect specimen”, AVA would do what was best for her to stay alive and happy. If sacrifice was needed, the android would put her life on the line for her. The taller woman’s dark hair was now damp from the rain, as she looked upon Sophie, once the human started to sort out their chances to clean up the mess.

“If it’s our only chance to find the truth, I am confident to use my skills, in order to reach it. Please, I don’t want you to worry, creator. Isn’t that what we call trust?”, the android asked, having to think about the lesson on reliability between human and robot. Having to detect the sound of anxiety within Sophie’s voice, the android understood that the human was expressing some level of fear. Knowing that it would be a more appropriate reaction towards the human, AVA wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder, before taking one of her hands with her free one. “If we are taking the gun, I’d suggest on hiding it”.
As Legolas remained sitting on the group, holding the girl's hand close to his heart, his eyes fluttered open, once he felt a gentle touch come into contact with his skin. Looking at her face, he could see the love and affection within her beautiful green eyes and, along with that element, he was also trying to pass confidence into himself by praying within her presence, so he could harness the strength needed to protect her. The Elf Prince, once again, kissed her hand, shortly before he and the rest of the group heard Gandalf's happiness. The wizard looked into the tunnel while he heard the princess remark about the slight odorless smell.

"My dear, if in doubt, always follow your nose!", he said to her before making a heartful chuckle.

Saeril looked over to see the group on the feet, and departing the chamber, and into the passage. The elder was quite relieved to tell Kili her reason of keeping the truth from him, but she still felt the guilt in hiding from him, and his family, having to believe that her past would disappear, and that she would be able to move on, and live at peace with them. But she found herself to be wrong. In truth, it has been a rather long time since the she-elf has seen the inside of Moria. At this time, it was a rare yet beautiful sight.

"Gimli!", Gandalf suddenly called out to the dwarf that was running away from there, and towards another vast chamber, where a wooden door has been smashed, along with black arrows embedding in it. A coffin was in the middle of the room, with light touching the surface. The wizard approached the crypt, having to read the inscription on the top. "'Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria'. He is dead, then. It's as I had feared", it was rather a painful thing to learn, considering that Kili, Yavanna, and Gimli were all visibly affected. Saeril sighed in sadness, feeling that sense of guilt rain down upon her, once again. Another one of the company was dead. She had caused this to happen. Soon enough, they would all be dead at the hands of the enemy if they don't act quickly.

Gandalf had managed to find an object laid with one of the corpses. It appeared to be a book, and he opened it to read its latest entry. "'They have taken the Bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates...but cannot hold them for long...the ground shakes...drums in the deep...we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no one save us? They are coming'", they were Balin's last words of thought. It saddened the elder, while having to create a feeling of dread that seemed to surround them.

The loud crash that Pippin had unintentionally made, caused the wizard to glare at him, before closing the book, and setting it aside. "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!", it was harsh, but he still thought that the Hobbit should have at least some common sense. It was quiet for only a few seconds...until a low boom sounded from the depths...growing louder...as if the caverns of Moria were turned into a vast drum. A great horn blasts nearby...running feet...along with harsh cries...they were coming...! Just as Balin had feared.

Arrows whizzed by them, and Saeril moved her head, just in time. "Stay close to Gandalf!", she told the Hobbits, before glancing at Kili, and nodding to him, gesturing the young Dwarf to prepare himself. Along with Tauriel, Legolas acted fast, having to toss the two humans some weapons nearby, in order to barricade the door.
Since Gandalf will seemingly die at the Bridge of Khazad-dum, Kili might get some answers about Delva from the Elves of Lothlorien.
Momo was already on the move as soon as the buzzer went off. Apart from her usually-confident self, she was honestly showing signs of self-doubt over the past few days of getting ready for the Sports Festival. Her quirk may be good enough for creating various tools that she and her teammates could use in battle, but it has become a lot harder recently, due to the fact that there are certain objects that are needed yet she can’t make. The only thing Yaoyorozu could do at the moment is to create a metal shield, to block the incoming attack that Hiems had already launched towards her, having to land on the shield with a clang!
Right after the Titan fell, Sara looked to the unconscious boy in the distance. What was so important about that kid? Why are the other Titans moving into his direction? As lon as she had known the recruits inside the Scouts, only one had the kind of resources for this kind of scenario. Propelling herself in rapid speed, the white-haired woman dashed upon the rooftops, before coming across the one she had been thinking of.

“Anderson!”, Sara called out to the young woman, before gesturing to the shifter in the distance. Clearly, he was a shifter, but why were the other giants all moving towards his position? Up ahead, she took notice of another one that another scout had seemed to blind. “With me”, referring for the young woman to follow, before launching her hooks, and taking flight. A Titan intercepted their path, and with little effort, Sara made her strike while passing right by it; her swords steaming of the creature's blood.

Landing in the opening, Sara ran across the remaining stretch between the buildings and the now-sealed hole, before jumping atop on top the body of a recently-fallen Titan, and taking notice of two cadets, and the unconscious Titan-Shifter. Sheathing one of her swords, that was now clean of blood, the white-haired woman crouched down, stretching a free hand to the young Armin, in order to help him up.

"Don't worry. All of us have it covered here. Let's get you somewhere safe", she said all of this softly, though it was rare, because of her cold exterior. But that didn't mean Sara didn't have a care in the world for others.

The black-haired female cadet was hesitant to move, just tightening her grip on the unconscious boy. 'A dear friend, perhaps?', Sara thought with her narrow, blue eyes on the girl. Clearly, all three were younger than her, but she wanted to know what had happened. Plus, she never heard about another Titan-shifter on these grounds. It was sad to say, but even though she was naturally stubborn, Sara will stay back and wait for the outcome.

They were tired. It was clear in the sagging of their shoulders, the drooping of their eyelids, and the slowness in their responses. They were still on the battlefield, and there were still Titans dangerously close to them, even if the Scouts were steadily demolishing them. She sympathized that they were fresh soldiers; green behind the ears, and in their first ever conflict with these humongous beasts. Even if they had encountered them before, it was a whole ‘nother thing in having to fight them, and come out on the other side, victorious against the odds.

The white-haired woman helped the young blonde to his feet. He was the smallest of the trio, probably the youngest, but Sarah didn't want to jump to any conclusions yet. By the look in his big blue eyes, something told Sara from within that he wasn't exactly fighting-material. There was a youthfulness to him; a gentle, child-like soul. He was young; in his prime, at least, his short, somewhat-muscular build was evident that he wasn't really a fighter, but again, Sara didn't want to underestimate him, or make guesses.

"You survive best by always moving forward", she advised to Armin, before narrowing her eyes, and looking behind her at the dead Titan’s already evaporating steam into the air. She looked back at the smaller cadet, at the corner of her eye, and gestured to the wall before them.

The black-haired girl, who appeared to be around the unconscious boy's age, was on high-alert, even as she clung onto his form. The blade in her one hand was tight in her grip, and the fire in her grey eyes was ever vigilant and burning; a passion to which Sara recognized, in relation to her own. There was a strength that the white-haired woman was able to determine. It looked as if Mikasa withheld a similar goal. However, it would appear that she made a vow that held the definition of 'die-trying'.
Sara looked upon the vapor that steamed off of the Titan's corpse with a cold glare. A part of her wondered where these creatures came from, and how she had managed to inherit the powers of Titan in the first place. But that last thing she remembered was a man telling her to "protect an individual named Eren Jaeger", and there was something else he said that was faintly heard.

The next thing she remembered was waking up from her Titan form with no memory yet with only one goal: Find and protect Eren Jaeger.

The flashback faded just as she heard the giant stomps of a walking Pure Titan, ahead of her. Having to stand in the open may not have been the best move, but as she was looking around for a spot to launch one of her hooks, she took notice of a few fellow Scouts in the distance, just on a building from above her standing position. Making a small smile, Sara waved a blade back in acknowledgement, but the thumps in front kept her focused.

It was a smaller Titan-vermin; a seven meter. For her comrades to just stand there, it wasn’t what she wanted to see in a soldier. Oh, no. “Get our comrades and the townspeople out of here!”, she instructed, not wanting them to stand around.

The female waited for the smaller Titan to move closer, and just as this thing started to set eyes on her, she was already on the move. Launching a hook to a building, she propelled herself around it, and aimed for its Achilles. She watched the Titan get distracted, after spotting two cadets in the middle of the road; one young male and one young female, who appeared to be injured.

Before it could even launch towards them, a spike penetrated the giant's leg, allowing Sara to pull herself towards her mark, and make a clean cut on the Achilles. This made it fall forwards, so its nape was wide open. With a flip in the air, Sara striked, making a huge slice, before landing on the ground, slightly panting, before turning around to look at the two cadets. “Get to the gate; leave this to the elites”, she told them...before more thumps sounded. Another Titan was just coming into view. “Quickly”.

Another gust of wind blew through Sara’s white locks. She trusted the chain of command, mainly because they saw her as a well-respected soldier, having to be equal with Captain Levi, probably more on a statistical level, rather than by personal means. Gratefully, they continued to help her remember what happened before her mysterious amnesia. From that moment onwards, Sara held complete trust in them, as much as she silently did for her comrades.

Her tourmaline stare was fixed on the giant before her, until she took notice of Keira in the distance, in the middle of the Titan’s path. Narrowing her blue eyes, the lieutenant launched a hook into a building, and propelled herself over the young woman. Dodging past its reaching hand with a twirl, and over its shoulder, Sara advanced herself towards her mark, before making a clean cut.
The rest of the break was kind of peaceful, and with Midoriya having to talk to her, Nensu felt her mind to be at ease - at least, temporarily. The only response that she gave the other teen was a small smile, in return to his own, as if she appreciated his support when it came to situations like this. Once again, the girl felt that sense of security again, and she still couldn't figure out whether if this was her doing...or Deku's. If it were the green-haired boy, then it somehow held some kind of restraint for her. That was when she thought back to the attack at the fair: She heard him scream in pained scream, she felt herself being pushed in keeping Loma underneath her skin. Her strong drive and desire to protect those she cares about, probably had something to do with it.

Nensu probably wasn't paying attention but then she felt a gentle brush against her hand. She looked up to see Deku's hand reaching her own, and before she could react, he pulled away. The gesture made her smile in quiet amusement.


Momo looked at Heims on the other end of the arena, and she wondered what was on his mind. The one thing she could think about, the past few days, was the fact that she sneaked (broke) into his house, and yet, she didn't know why. She did claim to him that she was only worried because of what happened at the USJ, but what else could it be? It was kind of unlike her to enter someone's house uninvited, but the worry only continued to grow at that time.
Smoke. Smoke everywhere; flying into the dull air of the Trost District. Living shelters have been crushed. A few blood splatters left behind on ground; both human and Titan. Pieces left behind in dust and the essence of the living now deceased. Her dull but impressionable blue eyes looked, as she perched herself on one of the rooftops, already finding herself staring down at the unknown Shifter before her.

They just happened to cut the person out, and for the rest of her fellow warriors to terminate the remaining giants that surrounded the now-unmovable form, hunching over a giant boulder. A silent prayer came from her, right as the wind gently blew through her short white locks, and her green 'Wings of Freedom' cape.

She had to question herself: Just who was that shifter?

So far, nothing came up to anyone and, as far as she knew, she was chosen to perform such a dangerous task; one of the many reasons of joining the Survey Corps, right to the point of joining up with the Scouts. The task itself was confidential, but her secret wasn't. Commander Erwin was the one who found her in her Titan state, and just by that look in his eyes when she sprouted from her giant form, he spared her, and kept the secret between him and Captain Levi.

That's right, the Captain Levi; humanity's strongest soldier. That's not to say that Sarah was never in the same rank; she was just too valuable for anyone's expense.

A cold flare rose from within her soul, just as a roar came from behind her, while she stood atop the roof of a building. Sarah turned halfway around, and coldly looked upon a ten-meter, standing right above her. "Hmm", was all she said, while she narrowed her blue eyes, and slightly tightened her thin lips. 'I try to enjoy a nice moment of sightseeing, and this is what I see: A very ugly welcoming committee', she thought to herself amusingly before tightening her grip upon the swords in her hands.

Just as the giant was about to stretch out its hand, Sarah allows it to miss its mark completely, right as she launched a hook, and propelled herself around, right over its shoulder, where she was right above its nape. Turning her blades around, so they were outwards, she plunged herself right at its mark. A few of its blood splatters hit right upon her cape, right as she landed on the flat ground, before the giant corpse fell before her, right at her feet.
Considering that their fight is also the next step in evolving their bond

Nensu will have to temporarily carry him :)

(ă‚”ăƒ© ・ ăƒ©ă‚€ăƒłăƒăƒ«ăƒˆ)
Sara RĂĄinharuto


Reinhardt, Miss/Lady/Lieutenant Reinhardt, Ma'am, Pale Titan, The Angel (of Humanity).

Species: Human, Intelligent Titan
Gender: Female
Birthdate: August 15th
Age: 24-25
Height: 5' 7" (Human), 14 m (Titan)

Kenny Ackerman - Biological Father (alive)
Rosa Reinhardt - Biological Mother (unknown)
Fae Reinhardt - Biological Half-Sister; Younger (alive)
Kuchel Ackerman - Biological Aunt (deceased)
Levi Ackerman - Biological Cousin; Older (alive)
Mikasa Ackerman - Biological Relative; Younger (alive)
Armin’s Mother - Biological Once-Removed Cousin; Older (deceased)
Armin Arlelt - Biological Second-Cousin; Younger (alive)

Current Residence: Utopia District in Wall Rose
Former Residence: Unknown
Occupation: Elite Survey Corps Member (Currently), Huntress (Formerly)
Affiliation: Survey Corps, Scout Regiment.

Hair Color: Platinum-Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Sara has strong, independent, survivalist-like instincts. Despite her dark and shady past, she shows to be incredibly mature and level-headed for her age, having to remain calm most of the time - even in the face of danger, and hardly ever seen angry. However, when expressing such an emotion, Sara proves to be greatly vicious and aggressive, typically seen when resorting to physical violence. In spite of this, mentally, she's a very methodical person, who always analyzes a situation before making any advances, though she does not always find this necessary.

After waking up, with the powers of a Titan, and no recollection of her early life, Sara seldom smiles, and gives off a rather cold, almost-stoic expression. She claims herself to be “not good with feelings”, while always having a hard time making friends; personally, she is more of a socially-awkward individicual, rather than one who is antisocial, in spite of always preferring to be left alone, as well as using her own resources. Overall, due to all of her time fighting and fulfilling her purpose, she hasn't really spent a lot of time being social. As a result, her way of kindness is often very distant; she prefers to study people before giving them any personal information.

However, for all of her toughness and seemingly-detached nature, she does possess a more vulnerable side, even when it involves making close connections, especially romantic and familial ones. In fact, Sara is so noble, maternal, and loyal on the inside, she will give protection, strength, comfort, and reassurance to anyone who needs it, often giving the impression of an "angelic" individual; hence the nickname "The Angel of Humanity". It's because of these traits that make Sara a fierce, stubborn, and determined fighter: She will do anything for the survival of herself and others, to the point where she's constantly finding ways to get out of predicaments.

Omni-Directional Mobility Gear & Blade-Wielding : Sara is so physically-excellent at using the omni-directional mobility gear, rumors have spread that she may have been personally-trained by her cousin Levi, or if she ever used it before joining the military. Regarding this, she would rather not tell. This is also debatable in her skill to wield and throw bladed weaponry, having to possibly be learned sometime during her early life. Her level of experience is just about rivaled with Mikasa; if not, better.

Martial Arts : Even before joining the military, Sara Reinhardt was trained extensively in hand-to-hand combat, having to do feats that'll allow her to overpower others, as it is also extended in her Titan form, which makes her all the more dangerous. Considerable in her peak physical condition, she is also a strong and fast athlete with great reflexes in her maneuvers.

Hunting Expertise/Intuition : Once again, controversy surrounds Sara with this skill. Considering that her father was a serial killer, it is highly-possible that she learned the tactics of hunting from him. She holds extensive knowledge in the ways of stealth, tracking, luring, and trapping her targets, to which proves itself useful when pursuing and avoiding Titans, even while operating as one. She also shows to hold some knowledge in gun-wielding, as well as creating and mixing edibles, whether medicinal or poisonous.

Awakened Power : Coming from a bloodline of warriors, of the nearly-extinct Ackerman family, Sara inherits some kind of dormant power that can only be triggered when expressing the strongest of emotions, allowing her to exhibit physical attributes far above that of an average human; perhaps a “byproduct of Titan science”.

Power of the Titans : Sometime in her early years, Sara acquired the powers of a Titan-Shifter, becoming referred to as the "Pale Titan"; the only Intelligent Titan with white skin, whenever she transforms. Standing at fourteen meters, she can easily dominate pure Titans, overpower a few Survey Corps members (who attacked her out of fear and confusion), and even rival herself with other Titan-Shifters. She also managed to possess a variety of special abilities, like the hardening her skin, and the regeneration to certain parts of her body, similar to the Female Titan.

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