Avatar of AngelBites15


Recent Statuses

27 days ago
Update : 26 YEARS OLD! 💜
6 mos ago
Merry Christmas, Guild! 🎄
6 mos ago
Character-Creation, Giving Me Pain…
1 like
9 mos ago
Finalizing Characters (& Ensuring Lore-Sense) For Alternate Events :P
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11 mos ago
‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ Rating: 8.5-9/10


Geek | Gamer | ISFP-INFP-ISTP | Music-Lover | Daydreamer | Writer
Taurus | 26 | Female | Bisexual | EST

Name: Bre.
Aliases: Angel, Panda, Kinoko, Princess, or Rae.
Birthday: May 15.
Ethnicity: Caucasian/African-American.
Ancestry: English, Irish, Polish, German, and South-West African.

Sources of Writing: Apple Laptop, Windows 11 Personal Desktop, and iPhone.
Years of Experience: 11
RP Level: All. It varies on health/mental state, knowledge, and time.
Commitment/Dedication Level: Very High.

Personality: Ambiverted, Caring/Compassionate, Understanding, Friendly, Honest, Imaginative, Artistic, Funny (in my own way, apparently), Confident, Strong-willed, Feisty, Sisterly, Organized, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Tomboyish, Determined, Opportunistic, Sarcastic, Obsessive (somewhat), and Easily Distracted.
Habits, Tics, and Quirks: Using Accents (Australian, Russian, British, German, and Kiwi), ADHD, ’Experience-Taking’, Asperger's Syndrome (don’t worry, I’m highly functional).
I must warn you that, when it comes to the works, I tend to be a little preoccupied, or hyper-fixated, with the ones I'm already into. If I lose interest in a story within play, it may either be a short-term writer's block, or if it's time for me to recommend something else. Bear with me, if I ever reject an unfamiliar idea, or suddenly suggest a new one.
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Whereabouts and Ghosting.
Please be present and keep me updated from time to time. I'll do the same.
It's annoying when people become invisible, miraculously appear out of nowhere, and complain, once they find a story cancelled.

Close Peeps: @Jazz @DestinyStar @Tajjus @MegaraFoxfire @SporkoBug @MegaMatt ZX

Basic Comforts:
~ Primarily 1x1, since 'time' and 'waiting' are not really me.
~ Mainly female OCs, though on rare occasions, I'll take on male and non-binary roles.
~ OCxOC, CanonxOC & (rarely) CanonxCanon. I can play various canons for both of the two.
~ FxF, MxF & (rarely) MxM. I mostly lean into the dominant-role, depending on character and plot.
~ Both thread & PM, but stories with strong adult content belong in the PM. No exceptions!
~ Face-claims are preferable for live-action OCs.
~ Open to dark themes (drugs, abuse, etc.), but NO pedophilia or bestiality (except for anthros).
~ Smut-only, slice-of-life, and rushed story-lines are (also) a big NO!

Genres - Action, Adventure, Anime/Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Thriller & Western
Themes - Coming of Age, Cult Classic, Epic, Girl Power, High School, Martial Arts, Medieval, Post-Apocalypse, Supernatural & Familial Bonding

Find my ideas HERE! (Currently CLOSED atm)

Music: '80s-'00s Heavy Metal/Rock, House/Electronic-Dance, Pop, R&B, Latina, '90s-'00s Hip-Hop/Rap & Trap. I'm also a sucker for Nightcore!

AC/DC, Halestorm, Queen, Manowar, Little V Mills, Avril Lavigne, Megan Thee Stallion, K/DA, Mick Gordon, Friedrich Habetler, Jonathan Young, Kim Petras, Falconshield, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ava Max, Kesha, Dua Lipa, Little Mix, Rustage, Daddyphatsnaps, Demi Lovato, Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, FabvL, JT Music, and more!

Most Recent Posts

Designation: Raiza (“ray-zuh”)
Nicknames: Rae; Red; Little Miss Insanity; Doctor; Hot Stuff *only by Breakdown*
Voiced By: Erin Richards (from Gotham)

Theme Song(s): “Sweet but Psycho” by Ava Max

- Knockout (twin brother; partner-in-crime)
- Breakdown (partner-in-crime)
- Airachnid (hated-enemy)
- Arcee (rival)
- Bumblebee (friend)
{more to come}

Gender: Femme
Age: 11,046 (27 years old)
Height: 19’ (cybertronian); 5’ 7” (human).

Faction: Decepticon; Triple-Threat.
Rank(s): Medic, Soldier

* Doctor/Nurse.
* Scientist.
* Criminal.
* Racer.
* Spy (secretly).

* Surprising Strength and Stamina.
* Superior Gymnastic Skills.
* Skilled Medic and Manipulator.
* Shape-shifting.
* Strategic Fighting Abilities.
* Experienced Racer.


{ Artwork done by a friend }

Holding the alternate mode of a motorcycle, Raiza's exterior appearance is a similar model to that of Autobot Arcee in her robot mode structure, albeit with a red-black-white color scheme: Red plated-armor around her chest, red forearm gauntlet-appendages, red helm with a ridge between her eyes, knee-high booted-pedes, and a red built-in skirt, where her black midriff is exposed with red energon lines. Her chest plates have little cleavage of the side of her breasts showing in the middle of her chest, as well as a Decepticon insignia being in the middle as if connecting these two plates together.

Her facial features, along with this color scheme, also give her a resemblance to fellow Decepticon Knockout: Black-and-red optics, white faceplate, and red bodypaint with accents of black on her exposed waist, upper arms, and thighs. She also possesses qualities that are a lot more bizarre, to that of a typical female cybertronian: Connected to Raiza's helm are twin, retractable, metallic-silver, waist-lengthed high-pigtails with buzzsaws at the ends of each. 

Alternative Mode: Red and Black Triumph Daytona 675 Motorcycle

- Twin Rotary Buzzsaw Pigtails
These are considered to be Raiza's signature weapon as the pair are physically seen as they are attached to her helm. Her steel tentacle-like pigtails, similar to the layout of Drillerbot, can lengthen, constrict, and ensure her opponents in a variety of offensive ways. Due to the buzzsaws at the ends, Raiza can also use her pigtails to penetrate through different types of surface material, like steel walls, cement ground, or cybertronian armor, concluding that her pigtails are capable of making great destruction and carnage. Due to her pigtail nerves being completely lacking, offensive attacks, made from her opponents, towards these appendages, are virtually harmless to her.

- Mini Uzi Machine Pistol
This is considered to be one of Raiza's deadliest backup weapons. She is more than capable to shoot with surprising accuracy, although it may not be completely accurate. This gun has a cyclic rate of propelling 950 rounds of bullets per minute.

- Giant Handheld Hammer
Raiza's main melee weapon that she tends to carry over her shoulder, but would prefer putting it in a subspace on her waist after it shrinks down into a small tube-like appearance. Her hammer is depicted as a black and red steel weapon, having to be comically oversized. While it has been suggested that Raiza's possible strength allows her to wield her hammer, there is another possibility where the hammer itself is a trick, with cleverly-set weights allowing her to swing it with extra power.

- Twin Arm Blades
Raiza also wields two arm blades on each of her arms. These blades allow her to slice at her opponents when they get too close during battle, and she can wield them with great skill in offensive weapon combat, agility feats, and block attacks.

Peculiar and "unsettling", Raiza fits the trope of a "manic pixie dream girl": Energetic, witty, and free-spirited, while bringing along a very childlike air. She may seem to be high of life, but due to a series of past tragedies, before and during the war, it is revealed that severe psychological damage has been done to her processor, which has left her in a rather imbalanced state, both mentally and emotionally. In this case, the term "manic" is being literally used. With a wicked sense of humor, violent reputation, and knack for pushing boundaries, Raiza craves stimulation and challenge, taking risks, while having to pursue life as if it were a game; even when threatened, she takes the danger presented to her, as something to enjoy, especially if she knows what's making the threat.

Naturally conniving and, while she may seem to be funny, friendly, and innocent, at first glance, it is important to note that Raiza is most-certainly not unintelligent; she has a way of pushing buttons, and the uncanny ability to find out what makes others tick, even if she has to use her femininity, feign emotions, and/or cunning mind to make herself, in some ways, likable or appealing. To hide the fact that she is twisted and conscienceless, with no true emotion or feeling, Raiza takes on a childish, ostentatious persona, to which she can combine with the flirtatious demeanor of a woman, who is aware of her good looks, in order to get across people; with just seduction, sadism, and imposing charm alone, she has zero problems on inducing fear, corruption, and admiration upon others, to the point where she will overdo it, in order to meet her goals.

With this level of unpredictability, Raiza is extremely dangerous and, as a result, she is overconfident, arrogant, and cocky. Her true colors are revealed by her frenzied yet exaggerated speech, unchecked hostility, and occasional hysteria in dark moments. Just because she likes to "cause trouble", and presents an imbalanced mentality, doesn't mean she is completely without care, concern, or affection, especially those closest to her.

In fact, because of her fluctuating self-image, she actually has very low self-esteem: The scenarios of her neglectful creators, and her offlined adoptive family were, in her eyes, perceived as abandonment, to which has left her brooding and depressed, leading her in becoming extremely protective yet possessive of her allies, seeing them as something to lean on, in order to boost that said-esteem.

///// TV-14 || PG-13 \\\\\
Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Romance
Suggestive Material | Language | Intense Sci-Fi Action-Violence | Frightening Images

Is there any specific doodle you want me to draw or something?

I don't have any specific idea, as of right now.
But, I'm sure that you have a lot of ideas.

Perhaps the Sports Festival or First Kiss?
If she was completely honest with herself, Sara could presume that not many have told Kate the same thing for quite a while. She may not know on the amount of people who may have told her the same thing, but there was a strange instinct telling her that there wasn’t much. The solemness that seemed to be resonating from the girl was starting to ignite twinges of sympathy inside the white-haired woman, considering that this was someone, who has been living in pain for most of her life. If she had the right opinion, Sara was starting to believe that all Kate needed, was someone to help her through such hard times, even if she finds herself facing the past, once again.

If she had to, the lieutenant would be willing to put her own presence near Kate, whether if the girl was in need of safeguarding, from either herself or those around her...even as far as go out of her own way, and risk her very life, if she means to do so. Sara remained where she was, even she felt her lay her head against her shoulder, as instructed. Judging by her answer, the white-haired woman turned her head to the side, to look at the brunette, as if to scan her, with gentleness lingering within her bluish-grey eyes.

“Whether if it was humanity that told you, or if it was your gut that drove you, she would still be proud of you, you know? For what you’re doing for the benefit of those, your mother wishes to continue protecting. There may not be Myra Bellows anymore, but in my eyes, there is still a Bellows, who could possibly keep her legacy going.”

The albino-toned woman paused in her explanation, before having to look back up at the sky, and speaking once again.

“I’d suggest trying that; for her, and for the sake of all of us.”
It was now Nensu's turn to start blushing, once the woman started asking her about Izuku's shy temperament.
"Um, not all the time."
She said honestly, as she looked to the side for a second, and bit her lip, already feeling that slight awkwardness in the air. It was like one of those moments in romantic movies where the significant other has to meet the parents of the other. It was a rather funny situation, but once experienced and exposed, it becomes one of those moments where you feel that same amount of embarrassment. Nensu was starting to wonder whether if she revealed it a little too soon.
At the same time, instead of using her words, the girl reached for Izuku's hand, and gently held it in her own.

At the moment of hearing the evacuation of the mall, Momo had to think about the many possibilities that the League of Villains may have something to do with it. The report of the Hero Killer was enough to send mixed feelings upon the public, but then Tomura's appearance was something else entirely. It quite surprised that nobody had seemed to notice him nor sense something else in the air that was disturbing. It was as if the man was able to blend himself in, and not be noticed as someone malevolent. Just what was the capability of the League? Of him?
"What do you think, Hiems? Of this 'League of Villains' thing? And, why Midoriya?"
She asked the teen standing next to her, as she watched the scene before her.
Minerva Malfoy

Minerva couldn't help but feel mesmerized on the very view before her. The castle was humongous, and the closer they got to the structure, it got even bigger. At the same time, she heard Draco's words, and she felt his hand possessively run through her hair, before feeling his lips make contact with her own, once more. It was his way of saying, that he was going to protect her; look out for her. The darkness seemed to completely envelope them, making it nearly impossible for anyone to notice them making such moves towards each other.

It was only when he pulled away, that she started to grow concerned, especially when she might be able to make friends. Draco was already capable of keeping people at a certain amount of distance from his twin, and so, she didn't want to think on what kind of measures he would take upon their new residents. If Minerva was to reassure him, then he would need to trust her; that nothing would happen to her, and that she was able to handle herself.

Their carriage had pulled up to the entrance of their new home, and a man opened the door to let them out. Around the entrance, there were a group of adults with their wands in-hand, as if they were on-guard. Perhaps extra security, due to the international Death Dealer threats. The very thought had Minerva downcast her eyes for a slight moment, as she thought about the chances and risks on the road to their success. As she had already thought before, they would have to be discreet.

Reaching down to grab her bag, Minerva waited for Draco to step out first, so she would follow after him. They were told that their heavy luggage would arrive in the quarters of their dorms, while they were to go to the dining hall for an evening meal. On the back of her mind, she wondered if she would see the brunette, from earlier on the train, in the same dorm. Would she end up being roommates with her? It became a continuous thought, by the time the twins started to make their way into the castle. "It's beautiful", she breathed out, once she saw the wonders hidden inside.
Me too!

Love the fact that Nensu is taller than Izuku, and that Momo is smaller than Hiems. Since that is exactly what you just said *shrugs*
@La Savant

I have a few ideas of my own, if you are interested.
My interest check has just been updated :)
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