Avatar of AngelBites15


Recent Statuses

19 days ago
Update : 26 YEARS OLD! 💜
5 mos ago
Merry Christmas, Guild! 🎄
6 mos ago
Character-Creation, Giving Me Pain…
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9 mos ago
Finalizing Characters (& Ensuring Lore-Sense) For Alternate Events :P
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11 mos ago
‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ Rating: 8.5-9/10


Geek | Gamer | ISFP-INFP-ISTP | Music-Lover | Daydreamer | Writer
Taurus | 26 | Female | Bisexual | EST

Name: Bre.
Aliases: Angel, Panda, Kinoko, Princess, or Rae.
Birthday: May 15.
Ethnicity: Caucasian/African-American.
Ancestry: English, Irish, Polish, German, and South-West African.

Sources of Writing: Apple Laptop, Windows 11 Personal Desktop, and iPhone.
Years of Experience: 11
RP Level: All. It varies on health/mental state, knowledge, and time.
Commitment/Dedication Level: Very High.

Personality: Ambiverted, Caring/Compassionate, Understanding, Friendly, Honest, Imaginative, Artistic, Funny (in my own way, apparently), Confident, Strong-willed, Feisty, Sisterly, Organized, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Tomboyish, Determined, Opportunistic, Sarcastic, Obsessive (somewhat), and Easily Distracted.
Habits, Tics, and Quirks: Using Accents (Australian, Russian, British, German, and Kiwi), ADHD, ’Experience-Taking’, Asperger's Syndrome (don’t worry, I’m highly functional).
I must warn you that, when it comes to the works, I tend to be a little preoccupied, or hyper-fixated, with the ones I'm already into. If I lose interest in a story within play, it may either be a short-term writer's block, or if it's time for me to recommend something else. Bear with me, if I ever reject an unfamiliar idea, or suddenly suggest a new one.
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Whereabouts and Ghosting.
Please be present and keep me updated from time to time. I'll do the same.
It's annoying when people become invisible, miraculously appear out of nowhere, and complain, once they find a story cancelled.

Close Peeps: @Jazz @DestinyStar @Tajjus @MegaraFoxfire @SporkoBug @MegaMatt ZX

Basic Comforts:
~ Primarily 1x1, since 'time' and 'waiting' are not really me.
~ Mainly female OCs, though on rare occasions, I'll take on male and non-binary roles.
~ OCxOC, CanonxOC & (rarely) CanonxCanon. I can play various canons for both of the two.
~ FxF, MxF & (rarely) MxM. I mostly lean into the dominant-role, depending on character and plot.
~ Both thread & PM, but stories with strong adult content belong in the PM. No exceptions!
~ Face-claims are preferable for live-action OCs.
~ Open to dark themes (drugs, abuse, etc.), but NO pedophilia or bestiality (except for anthros).
~ Smut-only, slice-of-life, and rushed story-lines are (also) a big NO!

Genres - Action, Adventure, Anime/Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Thriller & Western
Themes - Coming of Age, Cult Classic, Epic, Girl Power, High School, Martial Arts, Medieval, Post-Apocalypse, Supernatural & Familial Bonding

Find my ideas HERE! (Currently CLOSED atm)

Music: '80s-'00s Heavy Metal/Rock, House/Electronic-Dance, Pop, R&B, Latina, '90s-'00s Hip-Hop/Rap & Trap. I'm also a sucker for Nightcore!

AC/DC, Halestorm, Queen, Manowar, Little V Mills, Avril Lavigne, Megan Thee Stallion, K/DA, Mick Gordon, Friedrich Habetler, Jonathan Young, Kim Petras, Falconshield, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ava Max, Kesha, Dua Lipa, Little Mix, Rustage, Daddyphatsnaps, Demi Lovato, Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, FabvL, JT Music, and more!

Most Recent Posts

Jennifer stared in surprise at what she was seeing. They were turtles? Well, of course, they were; it only took her a few seconds of blinking to realize it. She even looked at Raph and blinked, as well. This was the same individual she saw that night? Was he following them? Watching? "I thought she was gonna hurt herself", he said to the blue one; his Brooklyn accent thick in his voice. "It's not like I'd put myself in high-exposure. I was just trying to...", he stopped talking, having to feel somewhat embarrassed, and sighed in frustration.

"What is going on in here?", a hushed yet soft voice said, and Jennifer looked over to see a brown rat. "I had no choice, Master. They got jumped by those guys, and I had to", he tried to explain himself in the presence of his father. 'Master?', Jennifer thought, before coming further into the room, and sitting down on the ground, watching these individuals. "Bring water, cold washcloth, pillow", he instructed to them, resulting them to not be hesitate on doing what he said. Just who were these people?
Did they really have a choice in sticking around? Could they even trust this individual with an unconscious April O'Neil? They had to at least make sure that she was going to be alright, since, one: They defended her, and two: Why put her life at risk, and leave her to her fate, if they didn't know who, or what, saved them? Charlotte wasn't the only one in complete surprise that there was a shelter down here; a rather roomy one, at that. Did he live here? Was anyone else here?

The call that echoed from the very sanctuary confirmed that he wasn't alone. Going a little further in, albeit cautiously, they came to see three other individuals, who fell under the same classification as the one who rescued them. The one called "Raph" laid April down on the couch, before removing his trench coat, and hanging up his hat. The other three approached out of caution yet curiosity. At the same time, they looked at the two females, who followed behind their brother. "Who are they?", another male voice said. It came from the one wearing a purple mask. "That's the news lady!", he said, pointing out of surprise towards the unconscious woman.

"They got jumped in the subway. I had to bring them here", Raph explained.
Managing to strike a punch to one of her assailants, Jennifer kicked the bracelet that was on the ground, towards Charlotte, hoping that by the time she transforms, she could get Miss O'Neil out of this mess. By the time the stranger managed to knock down the last one (unaware of Charlie's transformation yet again), he quickly put his sais away, and lifted the unconscious April, bridal-style, by the time a train passed through. "This way!", he told them, having to jump into the tunnel, and walk quickly besides the train tracks.

Taking Charlie's hand, Jennifer wasted no time in following the stranger. If he knew a place where they would be safe from whoever attacked them, and possibly found out their intentions of exposing them, then the girls had to lay low. They weren't safe anymore.
With the strange object she had managed to pick up last night, April hoped that using such a thing would be able to give her some leverage in situations like this. But, before she could do anything, it was kicked out of her hand, and clattered to the ground nearby. Jennifer took a deep breath, and sheathed her sword back into her waist, until she launched a high kick, which apparently caught them off guard, as one of their own fell onto the asphalt. "Make your move. I dare you", the Asian teen warned, as the men looked at each other, with April herself looking surprised.

As if on cue, another group appeared behind the three females. April gasped at the extra numbers of these strange individuals, shortly she was hit, knocked unconscious. Jennifer didn't know what to expect now, as they were drastically outnumbered by at least ten or fifteen of these individuals. She dealt with lesser groups; no more than five. It was now a stand off for the two teens, until a yell from the far side of the station sounded.

Wherever it came from, the source was fast, launching into the fray. Jennifer didn't know how to react -- it was an individual in a trench coat -- a green individual, wielding two sais, and wearing a mask - a red one. He knocked at least three members at once, before three more. The Asian teen didn't question it; he seemed to be defending, and that meant he was at least on their side. Wasting no time, she took hold of the nearest to her, and flipped them over. It was chaotic; movements going so fast, a non-practitioner wouldn't noticed who was performing them.
April was able to get down the stairs, but by the time she was able to enter the station, the train had already left. "Oh, great! Just great", she groaned. Can the day get any worse from there? First, she can't seem to convince anybody about what's really happening around the city; the next, she misses her train home.

Jennifer ran down the stairs as fast as she could, hoping to God that Miss O'Neil didn't disappear. Thankfully, she didn't, since she seemed to be the only one in the station, by the time she and Charlie descended the stairs. "April! Miss O'Neil?", Jennifer called to her, panting by the time they were able to reach the woman. "Hi? Can I help you?", she asked the girls. "We've seen your news report. All of them, in fact, and we believe you. There's something wrong in this city, and we figured we could help you convince the chief", the Asian teen explained, by the time, she composed herself. "We can get proof, that this Foot Clan exists".

"How can you do that?", April asked, crossing her arms, although on the inside, she was curious. "Research, videos, photographs. Anything to show that there is a criminal organization in the works; that there is something shady residing here", Jennifer continued, giving the best she could offer. The woman seemed to be deep in thought. Here were two teenaged strangers, miraculously showing up out of the blue, saying that they believe her. How can she be sure that they don't work for the enemy?

Then, there was a sudden presence nearby -- a group of individuals in black jumpsuits. "We've been waiting for you, Miss O'Neil", the leader said. "Your mouth may yet bring you much trouble yet I deliver a message", he slapped the woman's face, who let out a pained grunt. "Shut it", Jennifer sheathed her blade, and stood in between the men and April.
After taking the time to change into fresh clothes, Jennifer took lead out into the streets. All the time, she felt herself being the bodyguard in these situations, especially since the circumstances of Charlotte's mutation was more delicate than her own. Her comment made her look around at the people walking passed and around them. "It's like the security of this place just decreases more after each passing day", she agreed, shortly before catching sight of April O'Neil walking out of City Hall. "It's April. Come on", the Asian said, having to follow the woman, hoping to catch her in the train station that she was just entering.

At the same time, they were unaware of being followed themselves.
Jennifer was unaware of the very thoughts that were running through Charlotte's mind. However, even if she didn't know that she was, the black-haired girl had her thoughts on what her friend had informed to her. Drinking her orange juice, she wondered if they could approach Miss O'Neil on the issue, and give her a leverage on getting the police chief to understand the impending situation. Maybe they could get favored, in order to pay their rent.

"Maybe we can get that hope back for the city, if we solve the mystery behind this 'Foot Clan'. I vote April for mayor, afterwards", Jennifer smiled, before proceeding to fix her hair, and washing out her glass. "I can't be too sure. We could, but only if we don't expose ourselves too much", they were going to walk out in broad daylight, after all.
"...what that means, Miss O'Neil, is everything is well in hand"
"What do you know about an organization, known as The Foot Clan?"
"There is no evidence to link such a name to these incidents"

Jennifer closed her eyes and shook her head, growing annoyed at the interview, as well as the stubbornness of the police chief. Giving a yawn, the Asian girl walked to the fridge to grab a jug of orange juice, and poured herself a glass.

"Are you denying an organization, known as 'The Foot' exists?"
"I'm not denying anything. You're putting words into my mouth..."

"How do you feel about going out for a walk?", she asked Charlotte. "Find any trace of this organization, and take it to the police? Maybe then, he'll feel more convinced and pressured to actually do something, instead of sitting down".

Fixing her hair, the German woman gave a smile and lifted her eyebrows, as her way of acknowledging his compliment. "Are all of you mafia like this? Unsympathetic? Unfair?", Charlotte asked in disbelief and borderline curiosity, as she stood up from where she sat, and walked to the other side of the table to comfort the elderly woman. "Clearly lacking respect on every part of their being too", she commented, in addition, to Smokey's interjection about the man, as well as Joseph's displeasure of his grandmother in such distress. It was disgusting on the man's part and, for once, she actually felt quite content with the male Joestar's actions.

Charlotte kept herself at Erina's side, until the young man came back to take her place.
"Master Joestar, we might need to talk about this in private", she quietly suggested.

There was a certainty that at least half of the city heard of the very angry yell that sounded. Someone would have quickly assumed that it was someone on a drunken rage. But then, it was New York, where something new and odd would come up every day and night.

The next day, Jennifer crashed on the couch, after a long night, causing her to drastically over sleep that morning. However, she managed to be up to see the television on, with the interview of April O’Neil interviewing the chief of police. Would she be able to get it through his thick skull that something was wrong with the economy?
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