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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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"Insert witty quote here"
3 yrs ago
If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

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The...for the sake of other word...well-built girl blinked upon being prompted when hailed by the chief of bullies down as he aggressively saw Suzakura push a DJ off. Well, good riddance, the guy was awful. However she blinked twice at Suzakura's words, her fists clenching at the mention of someone else.

"Chinami? Why're you mentioning other girls..." Mina said, allowing her to pout a bit. And then he addressed her in front of everyone. Asking for something she could provide. But...

"Uh...not at the moment...crowds." The cow-blessed said, her face growing a deep shade of embarassed red.

Meanwhile, Parker had stood with gritted teeth. Not only he had been ignored, now there was that massive bullying piece of shit called Suzakura in front of him. Calling him by demeaning names. What was worse, he was not alone. And apparently that stupid brute of a she-cow that always followed him like well... a cow on heat was there too. Things were looking grim, so he just focused on the fight between the Discount Demon Lady and the pink haired fighter. Hmm, He had heard rumours about this one. A tough cookie.

Well, not too tough, apparently. Power of friendship won the fight for the card dork. What was she doing here anyway? Testing her luck? She packed quite a bang, but it was obvious she was running mainly on luck to scrape by. He on the other hand, never trusted luck or chances. From the day he was found out to not be blessed by anything.

"Oh my, Dick! Hello!" His opponent said. Well, obviously, he had to fight the she-cow. Like he always did in the orphanage. She took delight in kicking Celestine around like a potato sack. And she wasn't good at stopping. He always took a beating from her when trying to shield his only friend from damage.

"Wow you got all buff and whatnot. It's because of the Pizza?" Mina said, beaming her best smile. "You were always sort of a cute kid, but you got real cute now. I mean, I'm sorry about the past, really. Can we catch up like those two did before? We fight a little then we catch up, yeah?" The cowgirl said.

Parker said nothing, however, his fists cracked. There was ...something in the corner of his eye. "Yeah...we could do that. Fight a little."

"I'll tell you what. I'll let you go first! I mean, you never had a blessing, Dickie." Mina said, suddenly becoming wide open.

"Don't mind if I do..." Parker said, as he lowered his stance and sprinted towards Mina. He twisted his body...

...and delivered a vicious mid-kick to the biggest target that was on display. Mina's chest. The girl's eyes nearly bulged out of her face, trying to gasp from the air and pain, her stance broken by the sudden ferocity. She tried to flail, and grab the offending leg, but Parker was already showing more fluid, sharp movements after that initial attack.

An elbow impacted on Mina's neck, tipping the precarious balance of the female fighter, making her to become fully prone and sprawled on the ground. "OOf! That hurt. Wait nonono...!" The cowgirl said panicked as she felt a foot on her generous rear... and a hand yanking her swishing tail.

And boy, did that Parker have a tenacious grip. Probably from all the pizza deliveries.

"Stop it! Stop it! It hurts! Mooo!" She squealed panicked.

"With pleasure." He said, as he let go.

Followed by an elbow drop on Mina's back, which made her gasp once more. She panted heavily, as Dick, befitting his namesake, circled around her, before stepping away and getting in his fighting stance once again. Mina reeled, but got back to her feet. "How dare you! My tail is very sensitive! That hurt! Poopiehead!"

"I think you might need to reconsider having me that first pity shot." Parker exclaimed, as, to much of the female's crowd delight, took his horrible Pizza Time pink t-shirt off, revealing a body that was rather menancingly chiselled.

"I hate you." Mina said, before reigniting the fight, this time with a full powered charge. Followed by the most bizarre bull-jump spectacle as Parker, using Mina's head as leverage, flipped himself over the charging bovine. Mina's charge only lasted a few more seconds, when in her confusion, two arms wrapped her under her generous features.

"Oh yes, you liked wrestling too." Parker seized Mina firmly, as he heisted the taller girl...right into a german suplex. Probably at this moment, the crowd was getting anxious. Parker slid from under his opponent, as she groaned and twitched in pain. His smile faded quickly when he realized that an arm had grabbed his own leg. His reaction was to kick the fallen girl's head repeated times, but her vice-like grip didn't bulge. Worse off, she was getting up, seemingly shrugging off the repeated blows.

"Oh shi..."

Those were the last words Parker could pronounce before he was fully lifted by his leg and wielded one-handed like an oversized ragdoll. Slamming not one, but three times against the pavement, as one very furious Mina kept swinging her opponent like a golf stick. "RAARGH!" She said before letting go and panting heavily. Mina looked at her opponent, before dropping to her knees.

Parker wasn't moving. Did she...

"On the count...1...2... OH MY WORD HE IS GETTING UP!" The voice of someone drew Mina's focus back into the scenario. There he was, scrambling to his feet, badly broken and limp, bleeding from wounds. So this wasn't over. Mina gritted her teeth and tried standing up, but her legs failed to sustain her. Everything was spinning. Too many kicks in the head. Parker was still shuffling towards, balling his only good fist. Mina's legs and limbs were of lead. She closed her eyes for a second... and a loud Thud sound was heard as a body hit the floor next to her.

It was precisely at this moment when Mina managed to get on her own feet, raising a hand. "Dick is limp. I won." She said, in a drunken slur, before collapsing like a heap right next to Parker.


It was a dark night, as Dina, guided by Sanngridr, was led to one of the many back-alleys of Penrose. It was an inconspicuous location, yet it harbored a secret entrance; Sanngridr lifted a hand before her, and a section of the wall was engulfed in shadow. Then, in the darkness, a doorway appeared. Beyond it was what looked like a jazz club of ages past, only it was monochrome in hue. Once inside, the portal closed behind the two, and a shadowy figure appeared, holding a glass of wine in his hands. The figure had a menacing demeanor to it, but the stranger’s smile promised hospitality.

“Miss Denisova, welcome to my humble abode. I am Al Scarpe.” He bowed, and afterwards let a shadowy wisp float another glass to her. “Would you like something to drink? It’s on the house.”

Dina Denisova peered in the dark of the room, a dirty monochrome permeating the whole place. Others found it disturbing, but for Dina… it beckoned of her youth, of ages past. She turned her head to the sides, admiring the decoration. “It’s been ages since I have seen this kind of place, mister Scarpe. You know your craft.” The catgirl eyed the glass.

“Vodka… and leave the bottle.” She said back, before eyeing Al Scarpe.

"It's not so much craft as simply an eye for style. Nonetheless, I am flattered by the kind words."
A Shadow extended over to the bar counter, and a bottle of vodka was brought before Dina.
"I didn't take you for a woman of such fine taste, Miss Denisova. Most guests would rather have American drinks."

Dina took the bottle on her hand before pouring a generous serving of the spirit, and in a single gulp chugging it down, before licking the back of her hand in a most catlike fashion. She then poured another shot.

"Well, I come from a… fancier background than most people of this city. I was… in my youth a retainer ot the Romanovs. Does your file say that?I bet it does." She would eye Al.

Al lifted an eyebrow. "An interesting bet you've made there, Miss Denisova, considering what you're implying." He shrugged. "But I suppose it would be an accurate deduction; I am aware of your venerable career with the Russian tzars, yes. It is an honor to have such an esteemed person in my abode." He bowed.

Dina let out a small, haughty chuckle. "Do not take me for one of the whelps you can cajole with sweet promises of power, signore Scarpe." Dina added. "In order for the Mint to be the Mint, it has to know a lot of things. Fingers in…everyone's pies. Even in Beacon. Even in Sanctuary." Dina would then add. "Shall we go straight to the point, then?"

Al chuckled, seemingly amused by Dina's forward nature. "Of course, Miss Denisova. But first, I would like to apologize."
He set his glass to float next to him, and brought out a small black notebook. "Some time ago unsavoury individuals trespassed upon Sanctuary." He closed the notebook, and tucked it back in his pocket.
"It seems that unbeknownst to me at the time, some Mint agents were sent to sabotage the community's peace. I learned that another broker attempted to wrest control over Penrose from me by means of sabotaging the friendly relations I have attempted to establish here, and to agitate Penny Asimov and Beacon against me. Of course, I have dealt with the wiseguy in the appropriate manner, but by then it was too late to prevent the tragic aftermath."
He bowed again.
"I apologize for the disruption my less scrupulous associates caused."

Dina spun her glass, raising an eyebrow at Al's declaration, as she placed it. "So that is how you are going to play it, isn't it." Dina said. "Would you please call Sanngridr in here?"

"It would be my pleasure," Al responded, and snapped his fingers; the entrance to the jazz club opened again, and Sanngridr stepped inside.
"It seems Miss Denisova would like to speak to you," she spoke to the agent, and took out a cigar.

Sanngridr tilted her head, before entering with a huge grin. Her eyes locked with those of the regent.

"Varangian." She said. "Please kill this churl. He has insulted my intelligence."

Sanngridr seemed to reach for her sword, but hesitating.

"Can't do it? Well that much was expected. It's a hard order to comply. After all…we all know where your loyalties are."

Al lifted a relaxed hand. "Please, there is no need for violence, Miss Denisova. After all, that was not the reason you arrived here, correct? Otherwise you would have brought arms to bear against me."
He lit his cigar.
"No, I believe you came here to discuss business."

"Realpolitik as they say." Dina sighed, as she waved Sanngridr away. "Most people don't survive enough to realize this is a thing. Well, the powers that be use teenagers with more hormones than sense. People like me are anomalies." She drank another gulp. "Your folks have been quite the brigands lately. But there is so much you can coerce and money pinch with war knocking at one's door." She added. "War is bad for business."

Al's friendly disposition subtly tensed once the topic of war was brought up. "Indeed." He took a puff of his cigar, letting the smoke disperse quickly into the air.
"It has come to my attention that a rogue by the name of the March Hare was spotted in the Industrial district. If that is the case, it can only mean that Wonderland has mobilized." He glanced over to the bar counter. "In time, Penrose will become a warzone."

Dina sighed. "We must row in the same direction… and not be picky about extra arms." The catgirl nodded. "I do believe there is something the Mint would love to do… but it needs backing." Dina elaborated.

"After all you can't risk losing your footing and for example San Francisco Silvia Bialletti or some other broker takes your slice of pie, right?" Dina added.

Al's eyes sharpened on mention of Bialletti. However, they quickly relaxed.
"You are quite well-informed, Miss Denisova. The Mint would view Wonderland's current moves as a possible liability to their business, considering their unpredictability." He then put the cigar away. "With that in mind, I am interested to hear your thoughts on it."

Dina took a sip. "Good old fashioned plunder, Al. I heard privateering can be quite profitable… and the magical world does not adhere to the Geneva convention. But in this case It's not Beacon. Nor Sanctuary as a target." Dina said. "The current… Queen is too aligned to even dedicate her time for such unwholesome methods."

Al nodded, a hand on his chin. "That is understandable. What would you propose then?"

Dina would polish the glass. "You get to keep everything you plunder. I tell you where to disrupt this peculiar army in terms of logistics. Make some real noise… like that…time." Dina said, narrowing her eyes. She still remembered all the trouble Oros caused.

"I will also convince the current Beacon loving monster girls to not attack you on sight."

An evil smile formed on Al's lips. "Hmm…I do like the sound of that." But then, his expression turned back to neutral. "The Mint is willing to contribute to this collaboration in the manner you have described." He then reached his hand in his coat, and produced a golden scroll.
"Let's make it official, shall we?"

Casting her sight on the contract, she nodded as she waited on Al's offering to sign the parchment. "We should also convene the means to get in touch."

"That won't be a problem at all. I'll arrange one of our agents to act as the contact point." He gave a black walkie talkie to Dina, and began writing on the golden scroll with a similarly gilded feather quill. "You may use that to contact the agent. However, I suggest you do not tamper with it, magically or otherwise. It is set to melt away upon sensing foul play. A safety precaution, you understand." Once he was done writing the terms, he let it float over to Dina. "You may modify the terms yourself as well, and once we both are in agreement the contract is formed."

Dina then read upon the terms, frowning at some points, but overall seemingly satisfied at the terms. "Well that is one thing out of the way." She added before extending a hand. "I hope for a seamless and fruitful cooperation."

"Likewise, Miss Denisova," Al said as he took one last look at the finalized document, and then added his own signature to it. The scroll flashed brilliantly, and Al placed it in his pocket.
"He then shook Dina's hand in a gentlemanly manner, and a Shadow brought another vodka bottle.

"There might be something else that I might discuss with you." Dina added.

Al lifted a curious eyebrow. "Oh? And I was about to toast to the beginning of our mutually beneficial agreement." He lowered the glass with an interested look.
"What do you have in mind, Miss?"

"Well…" Dina began to search her mind for the words, only to not say anything. "Nevermind. To the end of this war." Dina said, trying to shift the topic after a moment of hesitation.

Can't let them know how shaky the lack of patron can make me. Weakness unto strength, Dina. They need you. Penrose needs you. Running away is not an option. You’ve become too involved to turn back.


"You..." Whatever Alyona had said, it seemed that it had stirred something between the Clausewitz third yeard, who wasted no time in shielding the junior student with her body."I'm not the Tsar's Huge Ass spider. My name is Kiwi... and You're trespassing. Now would you kindly depose that attitude? As you have said... there is trouble." The spider girl seemed to shuffle so slightly, her massive body taking a fighting stance.

And then she let a small shriek, her entire body losing all the poise of moments ago upon seeing the person next to Alyona.

"...The BANE? Out of all people why are you here?!" Kiwi said, scared out of her mind.

Celestine just shook their head, as she gently touched Alyone to stay down."Just being a good samaritan, fuzzy butt. Now be a little dear bug thing, and show us the real problem you idiots have. I'm getting bored. And I'm begining to understand six legs like last time wasn't enough." The agent of chaos and mayhem stated, a grin ear to ear manifesting as they summoned her reinforcement powers."I want new toys to play. if you fail to show it, that hungover boy does show promise. Well me and Aly. Idiot Parker is still fighting to get me a nice present elsewhere."

It was at this point that Kiwi bit her lip so hard that droplets of poison fell into the ground. "Right...This way. But know if you try something..." She began to turn her back at the duo. "We will answer in kind."

"Now you owe me, Alyonna. How could you call this poor spider girl a bug. Diplomacy, Diplomacy!"

Sanngridr's sight rested on Miko. For a brief second, she stood silent, before she tilted her head. "Sanngridr was helping. I healed the younger sister alongside with you. But It wasn't enough. So I took her to a place of less chaos. Sann is tired, of fighting stupid wendigos who are more unworthy than the grass we step on. Oh, so tired. Tired that every single stance of her help got only a polite rejection at best, just because her creed, or the fact that she speaks like she speaks." She ventured to say. "Justine... is safe and not panicking. Caroline is stable. Sonia's blades never reached you, and everyone is safe and sound."

Her eyes rested on Valerie, then Miko and Ronin, and finally Connie. "If this is the reaction Sann gets for essentially half-solving the situation by herself, and offering back up of substantial quality... then Sann is afraid there might not be...next time." The valkyrie harumphed, as she took flight on her wings.

This won't be the last time we meet, Connie. She thought to herself, as she distanced herself in the air, flying and obviously annoyed at the judging stares. Valerie she never expected reason from her. Gaia was just a paranoid helicopter pseudomother. But Miko and Ronin? She should've stomped on them with force.

They had shared a meal and a fight!

Sakura weakly protested as soon as he saw Sally's enthusiasm "Oi you-" . Her protests were quelled cold as she felt herself wrapped in a heavenly embrace, her battered head resting against something soft and mellow. Of course others talked, they were doing such, but for Sakura, this was background noise, like the flow a river. She didn't even register Aurelio's qualm nor Alicia's protest.

Oh please, let me stay like this for a while, before I remember how much of a shithole this city is. Sakura said, as her wounds seemingly were being healed out of nowhere. (It was probably Aurelio.)

After carefully picking the device, she gave the tiny component a glance, before giving up to ascertain their function, and instead instructing a raven to deliver it to Penny herself. She was the tech expert, after all. Dina was just an old, single grandmother in the form of a half cat woman.

There was some rambling from the dragon girl, but Dina choose to politely ignore them.

"There's war in the horizon." She half hissed, obviously not relishing at the situation, as she hugged herself. "Younglings these days don't know about the cold, hard teeth of war, but I do. Magic is involved and will make things even worse." She breathed. "I am patronless, what a blunder. Not that Dan would have helped with this kind of conflict. It is anathema to it."

Dina breathed in deep. "I can't believe what I am about to say but...I will speak with the Mint. Moneylenders and war don't go well, even if they are foul. I will also seek out all of our potential allies."
May or may not replace Parker. Depends on if I can pull this off.

Sanngridr looked at Justine, her usually coy smile melting away in a little frown. “Oh yes, I’m going to rip your sister’s soul right now, eat it, and go mwahahahahahaha about it.” Sanngridr snapped back. “Plans, schmplans. I want a minute of your time, and in the middle of that scenery I wasn’t going to get it. Don’t worry about little Caroline. You know that as long as I am here, she won’t die. I can even make her come back without a potion, even. A little tricky, but doable. And Sanctuary has some of those too.”

“First, Privacy… If you would be so kind.” She added, as she handed Justine her Witch’s Queen crown.

Justine stayed tense as Sann joked about Caroline, cautious about her.
”Well, now you got your minute. Make it count.”

That was when Justine was given the Crown, and she put it on without hesitation: it wasn’t the first time she has done the gesture.
”There. Now what is it you want?”

“There is an offer, yes. But not from the Mint. I mean I could give you the Mint offer but who am I kidding? You’d be made their bitch in 0.1 seconds. Not to mention you’re working already for an offshoot of the Mint. Just washed over. And the fact they brought Valerie back means they’re desperate enough to try and bind you to them more using Caroline.” Sanngridr did say.

“But there’s always options. There’s even a harder path that might allow you to get Sonia. Because at this rate, you’ll have to fight. Or Sonia defaults on ol’ Al. That would be …bad.” Sanngridr said.

“You’re a great girl, Justine. I was angry. And we might have to fight. I only regret that I can’t give you a stud to look at any longer.” She said, pulling a gem from her collar. “This is all what’s left of me. This body? a meat puppet. Crush the gem, I die.”

Justine kept quiet as Sann made her offer, and while still, her hostility ceased once Sann showed her new weakness to her.
”It is true that Cradle could try to use Caroline too…” She mumbled.
”But how would I be able to save Sonia?”

“Well, Sonia is someone who projects a strong exterior but she needs a strong person to follow. As far as I know. Do you even look strong now? No, you try to please and be subservient.” Sanngridr said.” And thus you’re Cradle’s newest doll and poster girl, in an act of forced redemption.”

”But this is who I really am!” Justine retorted.
”Call it forced, but I am glad I was able to become free of that monster’s influence. Now I can at least make a choice for myself.” She bit her lip, showing signs of doubt.
”Are you trying to suggest I go back to that? Back to being an insane lunatic?”

“I refuse to believe the girl who made the world its enemy for the sake of her sister is only this.” Sanngridr said, before energetically plucking one of her feathers, and began to dab a rune on them. Ansuz. His Rune.

“No, He wants you to become a Valkyrie.” Sanngridr said. “Show some more of that determination and pride, and serve a Father who isn’t a Horror mockery, but an Allfather.” Sanngridr added. “And this is the choice I am offering to you, besides what you have already.”

”The Norse God?”
Justine did not expect the answer, and nearly dropped Caroline, causing her to slightly stumble.
She averted her eyes, looking shocked.
”I don’t know…I’ve really had it with Patrons serving as parental figures.”
She looked down at Caroline, and scowled.
”Would Caroline also be recruited?” She asked, weighing her options.
”I can’t say I’m too happy in the Cradle, but what does Allfather have to offer, besides this so-called pride?”

“Odin recruits on a one on one basis, and only courageous wills…your sister can apply if she wants, but she seems more like Freya’s lot. He doesn’t force things because he knows it’s best to join out of free will.” Sanngridr said. “Ancient resources, mainly. Freedom to tackle your objectives at your own pace as long as you don’t show cowardice. Wisdom beyond human’s understanding, too… and…and…”

Sanngridr clutched her head, as if she had a splitting headache, before blinking twice.

“...I’ll take over.” said in a much somber voice. As if she wasn’t Sanngridr. “What do you wish to know, oh kin of Visceral?”

Justine hesitated for a moment, before she addressed the Deity that had manifested through Sann.

”Great Allfather, Alföðr, your Chosen has spoken of your Wisdom. What mysteries can you unveil to one who may act as your sword?”

“Ah… a proper greeting. So unlike this fool who choked on a Red coin and had to salvage him as a valkyrie. Sorcery, Healing, Poetry for starters. Things that not even gods or horrors are supposed to know. I read upon all the runes, as you should know. And your actions have garnered my attention. But that one queer Mother fished your sister before I could…use it as bargain.”

Justine nodded. ”I see. That is how Caroline returned.”
She looked over at the lake.
”I need time to think about my future, and what I wish for it. I have not yet cast aside the kindness the Cradle has offered. However, that may not last for long. I am interested in what your Chosen spoke about regaining my strength. Allfather, If you may grant a boon, a means to commune with your will again, I would gladly offer something in tribute.”

"My offer does not expire." The voice said. "Yet Ragnarok does not wait for anyone, be mindful of that. I will not protect you unless you are under my service." The deity handed the feather. "This token shall suffice. If you ever lose it, you may instead pray with that rune and offer some blood or flesh as payment."

Justine blinked from the mention of blood, but surprisingly accepted the feather without questioning, placing it in her pocket.

”Blood and flesh…The lifeforce of earthly creatures seem to be a common nourishment. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for granting me an audience, Allfather.”
She slightly bowed, encumbered by holding Caroline. She then took off the Witch Queen’s Crown and placed it back on Sann’s head.

”I’m now ready to go back, Sann. I have much to think about now.”

"Ugh.." Sanngridr took a few moments to get her bearings. "Ah well. Do you need Sanctuary assistance? This might be the last time we don't meet as enemies… so make it count, okay?"

Justine didn’t respond, and simply looked on at the blue lake. She could see her reflection in it.

Sanngridr just sighed, and grabbing her blade, slit her palm, allowing for some blood to seep into Caroline’s mouth, before sending all of them back into the real world.

“Sann is sad. No dance partners want her…” She’d say as she returned, before stepping away from Justine, with an obvious pout, as her gaze rested on Valerie, then the twins and finally Connie and Gaia.

Sanngridr tilted her head, as her wings sagged a little. "So that's a no." She said, crestfallen. "I whip out one of my best healing spells and I get is a cold shoulder." She said, as she sulked. "Y'know, I could have taken us all to the overcity in a single bound to eat fairy chocolate." She said to the duo. "But I guess why bother helping if I only get polite words in return."

Showtime? Showtime. She thought to herself as Sonia had arrived to stir the pot.

With that being said, she focused on the scene and hand. "Yes, I should do it." She said to herself, as she flew directly above Justine, enveloping her and her sister in a protective shell of fluffy wings. She would gently push Ronin and Miko out of the way, both twins being decent acquaintances in her books. Of course if they objected, she would not mind.

However the now frazzled Valerie was another subject entirely. A barrier was put between the Cradle agent and Justine just as the robotic warrior decided to face Sonia, as she hugged the crestfallen former vampire.

"Shh...It'll be alright. If Sonia really wanted to hurt you she would have done so. All she wants is her Justine. And don't worry. Even if you don't get a potion... I can bring your sister back. I brought Tenebra after all." She cooed to Justine's ear.

"Now...allow me to give you a respite." She would say, and began to focus in a certain move.

Overcity Shift

It was a little too soon to call it a victory for Beacon, as something in the vicinity stirred. One of the manhole covers shot up in the sky in a large water spout, before a certain figure slithered out of it, panting, fangs bared. The serpentine creature seemed to have ragged breath and a head injury. In her hand she was clutching a horn.

"I wonder if they have some sort of medical glue here. T'would be most fitting." She said, before eyeing the gathering of Beacon agents.

"Oh, if it's the Beacon-chan with the nice ass, Oreo Lion and Alicia." Sakura said, before doing a double take. "Ah crap you're all Bacon." She thought, finally realizing she was a monstergirl and somehow had forgotten in the spur of the moment. "I uh... you'll never take me alive! Lampheads! I will fight like a true dragon!" Sakura said, before summoning her storm energies.

Only to faint and flop around like a fish out of water. "Fuck, out of fuel." She laconically said. "uhh... I can still fire my mouthwash! Don't come closer, specially you, Oreo Lion!"

Dina, for her part, didn't add much to the scene, merely frowning. "I trust there's few intel clues. This was an ill-done operation." She voiced her frustration, as she eyed the crows. "Well, corvids are really intelligent and have good memories. I reckon we can get the truth of the ringmaster out of these. Or at least part of it." Dina would say, and attempt to bag in a few crows for herself, before continuing to inspect the scene in that regard.

Her tail was completely out of control, though. That was how cross she was. A war is coming, probably. Again. Damn Bolsheviks.

"An unfortunate case of waste management failure, hun. And you just spared the culprit." Celestine replied with a smug smirk, as she looked at the door once more. It looked sturdy.

"As for the screaming... It wouldn't be out of place on this school of tryhards. It is like having an entire school of Sashas, as you described her." The umbrella started to glow as the androgynous being started to spin it.

"Then again, we oughta help, no? Even if it is sparring this is the kind of place for some good old vandalism. Beats the stock market or telling Parker to do errands." They grinned confidently, as the jagged lines of Reinforcement Magic appeared on the umbrella... seconds before Celestine tossed it like a javelin against the door.

BOOM. The sturdy door was blow off its hinges, the vandal girlboy smugly proud of their work.

"After you, her ladyship." Celestine added as a retort.

Wolf kept running through the halls, eyes darting to see anything out of the norm but no avail. It seemed deserted, only shadows dancing in the walls as he went by...

And then one of the shadows grew bigger and bigger... Something about to fall on top of Wolf.

That stopped at the last second.

The Clausewitz 3rd Year known as Kiwi the Librarian for her gentle yet dutiful demeanour, and her penchant for books was in the way.

"Ummm... It's dangerous out there. You should not run in the halls. If you are so kind. Please... umm. You might get hurt." She fidgetted, trying to keep Wolf out of harm's way. An action interrupted by a loud wrenching noise.

"It's the front door..." Kiwi said, and decided to switch priorities, skittering fast with her spider legs.
"Heeey hex girl!" A coy voice shook Alyonna from her thoughts, as confident petite steps danced around the rain, the most vomit-inducing yellow umbrella of all things. On their other hand, there was one most curious thing. A stupid eyed-pigeon alongside a letter, whose bird eyes darted in every direction.

"So are you heading to beat up santa clauses? Those folks at Clausewitz sent me a letter of challenge. On a pigeon. Also your homework is ruined. This is why I text people." Celestine had arrived in tow, as they hurried along with Alyonna.

"Actual people use text messages." Celestine harumphed as they stopped all of a sudden just for a lightning bolt to narrowly miss them. "HAH, Nice try!". They jeered at the sky.

"Do I smell trouble over there?" Celestine reacted as they caught up. "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." They said as they stretched their hand to Alyonna.

"Coo?" said the pidgeon at the motion of being offered.

Parker watched the situation. A crazy bitch in pink hair was causing trouble already. The situation was familiar. Whatever, he could use the chaos to thin the numbers. Less opponents, more staying chances.

"I would like to issue a protest and ask for the disqualification of the Demon Lady. Friends cannot intervene in a fight. And that... lady just floored a tournament player."

The young man flexed his fingers, still unaccostumed to the feeling of the biker gloves. With slow, careful steps of his boots he entered the madness of the ring. He had chosen some heavy duty clothes for his protection, which gave him a rough and tumble look.

Well, except for the neon pink t-shirt with a lime green logo, who said "PIZZA TIME". He did need a sponsor after all. Unlike half of the rich kids and their flamboyant powers, he had very little on his back. He could asked Celestine for more... but that person seemed to take more than give at times. So, he had settled for humilliating himself with such a garish look.

A booming voice was heard, of a metallic quality.

"YOU FOOL, BASK IN THE PRESENCE OF PSYLORD OVERMIND. I SHALL GET RID OF YOU AND YOUR CRIME AGAINST FASHION WITH MIND BULLETS" His opponent, was tall and lanky, and seemed to sway in mid air. He had chosen to attach random shiny metal bits to a jumpsuit, as well as glowsticks.

"Says the one with a bucket on his head with glowsticks taped to them."

"PSY HelM, FOol!" His voice cracked with bluster. "DISAPPearRr!"

And it hit him. A rain of mental psychic energies that bruised his flesh badly...like an airsoft shootout. While the initial bout of pain startled Parker, he had been through much much worse.

Stone the powerless freak! And his freak girlfriend!

He gritted his teeth as he endured the pain, and as soon as the rain stopped, shot a withering glare to the so called Psylord.

"FEEL THE PAIN TRAIN!" He screamed at Parker, before he noticed his glare."Uh...shouldn't you be going down or something?"

Parker cricked his neck in response, before closing the distance fast, and in a display of martial skill, landed a kick on Psylord's solar plexus.

"Mommy!" The cretin said, before assuming a half-assed fighting stance. "BuT SOON you wiLL fEAR me. I READ YOUr moves!" He said, while dodging Parker's blows.

In response, Parker became even more unrelenting, and faster. Psylord kept dodging, but eventually there is so much cardio a basement dweller could do.


With a mighty kick, the bucket was sent off flying, as the acne ridden face of a greasy youth with teeth brackets, who had the hint of a nosebleed, feverish eyes looking at his opponent.

"You will payyy!" He squeaked, as Parker could feel an invisible force lifting him off the ground, no matter how hard he flailed. His eyes kept being locked with those of the Psylord.

"I SHALL UNVEIL ALl oF YOUR secrets!" He screamed. "I see a pink haired girl, in a shower, smiling coyly... just like you wished... and she turns around and..."

It was at this point that Psylord stood still, becoming very silent. He clutched his eyes. "...cant unsee!" He squeaked faintly. "It burns..." He said, as Parker was dropped like a hot potato.

He got up immediatedly, as he towered over the crumpled Psylord.

"Say it." He said.

"Say what? I am sorry, oh god please..." The pathetic wimper of the psychic teenager was heard.


The hand of Parker colliding with Psylord's cheek made a sound that was heard through the entire arena.


"Say it." Parker insisted, his palm firm and open, ready for a reprise.

"Say what?"


"Ow! I yield! I give up!"

It was at this point that Parker's hand turned to tap Psylord's shoulder, before whispering to his ear. "Next time you voice my inner thoughts I will break your legs in three places, understand?"

Psylord just nodded, to which Parker gave a him a friendly pat on the head before leaving. The bruising stung a bit, but it looked he still was in the tournament. Oh well.
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