Avatar of Balthazar007


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Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
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This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

Most Recent Posts

The First Precursor

a Jak and Daxter Fan Fiction

Chapter 2: (Back on the Precursor Ship, Under the Tree)

There is an awkward silence as we see Jak and the three Ottsels/precursors from the planetary defense system staring at the Elder Precursor. Drool falls off the open hanging mouth of the "Dummy Ottsel". We then focus on the Elder Precursor who stares back at them without saying a word, making the silence that much more awkward. He still floats in the air with his legs crossed. When he finally speaks, it's very abrupt and anti climatic.

ELDER: Who's thirsty?

No answer. Everyone just looks at each other confused.

ELDER: Well I'm thirsty. (He uncrosses his legs so that they can touch the ground.) I'll be right back.

And so, the Elder Precursor slowly hobbles down the hill, toward a stream of water at the bottom. Jak looks at the Leader Ottsel who just shrugs. Jak, who is still sitting cross legged, then takes a deep breath, leans back on his hands, and looks up to the blue sky with perfect white clouds. All we see for a few seconds are the clouds moving across the sky. The Elder's voice breaks the silence. He is back where he started. He speaks as he lifts his legs to his floating cross legged position. It is obvious some time has passed, because the "Dummy Ottsel" has fallen asleep.

ELDER: Now, where was I?
(He honestly looks to have forgotten as he rubs his beard and concentrates to remember.)

JAK: (Leans forward, back to his original position) The leader of the bandits knocked you out.

As Jak says this, the Leader Ottsel reaches out his staff over the head of the sleeping Dummy Ottsel. When Jak finishes his sentence, he quickly bobs the Dummy Ottsel on the head.

Dummy: Who!? What!? (He rubs his head and looks around for what hit him. The Leader Ottsel has already pulled his staff back and is looking innocent.)

ELDER: Ah, yes. Mar, what a mean man he was...

JAK: Mar? But I thought-?

ELDER: That you were Mar? Well yes, you are, but you're not the first, not even close...

Some sort of hazy fade away effect happens here, which brings us back to seeing things from the past.

When I came to, I was alone inside a small jail cell. The bars and doors were metal but the wooden bed and the green blankets let me know that I was still in the Green Eco City. A dull pressure on the side of my face told me that I probably had a mark from being hit so hard.

I had to do something. I was worried for the people of this city, and I still hadn't found my parent's necklace. So I went to the jail cell bars to find someone to speak with. "Anyone out there?"

From the cell opposite of me, I saw a man stir and sit up in his bed. It was Ramo, in his human form. "Oh... hey there outsider." The look on his face no longer screamed defiance, but regret. "I'm sorry you got caught up in this mess. How are you feeling?"

"Not too bad." I answered with a shrug. "So what do you think they're going to do with us?"

Ramo pulled himself to sit at the edge of his bed, hunched over his knees. "I don't know, but at least no one got hurt." He muttered. He looked up quickly after saying this. "Besides you I mean. Again, sorry."

"It's alright. It's not your fault." I sighed. Then his words sunk in with me. "Wait, so nobody else got hurt? After all their guys we knocked out, they didn't hurt anyone?"

"No." Ramo said, sounding just as confused as I was. "I could tell some of them wanted to, but their leader ordered them not to shoot or strike anyone unless we resisted. So I ordered my men to surrender peacefully, and they kept their word. For now, at least."

Then, from somewhere just out of sight, a metal door opened and shut. I could hear three sets of foot steps against the hardwood floors. Ramo heard them as well, but didn't stand from his bed; he did stiffen up his back though to show more confidence.

When the three figures came into view, I wasn't surprised. It was the leader of the bandits, accompanied by two of his bulkier men. "Good, you're finally awake." He said to me, only half glancing over at Ramo. "I want to speak with you."

Suddenly Ramo stood from his bed. "I was behind the rebellion. This man was just helping. Take me instead."

The leader didn't seem impressed by Ramo's plea, amused maybe, but not impressed. "Fine, you can come too."

And so, each of the large men stepped to our cells. As they unlocked them, their leader reminded us not to try anything daring. The lives of everyone in the city relied on our cooperation. We didn't need reminding, plus, without Red Eco, we wouldn't stand a chance in a fight anyways. Even with Red Eco, this leader had already proved he was too powerful, despite his average build.

We walked in silence through the half wooden, half steel prison, until we reached a cafeteria. The room was full of bandits, laughing and carrying on without a worry in the world. That was, until they saw us. Then everything went silent. I recognized some of the faces immediately, men and tough looking women who I knocked out during our attempt to reclaim the city.

"Don't mind them." The bandit leader told us, as he led the way to the short line for food. "You're hungry, yes?" The way he asked his question, it was obvious he wasn't looking for an answer. The truth was yes, for both Ramo and myself, but we remained reserved out of principle.

As we worked our way through the line and held out our trays for scoops of food, the bandit leader introduced himself. "My name is Malik, but my men call me Mar." As he spoke, he made no attempt to make eye contact with either of us. He was focused on his food, just as much as we were on our own. "You may think we're bandits or thugs, but we're not. We're warriors. We don't wish to harm the innocent."

This struck a cord with Ramo. "Then why invade our city the way you did? We are a peaceful community before you got here." Ramo was no longer paying attention to his plate, which was almost full anyways.

Mar, or Malik as I called him at the time, was unfazed by Ramo's small outburst. "Because we needed this city's resources to fight the oncoming war, and we don't have time to convince your leaders to cooperate peacefully. Our enemies could be here any day now, and we need to be prepared."

Finally through the line, Malik led us to a table in the middle of the room. Some people around us continued to look at us with contempt, but most had returned to their conversations.

"So who are you at war with?" I asked as I began to eat.

"The Dark Ones. They are people from our homeland that have been corrupted by a new kind of Eco, Dark Eco. They are ruthless killers who want nothing more than to spread their insane teachings."

(This next part would be done through a flashback of hand drawn, still images, and a voice over.)

Malik came from a far away land, across a vast ocean. As was the case everywhere else in the world, the people of his land mined for Colored Eco. Their cites grew enormous and their demand for Eco continued to grow. What they found out however, was that if you draw on the power of colored Eco too much, it will change.

Like Light Eco that becomes unstable and turns into one of the four Colored Eco. Colored Eco can further fade into Dark Eco. If the essence of Light Eco is to give off energy, the essence of Dark Eco is to steal energy. If Dark Eco comes into contact with Colored Eco, that Eco will be corrupted and rapidly transformed into Dark Eco. But it is Dark Eco's relationship with living creatures that Malik was most afraid of.

Dark Eco was first discovered/created in a power plant in Malik's home city, a Blue Eco city. Like power plants all across the world, the Eco here was extracted from a crystal and recycled in its liquid state to draw out its power. Then without warning, all the Eco in one of the machines went Dark, practically over night. Scientists were half right in assuming this was caused by the Blue Eco running out of energy, but what they didn't understand at the time was exactly how dangerous this new Eco was.

They ordered to the Dark Eco to be extracted and disposed of, so that they could refill the machine with new Blue Eco. Only, they didn't manage to get every drop out of it. When they added new Blue Eco, it turned Dark right in front of their eyes. After two more failed attempts they decided to scrap the whole machine alone with all the Dark Eco it had produced.

Unbeknownst to anyone else, the men and women tasked with disposing of the new substance had come in contact with it during shipping, not enough to kill them, but enough to poison them, to poison their minds. The signs were subtle at first, so no one noticed. And so, when the power plant asked them to dispose of the corrupted machine along with the last batch of Dark Eco, no one expected they would take the machine and leave the city all together. These men and women were the beginning of what would later become the first Dark Army.


Okay, I've added some more stuff. Maybe you can see where I'm going with this. :)
You made me want to play a game that doesn't even exist with those mission descriptions. gawd. aauhgg >A<

I agree that in a hypothetical fourth official Jak game (the lost frontier does not exist) the fighting could use an upgrade, but I dunno about changing it to be more "human-like", cause the janky, beat-em-up-style combat is kind of part of what makes Jak and Daxter Jak and Daxter to me. I like the idea of fighting with a staff tho. That'd be dope.

I know exactly how you feel, and have already thought out a solution for this. You'll see soon enough. :)

I too am becoming excited over a game that doesn't even exist. Lol
"Do you think he's going to be ok getting up the steps? I thought he would be up here by now..." She cast the question to either of the two boys, turning to look down the steps they had come up and biting the inside of her cheek. She could feel the calm atmosphere beginning to dissipate from her mind.

Zvi shrugged as he answered Margo's open ended question. "I don't know. He has been a while. Maybe we should go back for him. Besides, there's not much else to see here. We could wait for weeks and not see a rare Pokemon." Zvi then looked to Indy who agreed, and the three of them began their climb back down, along with all the Pokemon they let out of their Pokeballs.

When they reached the edge of the temple ruins, they found Old Man Nobu waiting for them. He wore a somber face and held a note in his hand. "Hello children." He said with a weak smile. "I have something for you." He held out and waited for any of them to take it. "It's from your friend. After you all left, he doubled back to find me and gave me this. He said he's sorry, but he couldn't tell you in person. Said he's going back home. I told him he should speak with you himself, but he wouldn't hear it. He'll be fine though. I asked Hermes to protect him till he leaves Septoh."
@TheForgottenArc Oh my goodness! I hope you come back so that we can all roleplay with you again, you're such a wonderful person to write with! Like pretty said, I'm so happy that you can pursue your career still, and it's lovely that you're spending time with your family and friends right now. We will all miss you : )

So sorry for my lack of activity this week--my birthday is coming up and my mom paid me a surprise visit with a friend so I've been running on steam lmao. I'm writing up a post right now!


Awesome! I'll get another post up before bed.

In the mean time, I just realized I forgot to update the music and location in the first IC post. Any time I forget to do that, please let me know. I have music set aside for every location listed.

EDIT: Okay, my post is up. I'll let one of you "read" the note if you like. Probably Indigo since they were close friends.
I could post tonight but I'd like to give @iKatamalicious a little more time.

I'll post again by Friday, unless @iKatamalicious posts today. In that case, I'll post before bed.
@Balthazar007for sure! Thank you! That helps a lot. Ill edit indigos post soon! Sorry this week is craaazy.

No worries.
I will edit indigo's post to include dan's disappearance.

Edit: actually... is there any chance we could have it so dan went back home? A trainer dissapearing into thin air is such a terrifying thought and i feel like indigo and margo would probably be pretty traumatized by it. Im not saying Dan can't dissapear, perhaps he disappears, but he dissappears after he goes back home. im just saying for now, could we have a safer send off? Just so that... idk.. just so that the chars aren't super traumatized?

If not, then i think i could still make it work. Buy it would be challenging because realistically, idk if anyone could just continue on after their longtime friend dissappeared you know?

This is a valid point.

How about we mix the two: dissapearing and going home. How about Indy or Margo find a letter at the temple entrance hand written by Dan.

The letter could say he is going home to be with his family. He couldn't bring himself to tell you two in person because he didn't want you to try and change his mind. He also didn't want to slow down your adventure any further. He's riding back to town with Hermes and asks that you don't try and contact him for a couple days, while he's traveling. He'll call you when he gets there. He looks forward to hearing all about your adventures.

This way. After a couple days in roleplay time, you can start using Dan as a NPC that is back home. Kind of like when Ash would call home to talk with Oak or his mother.

Understood about the search party, I think that's a great way to deal with Dan's circumstances. Maybe we can even still keep him in as an NPC or something, someone who shows up at times or something.

That is up to @TheForgottenArc, we can't NPC his character without his permission. And if we do that, I'd like control of when and how he makes surprise appearances.

Thank you again, all of you, wish me luck.

I think I speak for everyone when I say it's been good writing with you.

As for everyone else, I propose that we continue onward and weave Dan's exit into the fabric of the story. I think we should move forward as if Dan went into the woods alone and then was never found again.

I think Indy, Margo, and Zvi should mount a little search party after checking out the ruins (one or two posts each). When they finally give up, we'll move forward with the adventure.

If Kris (i.e ForgottenArc wishes to return in the future, I have multiple ideas for why he would have disappeared (most to do with Legendary or Mythical Pokemon of course).

As far as letting a new person join our RP, I'll leave that up to you two. If you decide you want to do that, we can work them into the story, no problem.
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