Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
3 mos ago
I like attention.
7 mos ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
7 mos ago
I lost.
7 mos ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Alive and hoarding as much toilet paper as possible.
Hopefully that’s alright
Raine Provostus

Raine shifted the leather bag that rested against the middle of his back, the strap sliding off his shoulder as his footsteps slowed to a stop. He didn’t look back at his two companions as he listened to their own footfalls catching up to him, meanwhile his hand sliding the shortened trident back into his belt. The prospect of carrying the Blood Saint to move faster was definitely a convenient one - in the sense that they’d be much faster without her slowing them down.

But in the same hand, Provostus didn’t know if he really wanted to do so. Although it had been some time since he casted away his more monstrous side, he still tried to distance himself from the temptations of blood as much as possible. And the blood of a Saint was definitely a temptation he didn’t want to test out. Luckily, it seemed he didn’t have to, as the girl responded to the proposition herself.

"Huh?" was all Adelicia could reply when she finally caught up with the hunters, eyes fixed on Victor with a look of confusion on her gentle features. As soon as the suggestion was made, it was impossible not to entertain the idea; it was impossible to stop wishfully imagining scenarios where Dietrich of the Shining Wing, or men like him, would be compelled to scoop her up in his army to carry her off into the sunset. At least, as long as it took for the realization to set in that these hunters were hardly as charming as Dietrich - or that they were hardly men at all anymore.

Confounded, she declined: "I should think not. I'm no invalid."

And the hunter had no intention of carrying her if she didn’t want to be carried. Unless it was a life-death situation, of course. His hand moved away from his belt and to the bag hoisted in front of his body, digging around in it for a short moment before withdrawing the bottom brim, and then in turn the entirety, of his usually-adorned helmet. The bag was fastened back over his shoulder again before he adorned the topmost piece of his armor, nestling it into position on his head.

“Come on, then.” He spoke through the helm, his voice more obstructed than before and having a slight echo-like quality, but still made louder through effort to ensure they’d heard him. He punctuated his words by picking up the pace, though obviously not going as fast as he could, in order for the Blood Saint to keep up.

Victor, Adelicia
Thank x3 you can PM me what she would say maybe?


Mentions: Everyone, @BCTheEntity
Location: Outside Canteen

The shadowy figure stood awkwardly in the middle of the hall after the timid wave of his hand. There was a brief moment of pause before one of the strangers who seemed to be called “Red” greeted him. Was it a nickname? It seemed they still suffered from the same memory loss as him. Nevertheless, Casey’s horns wiggled and his eyes angled slightly into a more happy expression as he realized they weren’t running.

Thank god..

For a moment his eyes flicked to his side. Beside him stood the new girl they’d just come across. She seemed younger - well, he realized he didn’t even know how old he was, but he definitely felt she was a bit younger than him, at least. He turned to look at her, taking in her appearance more closely this time. Her hair was red; long but shaved on the sides, held back in a ponytail that reached her mid back. She seemed rather slim, and was maybe half a foot shorter than him.

And she was extending her arm out to touch him. He stuttered for a moment. What was she doing? If anything, he thought people would want to stay away from him. But this girl, as well as the younger boy standing a little bit further away, seemed to be fine with his appearance - even if he himself still found it rather scary. He tentatively began to move his arm out to make contact-

Adelina scarcely had the opportunity to process that the shadow was reaching back out to her when a shout came from one side.


Casey started at the exclamation, turning his head back to the new group in the hall in front of him as he felt a sudden, strong mental pull in that direction. His large, white eyes widened even further than his new carapace seemed to entail as he watched one of them sprint right towards him. He felt his feet shift backwards and his hands move up in a panicked gesture as the person charged him with a roar.


Suddenly he felt the man hit him dead on, tackling him to the ground. He felt the impact to his stomach and chest first - and then the harder one to the back of his skull. His thoughts were disoriented as he suddenly found himself on the ground, before he realized that someone was sitting on top of him. Before he even had the chance to get his arms up he saw a closed fist slam down on his face, and then another, and another. He felt the blows repeated against his neck, shoulders, and face as he tried to raise his arms up in defense, his thoughts racing and being thrown around as he was attacked.

Despite the outward assault, he felt words pull out against the inside of his head clearly - although a few of them felt broken up with each strike against his head. “Pl-ease, stop! I w-on’t hurt any-one! Don’t hurt m-e- please!!”

He pulled his arms up to cover his face - not even realizing in his panic that the blows of the individual on top of him weren’t even really that hurtful. He hugged his head with his hands, his arms covering his large white eyes and expressionless face as he pushed his feet against the floor in a desperate attempt to gain some kind of purchase.

Stunned by the sudden violence the girl stood beside the spectacle for several seconds. Who was this and why were they attacking? More questions that couldn’t be answered at the moment. Pulling her hands back she watched silently unsure whether to intercede. From what she could tell there wasn’t any real retaliation. Thinking back to just moments ago there didn’t appear to be any intent to harm her. If anything the victim on the floor was trying to defend himself, itself, whatever.

Coming to the realization that something had to be done before things got worse Adelina stepped up and grabbed one of Blade’s arms. The grip was firm and with what looked like a light tug she pulled the man off of Casey. As one might expect the enraged man struggled to break free of the young girl’s clutches. When the first frantic blow came her way she turned and pushed the man back down the hall toward the Cafeteria. In whole the small form made the whole action of picking up a full grown man and shoving him down the hall rather effortless. Perhaps it was just in the moment or she didn’t quite yet realize her own strength yet as Blade sailed through the air before skidding across the floor back to his group. Pausing with her arms outstretched and a slight look of surprise she took a step back. ”Sorry, I didn’t mean to throw him.”
Working on a post, should get it tomorrow<3
In Forsaken 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
LOCATION: Caraway Inn

The Warforged stood dutifully, watching the other individuals in the room as they were supplied their monetary allotments. Although the letter had included a notice of payment, that wasn’t why Nemorad had found himself here. He only wished to help. Of course, money was a necessary article to possess in society, and he knew that it would be necessary to acquire the gear they might need. He extended his hand to receive his cut only when it was offered to him.

He tucked the payment into a small pouch at the front of his waist, turning his gaze up afterwards to see that just a few more questions seemed enough to satisfy some of his proposed companions. He watched the red-haired Genasi make her leave, leaving her Elven partner behind. She didn’t seem particular interested in interrogating their employer for more information, which Nemorad found a little odd, but he was sure she had her reason.

After a moment the Otter seemed to follow. The Warforged had never seen an Otter quite the same as that one - in fact he was quite curious as to why it behaved the way it was. From what he had learned from reading, Otters were definitely not supposed to talk. But that was a matter to explore another time, he thought, as one of the remaining members of the party approached Garrick with another line of questions.

He looked her over as she began asking the man various questions regarding his wife’s disappearance. As he watched and listened, he found her to be quite thorough. She asked questions that he himself had been preparing to ask, had nobody else done so first. He found himself wondering if she had done this sort of search and rescue mission before? But for what reason? Whatever the reasoning, she seemed committed to the task of finding Garrick’s wife - something Nemorad found quite encouraging.

He took in the information the auburn-haired girl coaxed from the older man, eventually looking on approvingly as she departed.

It wasn’t long before the rest in the room started to funnel out, one of the last being Lak Lok, who imposed offered an effigy to Garrick before making his way past Nemo to leave. The Warforged turned to follow the last member of the party before he paused in the doorway. He looked back to the older gentleman, offering a deep nod. “We will find her.” He said, before he stooped to exit the room.

He found his way down the stairs, albeit less graciously than the smaller races, his footfalls emitting creeks from the steps. When he found himself at the bottom he looked around. It seemed most of the group had been content to congregate at the bar.

The Warforged wasn’t exactly the best at making smalltalk, but nonetheless he approached the others, reckoning that they should stick together, and took up a spot standing maybe a little too close behind the shoulders of the seated Otter and the auburn-haired Human. He’d approached just in tome to catch the make Genasi’s name: ‘Flick’. He noted the name down mentally before speaking in his own gravelly tone over the heads of those seated.

“I am called Nemorad. It is nice to meet you all.” He recited. Despite it being a greeting he had trained for a long time ago, it meant just as much to him as the first time he’d realized what it meant. He was always happy to meet new people, and it seemed he’d be working closely - or at least he assumed he would be - with those present.

He turned his gaze to human who’d been tailed the entire time by what looked like the skeleton of a Goliath. Normally he would be rather wary of such a sight - in fact, he still was wary, finding his hand subconsciously hovering near the mare’s leg holstered onto his thigh - but it seemed the creature was something of a companion to the human. An odd sight, but it didn’t seem to be hostile towards anyone.. so he felt mostly at ease.

However the Human’s proposition confused him somewhat. Were they a Necromancer? From his readings it seemed Necromancy was frowned upon in some lands - something he felt he didn’t quite understand - but it seemed this one had no trouble with their abilities being known. Nemorad found himself wondering what they’d meant. What dead could help them?

INTERACTING WITH: Everyone, Flynn (@Yankee)
LOCATION: New Bark Town

Kat stood by her friends as they waited for the rest of the group to arrive - which, fortunately, it seemed most of them had been pretty punctual. Well, maybe it was fortunate. Kat wasn’t exactly fond of hanging out with too many people she didn’t know, but it wasn’t as if she had a much better option. Plus her best friends were coming along as well, so she would gladly deal with it for them.

She watched in amusement as her Pokémon bothered Cho’s, urging the Taillow to perch on her shoulder. Lily always had her way with other Pokémon, getting on their nerves more often than not. Katalya couldn’t think of a better partner to take along this trip with her - not that she had any others.

Her eyes watched each person as they arrived, making their greetings alongside their Pokémon partners. She found herself feeling a bit awkward as more and more people gathered - she’d never traveled before, and the prospect of doing so with such a big group was starting to get her nervous, but she offered a polite wave whenever someone showed nonetheless. She looked over to see her two closest friends, Cho and Dante, chatting amongst themselves and to others. She felt a little better seeing them here, and a slight smile grew to her lips.

Stop being so silly. Everything will be fine as long as they’re-

She stopped. Her thoughts were interrupted as her eyes were pulled to a new arrival. Was that...was that who she thought it was? “Flynn..?”

Flynn. She hadn’t seen them in so long. She remembered their short, messy hair, the smile that never left their face. The memories they’d had, and how they had helped Kat to make friends. This.. they looked so different now. Their hair was so long - the tell-tale smile they’d always had wasn’t there. They carried themselves differently.

Kat felt her feet move without her input, and her duffelbag slip from her fingers with a heavy thud a second later. Her legs carried her straight up to her red-headed friend and stopped. She stood in front of them for what felt like minutes, her eyes taking in how different they looked from when they were kids.

“You- you’re.. back.” She said. There was a measure of disbelief in her voice as she had to hold her arms back to stop herself from hugging them, or touching them, or anything to confirm that they were actually there. She remembered how devastated she’d been when she’d found out Flynn was moving. They’d been best friends.

But now they were back. Kat didn’t even notice when Cho and Ezekiel started sprinting onto the route, until she felt a push against her leg. She ripped her eyes away from Flynn with difficult to look down and see Lily pushing against her leg and pointing after Cho. Kat looked back to see the two running away before her eyes came back to her childhood friend. She felt a meek but happy smile come to her lips. ”Come with us.”
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