Avatar of BlueSky44


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4 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

Other Places of Interest

Most Recent Posts

Location: Barton Homestead
Skills: N/A

"I think we should ask Strange as a last resort, since I've already bugged him once this week, plus he's a bit of an arrogant priss so preferably we ask him after we exhaust all other options. Also not sure how he'd feel about more SHIELD agents showing up on his doorstep like we did earlier, just saying," she commented with a bit of a shrug. Personally she was fine with not seeing Strange for at least a week, or two, because of how arrogant the guy could be. He was helpful, but she'd prefer to keep her distance unless she had to.

"I agree that maybe we should let the president at least look, since you know, demons and all were kind of important to what that organization originally did. If not, then we talk to Strange. Sounds like a good bit of compromise to me," she added, before turning to look at Cass when she suggested thinking of baby names and she shrugged, "I honestly don't know what to name the kid, as I said, never thought about it. Not sure what sort of name would be a good fit for her..."

Location: Animal Shelter
]Skills: N/A

Yeah, this was getting chaotic. They had two female Flerkens that were going to lay eggs soon (one was in the process of laying them) and a male Flerken that clearly did not want to go with anyone, things were not looking very good. Though Mar-Vell mentioning that they probably shouldn't have too many Flerkens with them otherwise they probably would lose control of them and people would likely end up dead was also kind of concerning. Goose at least was trained to only eat people (hopefully) that were trying to kill everyone or whatever, as far as he could tell so far.

"So how about we get going then with these three and hope for the best, quickly for the two laying eggs before they draw too much attention, agreed on that fact," he commented as he glanced over at the Flerkens and the one that was still seemingly laying eggs. He walked over to see ZuZu who was currently still hissing at Evelyn, "He's definitely a feisty little guy isn't he?" he commented.

Goose walked over to look at ZuZu and tilted his head to the side, "Mrow?" he said out loud, looking at the cat.

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: N/A

"Sounds like a plan to me, it will keep us from crowding the area up here too much I would think..." he commented, nodding his head. It would also keep the princess away from the dead bodies of her own people that had been killed only a little while ago. This sort of thing gave her something to do, and something to potentially keep her mind off of the idea that they might have to potentially fight more of the Skrulls in their quest to get her on the throne for the Skrulls.

He followed after Maria to the elevator, since they were following Anelle's directions of where exactly this sort of room would be, and they'd have to travel farther down in the ship to reach it. Flynn was really hoping that they'd luck out and not run into any more Skrulls as they went. It was a rather large ship so there was the chance that there were more Skrulls. He stepped into the elevator after Maria. "Here's hoping that we don't run into anyone else trying to stop us."

Jack, Miranda, and Zari

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: N/A

"Glad to see your personality isn't any different despite you being dead or whatever," Jack said towards Sapphire with a slight eye roll. A part of him wondered if she had more or less been wandering around Genosha as a bit of a ghost, or if she'd just been wherever dead people went afterwards that wasn't the land of the living. It was an interesting thing to think about, and part of him contemplated asking her, but figured now was not the time considering others were saying things to Sapphire now that she was back.

Zari now was paying attention and looked to see Sapphire the Ghost leaning against a table. "Wooooooooow, what's it like being dead? I always wondered..." she asked her instantly, not even seeming to care that the others seemed to be more concerned with the fact that Sapphire actually was dead, and clearly not living anymore. She had a few questions, since she didn't really know how things worked in the land of the dead, of course she always figured she'd end up in Valhalla when she died, but that was just her opinion.

"Wow, forgot that kid can be a bit blunt," Sapphire commented with a slight eye roll in Zari's direction, before commenting to Nemesis, "Relax this is not the place I'd haunt if I had a choice, can think of a few other places I'd go to first."

"Perhaps it might be better if you don't ask questions like that at the moment," Miranda said rather calmly to Zari. She didn't really know these people, at all. Any sort of previous interactions she had had with some of them in the past had been in an alternate reality. Actually she recalled a few people in the room, aside from the obvious of Jack and Casper, she had first met James, Max as well as Sapphire in that alternate reality. It was a bit sad that her second encounter with Sapphire was with her being dead and all.

"What? It was just an innocent question, everyone freaks out, a lot of people tend to fear death in some way, so wouldn't it be better for people to know ahead of time?" she asked. Zari didn't understand what the big deal was about her asking that question. It was just her wanting to be prepared for when she eventually did die. Was it so bad to be curious about how other people experienced things? Really people tended to over react a little bit when all you do is ask a simple question about death...

Sapphire turned her attention towards Veil now and shrugged, "Before you were rudely interrupted were you about to say "so much to live for"? Veil, think about it, we all would be dead if I didn't do something. And a lot more people would have died if I didn't react as quickly as I did. How many people do you think would have died if I just let that explosion go off? Aside from all of us, so just think about it, I was going to be dead anyway, so I thought I might as well try to do something about it and save all of you cause why not?" she said, before turning her attention towards Havok, giggling slightly, "You know you sound a bit like an old man, so maybe don't try and talk right now, and you need to get your ears checked, since I definitely did not say anything of the sort to you." She was lying, she knew that she was lying, but she definitely wasn't going to admit it.

Miranda was unsure of what to say in this group situation, since she was more of a bit of an outsider as opposed to someone who actually was a part of this group. So right now, she was remaining silent aside from her comments that were directed towards Zari specifically. Sapphire was an interesting person of sorts from what she knew, and from her interactions in the House of M reality. Though she wasn't sure if that was too much to go off of, considering people were different then their alternate reality counterparts.

"I will say, there is one thing, one thing that is bugging me somewhat. Since just going to be blunt about this, I was a little hesitant to freeze everyone, since I wasn't positive that everyone would survive, but I figured I could save as many of you as I could... There was only one person I wasn't sure would actually live through that cryo thing, and do you want to know who it was?" she commented, before motioning her hand in Jack's direction. "It's him, I am honestly surprised that Jack is standing there still breathing. Cause let me be blunt anyone else know what happens when you freeze rubber?"

"I already know the answer to that question, main reason I stay away from the cold," Jack said in response with a shrug. "When rubber freezes it tends to crack, and then it is very likely to shatter completely." He has had five months to think this sort of thing through, and even he didn't really know. He should be dead, he knows that he should be dead, so the question is why wasn't he? That was the thought process that was going through his brain since he woke up in that glade several months ago.

"Exactly, so how are you still breathing? Eh, maybe you just got lucky, who knows? But whatever," she added, before her attention turned to Kristina and her asking if there was anything she could do for her, "Aside from all you people stop being super upset that I'm dead? Since I'll be honest, that part is a little weird... What you can do for me is maybe contact a few of my friends who weren't part of the underground, since be amazed I had a few, most of them at this point are still at Serval last I checked, some of you met one of them anyway, Dr. Watts, and let them know that I'm not living, and you said you have a sister in SHIELD at one point... A good friend of mine works there to, Agent Flynn, he helped me out of a scrape a while ago, just let them know that I kicked the bucket would be really helpful to me."

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

They were over the wall hooray! That was at least something going their way, and she hoped like Nadia did that the undead creatures didn't climb over the walls or whatever. "I do know what zombies are at least, so I have that going for me," she commented to Nadia with a bit of a shrug. It wasn't her fault that she didn't care too much for the modern world, to her it was beyond strange, and movies or whatever they were were some of the weirdest things of all to her, but she started somewhat being able to accept that fact and sort of deal with people making references to things she didn't know about.

Once everyone was off of the cat though, she activated the runes again, shifting Betty back to her much smaller form, and she picked the cat up, and letting her perch on her shoulders. Klara followed after Nadia to the door, and she glanced in as she had pushed the door open. The creepy music was really not helping, "Are they going for the stereotypical land of the dead thing here? Since this definitely seems like something you'd read in a book about how people think the land of the dead should look," she commented, looking around the area still.

"Well I guess that works, nifty trick you've got there," Gamora said to Bethany after she took them straight upstairs, and Drax came running up the stairs with a few other prisoners. "Took you long enough."

"You were behind me, but now you are in front, how?" he asked a bit confused.

"You know right now I'm not exactly asking, other things to worry about."

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!" Taserface roared, glaring at Ed as he seemingly tried to break out of the bubble to no avail. Clearly the guy was short a few brain cells or something like that.

"Wow Taserface, you aren't as tough as you thought are you?" Rocket said towards the guy, still cackling a bit at his name, and now him sounding a bit pathetic in his mind.

"I am Groot."

A few of the prisoners did stop, but there was the other problem of the fact that more and more were starting to gather around, and the majority of them clearly didn't care if Taserface fell at all. And now they were joining in on the brawl. Some were fighting each other, since apparently a lot of the other prisoners were just looking for an excuse to fight each other, but many still had their attention on the group.

"Ooooooh more fighting, good, I was preferring that option anyway," she said with a bit of a laugh, as she held out the branch she was carrying and more vines shot out, before wrapping around two more of the other prisoners and started flinging them around as if they were nothing. Though she looked annoyed about something, just not necessarily the other prisoners.

The prisoners that Ed had knocked back were now heading his way yet again, and clearly not too thrilled with him pushing them backwards without a care. Much like Taserface, they seemed to be short a few brain cells, since even though they had slightly hesitated since Taserface was over the opening, they seemed to have moved past that hesitation and went straight for the attack. They both managed to land a decent punch on Ed, and unfortunately that resulted in him losing concentration, and Taserface ended up hitting the ground below. If anyone looked over the edge though, they'd already see him getting back up again.

Of course the others would get caught up in the fighting too still, as the group were easily outnumbered at this point. The birds that Annie had conjured up weren't really effective in the fight, and for the most part the prisoners were ignoring their existence. Now several people would start to get attacked, more then before of course aside from obviously just Ed. Groot was still holding off a few of the prisoners easily on his own with Rocket on his shoulder still, and Gamora was moving rather effortlessly and efficiently taking down 4 by herself without any sort of weapons. Then there was Drax, who seemed to be making a bit of a fool of himself as he went up to the biggest looking prisoner and just punched him several times in the face, before he got punched in return and thrown backwards, but he seemed to be enjoying himself with the fight.

Then there was everyone else, Bethany would luck out entirely, as she didn't get hit at all despite several attempts from a few of the prisoners that were surrounding where she and Lance were at this point. A few prisoners did manage to actually land decent hits on Runa, since she had been distracted by her trying to warp reality, and it was with enough force that she'd actually end up hitting the ground somewhat, but she still had her staff which was something at least! The group seemed to be ignoring Annie since she didn't really seem to do anything at all.

Uh... Runa's powers didn't do anything... Pietro was starting to zip around at this point, moving quickly and more or less creating a bit of a wall between the prisoners and Guin for the most part. I think I'm starting to feel a little dizzy... Yeah this was the sort of thing he had been worried about, him burning way too many calories way too quickly and probably passing out from it. He punched a few guys when he could, but he was starting to get tired, there was a reason he typically had a stash of food with him wherever he went.

Then there was Lance, who was already having a few problems on his own, but someone managing to get a hold of a metal bar or something and slamming it into his head, that was more or less the last straw of sorts. He slammed into the ground and there was some blood that ended up on the ground from where he hit, however that wasn't the end of it. Oh no, he'd been fighting off shifting completely (hence a few of his instances of strength) but that was the last moment that resulted in his control slipping entirely and he shifted. The prisoner who had hit him with the pipe had been about to take another swing, when Lance completely shifted. The pipe did hit with a bit of a loud clanging sound, but that wasn't long, since Lance retaliated by punching the guy straight through the nearest wall, actually, went through 2 walls. Luckily none of them seemed to be outer walls and punching a hole in the station.

"Okay, now I need an explanation, cause what the hell just happened? Is that contagious? Are we all going to look like that?" Rocket instantly asked.

"Sure totally can be," Mary said a bit sarcastically, "Only way would be if you need a transfusion and he's the only guy around."

Now a few of the prisoners were stopping the fighting, and more or less just staring at what the hell just happened. More prisoners were coming down the hall and through the opening in the wall now, back to creating more fighting! They didn't seem to think twice about what is going on, they only care about chaos! Someone came through the crowd though, a man who was looking at Gamora now.

"I can't take you guys anywhere without you causing trouble now can I?" he said to her.

"How about you shut it, you know trouble follows us everywhere, we wouldn't have gotten stuck here again if it wasn't for Rocket!"

"What? I was trying to get more cash for us!"

"By stealing the one thing we were told explicitly not to steal!" the man said to him.

"Yeah well it was worth more credits!"

"I am Groot!"

"Okay, I'll stop arguing, only if Quill stops arguing!"

"Oh real mature!"

"Both of you shut it!" Gamora said, clearly more then a bit annoyed with both of them. Of course, the argument had to stop mainly because of the fact that the man (who Rocket had referred to as Quill) got grabbed by another prisoner and punched in the gut.

"Ha! Totally deserved it!" Rocket cackled, but stopped when Gamora shot him a glare.

Now the group, aside from the few that were still within the area that had attacked the others, some of the newer ones to show up were now keeping their distance, probably because now there was a big green guy who just let out a rather loud roar in their direction. Almost like he was daring them to come closer and within his arm's reach. Though others were clearly moving around and about ready to start attacking the group again.

Jack Gold

Location: ???
Skills: N/A

Jack looked at the servant when she asked what did he overhear, and his brain was partially trying to still wrap his head around what he had heard. Maleficent was going to be back in Camelot or whatever by tomorrow, and his father was saying that he was going to catch the others from the group and be ready to just hand them over to Maleficent. That was concerning, and he was trying to figure out what he could possibly do about his current situation. It was obvious that he couldn't just run and get the hell out of the building, at least not easily, but he was having a hard time thinking about a way to escape.

He was about to answer her, when his father decided to head downstairs and into the kitchen where they were, so obviously he wasn't going to just admit to eavesdropping or something on the conversation upstairs. "Uh no, just having a conversation, kind of got bored so thought I'd find at least someone to talk to while here," he said with a bit of a shrug. That wasn't really lying, they had been just having a bit of a conversation, and he had been getting a little bored with regards to things, and talking to someone wasn't the worst option.

Rosalia Rider

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure how things were going to play out, since from what she could tell, odds were that Rumple wasn't going to just hand his son over without a fuss, so they likely were going to have to fight their way out of dealing with the guy. Merlin was saying they needed to be careful about Rumple's guards or whatever, but what about when they actually reached the house? They didn't know the layout of the place, so for all they knew, it could be just a giant maze inside and they could just get lost and locked in or something.

Then again, she was starting to wonder if that was what Rumple was hoping for, that they'd literally go walking into his home to try and find the detective and just get locked in and trapped. They literally were walking into a trap now that she thought about it. Oh well, nothing she could do about it, they were already on their way and hey, maybe their luck would hold out and they wouldn't have to worry about that. Wait, what luck? They actually have had the worse luck possible when it came to things, so in order to stay optimistic maybe she should really be thinking about how their luck would hopefully improve as opposed to holding out. That would be a better thought.

Jack, Miranda, and Zari

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Technopathy

"You still didn't answer the question of how come you have a robotic eye! What did someone poke your original eyeball out or something or what?" she asked Nemesis a bit pointedly. Zari was typically a curious person, and asking questions is something she typically did, and he had sort of ignored one of her questions, hence she was going to just ask it again, and probably ask it several times until he actually answered it. Since that was an important thing to her, was to having the answers to her questions.

Jack was just sort of hanging back still, not really saying anything to anyone, his brain was trying still to make sense of things, but people seemed to start entering their own little mental worlds, especially Veil since she just had been told that her best friend had died saving all of their lives. He hadn't really known Sapphire too well, she wasn't exactly very trusting of anyone that she didn't really know, but she did end up saving all of them when the bomb went off. If Xavier hadn't basically ignored them, then things probably wouldn't have gone as badly as they had.

Then, there was Nemesis, the guy was just crazy, and clearly despite technically being a doctor of some sort, the guy did not have any sort of bedside manner considering what he said, "Now really is not the time for you to be saying anything like that," Jack said towards him, clearly less than thrilled by his words. Of course, then Waverly just went up and sucker punched the guy in the eye, which likely was going to hurt afterwards if he had to guess. "Nice shot," he couldn't help but comment to her with a bit of a smile.

Miranda was just letting the words of what had happened with regards to their friend sink in. She knew it could be hard to lose someone close to you in that sort of way or because of something like that. It never got easier, no matter what you might want to tell yourself. Of course, then Nemesis had to make a tasteless joke like that one, and she was about ready to punch the guy herself, but someone else already quite literally beat her to the punch. She chuckled slightly, clearly amused by that sort of thing. "If you hadn't punched him, I would have."

Her attention shifted to look at James as he was comforting Waverly, "You can't change the past, no matter how much you might want to, I probably no that better then anyone, but you can learn from it, and sadly that's probably the best you can do. The hurt will still be there, years down the road, that's something that will never go away," she said rather calmly to the group in the room. Mistakes happened, people died, there wasn't anything that could change the fact, all that mattered right now was that they began the healing process. Of course, from what she was hearing, sounded like Casper was going to try to do something that might help.

Of course, at the moment Zari wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around her, as her mind started wondering where her robots were, since clearly they weren't in the room. She tried to use her powers to reach out to them, but she wasn't sensing them at all, and that irritated her. So instead of focusing on both, she switched tactics to focusing on one, Mr. Eyeball. Now she was able to sense the robot somewhere nearby, and suddenly there was a crash as the robotic eyeball came crashing through the door and over to her arms. "Mr. Eyeball!" she said happily, hugging the robot in her arms, "Ew why are you sticky where have you been?"

When Casper used his powers, Sapphire's ghost appeared, she was actually leaning up against a sort of end table near where Veil and Echo were. "Wow, never thought you'd miss me that much," she joked somewhat, before looking around at the group, "I didn't save your lives so you could all sit around feeling sorry for yourselves or whatever."

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion -> The Big House
Skills: N/A

Janelle nodded slightly, and she accepted Kristin's hand to lead her and make it easier for them to walk around. Since she still hadn't quite mapped out the lay of the camp, she typically moved around slowly so that she didn't fall or run into someone by accident. It likely wouldn't end well, either that or she'd fall over and whatever, which is typically something that she tried to avoid. Of course, nothing to worry about at the moment as she went along with the other two to go greet the new person.

Jason followed along after his sister and Kristin, staying a few steps behind them so that he didn't accidentally trip Janelle or something as they went along to the Big House. "If I remember cahrrectly all 'ell brahke loose immediately after we gaht to camp," he commented with a shrug. Once they reached the Big House, they were introduced to a young girl who also was a ginger, and he was standing next to Janelle now, before he leaned close to her ear and gave her a rather quick description of the young girl who was now in front of them for her.

Listening to her brother's words, her head turned so that she was looking more or less in the direction of the young girl's voice, who identified herself as Stella. "It's a pleasure to meet you Stella, it takes a while in ahrder to get used to sahmewhat de insanity dat 'appens 'ere, but after a while you get used to it," she said to her with a bit of a smile. "As Kristin said, my name is Janelle." She was a bit curious about how this girl would take everything that was going on around her.

He looked again at the girl in front of them, deciding that he probably should say something instead of just standing around and doing nothing really. His brain went to what she asked about her mother claiming her or something, "It's fine you dahn't know. Janelle and I dedn't know when we first gaht 'ere, she gaht claimed rather quickly, took a lettle bet lahnger fahr me, so dahn't wahrry about it," he said to her, which was true. It had been a little while after he got here that his father claimed him, so there wasn't anything for Stella to really worry about with that.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Apollo Cabin
Skills: N/A

"Yeah well here isn't New Rome so how about you stop acting like it! You are lucky you guys were even allowed to be here! You come to our home and then basically just insult how everything is ran! You are a selfish bitch is what you are, acting like we never knew what we were doing and actually need your help in everything. We were doing perfectly fine before you all showed up, so what the hell made you think we actually needed your help! We let you stay here, we can kick you all out again and let you deal with your own damn problems, so how about you start actually acting somewhat grateful for the fact that you are even alive and not acting like you all would have been fine without shelter or anything on your own. You are so damn lucky that Chiron is nice to you people stay if you are going to be so damn rude and insult how we operate!"

She really was starting to not like Leandra at all, and she turned to look at Bryan, "No, just need to get away from the girl who sees fit to insult everything about our camp and how we aren't seemingly, how did she put it? An organized institution? I'll see you later Bryan," she said surprisingly calmly to him, before she waved goodbye and just left the area. Typically she wasn't someone who snapped at everyone else like that, usually she kept a level head, but what Leandra had more or less been saying felt like she was insulting the place that was her home, it didn't matter though, not right now. She just needed to remove herself from the situation at the moment, and anywhere would be better then the same place as Leandra at the moment.

Location: Barton Homestead
Skills: N/A

Sparky was just more or less focused on what it was that she was messing with, not necessarily what everyone else was doing or saying. Though she heard Cass' question about the baby names or if she's thought of any and she just shook her head. "No, I've been busy and didn't know the baby's gender until fairly recently. Never thought to take time to actually think of any," she said with a slight shrug. She never really took the time to think of any, since she had for the most part been freaking out about a few other things that were sort of going wrong in her life.

When she heard Bonnie's words, her attention was drawn away from what she was doing and she set down what she was messing with and looked at Niah's leg. "I've never seen anything like that before... Guessing the bear thing was worse in general then initially thought though," she commented, unsure of what they should do in this situation. Cass mentioned talking to Strange but Sparky just shook her head slightly, "He was kind of busy last time we talked to him, not to mention shoved us out of the sanctum after about 2 minutes even after we helped him fight a demon. Not sure he'll help... But guess it couldn't hurt to try, though I vote you guys talk to him and not me, I've already talked to him once this week and that is good enough for me for a while."

Location: Animal Shelter
]Skills: N/A

Alex was thrilled still to just be surrounded by all of the animals at the shelter. He wondered if after all of this was over how Jade would react if he came home with a kitten or two just out of the blue without saying anything to her about it. It might not end too well, but truthfully he had just been thinking about getting one or two and seeing what happened. Of course he wouldn't let anything happen to the cats at all, he really did love animals of all sorts, that's just the sort of person he was at this point.

"Guess you learn something about alien cats every day, aside from the fact that apparently there are a lot of these Flerkens in existence..." he commented, not entirely sure what to say with regards to that. It was a bit strange thinking about them laying eggs, since normal cats obviously didn't, guess that would be one of the obvious signs that they aren't one of the normal cats. "Yeah, not sure leaving them here would be the best idea, since they would kind of stand out..."

Location: Skrull Ship
Skills: N/A

Flynn rolled his eyes slightly at what Stark had said, but from what he knew about the guy, it was kind of to be expected. Of course they currently were on a ship surrounded by more than one person who was known for having a bit of an ego, so they just had to deal with it. He was glad that they had a plan though, sure it was probably a plan that would still get them all killed probably if their luck was bad, but it was a plan. Actually if they went about it the right way, it could be a rather good one, they'd just have to careful with how they do this almost rebellion sort of thing to get the Empress off the throne.

Turning to look at the others when it was mentioned that he and Maria were going to see about teaching Anelle a bit of self defense. He was fine with that, before he even was in OMEN he had been in the US military, so he knew a thing or two about fighting before he joined any sort of outside agency. "Sure, we can do a few self defense lessons, sounds like fun and gives us something to do while this ship hurtles through space towards Earth again, and hopefully we can come up with a way to actually execute the plan of putting her on the throne..." he said, before listening to Maria ask her questions to the princess about where they might be able to do the lessons without maybe getting in the way.

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

"Good, that compass has actually started being really useful lately, and it would suck to lose it already," Klara said with a bit of a shrug, as the last of the dragurs went down, for the moment anyway. They still had a bit of a journey to go, as the rather large castle was starting to kind of loom overhead of them. Yeah that was going to be so much fun to explore and maybe find Baldur there. Then again, she wasn't even sure that Baldur for sure was there, in the amount of time it was taking them to get there, he could have been moved.

Following after Nadia, she saw the wall that was blocking their way, and the more undead that were coming up behind them. Thinking about Nadia's question, she looked at the wall, before nodding her head. "Oh probably, just be sure to hold on tightly," she said, before climbing onto Betty's back, and motioning for the other two to climb on too. Once everyone was on board, the cat backed up a little bit, getting a running start as she went straight at the wall, before the cat lept upwards and used her front paws to pull the group up and over and onto the other side.

Annie, Bethany and Runa

"Sure, but it is outside of the main prison area, typically where the guards typically work when not out here. It's on the way to the docking bay where the ships are," she said a bit matter of factly. It was more then a bit obvious that she knew what she was doing, probably anyway.

"Gamora knows this prison better than many."

"Only because the several times we've been here, usually do to someone else's stupidity I actually pay attention to where we are going and where the places of interest are. Since we do need to get our weapons back."

Suddenly, up a few levels from them, they'd be able to hear something, that sounded like a bit of a commotion, like there was a fight or something going on up there. They weren't too far from the closest set of stairs after all, and they'd see a few other prisoners head up, Drax included.

"Oh this should be entertaining." Gamora mused, before heading that way too. A random prisoner ended up falling down into the main open area and hitting the ground with a thud, before he started to get up.

Other People

"Yeah, scan, we know they're near by, just not exactly sure where," Mary said to her with a nod of her head.

I could probably kick him halfway across this station if I tried if he keeps being annoying, Pietro commented mentally to Guin, clearly still annoyed by Rocket's continued existence. Guin with her mental scan would be able to tell that down about two flights of stairs was where the others were, so not too far now, at least they all were together at the moment.

"Guin, it is okay to not be okay, seriously just was wondering, you are kind of freaking me out a little bit though not going to lie," Lance said rather calmly to her, though he was partially freaking out himself with regards to everything. Then things started to go from bad to worse in a way, as a prisoner ran into the group (bumping into Lance specifically), and started seemingly glaring at them now.

"You're in my way!"

"Oh hey it's Taserface!" Rocket said gleefully before he started laughing at the name.

"...His name is Taserface?" Pietro responded, before he started having a problem containing laughter at that name. What sort of name is that? He's just asking for people to laugh at him!

"I am Groot."

"I agree with him maybe don't mock the guy who also is clearly not alone," Mary pointed out, as several other prisoners (all who seemed to have some serious strength) came up behind him.

Taserface obviously didn't seem to like his name being mocked, at all. "No one mocks Taserface!" he snapped, before he instantly swung a punch at the closest person to him, which unfortunately was Lance, and it hit him in the head. Lance stumbled slightly from the force of the punch, though there was little bits of green starting to creep up the sides.

"What's wrong with him? Does he get sick from a punch to the face or something?" Rocket asked, still cackling with laughter at what was going on, but he did notice the color change.

"I am Groot."

"Yeah, agree with you on that one too."

Lance in response to the fist to the face as he regained his footing (and Taserface and his cohorts were laughing at this point) and instantly punched Taserface in the gut with an amount of force that was clearly surprising to him as it easily sent him falling backwards and slamming into the railing of the large opening. Unfortunately for the poor cohort of Taserface's who just so happened to be right by the rail, this resulted in him getting thrown over the edge of the railing and down to the ground below.

"...How did you do that with your noodle arms???" Rocket asked, not laughing anymore and clearly paying now.

"Complicated," was the only response he got from Lance, whose eyes were now a different color, that being green now.

Taserface and his cohorts now started swinging wildly at the entire group. Pietro instantly moved in front of Guin so that (hopefully) she wasn't going to end up getting hurt. One managed to swing a punch their direction, but Pietro was quicker and caught the guy's fist in a heartbeat, before flipping the guy around and knocking him to the ground. Two more appeared to try their luck, one actually managed to land a decent punch while the other missed entirely. "Wow, beginner's luck against a speedster, I'm impressed," Pietro commented, before in the blink of an eye both of them had been knocked backwards.

Mary managed to duck underneath a fist that had been heading her way, barely though. Rocket scrambled up onto Groot's shoulders as the tree instantly grabbed onto the throat of the one who had attacked Mary and lifting the guy up. Another one showed up, and this time managed to throw her onto the ground, causing her to slide a little bit. She managed to jump back up and kick the guy back.

"Hey Groot, question for you," she asked, clearly not doing too well at the moment, "Mind if I borrow a branch from you?"

"I am Groot?" it was clear that the tree was confused.

"Just do it and you'll see!"

A tree branch poked off of Groot, and with his free hand handed it over to her. She smirked slightly, her eyes a brilliant red, as the branch in her hands started sprouting black spikey thorns all over it aside from the handle. "This'll be fun," she said gleefully, before she swung it like a baseball bat, hitting the guy in the head with it and there was a loud crack as he fell to the floor. Other prisoners by now were starting to joing the fight, and another tried to attack her from behind, before she caused black vines covered in the same thorns to spring from the branch and wrap around the guy. "You know it's rude to sneak up on people like that," she taunted.

Two of the other prisoners instantly swung at Ed, one of them landing a solid hit in his stomach with enough to likely leave a bruise and to be really sore, but the other one whiffed his attempt at hitting Ed in the face. Partially because the first guy hit so fast and hard that it caused the second one's aim to end up being off.

Of course, the ring leader isn't going to take all of this lying down. "You're gonna pay for that!" he said to Lance, before he slammed his fist into Lance's stomach before wrapping his hands around his neck and since Taserface was taller, ended up lifting him up off the ground. "I'll kill you!"

"Yeah... Well... Good luck with that," he managed to say in response, putting his hands on Taserface's arms, though now they were a noticeable green color as he swung his feet up and kicked him in the stomach, loosening his grip before Lance broke his hold completely by forcing Taserface off of him and dropping down onto the ground again, before he swung his fist and slammed it into the guy's head, once again hitting him pretty hard.
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