Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
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Most Recent Posts

Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Grounds
Skills: N/A

Janelle was a bit unsure what all was really going on around her. It didn't help that she didn't know what facial expressions that everyone else had currently. The words that were being spoken made her wonder what was going through the others minds, but she glanced slightly towards the sound of Zeke's voice when he asked if he could talk to her alone for a moment. She nodded her head, and when he offered her his arm as a slight guide, she took it and followed him over a small ways away from where everyone else more or less was.

She tilted her head to the side slightly as Zeke started explaining the situation. Her first thought was why was he mentioning this to her? Not to say that she wasn't too thrilled about him seemingly kind of flirting with a goddess (was she maybe a bit jealous or annoyed? Yup, she was, most definitely). Though the fact that he wanted to tell her before he seemed to think that Jason would did get her kind of thinking a little bit. "You know you dedn't really 'ave to tell me about it... if it was fahr a bet ahr sahmethin, den I believe you..." she said, though it was hard for her to hide that it kind of made her a little bit sad. "It's fine, dahn't wahrry about it."

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: Arts and Crafts
Skills: N/A

"I might take you up ahn dat, aside frahm o' course a standard sahrt o' sparrin match ahr sahmethin," he responded towards Kristin with a bit of a smile towards her. That would be fun and give him something to do other than the typical sort of things that seem to go on around the camp. Jason wasn't really one for hanging around at summer camps growing up, so for the most part he didn't really care too much for a lot of the simple activities around here like arts and crafts, the climbing wall could be fun at times though.

Listening to the others talk about the arts and crafts thing and all made him just sort of shrug and listen. Stella seemed to like this area, as she started talking a bit about her own parents who raised her. In the back of his mind it reminded him of how things used to be, before he and Janelle had lost their parents back home. At least they weren't around still to see what all was going on with the pair of them now he supposed. Actually now that he thought about it, he'd probably be asking his mom a lot of questions regarding how she ended up having kids with two different gods.

"Yeah, back before having to really worry about other things right? It's always fun to think about that right?" she said with a slight smile to Kristin as Stella started going on about her relationship with her parents and how they usually did things with flowers. The other thing that was sticking out to her about Stella was how talkative she could be, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Some people probably would get annoyed with her at this point, but honestly Mary was just happy that Stella seemed excited for everything that was going on around her.

With Kristin commenting about heading towards the stables now, Mary nodded her head a bit, "The stables are always a nice place to visit. Seeing the horses and the pegasi is always worth it... But glad to see you seem excited by everything Stella, I'm sure you'll fit right in and do just fine," she said with a smile to her. "And for the most part you can at least come over to this area during your free time if you want to," she added, knowing that there was some things in a schedule, but wasn't too much of one.

Location: House of M -> Akademos
Skills: Sword Fighting

Zari was startled a bit by them suddenly getting knocked out of the room as it collapsed and into the hallway. She was giggling a bit though because of the fog as Andy started pulling her out of the area and towards the exit doors. They weren't quite out of the woods though, as Zari managed to help get both of them out of the building, and she was still giggling up a storm. Mr. Eyeball was floating next to her and beeping a bit at her. "Ok, now that we're out we've got better places to be," she said between giggles as she took off running for the Akademos.

That's where she saw the weirdo in a strange sort of space suit throwing electricity at the Akademos, and she pulled out Glowstick, switching the flashlight back into it's full length sword, and she looked at the person. "What could you possibly have to gain from being here and attacking us?" she asked rather coldly, losing a bit of her typically upbeat personality, pointing her sword at the person for a moment, before striking. Zari got rather close before swinging her sword down. A rather large opening cut in the space suit that the person was wearing, and she pulled her sword away, blood dripping from it and she was glaring daggers at the person.

Location: The Roof
Skills: Elasticity, Elastic Combat

Jack headed up to the roof where he saw Veil and Kris, waving slightly at them. "Hey there," he said simply to them as he glanced around at the chaos that was seemingly occurring from everything. The asteroids heading their way though was not a good thing, especially since it seemed like even with Veil's force field the asteroids were still coming and hitting the building rather hard. He knew that his powers weren't exactly the best for long range, however he glanced at a few of the asteroids that were nearby and an idea popped into his head. He wasn't too sure how well this was going to work since he wasn't the strongest person around, but it was worth a shot.

"Well two can play at that game," he commented, before he went to the nearest asteroid that was by them. Somehow, he actually managed to turn himself into a human slingshot, and sent one flying. Unfortunately he missed, but at least now he knew that it was actually possible. His second attempt, the asteroid didn't exactly fly as smoothly, and when he glanced to see where it had landed, he couldn't help but laugh a bit at the dumb luck he got where it landed on the foot of the guy who was throwing the asteroids. "Well this is fun."

Location: House of M
Skills: Holographic Projection

Hearing Magneto start laughing a bit was a bit odd, but soon she found herself not being able to stop laughing herself, and the idea that it was because of the fog crossed her mind, which was not a good thing since there wasn't really a whole lot that they'd be able to do to get rid of it. Well, what they really needed was gas masks or something, something to filter out the fog so that they wouldn't really have to worry too much about it, and that would allow them to use their abilities without much distractions from bursting out into laughter.

She started trying to focus on creating a pair of gas masks for them, but unfortunately her own laughter was starting to cause a bit of a problem for her. Miranda's first attempt was a bit lackluster, only creating the illusions as opposed to solid hard light constructs. Trying to ignore the laughter that was still escaping her, she managed to create one working mask that was a hard light one, and the other was still an illusion. She tried again to make another one, but she wasn't able to focus at all from the laughter, but thankfully Magneto made a hole in the wall so that they'd be able to get outside. She headed outside, and saw two people that stood out to her as clearly causing the issues with the fog, and he looked like he was part frog part human blowing the fog out of his nose. Another one looked kind of like a mummy or something, and one more who seemed to be the one causing the earthquakes. "...Well this isn't good..." she commented, she wasn't much of a combatant, so she was more or less prepared to throw up a holographic wall to protect them if need be.

Bifrost Bridge
The two of them were still alone, but from the sounds coming from behind them over by the Bifrost itself. It sounded like someone was using it or something, and soon, a light burst into the building before dying away. There was the sound of some sort of laughter as a group coming away from the building. They didn't seem to notice them at first, and seemed to just be talking about the battle that they had just come from.

"Tell them Hogun you were right there, I took out most of them single handedly when we got surrounded!" the blonde one said, waving his hand around a bit.

"I seriously doubt that Fandral! When Sif and I had to go play rescue to get both you and Hogun out!" the larger red head said.

"You both need to stop bragging," the woman said, rolling her eyes a bit.

The other one who was remaining fairly quiet (likely the one being referred to as Hogun) up until this point stopped completely in his tracks, and looked at Ed and Bethany, "We are not alone," he said simply, and the other three turned to look at the group.

"What are Midgardians doing here?" the red head asked, as they all walked closer to the group.

The Falls
"Ok, don't step on the flowers, got it... In the off chance that I accidentally do step on the flowers or whatever, would it be okay if I just sort of fixed them with my own abilities to be how they had been before?" Mary asked Runa, before she looked over at the water in front of them. Asgard really was a beautiful place, though the idea of them being a decent distance from what all was going on.

Seeing the horses magically appear due to Runa's powers, Mary gave her a slight smile, "Not too much honestly, I've only ridden a horse three times before, but I should be fine," she added as she walked up to the other unicorn. She never expected ever in her life, that she'd end up on Asgard, and apparently riding a unicorn to go try and fix reality, she climbed onto the other unicorn's back and looked at her, "Alright, lead the way then..."

Runa would notice something a little off though, something that Mary didn't see, and that was that the area they were in was starting to have a red haze rolling in. A very very light off colored fog, and she'd be able to sense that whatever the fog was, it was not a good thing.

The Palace
"...Okay, what exactly happened? Since if something messed with Pietro's head, that is seriously not good," Lance commented, looking over at Guin. "As I said though, we kind of just ended up in the most central place on Asgard as we could be... This is Odin's throne room... So we might want to leave rather quickly cause not sure we'd want to run into him..."

There was a gust of wind though as Pietro showed up, and he looked kind of tired. "I don't know what just happened... That was really weird... Was by a building with a lot of light... Then kind of just... Complete blank on everything else..."

"So... That's bad then... Where's Klara?" Lance couldn't help but ask, since she had been with them.

"...I don't know honestly."

There was the sound of a door and footsteps walking towards them, and if the entire group turned to look, they'd see a woman walking towards them. "What brings a group of Midgardians here to the palace of the All-Father? And how did you get here?" she asked them.

Lance was running through his brain as to who this was, since the one time he went to Asgard he had mainly met Odin (which was kind of a freaky thing) and not an experience that he really wanted to repeat. However, there were only a few that he'd imagine would end up in the throne room too. "...I'm guessing you're Frigga? Thor's mother?" he asked.

"Yes I am," she replied kindly, giving them a smile.

Location: Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Klara gave Runa a smile as she helped her up off of the ground as she watched the others all scramble a bit towards the elevator trying to catch whoever it was that had attacked them. She was glad to hear that Runa was okay, and she saw the crowd assembling over by the elevator wondering clearly what was going on. Truthfully, Klara wasn't too sure what had happened herself aside from some random person (who they weren't sure who it was) being invisible and more or less attacking them while they were in Helgi's office, which was oddly suspicious.

Hearing Runa's question towards her, she glanced over and looked at her again, recalling that she clearly had had some trouble with larger crowds in the past. "I'm not really sure what happened... As far as I can tell though, it was obvious that someone clearly didn't want to get caught. Which means they likely either know something, are involved somehow, or are investigating things like us, but don't want to share what they might know or have found out..." she commented with a bit of a shrug to Runa, unsure what else to really say.

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Ugh, we can't just sit around here doing nothing though..." she grumbled. Rosalia hated the fact that they were literally sitting there doing nothing, just waiting to hear their fate. It was ridiculous, the idea that they weren't going to really be able to do much but sit in a cell. And Merlin's reassurances that they were Robin Hood's men, that didn't really matter all too much for her, since they clearly didn't know that they were coming to show up, despite Merlin [i]supposedly[i] sent out messages to alert people to the fact that they were going to show up, so she now was wondering what the point had been was for them waiting and not heading off already.

She was getting a bit bored, kicking her foot around a bit, before the guy came back and said something about the boss wanting to see them. Rosa rolled her eyes again now, and she waited for the others to walk out ahead of her, before following along. Seeing the people that they were brought in to see, the first person who was probably the "boss" they were referring to probably was Robin Hood if she had to guess, but she remained quiet, just waiting for someone to really say something to talk to him and the woman with him.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He wasn't too sure what to expect with Sierra just so very bluntly going over to the random strangers who may or may not be able to get them to the underwater kingdom. As far as he knew, they couldn't really trust anyone in this world, so should they really just be going up to some random stranger and hope that they wouldn't get into a fight and would actually be able to help them. "Not sure this is the best idea..." Jack muttered, making sure to remain a few steps behind everyone else since he wasn't too sure about this entire situation.

Jack looked over at a bit of a commotion that was occurring, he saw that Hansel was getting into quite a bit of trouble without them being the one to cause it. Then again, he was kind of just waiting for them to cause mayhem or trouble by accident, though they didn't have the group who seemed to always be fighting each other around to cause them problems. Which would explain why nothing had gone to hell quite yet. He listened to the group as Meg and Sierra both asked the random strangers how much would it take for them to be able to act as their guides, hopefully this would work out in the end.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Grounds
Skills: N/A

"Ahh, we're just wanderin around a bet, nahthin too spectacular," she responded simply to Alannah after hearing what it was that had happened with her arm. She was just wondering now what was the best thing for them to do now. Going for a nice walk through the camp was what they had been doing, but now she was kind of wondering what to do aside from that. There was only so much wandering around one could do before they ended up getting bored and wanting to go do something else. She heard voices getting closer, and she smiled slightly in the direction they were coming from, recognizing Zeke's voice and all, and she heard Demi's voice pop into the picture too.

Janelle was about to respond to Zeke when Cassian responded instead. It took a minute for her brain to register that he was referring to her with what he was saying. On one hand, she wasn't really used to compliments of that sort really, on the other she honestly wasn't too sure what Cass was referring to with coloring and lighting since she still couldn't really see anything like that, she still wasn't even sure what colors were what, only what some people told her. "Hi Zeke, it's been goin well, dough 'ahnestly I tend to prefer de snow to de sunshine, dough it is nice to feel de sun's warmth..." she did end up managing to say to him with a smile.

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: The Climbing Wall -> Arts and Crafts
Skills: N/A

"Yup, the Pegasus Stables are always fun if you want to go there later... I remember making a bunch of flower crowns for everyone when I was a little younger than you, especially when I could just sit there and make flowers pop up in any color that I wanted to make long chains and all," Mary commented as they walked over to where the arts and crafts area was. She still on occasion would get bored and sometimes would go over and make something, or help the younger campers out if they ever needed anything.

Jason shook his head at Kristin's question, making a bit of a face. "Nahpe, dis sahrt o' din was naht really what I liked to do, I typically would go play spahrts ahr sahmethin. Dough sahmetimes I'd 'elp Janelle wit an art prahject if she asked fahr it," he said to her with a bit of a shrug. Yeah, he wasn't really the best when it came to just sitting down and doing something with art, unless it was music, then he did sometimes sit down and mess with things.

Mary was a bit curious as to what it was that Arthur and Andy were wanting to talk to Persephone about, though him thanking her for a gift she hadn't given was kind of amusing. Those two were going to hopefully stay out of trouble, and hopefully they'd be able to be friends with Stella, they all were around the same age after all, so she hoped that things would work out. Now she more or less just sort of wondered what the others were saying with regards to everything, not sure what else to say.

He wasn't too sure what was up with Andy and Arthur, but he was a little bit glad that they seemed to be doing alright, at the moment anyway. Now though, he wondered a little bit where his sister had gotten off too, and what she might be doing. Hopefully she wasn't getting into trouble or something, she could be a bit too trusting or naive with regards to who she might trust and hang around with. It sometimes could get a bit frustrating at times, but he figured she'd be fine. He was remaining silent now, just sticking with this group and all.

Okay, think we've found the building. There is one building that is glowing all of the time, not sure what building that is... Wait Klara is saying that it is called Breiðablik, or something really weird... That's Runa's home apparently. The building is near it though, and everything looks really weird with it. Apparently going there if you aren't pure or something really weird like that is a bad idea for not Asgardians, so that's a fun bit of trivia I learned... No, the building is nearby it... I just shot a blinding streak of light shoot out of the non-glowing building. so it kind of stood out like a sore thumb. Pietro said mentally to Guin now.

Lance was staying rather close to Runa, more or less keeping an eye on her to make sure that she was okay. The others were talking about how everything was going to probably not end well all things considering. Truthfully sending only two people was a really bad idea, especially since he wasn't too sure how much two people could do if they ran into trouble. "It'll be alright Runa... Everything will work out..."

Mary nodded when Runa gave them a direction and started leading them towards where Pietro and Klara had raced off to. She still had a bad feeling as to everything that was going on. That feeling wasn't going away, and she doubted that it would any time soon. At least not until this entire situation was over and done with.

This is really weird... What's that? Pietro said to Guin, before falling silent at the moment. Everything though would suddenly be like a bit of a blur. At least for everyone in the main group. Suddenly, the group was seemingly separated in a rather large gust of wind, as something else seemed to occur. For Mary, she'd find herself by a river or something suddenly, and looking around, she'd see that she wasn't alone, and Runa was with her.

"...What the hell just happened? Where are we?" she asked Runa, not too sure where she was in comparison to where they had been. Actually she wasn't even too sure how they had gotten there.

The others weren't where they had been before either. They were split up and sort of scattered around Asgard themselves! Bethany and Ed would get split up from the rest to, and they'd see a building behind them, and the large rainbow bridge they had seen when they were flying in stretching out in front of them. They were rather far away from where they had been moments ago.

As for the other three, they hadn't been able to stay put either. They'd end up in a rather large building in a room that was empty currently, and probably somewhat luckily for them honestly. Since currently they were kind of stranded away from their Asgardian guides. Though luckily, Lance did vaguely recognized the area that they had ended up. "...What just happened, and why did we end up in the throne room in the palace?" he asked the other two, looking around the area to see if he saw anyone else.

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari didn't typically sleep much or anything, partially because she tended to sit around, staying up late and messing with her robots in some way. That's really what she had been doing when the message was sent out to all of them with regards to the island being under attack. Uh oh, that didn't sound too good to her, and now they had to deal with that, at least now anyway that they had this big island to roam around and call home. She really didn't want anything to happen to it, mainly since everyone seemed so happy here no matter what was going on.

"Valkyrie here," she responded to the call, before she got an image to flash through her mind of what was going on over at the Akademos, where there was a woman in a spacesuit or something like that charging up electricity. It was weird, considering the power set reminded her a bit of her mother's, but that didn't matter. The ground was shaking though, which seriously confused her a bit, but she didn't say anything immediately. She heard Andy's voice as she was talking to her, and Zari nodded her head. "Yup, me too..." she said, before walking over and picking up her flashlight/sword Glowstick, and Mr. Eyeball was beeping along next to her. "Let's get going, we need to hurry up, since this looks to be getting bad, and even worse every minute, and escaping through a window is fine and all, but we should be fine if we move quickly," she added as she also grabbed Mr. Jaws the robot head and she started racing off, wondering what was going on as fog was filling the building.

Location: the Apartment
Skills: N/A

Jack had more or less gone been a bit startled or whatever by the sudden voice in his head with regards to what was going on. The island was under attack? Great, just what they needed really. Hearing what was being said, Jack let out a slight sigh, "Stretch reporting in," he said out loud, before slightly waiting to see where it was that he was going to be sent. Jack frowned slightly upon the mental image that went through his head, which seemed to show him needing to more or less hide and shelter or whatever, which was the dumbest thing in the world to him.

"Okay, going to ask this once, whose bright idea was that?" he asked out loud, before suddenly an image of his father's face appeared in his mind, and it was a little creepy to say the least. Though it was a bit weird for him to find out his father was saying he needed to shelter and hide, considering the fact that he hadn't spoken to his father for a while, so why the hell did his father want to stop him? "Tell him screw that, I've never really listened to what he has said, and don't plan on starting any time soon. So if you won't tell me where I should go, then I'll figure that out myself." After saying that, he heard what sounded like a few teenage girls giggling and he couldn't help but roll his eyes as he walked out of the room. He saw everyone else already heading off, and he glanced out the window in order to see what sort of chaos was going on out there, and he saw a man throwing boulders and the like at the building. "Well see you all in a little bit," he commented with a shrug, before taking off outside of the building. Based on what Veil said about going to the roof, he figured that she was going to use her shields to defend the building that way, that'd only last so long though, you have to take out the source, so that's what he was going to do.

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

The words echoed throughout her mind as there was mention of an attack on the island itself. Things were just getting chaotic clearly, and she wasn't too sure how things would work out in the long run for the island and defending it. However they had a lot of powerful people who were there to defend it, which gave her hope that things would be alright in the end. She didn't consider her abilities very powerful, actually she knew her powers weren't really the best for combat. Sure, she knew that they could be used that way, but typically not too much.

"Come on Erik, we need to get going," she said to Magneto as the ground was shaking, and she went to go glance out in the hallway, seeing the poison fog that was starting to fill the hallway. "We've got to hurry, fog is starting to fill the place, we need to either find the source and stop it, or get everyone gas masks, quickly," she then said to him. This situation was horrible, especially since the palace was one of the safehouses, if this is what was going on here, who knew what was going to be happening elsewhere.

Location: Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

"Don't sound too surprised... Sometimes it takes people a while to figure out what sort of abilities they might have gained from their godly parent, so even when you think it should have popped up, it won't... Just kind of how things work," she commented to Runa with a bit of a shrug. It wasn't too surprising to hear Runa be in denial about the entire situation, it probably did sound a bit insane from her perspective. But that's just how things worked around here, everyone reacted to that sort of thing differently.

Then chaos proceeded to ensue, where suddenly an arrow appeared out of nowhere and slammed into Arnora, before suddenly Runa and Dalisy were sprawled out on the floor. Klara had to blink a few times before she realized that whoever had attacked was invisible, and clearly was up to no good based on just that occurrence. "Are you all alright?" she asked the group as Astrid and Lara went to try and help patch up Arnora after Nadia had, and she walked over, offering her hand to Runa to help her up off the ground.

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Okay... Well this is a horrible situation isn't it?" she commented as the people who had more or less attacked them took what weapons the group had with them before proceeding to declare that they were going with them. Arguing was seemingly pointless at this point honestly from what she gathered, all things considering the fact that they were unarmed and probably could end up dead if they weren't careful. She still wasn't even sure why the hell Merlin had more or less told them all to disarm themselves. Everything that they was going on was a situation they might not be able to get themselves out of.

Then they were more or less stuck in a jail cell it would seem like, them getting shoved into cells and more or less left there and locked up. Not to say she wasn't used to be locked up in a jail cell for any length of time (she was a thief after all), but she at least knew what was going on or why. Here? Not so much. "So... Are we supposed to just sit around and do nothing? Or is there a reason why you told us to not fight back or something? Since this does not seem like a good situation for us to be in." she asked Merlin, since it sounded like they could do nothing now.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack rolled his eyes slightly at the response Hansel gave them, but at least Gretel seemed to have given them a decent response as to why things weren't as simple as they first appeared. Knowing that it was one of the few places that hadn't fallen to Maleficent made it a bit more obvious as to why getting there would be difficult. So why the hell hadn't he mentioned that before when he was just going on about finding a guide or something if they were lucky? The odds of that sort of thing were slim he was pretty sure at this point.

Of course, they eventually came across a village of sorts that clearly didn't really trust outsiders, which is what they were to them. The two oddballs who stuck out though were interesting to say the least, and they started talking to each other about something (probably them) and went to go talk to a third person. Meg's comment about the coffins and all was a bit strange, but he was used to her questions revolving around death and everything, "I don't think that is the most important thing to worry about right now Meg."
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