Avatar of Candlelitsoul


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14 days ago
Current Thankful for the friends who know PMDD and how bad it can be. I'm tired of my family dismissing the pain, nausea, and other things that go with it. They make me feel validated 😭
14 days ago
Rain, please stop. I'm already tired. Thinking of ordering a floor mattress and napping under my desk.
15 days ago
Thankful for this weekend at my friend's house. It's been so peaceful.
23 days ago
Well, I knew it wouldn't last. She's back in the drugs. I'm glad I'm keeping my distance because this time, it doesn't affect me as badly. Can't say I'm surprised.
30 days ago
A friend passed after a long battle with cancer last night. She was so bright and bubbly. Her presence felt warm and safe. My heart is heavy. Im just glad she's past her pain


I'm a multi-paragraph, advanced writer, seeking those with similar interests and capabilities. I do have a large list of ideas that I make over, add to, and change as the ideas come.

My rules may seem harsh, but I started role playing in the Yahoo! chat rooms when I was 14, and we had a similar list. Especially when the site had groups you could form.

-I don't mind sexual content, but the main focus is the story. If the character's have a connection, then I accept it, but I do NOT write it for the sake of appeasing someone's need for entertainment.

-I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

-Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every week. I can understand having a busy life. Between my home and work chaos, it can be hard to sit down and post regularly. If you can't, message me and I will happily wait. Though I do ask this; if you're dropping out, don't ghost. Tell me upfront. I always understand.

-I'm looking for someone to play male characters. No story is exactly set, as I have met people who can bring new perspectives to a base idea. I can play background males, but the mains I am looking for.

-My base genres are fantasy (meaning they have powers. Not dragons, orcs, etc), romance, modern, medieval, post-apocalyptic, and historical.

If you can make it past these, I look forward to writing with you.

Most Recent Posts

Hello everyone.

I have a few story ideas that I'm seeking partners for. As most people tend to bypass the rules when reading through the submission, I'm posting them first.

1) No sexual content. I don't write it. I am, however, seeking players 18 and above. Most of my content has triggering themes such as ongoing and past abuse, drugs and alcohol, mentions of rape, and dark themes involving bloodshed, war, and gore.

2) Multi-paragraph. I want content to work with. I can understand a paragraph during a slow conversation scene, but the bulk has to be multiple paragraphs.

3) I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

4) Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every few days. We all have busy lives, especially with the college semesters coming up, home lives, illnesses, and children, but I would like to keep the story going.

Now, for the ideas. Some of them may seem generic, but they can be built upon. Most were ones that I had when I started role playing, and they're dear to me.

Note- I do have more in a file online. If you can follow the rules above and wish to see the list, comment or message me.

Secondary note- You will be playing the male characters.

1) Alana is a detective with the local police force. Her husband (Name set by you) belongs to the SWAT division. But Alana harbors a special gift; she's psychic. She has the ability to see what happened in the past in real time. A case of two murdered parents and two orphans lands in her lap, and the husband becomes concerned. Just returned from a difficult case, he expects some time with his pregnant wife before the baby comes, but he knows that with two kids involved, she won't let it go. Now it's a race against the clock to find the killer and the cause before they come back for the kids.

Themes- Romance, murder, slice of life, drama, mature themes (past cases involving similar deaths will be discussed. Gruesome content).

2) Husband and wife, both bounty hunters, live a comfortable life, and they work cases together. (There may be pregnancy if both parties agree).

Themes- Romance, slice of life, drama.

3) Law & Order SVU. Need someone to play Detective Stabler. This is not a romance story. My character is a sexual assault and kidnap victim. He later learns that she is his daughter. She will learn that she is pregnant. This will be a long term engagement because her rapist is not found right away, nor in the year that follows. (Male character is obviously set. This can become a group, if anyone else shows interest).

Themes- Slice of life, mature (rape will be discussed, never played out), drama. Focuses on character development.

4) An actor is set to meet a young woman who is going to be starring with him in his next series. However, she’s hesitant to step before him, thinking herself unworthy. As time progresses and they come closer to filming, he sees who she really is, and the reason she keeps to herself.

Themes- Romance, drama. Will have criminal elements.

5) Story about a man coming to visit his friends from Italy. He works for Cirque Du Soleil as something of a hobo clown (will have pics for an idea), and will sometimes stay in character, even when off set. When he stays in the house of his oldest friend, he notices the daughter is quiet, reserved. He comes to see that the parents favor the sun, and the girl is left alone. She hides in her room drinking, smoking weed, popping pain pills, anything to dull the pain. He devises a plan to try to save her by embodying a silent goth that visits her every night.

Themes- Romance (if both agree), drama, alcohol and drug use, stated sexual content (character will have partners, but it will only be written in small detail what happened. Brushed over basically), self harm, emotional abuse. Heavy in character development. Further plotline can be discussed.

Character bios will be sent through private message.
Still looking for players. Have these ideas and more.
Welcome! I faced the same problem on Facebook; once my friends were busy with college, jobs, and life issues, I searched far and wife for people to role play the ideas I had. However, you quickly find that those who join a "literate" role play group are actually far from it. I haven't had to worry about that here ^___^

Welcome! I have no doubt you'll find what you're looking for.
Bumping. Ideas still available!
@SweetOwlette Sending you a private message.
I sent you a message. I hope it explains everything.

Still seeking players as well!
Hello everyone. I have a few story ideas that I'm seeking partners for. As most people tend to bypass the rules when reading through the idea, I'm posting them first.

1) No sexual content. I don't write it. I am, however, seeking players 18 and above. Most of my content has triggering themes such as ongoing and past abuse, drugs and alcohol, mentions of rape, and dark themes involving bloodshed, war, and gore.

2) Multi-paragraph. I want content to work with. I can understand a paragraph during a slow conversation scene, but the bulk has to be multiple paragraphs.

3) I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

4) Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every few days. We all have busy lives, especially with the college semesters coming up, home lives, illnesses, and children, but I would like to keep the story going.

Now, for the ideas. Some of them may seem generic, but they can be built upon. Most were ones that I had when I started role playing, and they're dear to me.

Note- I do have more in a file online. If you can follow the rules above and wish to see the list, comment or message me.

Secondary note- You will be playing the male characters.

1) A medieval story about a girl of 17 who is sent the king as a ward after her parents die of the sweating sickness. Her father was once a revered man at court and high in the king’s favor. However, as time goes on, he sees how sheltered she is, and learns of the awful truth of her father. While his feelings grow, a plot by a rival family threatens to destroy her, and her good standing.

Themes- Romance, violence, possibility of war. Historical only.

2) X-Men- Takes place after the first movie. Wolverine is on patrol when he spots the body of a young woman in the bushes inside the school grounds. He takes her to the medical ward where it is discovered that she’d been a prisoner of a local gang of mutant haters. She is blind, mute, and two months pregnant. Need someone able to play Logan as he is.

Themes- Romance, violence, mentions of abuse.

3) Boy and girl hook up at a party. Two months later, the girl finds him and announces her pregnancy. She tells him she won’t ask for his help, and that he’s off the hook. Three months go by before they see each other again. She is living on the streets. He convinces her to come live with him at his parents house. The story is about their journey in growing up, accepting responsibility, and finding each other emotionally.

Themes- Eventual romance, slice of life, coming of age.

4) Man comes to work for a husband and wife as body guard to their daughter; an up and coming singer. He’s to make sure she stays on task, and is well guarded, but also to report her daily activities. He notices she sneaks out at night, hangs with kids her own age, even sings in clubs. He reports it all, until he comes to realize the punishment they inflict upon her. Now, he wants to try to help save her by keeping her secrets, and helping her become emancipated from their control.

Themes- Abuse, later romance.

5) A young woman is drafted and sent off to war. Who was once a bright and vibrant soul comes home tormented by what she’s seen. Carrying the coffin of a dearest friend, she blames herself for his death, and struggles to cope with day to life. As the story progresses, more is learned about what happened while overseas, and with helps from friends and family, she begins her road to recovery.

Themes- Slice of life, romance, drama, acts of war, bloodshed, PTSD. Most of the content, especially in the flashbacks, will be graphic in nature.

6) A girl from a prominent family meets a local boy with a bad reputation. During their two relationship, she defends his attitude and sticks with him through hardship. He treats her like a queen, and so stays blind to his faults. However, when she discovers she's pregnant, she leaves his mother basement and strikes out on her own. His sweet words and promises of change bring her back, but a fight ensues between himself and his enemies. Caught in the crossfire, she loses the child.

Once she leaves him for good, this story can take three turns, but those can be discussed in private message. It will start at the beginning, so you'll need two OC's.

Themes- Romance, violence, possibility of murder, miscarriage.
I have a general idea for a story, and it can go two different ways.

The basic plot revolves around a home in the forest; away from society, it's hardships, and the toxic atmosphere it can present. There, they will build a new life.

This can go two different ways; real world or fantasy.

If fantasy: They have powers (elemental only) and are making a haven for people like them.

If real world: It's for safety, anonymity, and a fresh start to live without constraints.

There are, as always, a few rules.

1) No sexual content, but if romance, it has to be 18+, or someone of your own age group in real life. Depending on the scenario chosen, there may be violence, gore, and a host of mature content. Be strong enough mentally to handle it. To add, don't force romance. If a player says no, accept it.

2) Multi-paragraph. I want content, especially when it comes to the character backstories. There is a lot to work with in every case.

3) Be literate. Yes, mistakes happens, but it takes no time at all to scroll through and correct them. As well, it has to be third person writing, and no text talk or speech.

4) I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

5) Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every few days. We all have busy lives, especially with the college semesters coming up, home lives, illnesses, and children, but I would like to keep the story going.

Lastly, please use real life pictures for your characters. Profile type doesn't matter, neither does real world gender, but I want to put a real face to the character.

Hope to see you soon!
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