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@CrawlingMadness Approved.
@FrankenDaughter Approved.
@superservo27 Approved.
@A Lowly Wretch Approved.
@Bad Habit Approved.
How do characters move about in the game? Ships? Transporters? Would it be out of line for a new character to posses his/her own ship and at what tier would that register?

They can use transporters (the "beam me up" type of space vessels purposed as such). If your character is wealthy, they might possess their own.

@ScreenAcne Given that this is a tier 1 character, I'm somewhat torn on how to view the immunities. The lack of a flesh and blood body means that it makes sense Slave has no bones to break; similar logic applies to the immunity to poison or disease, but I think those modes of attack aren't necessarily limited to physical bodies -- a poison can be concocted that harms spiritual entities as well. That said, I think the intent of the former is clear. Plus, if I understand the profile correctly, Slave is weak to other things (magic, bursts of energy, etc), so it balances out well enough to be reasonable. Approved.
@GingerBoi123 The profile looks mostly good, but if you review the character submission guidelines, you'll see that each nonmundane item, ability, etc, needs its own tier assigned to it.
@Pumpkinbot Approved.
@Sandstorm20141 Sorry for the late response, I was away on a business trip. You need to edit in the tier for your character's shapeshifting ability and then you should be good to go. You can look at any other approved character sheet for an example. They're the ones with the locked icon by their thread.
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