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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
7 yrs ago
I don't know why, but the boredom is killing me slowly
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'The right thing to do is the right thing to do.'

He was right on that aspect. But he wouldn't expect much from these soldiers. Some of these men and women were already too engulfed in taking care of themselves that they may not even want or have the time to take care of others. But he could always hope more people would be like Isaac and Jean in that regard. Of course he would not stop the fact that he would be taking actions to reverse whatever Middleton was trying to indoctrinate her. But just expect it would not be a full support like he would want it to.

As the train slowly rolled on the tracks, the sound of engine and clash of metal mixed violently and messily like a horribly played symphony, Michael found himself being attracted to the scenic outside as Jean made the mention of the poet. The landscape that he was slowly passing through, it wasn't a beautiful flower field, nor a rich and well-nurtured rice paddies. It had once been though. Those once beautiful creations of god was now a death valley. All the innocent trees and flowers doing goods for mother nature now dead. When would the seeds of possibility prosper again. When would the wounds heal?

'The right thing to do is the right thing to do.'

'A reminder for our future selves never to repeat this atrocity again...'

Perhaps somewhere, sometime, these fields would not exist...

After Jean left off to get some stripper clips, Michael found himself unoccupied for an indeterminate amount of time. Thankfully he did have a deck of playing cards. He didn't know if these guys could play cards or not. He was pretty sure if they were from a family of upper middle-class, or even a small nobility like Michael's, they would probably have learnt it somewhere in the balls or parties they went through. But whether or not they were capable of playing card games or not, he didn't care. He could make do by himself. But as he was reaching for the deck inside his rucksack, a strangely familiar voice caught his attention.


He turned to the doorway to realize...


She was alright. And happy in fact? What? How strange was it that he was just informed that she was in bad shape when she appeared completely fine? Did something or someone cheer her up? If that's the case, then great! He was quite relieved to see Lucia in such cheerfulness. Now that he thought about it, this was the first time he saw her in this state. He couldn't blame her though. The first sight she was crying of a horrendous task. The second she was recovering. The third she was called back to that bastard. And the fourth she had passed out from artillery. Perhaps this was indeed her true nature: a pretty and innocent girl who only wishes to bring smile to people's face.

Well, perhaps a little too innocent...


He could feel her hand on his face, her thigh pressed against his chest. She was grabbing onto his hair, and ow ow! She was pulling it! What the hell was she doing?!

She soon released him as soon as she settled on a seat nearby. Again, Mickey? She meant Michael? And all of that stunt she just pulled off, just to get to the nearby seat?

"I appreciate the effort, but you could've just asked."

She probably just didn't know. It did come off as a little strange to him that she didn't bother to ask. She probably didn't know basic etiquette in terms of gestures rather than being rude. But considering all the ladies he had met in his life were rather luxurious and had a prestigious origin, they were normally pretty and elegant in appearance but especially very well-mannered in words and gestures. He swore they would freak out like rats meeting cats if they saw Michael in this state. As well-pampered as they were, they probably had never seen the sight of having to run for miles a day, or especially the fact that you could fall dead with a hole on your head any moment.

"My career as an actor has been a disaster. That's when I decide to go to university instead"

Or rather he was about to. If that paper had come a little earlier! Well, not worth dwelling over it anymore. It had already been months ever since. He had already received his baptism of fire already, so he probably couldn't really say anything otherwise.

Once again, he went through his rucksack and took out a deck of cards. Fifty two in total. His fingers busily fiddled with the cards, counting if he had accidentally left any back in Garnia. But occasionally, from the very outside corner of his eyes noticed as if someone was trying to burn his face with only their eyes. Quite constantly at that. Curious, he turned around to Lucia. It was her. Nobody was sitting in that same direction except for her. She was holding a pencil and a small book, just like Franz did the day before. Was she also an artist or something? But just as he was looking at the book, it slammed shut as she put it away. It appeared to be some kind of secret? Personal ones probably. After getting the notification, Michael was dealing the deck out when Lucia showed her appreciation for what he, no they did yesterday, as she hugged everyone of them, with Michael being the first as he was the nearest to her.

And for the rest...


If anyone could see him right now, his oxygen output was virtually non-existent. He could scent her fragrance you know. The warm pleasant but difficult to describe scent. It...God! His irises directed straight to the side as his subconsciousness erupted an all-out war about whether he wished or wished not this would be over soon. If she knew just to ask directly, all of this could have been averted. Easily at that. And he's not Mickey!

Whether or not he wished it or not, reality still marched, as Lucia settled down in her seat again. And Michael finally breathed again. He didn't even bother correcting her about his name anymore. It probably didn't even matter to him after all that stunt she pulled twice on him to even surface in his mind. Seriously, it had to take a bit of boldness and shamelessness to climb over a boy twice, whilst one could have just quickly excused themselves with only two words.

When he thought this was over, Britta showed up at the doorway to deliver some food.

"Thanks for your effort." Michael graciously accepted the small box of ration. It wasn't hot delicious food, but it was rather quite nutritious and filling. It did take a while for him to settle down with this type of meal daily, but his adaptability did amaze him sometimes. Though right now getting one would be a little difficult considering the woefully undersupplied front they were in. The meal the other day Michael also needed a bit of persuasion with the cook as well.

He didn't pay attention to Britta as she talked to Isaac. He didn't intend to pay attention to anyone for now. He just wanted to shut himself off and enjoyed his meal for now. Who knows when would he get this again. But then again...

"You guys..."

Britta didn't climb over Michael, rather she was just reaching for Lucia, which was alright, but in front of his eyes were something as equally uneasy to look at as getting climbed on. That wasn't even from the same girl.

"Excuse me." He coughed gently, but visibly, his brows were pouring into his nose.

'Could you please clear the vision for me?'

The surrounding seats near him began to be crowded by people in his squad. Isaac was the one he invited, followed by Franz, who seemed to be a lot brighter than the time Michael met him the day before. It was lifting to see to be honest. He even joked about him being so lady-magnet. It was valid actually. Jean, despite being a mess of a person due to the horrifying baptism of fire, was seen with at least a few ladies with him. How he did that was a mystery, but that was just impressive.

"Go ahead gentlemen." The contagiousness of the conversations were irresistible. He could spend his time by himself, but considering his emotional state right now, having a company or two would be really helpful, considering two of them were already someone he already knew and made impressions on. Three exactly, if saying things otherwise.

"Romantic? What do you suggest otherwise then sir?"

Carrying an unconscious person is best done in cradle style. To the great contrary of expectation, this five feet tall man was surprisingly fit and strong, at least to carry a girl like Lucia. She was a little light to be honest, but could not expect anything more or less from her softness of her body. But he couldn't deny that though. That was also what some newlyweds would show off sometimes. Or the story of medieval knights saving the damsel in distress. Well, he looked nothing like that knight in the human imagination of course. He was midget and he had no shining clad armor. And he acted nothing like a knight by the way.

But then again, it wasn't too unexpected with the news of Lucia. Bad shape? That seemed like an understatement. But assuming she was already out, probably Middleton was with her as well. He knew little of the Captain, but from the view of the observers, from brutally killing Imperials, forcing Federation soldiers forward and, without a trace of mercy, ordering an innocent teenage girl to shoot retreating soldiers, his appreciation for humanity obviously wasn't high. His recommendation for being a caring soldier to his fellow comrades would probably fall into deaf ears, and even if he went for Lucia, he'd probably be shooed away by that bastard, or even worse be the target for him to smite.

"I'm not so sure about that one statement though Isaac." He replied as he turned over to the Lance-Corporal. "There will be people who agreed. For the record, me and Jean do...but there are reasons why people would want to choose otherwise..."

People would argue that was for survival. That nothing in war was good or righteous, and that the only victory means surviving. That could be a valid point, but what was the point of surviving when you lost what made you human? If they ended up so, the only thing they could equate to would be beasts and animals in human's costume. He'd rather die than such a fate. Then at least he would be reunited with those he loved in the end.

"I don't think most will, but we'll gather as many as we can. I'll try to look after her whenever possible."

And whenever appropriate.
Acion Nakamiji

He'd seen enough.

"You g-"

But could not say anything.

The moment he tried to intervene, it was like a bird with a broken wing. When the step was taken, he felt as if the weight of the entire world was crashing down upon him, but his hand saved him just in time as he was about to lose his balance. He swore he could feel as if someone was trying to sever him limbless. How deep was that feather struck in his leg earlier? It felt like it had gone through his bones or something. Dulga surely could not be taken lightly. But still, he found himself hanging onto the rail near the wall as he felt his world real again. He watched as the rest of the observers began attempting to stop the fight. But to no avail.

He wished it wasn't, but it upon closer inspection, he figured it would be impossible. This wasn't just a normal fight over who gets to have candies or shits like that. This was a head on ideological fight. And it was between two men. Of course he'd never approve such methods of solving their difference, but he knew shouting at them would only make the situation worse. Like he said, they would not make up if they were forced apart like this. He'd so much prefer a talk with at least one of them, but right now, one of his legs was virtually useless to say anything.

"Yeah I don't have the strength to intervene right now. Thanks anyway Kishimoto-san."

Supported by Tomoe, Acion slowly left the training room to the infirmary. After a brief check-up by Kiwi, he was healed up pretty fast, but she did recommend taking his time at the infirmary, as the wound was a little severe for a training exercise. He did not intend to disobey her though. She knew what's best for all of us.

Michael gave a quick sigh as he stared at his rifle. He already knew who was at the doorway.

"...You're right..."

Continued he looked at the gun carefully. The bolt of the gun had been polished far enough that it began to blink at him as the sun indirectly shot him a ray into the window to his soul. Why was he getting this worked up though? He wasn't gonna be able to stop the fact that Lucia was already in Middleton's cabin. What he only had to expect was her after this, which would probably take at least until the next stop to see the result. He should be more concerned of himself and the rest of the squad right now. He still hoped that Franz still kept his mood up. It wouldn't take that little to turn his mood and feelings back down, but he just did not know when it comes to human beings.

"I'll try to put that out of my mind for now."

How come it wasn't an easy task? Especially when his immediate consciousness was idle. His mind drifted to what he may say to Lucia. What sort of bullshit would he feed her this time. And how exactly would he do to counteract said bullshits. It would not be as simple as a 'Don't listen to what he says!' or 'What he's saying is wrong!'. Whatever he begged for, she still knew Middleton more than he do, and that he lives in this war longer than he does. If anything, she should trust his words more than Michael's, or anyone's. If anything, he had to tap into her own nature, morality and long taught beliefs. But still, now? When he didn't know a thing yet? What was he supposed to do otherwise?

"If you want to...I don't mind." He gestured at the seat right the opposite side of him. Perhaps the Lance Corporal that Michael wished was promoted instead would keep him distracted.

He wasn't sure if he could call it a goodnight sleep. The last thing he knew before he opened his eyes were hours ago when he closed it. He didn't have any bad dreams thankfully. But the next thing he knew, his throat was killing him. His lips was dry like a desert, while he could feel as if peels of flesh inside was dropping. He didn't drink a single drop of water ever since last night. But his mind disproved of him getting out of bed. His arms and legs were still screaming in pain. It was quite a day yesterday. Carrying equipment up the long hill, charging through the trenches, wrestling with an Imperial before having to run for his life in an artillery barrage. It was way more than any training could help him. But nevertheless, Michael still found himself crawling over to the door to the food tent for a drink. Even if it was just a sip of pure tasteless water, it still felt like he was ascending to a higher plane of existence. It was a good distraction to the war he was placed in.

He returned to his bunk after a few minutes. Franz was still asleep, but Lucia wasn't there anymore. Did she leave while Michael was still outside? But looking over to her bedside - the empty box of ration - Michael couldn't help but leak a smile. At least she was taking care of herself. Michael had been quite worried after all that trauma she had been through. Some people would be broken to the point that they had to be fed by the other soldiers. It was that harsh. But perhaps Lucia hadn't gone through that much. And hopefully that was the extent of it.

After gathering his tools and guns, he gave a quick reminder to Franz before heading out in a hurry. Initially, he thought that he would soon be chastised by the cocky officers or his fellow soldiers of higher ranks for his tired and exhausted look, but in fact, no one was different from him right now. The bags in their eyes, the dry and bruised lips, the bandaged arm or legs that still soaked with red hues. Instead, the feeling came from somewhere else instead. As he was about to arrive at the train station, the squad passed through a small town, or rather what remained of it. Some houses only had half of its mass remained, while the rest flooded the street in a huge mess that nobody even bothered to clean them up. The collateral damage had been moved over to the side of the town, with coffins lining up neatly where it should be. And those who were left...

Michael wasn't sure to have his sympathy given to these innocent civilians or similar shots return fired for their ignorance towards what happened to their loved ones. Nevertheless, he continued the march towards the station. He could feel the gazed stabbing into his back, but he did not care. He did not care about their hatred. He was trying to do this so that he could return home safely.

Soon, he arrived at the station, where he was supposed to be transferred away. But before he was allowed to board the train, someone shaped the entire squad into place, into proper line and formation. He knew this drill too well though, but wondered what did they have to say after all of that.

What turned out wasn't entirely unexpected. A bunch of propaganda rhetoric about how heroic they had fought up there. Yeah, tell it to the squad instead, those guys who were half dead already. What followed next was the promotion of the person Michael most dreaded in his entire life. So now he is capable of making certain promotion to other people in the squad. The lucky ones - not so sure if it was lucky or not - chosen was Daniel and Jean. He didn't understand the basis behind these choices anyway. It seemed random anyway. But he didn't care less.

After the whole ceremony, the formation was dissolved as everybody soon boarded the train. And following suit the course, Michael also made his way to one of the wagon. As he made his way, however, he saw again the girl he had spent a deal of time taking care of the day before. She was making her way up to the wagon two ones from his. She was the only one to board. Oh yeah, Middleton did call her to the cabin. His cabin. His heart sank just as the reminder crossed his mind. What the hell was he up to with her this time? He had called her just before the artillery hit, and what now? He shuddered to think what he was indoctrinating her all this time.

He simply shook his head once, before entering the wagon. He turned left into the room at the back of the wagon, two cabin from Jean and the entire group as he settled down onto his seat. Once he did, he began going through his guns again. The bolt had to be oiled, the muzzle had to be clean, the magazine was also clear of dust. They were all done already. He didn't need to check again. But he did. A few times before he finally stopped.

"I hope she could retain herself."

He didn't want another cold heart.

Michael was about to leave, thinking it would take a bit more time for Franz to take it in. It normally do for people, he thinks. But when his hand was on the door, he could hear his voice again. A totally different one.

"It would be preferred if you don't. She had a day." Michael responded. Wasn't he present at the beginning of the charge? He was pretty sure everybody present was pretty knowledgeable about a girl being given a dreadful job of killing her own allies.

"She's Lucia. Lucia Farris." Michael gave a brief sigh as he turned around to look at the girl. She didn't seem to be affected by the Darcsen's sudden spring of spirits. She had drifted a little too deeply so. Hopefully because of that, she wouldn't be having a bad dream about whatever or whoever she had to go through. And he hoped to have that also. He hoped to drift deeply so that all he knew after he closed his eyes was the moment he opened them again.

Looking at the state of the Darcsen right now, there was something beginning to well up inside of him. A feeling that he had just saved someone? That he had just helped someone through a calamity, even if it may turned out to be a vain attempt, as he may die the very next day, the next month, the next battle. But just like he himself said, Michael had preserved a man's future, no matter how short that preservation would be. He had done one of it. He should be a little bit happy about it. Nothing better than a bit of respite from the hell he was in.

"If that is the extent." He gave Franz a smile as he accepted the shake. "But I'll get us something first." He then quickly left the room, heading out for where rations were being handed out. A few minutes later, he came back with three boxes. All full of the daily rations that he had known all too well during his training days. Handing to Franz one of them, Michael also took one and had his meal. It had been a long day for him. For everybody...

After it, he would offer Franz accommodation too, if he didn't mind. Whether or not he'd take it or not, he quickly drifted away into unconsciousness. And thankfully, as he had wanted, he jumped right into deep sleep. His vision was all but an empty void of darkness.

For the girl who had been terrorized throughout the whole journey, the girl who was forced into the war without her own consent, the girl whose first kill was no one but her own allies who she was supposed to support, the girl named Lucia Farris, she would wake up some time later, with a box right next to her on the bed. It would be the life force that would enable her to get through the day.

Michael waited patiently, in silence, as Franz took his seat and began his story. Or rather, he gave him a notebook. It took him a while to do so though. A diary? Or a journal? Michael didn't want to look intrusive, but eventually Franz gave him it anyway. It was rather a sketchbook. And there was...Mila. When did he sketch her? But it was incomplete. It was barely a quick basic sketch, but it already caught the essence of her beauty. But perhaps now that when she is dead, it'd never be completed. All that would be recorded of this girl ever was this sketch. It was painful to think about it. Such life lost for what? A whole bunch of angry old men bickering over each other.

'Future huh?'

He wasn't wrong. Michael didn't mean him being useless. He clearly had talents in arts. But the problem is the society, not him, nor his race. Michael knew the whole Darcsen incident that occurred in the ancient past. That was the reason he rejected Yggdism. How could people so blind to believe such a story that had no ways of verification, no written records, and only had the story told from mouth to mouth that originates from the VALKYRURS themselves. It is an insane world he is living in, but knowing that would not help a person like Franz. But 'future' is an ambiguous word. He just didn't have one in terms of acceptance. It's unfortunate that it is a huge thing.

Michael took a while to compile a response. He knew saying cliché things would definitely not help anyone. Because he probably have heard it countless times already. But nevertheless, he still needed to convey his point across.

"Depends on what you mean by future actually." Michael began, his palm still holding onto the notebook Franz just gave him. "If you're looking for acceptance by the general society, then you probably know the answer."

Things could change, but he doubt it would change in his lifetime.

"Personally, I think you do have a future. Everybody does." He continued. It did sound a little empty, like comfort word to a hurt animal. "Even if it isn't allocated to you yourself."

He gave a long exhale before looking over to the Darcsen, who may be confused with the statement.

"You did say you grieved for Mila. Then you're already better than me..." His voice drifted off in a bit, as he seemed to stare into space. But he quickly recovered as he continued. "But it shows you do actually care about something. About her. About her future. And I think Mila does too, in her final moments and decision to cover you. I know she probably doesn't live your life, doesn't fully understand what pain you have to go through, but I think that's one of her future, even if she doesn't come out of that alive..."

"She saw that she could preserve and protect others' future. And she jumped right at it. No hesitation, no thinking. Even though her ideals are a little simplistic and to be honest unhealthy, I still respect her greatly to know that she saved you. Sometimes it would be in vain. I know, because I too failed to save my friend. His father owned a carpenter shop, and he was waiting for his son to inherit it, but what he would receive now would merely be a letter saying he died for his country. Only because I missed that shot. But the thought alone also speaks. I know it sounds a little sophisticated, but I just think that..." He said, some of his words almost unable to materialize, before placing his right hand onto Franz's left shoulders "To preserve people's future is also a future."

For some unknown reason, that final quote of his, whether or not it struck Franz, struck him back instead. There was something in his own words, derived from what Franz and others would think his wisdom, that made Michael confused at himself. Despite saying this genuinely from his heart, it still felt strange to Michael. Probably because he never have to touch it before, and now that he was making it for the very first time. But hopefully, Franz could get it.

"I think you should finish this though. Try your best to remember." Michael closed the notebook in his hand before handing it back to Franz. "We'd probably want some food. We had an emotional day."

August, 1904...

"God Almighty..."

Over the course of only a few hours, the street had been turned into a battlefield. And it turned out to happen right on their tenth anniversary of the young couple and their small young child, right when they decided to escape the dull and unchanging background of their mansions for a while as they decided to book a ship to Gallia, in the city that they would lovingly call the city of love. Yes. Right in the very heart of this city occurred this massive riot of men and women. They weren't any subversives or protestors. They were gangs. Those thrown out into the sewer worthlessly by those who dared to take the audacity to be their carer, whilst society kept drowning them into the depths of the abyss. One could argue otherwise that they were just unsatisfied and spoilt children. Perhaps a few of them were, but would that dismantle the claim? Dissatisfaction firstly came from the inability to provide sufficiently. And that statement in itself could go a long way.

"Honey, don't look that way."

Anyhow, back and forth, these guys somehow thought they could stand up to the police forces. Whoever thought up of that idea would probably be shot by now, if he did not go down with these men. But nevertheless they decided a clash with the police right in broad daylight. And how horribly they were proven wrong. At the very end of the day, multiples of bodies lay on the street, while the rest were beaten into submission and was probably rotting in some prison right now.

It was a reality so common to a normal person who did not spend their entire time locking themselves in the loots that they did not actually work for themselves. But to become common to a person, he or she must have a time of stranger to that. And that was exactly what this eight years old child was seeing in front of his eyes. People killing people? Stabbing and clubbing each other to death? How could anyone do such a thing to another human being like that, especially that person was no more or less than he himself. He could not understand or even fathom such an idea...

"These guys..." He suddenly spoke, regardless of the blind of the eyes by his mother. "Are they evil?"

The question was as innocent as it could get. In his world right now, it was all black and white, good and evil. A gutted feeling knotted his stomach. But nevertheless, he remained still as a rock, yet his hand gently ran through the young boy's scruffy black hair as he answered.

"It's arguable, my son. But they did commit a great sin."

"A great sin?" The boy asked with round eyes. "Would they be going to hell father?"

"If they don't repent, my son."

"I'm afraid, father. I could see them from the balcony, trying to hurt bystanders." He said, his words seemingly normal at first. "I think they deserve it."

And his lips slowly changed. His firm, rock-solid smile ceased, and now facing his very own child was a hand grabbing so tightly by the wrist that even his wife was a little concerned.

"Whatever you're saying, my son, I do not want to hear that from you again." He said. Every words that came out felt like a bullet pinning him down at every limbs and corners. He knew his father could be a little austere, but to say he was adequately prepared for each was like saying a man was prepared for anything that may be thrown at him in his entire life. Instinctively, he wanted to look away, but the way he looked at him, a pair of eyes that penetrated, that locked his in its very track, ensuing that he had to heed what he said regardless.

"W-Why?" He meekly replied, a squeak uttered into the chilly autumn air.

"Because you would be there as well." Instead of a frontal shout, the father calmly replied. Only then would he let go of his son's arm. He stood up upright, straightening his shirt before giving out a breathe of air.

"Remember, no one deserves to be given a judgement by an akin figure..."

With that said, he knew the family had no more place here, as they was determined to not let a bad apple spoils a bunch.

But that moment was the beginning...

Michael had been looking at his own hand for a while now. It seemed to have no hope. He was just the same as he had been up that trench. Would shock be an explanation this time? He had been given time to think, time that he did not have to worry about being blasted into pieces at any moment. And yet it did not come. How come? Had he gone too emotionally numb for such a thing anymore?

"No hope..." He muttered gently to himself. Though in the small room, it may have been a little loud. He quickly looked over to the sleeping Lucia on the other bed, a little scared if he had woken her up. It didn't look like so. She didn't move. Good.

Yet again, he let out a sigh as he laid his back onto the wooden wall behind him. His eyes felt heavy right now. His eyes had been so tired right now. They served him when they should not be, and went through hell with him, going through smoke, fire, blood and mud. Perhaps it needed a bit of rest, now that he was given permission to.

Just as he was about to lie down, however, from the door emerged Franz. Not the Franz that he knew though. The more recent Franz. He wanted a talk. He could hear the forcibility in the way he speaks. It was definitely not the Franz he knew up that hill. This was only a shadow of his former self. But now that he wanted a talk, he'd have no qualm taking him as guests. Even if he could feel himself passing out at any moment.

"I don't know if I could be of any help, but..." He sat up straight, rubbing his hand on the bed, gesturing him to take a seat right next to him. "Mila...if I'm not wrong, she was 'that girl', right?"

He would know who he was talking about. The funny and ironic thing about this is that despite being a person expected to give out sympathy, love and advices, he was the one who couldn't take in all what he told others to do.

Among the three of them, the other person who is not a Darcsen was the first to respond. Upon closer recognition, Michael realized she was the one whom he had helped up just hours ago as they both ascended the hill, separated during the final charge into the melee. That smile of hers as she spoke. It was the feeling of relief; he could hear it in the stress of her voice. Yeah, after all that destruction, that death and terror he, no they, had to go through, he wouldn't be any higher or lower than her right now. Though seeing her so clingy to Jean while smiling like that was a little...weird. Or maybe this was a common thing? He didn't dig deep into this aspect.

"Oh yes. I didn't have the opportunity to introduce properly." Michael changed his posture, straightening up while he pulled his shirts a little bit. It didn't help that it was filled with mud and blood from the fighting, but in this world full of filth, it would be a little nice to appear more civilized as he could. "I'm Michael. Michael Daunte. I'm from the city of Tyrelia, Edinburgh." He had his hand forward as a polite gesture. Now that he noticed, she was also the one who repeatedly said he was a child. He wasn't sure if he wanted to bring that up again. Probably not now. He would look rude, and honestly salty, to everyone. And to be frank, he probably wouldn't resonate as a child as soon as people hear him speak. His voice was deep, a little cloggy after going through hell but still clear enough to hear, and he seemed to know things that no child would be able to know unless they are some sort of genius. It's just that biology somehow puts a boundary on his physical growth. He liked to comfort himself by saying that 'he' did so so that he could grow mentally, but that would just be dishonest to the unknown truth.

The moment of light-hearted fun quickly ended. War just had the habit of getting in the way of things like that. After Isaac and Britta, who came down pretty much without anything to say to the group, the other person was someone he knew personally. It was the same Darcsen that he had tried to treat earlier. The same one that waved goodbyes to him when he left him right before artillery hits. Now...he was a different man from before. The man that was so calm under fire, so chilled out that he even asked for a cigarette after he had a hole in his chest. Now he was as stiff and emotionless as what he could have expected from any person being thrown into the hellfire of warfare, but not from a person like Franz. He was about to wonder what happened when...

Mila Wagner?

He did hear her name a few times. Rumor was a thing to be feared in its spread. Back then during the boot camp training, Michael would occasionally hear some of his fellow comrades, most of them females, talking about a tall blonde girl who liked to help new recruits through the grueling session, often giving them emotional support and such. Was it the girl he met earlier up the hill? The one who grabbed that Vinland sapper by the collar? The one who said herself to be filthy? And now she's dead? He'd like to think that she's not, that maybe she was just a case of similar looking description, but the truth that he did not know exactly was that she was otherwise. The girl that young girls love, devote themselves to and so aspire to become was now laying dead in the mud. Didn't care if she had Imperial blood, fighting for the Federation, being a kind and loving sister that nobody think she deserved such a fate. War made everybody equal.

But despite not being a close friend, or perhaps because she wasn't that close of a friend, Michael felt as if the ground before him was fleeing from him. It was transparent. That feeling when you are falling and you are not. When would news like this be over? When those he had gotten to know of, those who were just his age, filled with potentials, with talents and ambitions, being ripped of it forever and be sent into hell-on-Earth, only to emerge a motionless and colorless corpse. When would that be his turn? Would he be able to get used to such a thing? And nonetheless...how many more must Michael HIMSELF send over? He shuddered to even look at his hand right now. He didn't want to kill, but he didn't want to die either. But they are mutually exclusive, and he was forced, every time, to pick one of it.

Jean was also heavily shaken. Visibly so. It didn't take a genius for Michael to see it on his face. As he ordered the squad to remain where it was, Michael suddenly found himself walking away from the group for a little bit. Where was he going? What could his conscious mind say but 'I don't know', or 'Just wandering around'. Wandering around may be a convincing argument, but why would it be wandering around when he was only going back and forth through one particular trench in the entire line? The place wasn't even that far away from the 15th Atlantic Rifle's gathering point in fact, one could go there in a few seconds. It overlooked the entire hill where he just ascended up and down in a single day, a hill now hauntingly silent from the sheer amount of souls lost in a single day.

This was the place.

This was the place where a few hours ago, a few thousand people would still be alive. And Michael would be standing...somewhere over here. He would be waiting for the fateful charge, and a few minutes following that he would be ascending the ladder, only to fell down here. On by her. But now she's gone. He didn't even know if this was her blood or not. The rain had gushed everything together into a mess, and anything left of it would be a product of impurity. Had she been buried already? Where would she be now? The thought never ceased as Michael went across the trench once, twice then thrice, often glancing up the hill or the other way. Could she be here, or here?

But it was no use. He didn't know her name, or anyone that she knew. In his fragile self right now, she only appeared to him as a cute petite girl - though still taller than him, only five foot five in height, with a pair of innocent and pure sky blue eyes and hair as natural as the pine oak tree near his house that was tied neatly into a single and simple braid hanging on her shoulder. Nothing else. He lost her in the charge, and now he couldn't find her again, even just for a final wish of rest in peace.


He placed a hand on his lips, paying no attention to the dry blood and filth on it. Now everybody is the same. His eyes began to blink. Quite slowly at first, then sped up like an accelerating car. Until he hit the ceiling, that was when he stopped. But that was it. He thought it would yield something, but nothing came. Nothing came...It was no use. He couldn't be like Jean or Lucia even if he wanted to.

After a few minutes going around in vain, Michael returned to his squad. Just in time when Jean returned...with Lucia? She was placed right near him, as Jean ordered everyone to house her nicely. His statement that she was still alive lifted the nails off his shoulders. Scared? True though. Even a person like Michael was freaking out to the point that he had to draw a cross on his chest up there, not to mention a girl like Lucia.

He knelt over Lucia once more. She looked just as when she was asleep: beautiful and innocent. He had his hand gently placed on her wrist, his eyes glancing at her chest briefly, whilst the other hand near her nose before glossing over her forehead. Jean was right. It seemed like nothing serious happened to her. She was just scared and fatigued from the stress of having to kill a friendly. She didn't need much treatment really. He just need to get her to the rear line to rest.

Michael gently threw his gun around his left shoulders before placing his hands below Lucia's body, one letting her back rest on and the other one behind her knees, as he slowly straighten his legs up, thus lifting the small girl up. One may find it an odd and surprising sight, to witness a man as small and unimpressive as Michael being able to lift up a girl just about the same size, but Michael only turned to the squad once.

"I'll take her to the rear line." So that they know where he would be. If nobody had objected, Michael would gradually find his way back to the rear, after turning a few corners and asking a few soldiers directions, and a bunk for Lucia to rest on. And too he would sit on the opposite side. For once, he could breathe the air that did not wreak of tension.
@LetMeDoStuff@Landaus Five-One

Would it be the last time he met Lucia? She'd probably be safe in Middleton's hand. Not necessarily sane, in fact he'd rather see her on the battlefield rather than in that man's grasp, but she would probably be behind the lines, far away from the guns and bombs. On the while, he and so many others were under the constant threat of having their brain shot out, their limbs torn apart by artillery or mines, their guts may be punched through at any given moment. Who knows, maybe an artillery shell could hit right at his spot right now, just like how they fall at the front so commonly back during the days when he could hear them from the rear line.


What did Middleton say about this Hill earlier in his speech? God, he couldn't remember so accurately, due to how aggravating it was trying to dig through the cringy propaganda. What is it about being important? The position? Well, obviously. But what else did he say?

'Artillery shells...'

That's right! He was talking about how the artillery has been bombarding them for days. But why hasn't Michael found any artillery emplacement? Was it located elsewhere in the hill that he didn't have the chance to cross by? No, that couldn't be right. There couldn't be only one or two guns. He would have to see one. Then...


A beat in his chest.


A bang in his eardrum


A sound in the distance...

Instinct brought his eyes up in the dull sky. It was in that very moment that his vision and hearings all coordinated and pointed at the very same thing. In his vision, he saw multiple black dots, looking like harmless birds flying in the sky, but they were definitely unlike birds. Unlike those harmless creatures who just lived freely and uncaring about the pointless and bloody struggles of what we call highly intelligent species as they soar through the sky freely, these things were darting right towards us. And in his hearings, a screech tore through his drums. The dots began to enlarge themselves. When his minds actually process the whole thing...

'Oh God Almighty...'

He was standing where those bishop faced wanted him to!

"Artillery have us zeroed! Take cover!"

This trench couldn't possibly hold if it got hit. Tales of people getting literally buried alive in their own trenches, with some actually dying to it, did not go unheard for a man like Michael. He had to find a stronger ones. Michael dashed right out of the trenches, and instantly, as if a gift, he found the place he needed. A wood planked trench. It definitely wasn't a life insurance, but it'd at least give him slightly better protection than a normal trench. And in a place and time when luck was a major role in whether or not you'd make it back or not, where even an inch of difference could mean life or death, he'd take any chances he can get.

He leapt right into the trench just as the first shell landed. BOOM! Its distance was too far to do any damage to him, but unbeknownst to Michael, it blasted two of the soldiers into limbless hulks. During the very short interval, Michael slammed his back onto the wooden plank of the trench as he crumpled himself into a ball, his hand holding onto his helmet. Then the second shell landed. Then third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth? He couldn't even count anymore. Screams amidst the explosions would cut his minds short. Dirt and mud would sometimes slam into his helmet and his body, with probably someone's remains mixed in between. Smells of immeasurable mixtures rushed up his nose, as the sapper struggled to have a breathe to pray so that a shell would not blow him to pieces right now, or that a shell's fragments would not pin itself onto his chest.

Four minutes of eternity, it was short yet Michael could feel it. His hands gripping on his chest as an unknown force shook them as if they had inner earthquakes. Would this be the end of the journey? Would he never be able to see mother again? Would he die to a violent flame of hell rather than being shot at by a fellow human being? He could still feel his hands though. His breathe still found its way, even though the smoke filled air had invaded his lungs. He still lives. 'Please...don't take me away just yet.' He silently prayed. The hand gripping the chest gently made a small cross. He still had someone to return to. He had his family, his friends, his college, his church. He'd lived well. He didn't want to die just yet.

But then it somehow...came through. After a certain sound, there was nothing. Even the sound of the soldiers screaming for their severed legs couldn't be heard. Was everybody dead? Or maybe he should ask himself instead. Did he die and go to hell already?

When he got up, it was indeed a scene from hell. Bodies were mangled up everywhere, up and down No Man's Land. Some people didn't even have the chance to express the horror or peace before their demise. That metallic sense once again snuck up his nose along with the smoke from the shells that also obscured his visions. His mind feared the worst. He looked among the bodies, hoping that none of them resembled anyone he knew. So far, they were all strangers. But that doesn't mean they are all alive. With destruction like this, can anybody say it with confidence without concrete evidence?

Michael immediately got out of the trench as he headed down the pathway to where the Lance Corporal once stood. What he found wasn't him though, nor his corpse. He probably had escaped. What he found instead was Middleton. He didn't look as if he was expecting this to happen, but the moment he saw the young sapper and his squad insignia, he repeated the order, knowing fully well that he was not present when he said it the first time. So they're leaving this hill? Didn't seem like it though. Waves of fresh faces with clean and uptight uniforms began to flood in. It seemed like his squad had ran out of usefulness in this sector for now - being the pawns in a grand scheme.

He had no intention to disobey him, not out of fear but through agreement instead. He wouldn't do any good in a squad outside of his own. And he wouldn't want to stay in this hellhole any longer. And so with his rifle on his left elbow joint, he descended the hill, quickly but he avoided running in general, as much as he wanted to leave this hill. He was carrying a rifle with bayonet, and dozens of equipment, some of which pretty dangerous. He wouldn't want to roll down the hill with them on his body.

As he was going down the hill, he saw the man that he was looking for. Jean, the Darcsen Lance Corporal, along with the girl that accompanied him halfway up the hill, also with another one with the same hair color, and presumably the same race, as Jean, whom he hadn't met just yet. He now turned his way toward them, as they arrived at the trench that they had ran up in that same day.

"You guys..." He said as soon as he made his way right next to them, still catching breathes from the descent. It was quick but did not necessarily equate to non-tiring. "You made it through."

Three people in his squad wasn't bad.
@Landaus Five-One@LetMeDoStuff@SMS
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