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Current Damn, it's really been three years since I last did anything on this site, huh? ...Maybe it's time I do something about this.
5 yrs ago
*Kicks in door* HERETICS, YOU SAY?!
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6 yrs ago
A Hailstorm.... in JULY. Thanks Canada....
6 yrs ago
So I just finished up a long D&D session with friends. Near the end one of them may have asked if they could roll to yeet a random cat across the town... Nat fucking 20.
6 yrs ago
A snow and ice storm that shuts down most of the city... in April. Never change Canada.
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In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zelosse Yeah, pretty much.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Silas Asara

Silas stood alone in the common room, notice clutched in one hand. Looking it over reminded him of all that had happened last night. Meeting Vera, the seniors at the crossroads, the encounter with Felix. It was hard for him to believe that all of last night's chaos had happened so quickly, it felt like Silas had spent an eternity in that ominous forest!

The turning of a doorknob drew Silas's attention away from the sheet of paper and towards the other side of the room. The scent of... oranges? struck him before he even saw his roommate. The smell was very nice... but it also certainly served to remind him of his current hunger. He watched as the source of the sweet aroma, Vera, emerged from her side of the dorm. She looked... beautiful to put it simply, her appearance leaving Silas stunned. He looked away quickly as he noticed that he'd been staring for a couple of seconds. Don't stare at her you idiot! What are you doing?! By the time his conscience had quit yelling at him, Vera was already talking about where they could go.

"Hmm, how about we check out the city area near the academy? We could probably find someplace for lunch out there. I'd love to try the tram system too, that'll be fun."

"The tram?" He asked, quite confused. "I'm... not sure why you'd want to do that, but okay"

"How about it? It'll even be my treat, a little 'thank you' for helping me along last night."

Her excitement was infectious, Silas couldn't help but be just as happy as they made their way out of the dorm. However the mention of last night stirred something in him. Just as they had left their room, he stopped Vera for a moment.

"It sound's great to me! but... since you mentioned it..."

His expression shifting to a slight grimace as he prepared to speak.

"About yesterday... there's something I need to say"

Seemingly uneasy, Silas shot a glance down the hallway to make certain that nobody else would overhear their conversation.

"I wanted to say... thank you. Thank you... for what you did yesterday. If you didn't say anything when we ran into Felix... I might've... I might've done something really, REALLY drastic. So... Thank you, Vera."

Every word was delivered with reluctance, he hated that he was admitting this. Yet he knew it was true, that he probably would've done something... stupid if she hadn't been there. Silas let out a small laugh as the unease faded, before looking back to Vera and speaking up again.

"Sorry about being so... depressing. I just... needed to say that."

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raptra I can't believe how much of a liar schoolwork has made me. I said I'd have a post up a week ago, yet still there's nothing. I'm truly sorry, and I will attempt to piece something together after school today.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raptra Post should go up sometime tonight.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
What's that old saying?

Hell hath no fury like a crazy anime chick obsessed with a guy?

I'm stealing this line for later use
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Silas Asara

After a few moments of searching through his things, Silas managed to retrieve a set of clean clothes. He hadn't gotten changed after the chaotic events of the night run, so a shower was most definitely in order. Besides, taking a shower would help him actually wake up, he certainly didn't need to piss off more of the teachers by passing out mid-class! As he stood up, the ever-tempting bed next to him caught Silas's eye. He so badly wanted to just fall down and sleep through the rest of the day, it took all of his willpower to resist the inviting call of the pillows and sheets.

He let out a defeated sigh as he proceeded towards the bathroom clothes tucked under one arm, before his path was intercepted by Vera. Currently she was the complete opposite of Silas. He was a mess, tired and angry at the fact he was currently awake, while she seemed energized, happy, and generally ready for the day.

"Classes? Oh, there's nothing to worry about, love. We didn't miss a thing,"

She had been waving a paper around as she spoke, and Silas found it being pushed into his hands as soon as Vera had stopped talking. "Well that's good... Now I don't have to worry about some teacher literally burning me because I missed the first day." Silas said as he gave a small chuckle. Now that class had been cancelled, he wouldn't have to contend with a teacher's ire tomorrow. In a place where the Headmaster looks like he could be the final boss of a video game, and another teacher threatens students on day one, I probably shouldn't piss a teacher off.

"Ooh, how about we grab a bite somewhere together before training? That ought to make you feel better."

The mention of food caused Silas to realize that he'd not eaten anything since waking up, albeit he only woke up a few minutes ago. It was if the words themselves had made him hungry, Silas even thought he heard his stomach growl, though he was unsure if it was just his imagination. Still, food was food and he wanted to eat.

"Yeah that sounds great! Just gimme a minute to get ready."

Spurred on by the motivation of food, Silas rushed into the bathroom and hastily closed the door behind him.

Silas stepped into the shower and turned on the water, the warmth felt great on his exhausted body, yet there was something... off about this water. Every time a drop touched his skin, the connection felt more than just physical. Strange as it sounded, it was as if the water was almost... calling to him? Was this just because he was at the academy? Maybe it was just his tired brain making shit up? Or maybe this was because of his own elemental power? Two feelings in particular washed over him as the water cascaded past. On one hand being surrounded by the water felt nice, it was soothing and comforting in a way. Yet at the same time the water felt as if it could become a suffocating and threatening presence on a whim. Confused greatly, Silas elected to get out of the shower and get dressed.

Emerging from his side of the dorm room, considerably more awake, clean, and 'present' than before Silas called to his roommate.

"Alright, I'm ready to head out. Where are we going?"

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Silas Asara

Silas shifted sleepily atop his bed, still exhausted from yesterday's events despite resting. He'd passed out almost immediately upon reaching the dorms, neglecting to so much as even get under the sheets in favour of just falling asleep on the made bed. He didn't even bother to get changed, which would be slightly disgusting to some, but he honestly didn't care at the time. Blocking the harsh sunlight with one hand, Silas idly looked about the room as he tried to fully wake himself. Where's all my stuff? The hell? Didn't I unpack the other day? A few moments passed before Silas remembered that after last night's run he'd agreed to move in with Vera. Riiiight I would've had to pack my stuff back up which means that it's all right... there... Silas thought to himself as his tired gaze fell upon a hastily packed duffel bag at the side of his bed. Idiot...

"Silas? You still here, love?"

Vera's voice from the other room pulled Silas away from his self-scorning, and brought him slightly closer to actually awakening. Reluctantly, the boy forced himself to sit up and then stand before shuffling to and opening the door. "Still here, and still very tired."

Silas turned back and begun ripping apart his bag to find his phone, so he could check the time. He was left speechless as the screen came to life and he saw just how long he'd been out. He'd missed the first morning of classes, hopefully the teacher wasn't the type to harp on attendance, because if they were... I'm so fucked Well, there was nothing he could do to save that unfortunately, seeing that he'd have to deal with the teacher's wrath tomorrow whether he liked it or not.

"You just wake up too or am I the only one who missed class?" Silas shouted as he searched through his bag.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raptra I'm / He is here still, currently writing a post for him. The return of the foul demon known as School has me running around in bloody circles right now. So I've been a touch occupied as of late. Regardless, the post WILL be up today.

EDIT: Short post is short, but it served it's purpose. Note: Silas is NOT a morning person, even if it is just barely "morning"
Aaron Rucasi

Aaron looked on in annoyance as his question had been completely ignored by Robert, who was seemingly staring off into the distance. In fact, a number of his classmates had been looking towards the horizon. Curiosity growing in his mind, Aaron sighed and traced his classmates gazes and finally saw what Robert had been so enraptured by.

"New Reno... Our 'home' doesn't seem so welcoming and inviting anymore..."

A thought that had not yet occurred to Aaron swelled in his mind as he stared off towards the city's skyline. Everyone in that city... What of them? How long has this 'mind control' been happening? Are they still my family? My friends? Did these friendships ever exist? Is all I know lies? St-stop it Aaron you'll only freak yourself out more if you dwell on that... Keep a clear head. We need to figure out what the hell happened to us, and how we ca-

"Wait, WHAT THE FUCK!? Why is your arm glowing!?"

Sudden yelling from Vladimir of all people, broke Aaron's train of thought and brought him back to his senses. He shook his head and blinked a couple of times to regain his focus before looking down at his still glowing arm then back to Vladimir

"Do you HONESTLY think I have any idea? Half of this shit makes no sense! I'm pretty certain I've gone insane at this point!" Aaron said before closing his eyes and letting out a sharp sigh. "If we could just figure out what actually happened here, maybe we could come up with an explanation that makes sense..." he half-muttered to himself.

The sounds of clinking and grinding metal brought his attention to the cave entrance, and he saw before him yet another oddity in today's insane series of events. A knight clad in armour black as tar who dwarfed everyone else in the cave had just shown up, and his menacing appearance was only further accentuated by his behemoth weapon and the sinister red glow emanating from his visor. Aaron observed as Dean immediately took a hostile stance, whilst Vladimir tried a friendly approach, thus Aaron elected that he would take the middle ground between the two.

As he walked closer, Aaron tried to bury deep this new feeling rising in him, one that was telling him to run. What if this newcomer drew his blade? What if he decided to attack the class? He needed to overcome this and don a stoic mask, at least for the moment, in spite of his rising fear. He stopped walking just behind and beside the teacher, before taking a deep breath and mustering all the courage he had.

"You have our attention. Go on then, Introduce yourself."

@The Jest@Windstormugly@Godlikeblade@Silvir@Petulant
@Windstormugly@Silvir Are you two waiting for me to post? My bad if so.
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