Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
10 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Most Recent Posts

A buddy and I plan to make a Cleaner and an Inside Man, respectively. Basically he'll be the guy that does the dirty work with bodies and things of that nature, while I do all the casings and leave behind the bags and stuff. How else do you think we get all the blueprints? xP

And we're going to be twins. Think of us as the Before and After of a heist.

If any other roles need fillinng, though, hit us up.
Cesar Lorenzo Tidesong Bolivar
The Vale, Did I ever tell you how much I hate birds?

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Hekazu@Zverda

Cesar was only a bit bored. They had spent hours upon hours of walking through these strange lands, which seemed mostly uneventful at the time. During this time, Cesar had been singing sea shanties and swinging his sword around, telling tall tales of heroics to pass the time.

Suddenly, however, a trio of giant birds the size of Cesar's pride began to encircle thr group, making their descent. Cesar clicked his tongue, shaking his head at this new potential threat.

"Ah, great. Oversized gaviotas..." Cesar said under his tongue before he rolled his neck, looking over to his ally, Thea.

"Alright, then, amiga! Ready to fight fearlessly like those heroes of old I was just talking about?" Cesar asked, the spark surrounding his words as he spoke, an indication that his magic is being used, before raising a glowing fist directed at Thea, leaving it out for her to "fist-bump," as Cesar called it. Cesar pounded his chest with his other fist using the arm holding the sword (and obviously in a matter where he doesn't hit himself with his own sword), before the spell was completely cast, and they were both invigorated with a sense of fearlessness.

Stabs the Nonja,
the Mirrored Sea,
Aboard the SS Ladyslipper


A man clad in shadowy clothes walks out from belowdecks, yawning. Normally, this man slept under the decks until come nightfall, where he'd do a lot of strange, creepy, possibly illegal things. Red eyes began to survey the deck once he was up, and he started to shiver. It was cold, he thought, Too cold. Normally, a man of his nature isn't bothered by the cold too much. He could even walk naked without worry of the cold... at least, in a normal climate. Right now, it's almost freezing for him, and his intuition tells him something is off.

Whatever it may be, it probably won't suspect him. His cloak was already donned as he went to a crouch, the colors of his clothes shifting a shade of white, becoming one with the blizzard. While his boots masked his very sound, he felt as if their full effect wasn't as neccesary, with the howling winds of the storm they were in already doing most of that for him. Once he stepped off the stairs onto the main deck, he traversed through the slippery, icy ground of the ship carefully. What he saw when he ascended was a great, white sphere, and within, something he can't easily discern. He carefully made it toward the stairs, positioning himself behind it. l Whatever was in that sphere, the man though it would have a hard time hitting or even seeing him from here.

The man quickly shuffles at his belt, grabbing two strange... star-shaped discs. Weapons, perhaps? Well, whatever they were, the man stayed down, warily, waiting, not throwing them just yet. He awaited for a clear shot, or at least, for one where his crewmates would be able to point out easily for him...

Shikirari Visekos, the Bloodsucking Demon of the East, stayed hidden, patiently waiting for his time to strike. His throwing stars- his shuriken- readied to strike at the first threat that makes itself apparent...

@Lady Selune

The valedictorian would most definitely serve a tactician sort of role, and will shine when any book smarts are needed. In the future, he could even serve as a tech expert after finding his real dream school, the University of Heisting, and majoring in Criminal Science.

The rich kid is more of a... loose cannon. The guy who'd go in guns blazing and doing the craziest of thinga. Not that he would be a big detriment to the team, as I plan to avoid doing things reckless enough to screw everyone over. As far as his established role comes, that is something I would have to think over on. His money could be an asset for the crew in future heists, and if we go with him being in a crime family, we could also get some jobs from them, if appropriate.
I have two character concepts in mind: a high school valedictorian who, despite having so many scholarships, couldn't get into his dream university and decided to make the money on his own terms, or a spoiled son of a rich family, possibly a crime family, who wishes to live a thrill-seeking, hollywood life.
@Haunted Panda There is an SRD for 3, from what I've gathered. Makes resources a bit easier for people to gather. I suppose we'll see what everyone else likes more.

<Snipped quote by Cu Chulainn>

Nope! Instead, we have to search everywhere for keycards.

Jailtime is going to take three minutes, though, right?
Cesar Lorenzo Tidesong Bolivar
Unknown, It's a nice draft out here, huh?

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Hekazu@Zverda@Gordian Nought@JBRam2002@Big Dread

"Come all, friends! The water here is pure enough to drink, so worry not about its purity. It's also a nice, place to take a dip in, too!" Cesar called to everyone, before uncorking his water skin. After drinking it the first time, Cesar actually had a strange feeling of fullness. It's as if he wasn't even exhausted in the first place. All the water he had consumed only served to fill his belly, as far as he's concerned. Still, he won't let good water like this go to waste, of course, especially while they're still by the source.

Cesar had began to spill the contents of his waterskin over himself, further giving him a refreshing burst. After that, he gathered some more water to fill his skin, before corking it and tossing it back with his pack. Cesar scooped a bit more water into his hand, splashing himself once more in his face, washing it, before standing up and beginning to stretch, flexing almost unintentionally. Almost.

"What do you all think we'll be getting ourselves into, down that vale?" Cesar asked as he stretched. "I feel like I'm ready to take on ten more of those shadows, all at the same time!"

Cesar was very excited to get a move on, although he did take a bit of his own time getting ready. He made his way back to his things digged into his pack, first pulling out a spare tunic, something just a bit tight on him, defining his physique more. Next, he pulled out a chain shirt- one he bought for when he startes living the life of a sellsword- as well as a few pieces of spare leather armor; bracers, shinguards, pretty much a few more pieces armor that would cover the parts his chain shirt wouldn't. Now that his things were prepared and in order, Cesar decided he'd take a bit more time to get the rest of his stuff together.
Yup! Had two ravens with different effects. Although now I'm thinking of extending that ability to summoning different sorts of animals.
Oh, nice, this is getting refreshed? I wasn't able to make a character sheet earlier because my computer actually broke at around the same time, and I had a few other things I had to take care of, but I'm finished with school now, and my schedule is super open!

I think I might try my Odin idea from before. A Dark-affinity guy who summons familiars based off of animals, mostly utility based.
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