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Back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, I got started with writing online on the Spore forums. Man, those were the days. We're talking like 12 years ago!

I've been here on and off for almost as long, and have GM'd a bunch of different things to varying success.

Discord: VMS#8777

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@Cyclone Noah Webster tried to fix English, believe me. He just made it worse.

Oh, you thought I wanted to remove the 'k' and 'fix' English?

Far from it, I wanted to establish some draconian agency that would send armed men out to beat anybody that didn't pronounce the k. Or anybody that Englishes wrong in other ways. We'll bring back the kuh-nights of old!

It's all in the name of making the Anglosphere great again.
I've heard it said that in old English there was no silent k. Knight was literally kuh-night, knife was kuh-nife, knee was kuh-nee...

Just imagine not being able to discern whether the local witch doctor says you have kidney failure or knee failure.

...why is the silent 'k' a thing again? We should start a petition to be rid of it once and for all.
For the longest time I just said it like Ivan but the Y'Vahn and Yivvin eventually had their turns at being my head-canon.
Where did Juk Fonk come from?

This reminds me of when someone asked how to say Jvan and was told, "You don't!"

I think Termite actually just said, "I got a way of saying it but I won't say bc I want u all to say it wrong lul"

As tempting as it is to just laugh and not answer, it rhymes with 'comatose'.
I can’t decide on what kind of character I want to make damnit!

How does one even decide on this crap?!

I start by choosing one trait and then defining an entire persona around just that one grossly exaggerated part of a personality. See: Zephyrion's pride, Xos' bouts of murderous rage, etc.

It's an approach that makes interesting (albeit perhaps not entirely relatable or realistic) characters. Now that I bring this up, I'm interested in what you guys think about this approach to character creation.

Are all my guys one-dimensional?
Did Zephyrion actually use Liquid Light in lamps? It's possible that I've forgotten, but I seem to recall him only having been given one small vial by Astarte. He zealously guarded and hid that gift for a while before eventually using some of its magic to make Ventus and the djinn.

(@Kho HA! That finally solves the plot hole of how djinn don't have souls and yet Ventus was givdn somd soul magic by Astarte's rock. Ventus is exception because he was one of those origignal few born from Zeph's own power and some liquid light)
@Kho The simple solution for that is for Teknall to save Vetros like he saved most of the rest of Galbar from the Realta.

Seriously, though, Teknall wouldn't tolerate Vetros being obliterated. He'll take over management if Zephy and Ventus are unable.

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Yes, although technically the Grotlings don't get to choose what enchantment they get (which, thinking about it, is even more like Minecraft).

By all means, he should get involved. Y'Qar ran off into the jungles with the King's Law (or did the King's Law run off into the jungles with Y'Qar?) which leaves Akthanos mostly powerless to stop the Realta. I was going to have Heru grab the thing from his brother and run back really fast to just barely make it in time, but I'd rather write about stupid ogre things. You and Kho can do whatever; I might eventually circle back to that half done Heru plotline and do some flashbacks.

All of this occurs before Ventus' death, so Ventus would likely be there too. He could destroy a couple of Realta fairly easily.
<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

I'm happy to know you'll still be with us! Also I totally didn't mistake the last sentence for a shrek meme.

Ogres are walking shrek memes
You know what? Fuck it.

I made a big deal a while back about how I was going to wrap things up and then bail since the start of my busiest year of university coincided with the coup in which Kho and the Australians seized my oh-so-coveted Co-GM status.

But things are a bit more stable now and it'd take ages to wrap stuff up to the point where I'd be content to just wipe off my hands and go, so I'll just abandon any notions of quitting.

I'll try to keep a trickle of maybe a post or collab every month or so. And maybe I'll do more ogre stuff.
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