Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Oooh, my first bumpity bump. Added two new ideas. One godly the other just a broadening of my earlier mercenary idea.

Both concepts would also really suit a small group. but I’m not sure if that is a feasible idea? Am I getting too greedy?
Idea 2?
Been a while since I played a vampire 🧛‍♂️
List me!
*sits patiently staring at the door*
With the peaceful music gentle thrumming off the walls, Dorian smiled as a new air filled the tavern. As his eyes scanned the room the tavern regenerated any damage before his gaze, and once again it was as good as new. The only signs of the recent carnage was the injuries and wounds still carried from it, and a few less patrons of course.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a single golden coin. It glimmered with the reflective light of the nearby candles.
Shooting a smile at Itotia, he gave her an approving nod before placing the coin into her jar. Her very first tip. @themadhatter420

He watched as Clay shirked his duties and confusingly relinquished control to two others so he could play doctor with a foxed-masked lady. Or maybe he was playing family with that child. Dorian didn’t rightly care, as long as there was at least a moments peace before his brothers antics would cause chaos again. Oil and water they had always been. Chaos and order.

With a precursors glance, Dorian studied the unusual mythic creature and absorbed the happenings of the god-like beings game with itself. It seemed to be an interesting bout.

Dorian takes her hand with a firm but gentle grasp. With a glimmer in his eyes he speaks.
”Pleasure to have you aboard, I have taken the liberty to have your possessions located in your room for you already. The cart is stored just out the back. I do look forward to enjoying your entertainment.”

He then gives an acknowledging nod to her bird as he studies it for a short moment with curious eyes.
”I’m sure you will find all you need, but if you have any questions at all, don’t be afraid to ask.”
Dorian, the finely dressed man sat in a corner of the tavern, feathered quill in one had elegantly scrawling across a fine white sheet of paper with a smooth fluency. Just as the extravagantly dressed Itotia approached him, he finalised his work with a full stop and gently dropped the quill back in the ink vial.

“Ah, pleasure to meet you.” He kindly said as he stood and gave an elegant bow. “Please forgive the formality, I prefer to leave agreements in words rather than paper but alas I must adjust to the times. Change is one thing that no one can fight off, not forever. I do hope you find the arrangement to your liking.”

He gave her a knowing grin, a warm smile, a caring look. But despite being as pleasant as one could be, he moved through the motions in a fluency like he had done it many times before, or simply knew exactly how everything was going to turn out.

Itotia would find his paper in her hand, it was a contract, and a fairly generous one, despite not being paid in any coins.
The hours were flexible and all food and accomodation was provided. She could even keep any tips made. In return she only need entertain the guests when the mood was right, be it through song, dance, story or conversation. And she need be willing to cover the bar at times.

Dorian politely awaited until her eyes had scanned the paper then held out a silver key on a small chain. “For your room.” He said, once again invitingly kindly. “You will find your things already there.”
@themadhatter420 haha, ok.
Firstly thank you for all the courtesy, you are very polite. :)
But as far as characters go you cannot step on any toes. Literally anything is welcome the only limitation is how you will be able to interact and offer interactions with others. (Although maybe consider size constraints as there is a roof.(unless you want to rp from outside the tavern *shrug*))

Let your imagination and heart run wild as long as it brings a positive experience to others.

Yup! I think I’ve got to record that and add it to the golden rules somewhere.

Anyway looking forward to rp’ing with you.
I was going to see if you still needed someone to help with entertainment but I think if I jumped in now id be super late to everything going on xD I can put together a quick character sheet for my bard to play music in the tavern and dance if your still looking? @Dark Light

Always looking for new employees! Actually just started a new write up for them. (Will probably take weeks to finish tho)
The role of an employee is to entertain and provide interactions for guests and in return they get some tavern employee privileges,

So jump in when ever you’re ready and introduce your character.
ah oops
i don’t think lavender actually said anything at the end of that post but oh well

Ahhh! No no no. Let me go retcon my post. I clearly didn’t read your post properly. I see there is no quotation marks around the bottom bit. Sorry! My bad :(
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