Avatar of datadogie


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2 yrs ago
Current Smarty Jones... Just... Consider removing the 'Smarty' part of your name if you're going to try and kick up a side-argument here, there's no reason for that. Otherwise, let's just move on.
2 yrs ago
People don't tend to think about rules when in disputes. Instead, just point out that whoever stops arguing first gets to see the other make a fool of themselves if they going after it all stopped.
2 yrs ago
The best part about being on the Guild this long is that nowadays, I can sit back and chuckle as the newcomers try to start a fight an instead get all the old hands ganging up on them. Popcorn for me.
3 yrs ago
Got my first covid vaccination today. I was terrified, but the staff there were very well trained and things went well.
3 yrs ago
Every few minutes playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I tear up from the memories. It's not often you get a game that truly pulls at the same heartstrings as your childhood playthrough's once did.



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@Galatarix, welcome! We have plenty of nerds here, so don't you worry, you'll fit right in. :P
@datadogie That's fine, yes. When I mean humanoid, I mean bipedal species. Two legged, like how humans are.

Aye, no worries. Was just a touch concerned that you thought catboy meant four legged male feline. I'll get working on my character.
I would prefer more humanoid species.

It would be Humanoid, depending on your definition on Humanoid. Would the below be acceptable? If not, easily can change, would just modify the backstory a bit;

Poking my head in here from the interest check to say I'm thinking up a character.

As for species, what are the limitations on them? I joked briefly a day or so ago about catboy in space.
I'm slipping my interest into this. A simple and fun concept!
Molly Agaphira

Mentions: @Blizz

The opening of Molly's eyes came abruptly, caused by the pinging of the communications terminal, which was in turn beeping in her ears in order to notify her of an incoming transmission. Moving her hand up to wipe the sleep out of her eyes, she took a moment to check how long she had been asleep, a meager fifteen minutes. It would have to do, she thought, bringing her hand to the headset and tapping a button on the side to open up the communications. Rolling onto her stomach, she listened for any introductions from whoever was trying to communicate with her, before nodding her head in respect and acknowledgement. Speaking out another codephrase, the Handler on the other end met her own phrases with his, and security on both ends was established.

"Sorry to wake you up so early, but we have something for you, and you specifically," the Handler says. This intrigued Molly, and so she did not speak, allowing the Handler to continue explaining the task at hand to her. "Debtpuller mission. You'll know her as Frost, you worked together with her around Kastrack. As we've worked with her in the past, she asked any names that she had in mind and yours came out of the hat. I guess you managed to catch her eye, lucky you. Specific mission details haven't been discussed, that's between yourself and the Debtpuller."

"As usual," Molly replies. She had worked in the past with those who asked for the returning of a favour, known as Debtpullers within the White Ashes, though Frost would be the only one that Molly had worked with before Debtpulling. That was likely the reason that Molly got asked for specifically - oftentimes, people didn't believe the fairytales of the White Ashes operations until they saw them for themselves, and that went for any organisation that went above and beyond in it's legends. "How's her Codephrase?"

It was obvious that Frost's codephrase checked out, else this would be an assassination operation rather than the supporting of a Debtpuller. The true meaning of the question was not lost upon the Handler, however. "Hardee har. She checks out, and the effects of her involvement are still ongoing. Threat of a pounce is extremely minimal; Harpy has already started monitoring until you give the all clear, and there are subsidiaries ready to enter play if something does happen. Speaking of which, any deviation from your typical Paranoia settings?"

"No changes," Molly replies. The Paranoia settings existed in the case that an Operative was lost and a rescue mission had to be launched. Oftentimes, Operatives could handle themselves even if they got betrayed by those they were on the side of, but there were a few cases out there where an Operative was in a pickle. In the case that an Operative didn't send an all clear within a specified period of time, based on their Paranoia settings, any action could be taken based on what the Operative had set. An Operative could set it so that after a month, one of the 'Subsidiaries' of the White Ashes, who were in reality just groups that owed something to the White Ashes by money or otherwise, would be deployed. Or, the Operative could set it so that after three days, other Operatives would be sent to help them, though an operative who did this would be dismissed from the White Ashes - and from life entirely. Operatives could set their settings however they want based on their own preferences, and sometimes Operatives who partook in extremely dangerous missions could set themselves up to become a target for elimination if they thought there was a major risk of brainwashing or other methods of making agents turncoat, though this was unheard of, and an agent who played turncoat would warrant the cancelling of almost every ongoing Operation in order to prioritise the elimination of the turncoat. "Harpy, pass me the location and contact details," Molly says.

"HARPY ACKOWLEDGES. WICKED FALCON SAFE. ZERO RISK OF SHOULDERCREEPER. DETAILS SENT." Came a voice that was quite obviously not biological in any form, and spoke very robotically - speaking otherwise took processing power, and Harpy was always using it's processing power. Harpy was one of the few things that every single member of the White Ashes agreed made the Ashes what they were. Whilst every individual of the White Ashes could operate independently and find the information they needed through various means, Harpy could support White Ashes personnel in every way imaginable. It was a computer system that constantly tracked and monitored what flowed in and out of the White Ashes, and could be directed to monitor specific things if needed. It couldn't monitor the entire Galaxy at once, but if you told it to look for something, it'd find that something, or tell you how to find that something. It was part of the reason that the White Ashes operated the way it could with so few members. There were only two members of the White Ashes that knew where Harpy was actually located, the Junior Keeper and Senior Keeper, however everybody, including those who wished to tear the White Ashes down, knew that Harpy had to be in deep space somewhere. White Ashes members were open to wondering if the White Ashes were really lead by the Squire's Blade, or if the Keepers really pulled the strings from behind the scenes.

"Thanks. I'll contact Frost now," Molly says, closing the transmission. As expected, the details of Frost had arrived, and so Molly turned the Elucidora around and let the navigational data Harpy provided plug itself into the computer. As it did it's thing, Molly opened the communications panel again, and let the panel start pinging Frost's datapad, requesting communications.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
Welcome to the guild!

And if you find any fishy sticks, let me know.
Hello, and welcome to the Guild!
I'd like to throw my interest into this, seems like something I'd enjoy!
Molly Agaphira

Fourteen Hours Ago

"This is Davis, we're all set on my end," Engineer Davis reported through his comm. The destroyer Wulfmageddon had been on edge for the past two days. The Wulfmageddon was getting ready for something big, though junior enlisted members of the crew like himself hadn't been told too much about their task. What he did know was that they were going to be intercepting a bulk freighter, named the Gargantuan Giant Garry, carrying a whole load of who-knows-what. A corvette could easily have swept in to escort the freighter to a shipping port of some kink to be searcher properly, which told him that the freighter definitely wasn't some pansy target. It could have been a Q-Ship, or something even better than that. Rumour had it that the freighter may have a load of hi-tech goodies, enough to get even a lowly engineer like himself a decent hit from the prize money of capturing the ship, but the rumours went even higher than that. There were some whispers going around that the Gargantuan Giant Garry was supporting something big with it's shipment, perhaps some kind of large terrorist organisation, and was a juicy target for a Commodore looking for a pat on the head. Maybe even-

"Hey dazy-brain, you good down there?" Called a feminine voice. Davis turned his head back from the ducts he had squeezed himself between. As his eyes settled upon Martha Pillion, a smile met his lips. Martha had joined the crew recently, a transfer over from the Indrid Valley to help bolster the numbers a little. Extra marines on board for the boarding of the freighter put a bit more stress on the Life Support System, and so a couple more engineers had been needed to keep an eye on the system. Davis hoped Martha was a permanent transfer - she was gorgeous, and Davis was willing to shoot his shot; At least, when he wasn't deep into piping ducts. "I don't want you getting stuck down there!"

"I'm fine! Will's got me down here looking for rodents and shit. Doesn't want them nesting in the heat and chewing on cables," Davis called back, pushing himself a bit deeper. Now that he was further into the ducts, he could hear something, though he wasn't sure what it was that was tapping away at some unseen metal. He only saw what was possibly making the sound as he squeezed between a pair of utility mounts - it was a small box looking thing, about the size of his boot. He guessed that whatever it was, something was stuck in the mechanism, but he didn't actually know what it was.

Then, a sharp pain, worse than anything he had ever felt in his life. He opened his mouth to speak however nothing came out, it took Davis a moment to realise he had been stabbed, a knife straight through the back of the neck, going straight into the back of his throat. He dropped to the ground like a sack of bricks, the life fading from him quickly. Someone picked up his hand, pressing it against something they were holding - was that his comm? It had the same orange highlights that he had put on it to stop losing it. Whoever it was, they pressed his finger against the panic button, triggering it, before getting up to leave him - why had they done that? Did they want someone to find him dead? He caught glance of the individual as they began to leave before letting out a little gurgle, all he could manage as he began to slip away into the afterlife. It had been Martha. Martha had killed him. All Davis could do was curse her in his mind before he finally lost the little life he had left. An hour later, Wulfmageddon's drive system went offline.

The Present

It took three minutes for the connection between the Elucidora and the communication node to be established. It was likely due the heavy encryption scheme that was forming between the ship and the node, and the node with another distant location. Molly knew that the shadowy supervisors of the White Ashes did not bounce their signal off of just one node but several in order to mask their location. And even then, there were other tricks that they employed, perhaps even some that Molly herself couldn't think of. Three minutes was enough time for Molly to finish packing away the engineer's uniform, and scrub the ID Card so that she could re-use it later; Martha Pillion would be no more, marked as having perished aboard the Wulfmageddon as it's primary drive detonated.

A light on the communication's panel flashed twice, paired with a trio of beeps. The communication's line had been established, and someone had picked it up. Molly reaches over the shoulder of the pilot's seat and picks up the headset - she could have easily began speaking without it, but there was no issue with clearer audio where she could find it. She paused for long enough to note that nobody was speaking on the other side, no questions from the receiver of the transmission. That was a silent checkmark for the legitimacy of the receiver in being a White Ashes handler. Therefore, she spoke first, starting the handshake.

"A white cat in a black fog."
"I am a wizard. What do I see?"
"A tower in the mist, a flower in the wind."
"A tower of flowers, purring in the misty wind. Continue."

"Wulfmageddon is out of play. Her drives are completely offline. I've wiped myself clean off their system, I'm a ghost now. They are aware that it is sabotage, as requested." Molly says, closing the cargo compartment she had been sorting. Making it clear that it was sabotage by triggering one of her unfortunate victims' panic button was part of the plan, though it did mean the little bit of extra effort needed by the Qrura Worm to wipe her from the system as if she'd never been there. The Gargantuan Giant Garry was not actually an affiliate of the White Ashes, just an unfortunate ship who got the attention of the Feds, which the White Ashes were using to their advantage. By putting the Wulfmageddon out of commission and making it clear it was sabotage, just before the ship executed an operation to intercept the bulk freighter, it made it obvious that someone was trying to protect the Gargantuan Giant Garry. The Feds would take a day to realise the Wulfmageddon wasn't going to go after the freighter, another day to fetch a few more ships to go after it due to it's clear importance, and then another few days scratching their head as they find absolutely nothing on the freighter except a couple of scared crewmen. In the meanwhile, associates of the White Ashes would be able to continue operating unhindered for the new few weeks. She found it funny that a couple of separate gangs were willing to duke it out with eachother over a crate of cheeseballs, but were also willing to gather a couple million credits to give to the White Ashes in exchange for a little bit of help - after all, White Ashes were expensive, and their few operatives were valuable. Not just anyone could ask for them, and they were just lucky that one of their leaders had a little bit of clout.

Molly lifted the back of the pilot seat, folding it completely forward, before lowering the bed so she could climb onto it and tug the blankets over herself. One would have shown amusement at the fact she was talking to her handler, which may as well have been the equivalent of talking to a military superior, whilst she was laying in bed, but it didn't matter. The communications were audio-only, and people got their rest where they could - in this case, the rest was talking to the Handler. She shut her eyes, her hand feeling for a panel on the wall beside her before dragging her fingers down, the gentle falling of her fingers joined by the slow dimming of the lights. "Congratulations on a job well done," the Handler says, his voice calm and neutral, as if he was just having a normal conversation with her. If there was one thing different about White Ashes communications to military communications, it was that not everyone sounded tough, because they didn't need to be. Handlers and Operatives could talk about whatever they wanted for as long as either didn't receive a different transmission they needed to answer. "You're free until something else comes up. Planning on anything?"

"Other than a nap, nothing. Let me know if something else pops up, I'm in a working mood," Molly says, rolling onto her side. The Handler said his goodbyes before closing the transmission. He'd contact her again if something did come up that needed her or was in a close enough proximity that she could check out. On the other hand, if something turned up on her end - which wasn't likely - she could mark her status as occupied and do as she pleased. But for the time being, Molly closed her eyes, and waited for herself to either drift away into a dream, or to open her eyes to the beeping of the communications panel.
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