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He hasn't completely figured it out yet but he he will start by beating up Ajit Pai.

How will Bob get to Pai's place?
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> Daniel gestured at Irene and Smit to be quiet, because making a scene wouldn't help them at all and did his best to remember everything he learned as it could all be useful. He headed in the same direction as Buford, wanting to speak to the commander as well.

In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Mae @Shovel

>> Having read all the bulletins Dan had to admit there were good reasons for the lack of troops near their village, though he still didn't like it. Since solving a few of those problems should lower the burden the guards at Old Fort carried and they would be a good source of experience he asked Natters Flint what he knew about the two missing merchants, Irene about the North Forest and Smith about whatever he had info on before continuing on to the Commander

When Jerri and Lance were discussing formations Nathan expected to be one of the mon placed in front. When he found out that wasn't the case he wanted to point point out that he knew Harden which raised his defense but he quickly realized that he might run out of energy for that move at the wrong time. Still not happy with his position but understanding the reasoning he took his place somewhere behind the party "defenders".

When they arrived at the forest Honey gave them a quick rundown on the plants and mushrooms they should look and Nathan repeated what she said to himself to help him remember. "Brown, and purple mushrooms good, red mushrooms and puffball only good for Munchlax. Gourd vines also edible." Somewhat louder so that everyone could hear he asked the question he had thought off during the Buneary's speech. "If one of us gets separated from the others is there an easy way to get back to the farm?" After al it would suck to get lost out in the woods during continuous rain.

Idea taken from a tv tropes forum game. The idea is simple we continue by answering the previous poster's question and than coming up with another question for the next poster to answer. For example:

Poster 1:
Where does our story take place?

Poster 2:
In an office building somehow floating in space.

Who is inside the office building?

To start things off my question is: Who is the hero of our story?
Danny figured that the floating specks he saw while mana vision was active were some kind of ambient mana, he would have to experiment with that later though. Still he reached kind of breakthrough that could prove very useful given his party member while also remembering his decision to develop non mp consuming skills. "Good news Jason, my spiritual awareness is high enough that I can see you without the source crystal or mana vision. It takes a lot of effort though." While he didn't say it out loud Danny did wonder what the other effects mentioned by the system could be.

Since he was reminded of the downside of using only mana draining skills by seeing the what he assumed to be, specks of mana floating around he decided to do something about that. Making sure not to lose his focus on sensing any vibrations in the ground he practiced throwing punches. He didn't put a lot of power or energy into each punch since he wanted to exhaust himself in case something attacked them again. When they set up camp though he might try for some more serious punching, depending on how safe he thought it was and how tired he felt.

@LovelyLuna Could you pm me the idea you have for step siblings?
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> "Thanks for the info." If the Fort was that low on man power it made some sense for them not to help out the village, but Daniel still didn't like it. Anyway it wasn't the woman's fault. Taking the part about asking Ulrand as an invitation he walked into Old Fort.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Mae @Shovel

>> Daniel signaled his part of the group to stop and put his sword away. "My name is Daniel and my and my partners are because we want to know why there haven't been any patrols near our village." Despite how he felt about the sitaution he did his best to stay calm and hoped what he said didn't sound like an accusation.

In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> Daniel shares the info he just got with Buford, After that he leads his group to the main entrance, himself in front.
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