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"I'ra yutra..Smith dona uu varata Ta pulta ovr tnre, I'ra ionra equai ga" Leonore spoke in the Feyian language, Smith slowly noticing a withered flower beside him as he reached out like he understood what he mother said. When his hand touched the flower it shook and soon began to grow to have bright orange pedals.

"What did you need to speak to me about?" Leonore spoke sounding like she was far away form the two but close enough she could still be heard. Smith meanwhile was sitting down on a chair that was near a old looking wooden table. He could see what looked like maps sprawled on the table along with many books showing a strange language that seemed familiar to him.

Balru lead Smith and Kara towards where Leonore was, She was in a room with a locked door which Balru knocked on softly with his knuckle. "My apologies my queen but your son and his lover are here to speak to you" He said when a soft sounding voice spoke. "Valvar jaur Oniru Drek'ton nearna Sker qyegu'ku Roeu tu", "She says you two may come in but i cannot come it is a private matter for family and not for a lonely servant like myself" Balru said bowing to the two.

The door open and Smith was leaning on Kara for support as Balru left.

"Okay..i guess but i will only do it..for you" Smith said looking up at Kara, "I will need your help...standing up" He said softly looking up at his companion. Balru was the first to move to Smith's side helping the young man up onto his feet, "Please don't strain yourself, I do not want you to hurt yourself" The older fey said softly.

Smith was looking away form Kara and to the strange flower form before, "Speaking to her will not help either....she will abandons me like she did last time" He said softly quickly moving his hand away form Kara. "Smith..i know how you are feeling but your mother loves you greatly and see does not want to lose you again, So please if not for her then speak to your mother for your lover" Balru said placing a pale hand on Kara's shoulder.

"We don't need her" Responded Smith who was gently touching another strange looking flower, "I think it would be best to listen to Miss Kara, Your mother will be able to help you with your training as a fey" Balru said walking and standing beside Kara. "I said i don't need her help, nor yours...it's her fault..for making me like this" Smith said softly glaring at Balru.

Smith said nothing for the time being, Sitting down in the exact same chair that his mother had sat on before. His hand gently touching a lone blue flower with bright yellow circle inside of it making it look quite beautiful, "It the internal transformation is not painful, Although you may feel sore for a day or so" Balru said softly rubbing the back of his neck.

Smith was touching the petal of the flower which rose and grew it's roots into the ground.


Of course it will be only on NPC's, Thanks.

Sorry my fault just changed it.
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