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Verd looked quite angry when Skull was speaking to him so badly, "Alright i got ya Jack Skellington" He quipped back hiding behind a pillar for a moment. Ripping off a piece of his costume form his shoulder, Wrapping it around his wound blocking off the bleeding for the time being. Looking over at the cops and the few other villains, Thinking and scanning the area of what he could do to help the other villains since he did not have such offensive quirks as the others. Checking the machine gun he fired at the electricity girl, Their was only about ten bullets in the magazine which would be useful for ten or so seconds.

The young villain was coming out of the pillar and aiming at one of the officer's legs, Hopefully to shot him and incapacitate him. If successful then he would run towards a few of the lone police, Breaking most of their arms or legs and or shooting them to incapacitate them and move on.

Cool i will try to send you my character sheet hopefully tomorrow after work.

Cool i will try to send you my character sheet hopefully tomorrow after work.


Colda was following behind Sam and was floating behind him wondering what other fighters had came to the dojo, Floating behind Sam and looking over at the ninja. Keeping his distance for the time being and in case anything happened he would have Sam to protect him, Listening to Sam and Kojiro's conversation his tail casually swaying back and forth. "Is this everyone that will fight this villain?" He asked Kojiro thinking if their would be enough to beat the person that is trying to destroy the world, Rubbing the back of his head and answering the question Kojiro asked him.

"It was quite exciting i feel like i can learn alot form your student" He said still rubbing the spot where he was hit by Sam, He wondering himself if he would be powerful enough to beat this invader. While fighting with Sam he felt that he was not powerful enough to beat Sam properly, So he lacked self confidence about his fighting abilities.
Hello i was wondering if you had room for one more?
Hello i was wondering if you had room for one more?


Colda was smiling at Sam's compliment of his powers, "I was taught most of my abilities by my father" He said answering his question. Tapping on his scouter while he was looking up and sensing a powerful person that passed them, Thinking it was the person that killed his family and would gladly take pleasure in killing that person. Without thinking about he gave Sam his answer, "I will fight this fiend" He said to Sam nodding his head.

He was getting quite exciting that he would be fighting the person that killed his family, But he may find that his assumption would be quite wrong. "When can we go fight this menace?" He asked Sam wanting to get into another fight and even saving the earth. That thought pleased him greatly, Rubbing his shoulder and stretching a little. Both mentally and physically preparing himself.
Right of course, Me personally i am good to get the plot going and brainstorming stuff for said plot if we need to. So we can do that while we wait i guess.

No rush of course but if you can i think posting something tomorrow can work for me.
Should i wait for Fallout to post something or respond to Cass post?
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