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I like tacos.

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Hi do you guys got room for one more?
Hi do you guys got room for one more?

Him being a recruit can work, Also i will post something with the two bros soon.
Hi was just wondering if Azazel is accepted?
Azrael Rothford

"Hello Daring~"

Name: Azrael Rothford

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Alignment: Dark Shadow

Rank within Organisation: Recruit

Birthmark Shape:

Location of Birthmark: On his forearm

Magical Abilities Telepathic/ Telekinetic

Place of Birth: Providence Rhode Island

Currently Residing: New York City, New York.

Personality: Azrael is a cruel person, Being selfish and full of himself. Thinking only of himself and the survival of his person, Using his sliver tongue or powers to blackmail or intimidate people into either doing what he wants or messing with their mind to serve him. Arrogant with a bit of a foppish attitude, Being a clean freak and dressing more stylish or in outlandish outfits. Also being torturous towards his younger brother, Using the favoritism of their parents and riches against him. Or just teasing, bothering, annoying or just making his little brother feel shitty.

Azrael loves to be around the depraved, cruel or overall mean people. Being a fan of art and traveling the world, Painting strange and almost hellish painting that has gotten him lots more money. A big fan of money which makes him greedy with a lust for money, sex and violence.

History/Bio: Azrael Rothford was born a couple of years before his younger brother Belial, Being loved and cared for mostly form his family. He was a spoiled child that transitioned into his adulthood, As a youth he was quite a troubled child but thanks to his magic he would get away with almost anything. And thanks to his parent's influence he could get away with much more serious things, As he grew up he was taught to be a painter and got into the nicest art high school and university. As a adult he was well known and with his brother leaving the Rothford mansion, Azrael and his parents found it to be refreshing and the three were happy for Belial's absence. Later on joining the Dark Shadow using his influence to build funds for the group, and to get closer towards the leader wanting to be given a higher rank.


Name: N/A

Relationship: N/A

Characters opinion of them: N/A

Oh sorry hello, Was just wonder if you will be posting soon so everyone in the guild will meet up.
Hi do you guys know where [@HarleyTheRandom] is?
Belial Rothford

Waking up in his large and messy bed, Looking over to his right seeing a nun and a female midget dressed as the pope. To his left he could see a Maoi tribesman and a fat nerdy fellow. Slowly getting out of bed making sure not to wake anyone, As he didn't want to deal with them going for the pack of cigarettes on top of his dresser.Finding some boxer shorts for him to wear heading to the balcony of his apartment, Lighting up his cigarette and trying to remember what he did last night to put him into his predicament. All he could come up with is that he was at a bar drinking a shit ton of screwdriver, Then he must've been really drunk because he does not remember the rest of his night. Never the less he would have to get these people to leave his apartment. Which would be easy for him since he could tell them to fuck off or just use a bit of his magic for them to leave. Running his hand though his bright red hair, Rubbing his upside down crescent moon birthmark. Taking a few deep drags on his cigarette, Letting the nicotine seep into his damaging lungs. Putting out the cancer stick into a ashtray and heading back inside, Waking up all of his sleeping "partners" telling them to leave his apartment. Being quite stern about them leaving him alone insisting they do not say for breakfast or lunch as his drunk self suggested last night. Soon everyone left which made him let out a sigh of relief, Walking over towards the medicine cabinet.

Pouring himself a glass of water and taking two aspirin pills down his throat, Drinking the water and taking a moment for the painkillers to kick in. Afterwards he got dressed in his janitor outfit seeing on his watch he still had time, He thanked god or whoever since he would not get another yelling at by his boss. A fat woman named Bertha who was a mean bitch to say the least, Taking a quick shot of rum before heading out locking his apartment door. Once he got at work luckily for him he was about 6 mins early, So he had sometime to prepare for his day. He had quickly gone before with his lunch, Consisting of a sub sandwich with french fries and a diet coke. Putting it in the fridge and beginning work. The little shits of the school he had been cleaning for a couple of years were quite unruly today, Wiping up blood form what he assumed was a brutal fight, Unclogging a toilet filled with diarrhea, blood, piss and what he thought was semen. Getting hit by piss condom balloons by some of the bullies of the school, And being harassed being called a "Pedo" or "Scizo" by the chatty rich popular girls of the school. He ignored it for the most part wanting to keep his job since he did not have the money of his parents, And he got back at these little shits by spitting or pissing on their food. And most of them eating it and blaming it on the cafeteria staff, So their has been many complains, firing and hiring of new cafeteria staff.

10 Hours Later.

After work he was always at his favorite bar, The place was called "McDoogal" ran by a tough son of a bitch named David McDoogal. Drinking a Miller High Life beer while watching the football game. It was the New England Patriots vs the New York Giants, He wasn't gonna cheer out right but he was rooting for the Patriots. Looking at his phone he saw a text message on his cheap HTC android phone, It said to go to HQ in a few hours. He didn't know what The Guild would need form him, He thought it would be another spying mission or interrogation which was starting to get on his last nerve. He was wanting to do something exciting, Something to get his blood pumping. But alas it would not happen so he chugged the last of his beer and paid for his tab. Heading out inside of his 1996 Toyota Camry, Putting on some of his favorite music (Being this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYV-XJdzupY) While he was driving to The Guild's home base.

Belial Rothford

"The hell you lookin at?"

Name: Belial Rothford
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Alignment: Guild
Rank within Organisation: Member

Birthmark Shape:
Location of Birthmark: On the back of his neck
Magical Abilities: Illusionist.

Place of Birth: Providence,Rhode Island
Currently Residing: Newark, New Jersey
Personality: Belial is a quiet and reserved, Mostly keeping to himself and not speaking to many people. Because of this he does not have many friends, Although he likes being alone. He is someone who would rather stay away form people, As he finds them to be a hindered then a benefit. Speaking when he feels like he should especially around others,Usually mumbling to himself about random things or is quoting form the bible. Having also a almost obsession with magic and the occult, Wondering and doing many experiments and research into the subject.

Having a violent and almost sadistic side to him when fighting others, When either using his magic or not. A huge history and movie nerd, Collecting books, statues or movies that he loves, He also loves certain countries. But it culture, history or landscape. Wanting to learn their language or being apart of their culture as much as he could. He is also sloppy, stubborn and most of all arrogant. Thinking he is better then everyone but not form being born in a known magical family. A typlical hardass that takes shit form no one, And doesn't mind telling people to go fuck themselves.

History/Bio: Belial was born into the famed and infamous Rothford family, His father being a pyromancer, And his mother being a illusionist much like himself. Having a older brother named Azrael who was the favorite of the family, Himself being the pariah of the family because he was not clean, civilized as his family was. So he was ignored by most of his family, Treated like a child or like a pest being ridiculed. So for most of his life he was by himself and his only friend was a Golden Receiver named "Urkle" and the butler another illusionist named Herbert. Herbert was a older gentlemen and a long time servant to the Rothford family, Some rumors said he use to be a horror author that was put under a curse to serve the Rothford for eternity or until all Rothford is dead.

As he grew older he hated his family, Mostly because he was not as powerful or accomplished as his big brother. Wanting his mother's approval but not getting it, And was only getting disgust and hurtful words form her. And when he a adult he hated his mother more then his father whom he ignored, Moving away form the family's mansion and into a small apartment in New Jersey working as a janitor in a highschool.

Name: N/A
Relationship: N/A
Characters opinion of them: N/A

Spank you, So where would be a good place to put him?
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