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Doom Slayer

Level 1 Doom Slayer

Location: Dead Zone

Word Count: 318

The Slayer was staring the woman that was speaking to the group, he senses a demonic presence form the woman. Like with V and Nero he would be wary of the woman. For the time being he was going to watch her like a hawk, in case she would be trouble down the line. Reminded of the last time he trusted a demon, he was trapped on the moons of Phobos. Turning his head towards the woman, squinting his eyes at her in a squint that could burn a hole in your head. Of course they could not see with his helmet on, But their was a menacing aura around him.

He felt that the group should not trust this demonic woman, but he didn’t think the group would care what his opinion were on this woman. Walking with the group though the parking lot of the mall, noticing the zombies and other creatures. All of them were going to feel the rage and pain of the Slayer’s fist. Reloading his shotgun and pistol before going into battle. Sprinting at the hoard of demonic creatures, making sure his presence was known to them. Firstly he would be clearing out the group of undead, which would make it easier for the others to pass.

Taking them out was the easy part, the more difficult part was the other creatures coming at him. Starting with the bat like creature flying around his head. Hurling stones and rubble at his head, which made a loud thud.

Knocking off the zombies that were surrounding him, Occasionally using the butt his shotgun like a baton.The old hag coming towards him trying to claw at his arms and back, The hoards of monsters starting to surround him. He hoped that the group would come over to help him form being overwhelmed.


Micah Aarseth

"We have had terrible dreams about that forest, dreams of being alone and the voices...screaming while i could see their pained faces" The strange man spoke with fear in his voice. His body seemed to be shaking a little form the mention of the forest, "We fear the dark ones in the forest" He spoke gulping loudly before looking over towards Neith. "However we will help you, what do you want us to do?" He spoke now in a soft whisper.

Micah quickly running to his table picking up his old tome, Returning a few moments later standing in front of Neith. Ready to service and protect her. A part of him was terribly afraid of going inside the forest, their was no safety net to save or protect him form the monster's in the forest.

The strange man would need to gather up some items, mostly trinkets and magical items that could protect him.


Doom Slayer

Level 1 Doom Slayer
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: 321

When he heard that V suggested he pushing the crane over, he looked over at the crane thinking if it was possible for him to accomplish such a feat. But thinking back he had shown feats of incredible strength, so he thinks he could try so that the others could cross the chasm. Walking over with the group towards the construction site, firing form his shotguns to clear the way. Thinking back to clearing a room fill of demons back on mars. As they came towards him with weapons that could not dent his armor. The tall demon killer bobbing and weaving out of the way of thrown weaponry.

The tall demon killer bobbing and weaving out of the way of thrown weaponry. Switching between his pistol and his fists. Quickly becoming bored firing his guns, deciding to just use his fists. Finding punching and smashing to be more satisfying then using a gun. More demonic blood staining his armor, making his presence quite striking.

Finally making a clearing for himself as he moved closer toward the crane. It looked similar to the ones he would see on mars. Standing in front of the crane putting away his shotgun, cracking his knuckles loudly walking toward the towering metal tower. Standing at the base of the crane, placing his hands on the base of the crane.

Starting to push forward hearing the creaking of the crane starting to move. Applying more pressure seeing the crane starting to move forward. A slow process and he hoped the others would have some patient, Pushing further he felt some sweat rolling down his forehead. The crane's base starting to bend forward, eventually the crane was pushed forward and making a make shift bridge. "Ta da" He said outstretching both of his arms towards the other side. Slowly walking over the crane and over the chasm, his walking had a certain swagger that oozed with confidence.

That's fair, I am sorry then for the inconvenience.
I would be interested in joining this rp, i had an idea for a voodoo priestess/gangsters character. Would you be okay with her being alot older then the others? If not that is fine i can make her mid to late 20's if anything.

Micah Aarseth

The drunken man that was holding Micah up looked over towards the woman talking to him, Looking back towards Micah who was holding onto the man so he didn't fall down. "Eh fuck it, this little piss ant ain't worth it" The man put Micah back onto his feet. As the man walked away, Micah was collecting himself. "We thank you deeply for saving us, how can we repay you?" Micah was starting to follow the woman.

"Do you desire to speak with a dead relative? or to explore worlds that you only ever dream about?" He said now standing behind her, He seemed to be speaking rapid and without contrasting his thoughts. Letting out a deep breath and shaking his head, "Our apologizes for the many question, we are still hysterical form almost being punched" He wiped the collar of his robes. "Our name is Micah, what is your name?" He asked now speaking in a more friendly tone.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

O'Ner Faister

TIME: Late Afternoon
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City

O'Ner stopped scanning the room, he felt he made himself look specious. Now keeping his eyes on the woman in front of him. Trying his best to keep up with the woman, perhaps he could have done practiced more. Listening to her reasoning for being at the ball, he was sure that was not the reason she was here. But he was going to keep her around to see if he could learn any information, "Oh and do you see anyone of interest?" He said smiling showing off his white teeth.

He would faint interest or try to gain her trust, "This place has been boring so far, but i have seen a few folks here i have been wanting to speak to" He said motioning towards a group of people with his head.


Doom Slayer

Level 1 Doom Slayer
Location: Dead Zone
Word Count: 276

The Slayer was disappointed that he could not fully pull the head off of the demonic dragon. The blood staining his suit, but he quite liked the new paint. Listening to what the half demon was telling him, he was sure it was some sort of demonic fuckery. Another hypothesis could be the UAC once again trying to open the gates of hell. Sometimes he wonders why he keeps trying to save these people. However he still had hope for humanity, despite their many faults.

Looking over at the flamboyant demon speaking to him, "If i think you are not a threat to humanity...then we will not have a problem" He spoke with small tone of threatening the both of them. He was going to watch them to make sure they do not cross the line. If they did then he would look like a fool, and he would need to correct his mistake. Following behind them, where the group, he didn't care about the details of where they come form. His job was to send these demonic bastards back to hell.

Once again looking over at the bishounen demon, Nodding his head wanting to stop where he though the demonic source was. He wondered if the cat girl was a demon of some kind. Looking up at the tall tree he had a bad feeling about it.

Micah Aarseth

Micah was enjoying a old tomb, inside of this book was ancient words and symbols lost in time. Even though the local bar would not be a ideal place to read, he found the noise to be quite relaxing. Recently he had become the village's wizard, after the last one frozen to death trying to preserve a sandwich. The spell caster had a glass of water with a single lemon inside the glass, a request that got a strange look form the bartender.

Keeping to himself while reading, he didn't really want to cause any trouble. While he was reading he was kicking his legs back and forth, gently tapping against the booth he was seated in. After a while he wished to refill his glass of water, picking up his glass and walking over towards the barkeep. While he made his way he was knocked over by a drunken human, "Hi watch where ya goin" The man was glaring at him.

"We meant no offence, we are sorry for bumping into you" Micah responded slowly standing up, "You own me some mead" The human was pointing to his wet shirt and the knocked over glass on the floor. "We will pay for your mead, and we will not bother you further" Micah responded wanting to not get into trouble. But before he knew it he was being gripped by his robes and being lifted in the air. "You own me also for the shirt, and your gonna give me all your gold" It seemed this human was looking for a fight, and Micah hoped their was someone who could help him.
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