Avatar of Exit


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2 yrs ago
I dropped a clear thumbtack on the floor and now my carpet is holding me hostage.
2 yrs ago
Remember: it's important to plug in the appliance you want to use.
4 yrs ago
bbcode and I about to throw hands.
4 yrs ago
Please stop inviting yourself to take lunch with me. I actually enjoy my thirty minutes of alone time.
6 yrs ago
Mahz mentioned me. I can die now.




baby laughter was super effective.


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The tired sounds of a city that never slept were muted behind hundreds of feet of compacted dirt, steel and concrete. Beneath the streets, there were no crowds to drown out the ambiance, no space for satomobiles and no large glowing neon signs advertising the most popular spirits in the district. Down here, there was a little known Zen den and with the right words, a door to another world... or at the very least a piece of it. Here, there was nothing but silent whispers through ever encroaching walls, the scratching of mice in the darker corners of forgotten rooms and the sound of water droplets eerily reminiscent of lazy, lost rain. The Underground, as some would call it, was very much a maze where any and all discernible paths or rooms seemed to be cut crudely out of the Earth itself. Some efforts had been made to make it seemingly more or less comfortable with a smattering of metal and wood panels from the filth left of the world above. The collage of repurposed trash woven together vaguely described the boundaries of each space, giving way to some crude excuse of an underlying structure. This structure in turn described something of a genesis of a patchwork city, still in its infancy but growing nonetheless. Throngs of thick bundles of exposed wiring marked the lifeblood feeding whatever struggled to survive down here. They fed into lights, half of which were shattered and danced sparks haphazardly into the air. They fed into wayward appliances like the lone radio in the corner or the shattered monitor on the wall that blinked images of the Middle Ring and the impending celebrations. It also fed into a peculiar table situated in the center of a dusty room. Lights flitted around quietly just under the surface and lasers pushed those lights into the space directly above it, constructing a three-dimensional render of their slice of the lower ring.

"Cutting power would be the most effective way." There was a short pause and a man pointed at a section of the image, touching the edge of a building and highlighting it red. "The one plant powers the entire city and yes, they have the backups but with Holding here..." He tapped another edge and highlighted a second building that stood only an arms length away from a third building that was highlighted in yellow. A thin red line appeared tracing a path between the two. "...We have enough time to get in and get her out before they kick in and return power."

"I don't like it." Another chimed in. "The risk... it's high. And if we decide not to do anything, there's a chance RSF might release her because she isn't a Bender. She's done some shady shit in the past but she's smart. She's clean. Kept everything off the books."

"How about out of her head?"

"That is a lot of fucking names." A third voice.

"That is a lot of fucking faces."

"My point is. We go in and we fuck this up in any way, we don't get the shit fucks for security we're dealing with now. They'll start sending troops from the inner rings. You're talking about upsetting all of the Republic to buy maybe a minute of a window. Even if we get in there and get her out, it's all chaos afterwards."

"You came to us because we have the manpower and the weapons for this. We know and if not, I can get in contact with someone inside. Have them do her in there."

"No. W-we're not fucking killing her. And we're not about to start another war."

"What we're not going to do is risk everything for one person. Maybe she doesn't talk. Maybe she's got it in her to cut off her own tongue before they can ask questions but she's rubbed shoulders with too many people. She's been alive too long. Knows too much."

"They have ways."

"Ye-, they have fucking ways to pull that information out and they will. Besides, when was the last time you heard of the RSF letting someone go who was evenly remotely involved or related to someone who could potentially bend.


"Either way, she's a liability now to everything. It has to be done one way or another."

"She's not going to like this."

"Sakani is not here and if she were... Look, I get that she was close, that you both were. It's a hard decision but it has to be made."

"Yeah. Fine. So plan A is the break out and plan B is... taking her out. Parade will start soon and security will be pulled from the outer ring to the middle. Do we start then?"

"We start now. There is a Pai Sho tile on the board that just so happened to arrive. Free for the taking." The third man hit a button on the edge of the table and the render of the map was dropped for another image. This one of a girl with blonde hair.

"Who is that?"

"Leverage. Keep the RSF at bay or if we must... may keep your 'Gran-Gran' alive."


...is arrived at the plant in the Lower Ring.___

"Do you need this?" Jack held out a device about the size of her closed fist; A rebreather designed to be as small and as easy to use as possible. This one in particular fit comfortably around the mouth, creating a seal around the lips and nose without a loop around the ear.

Vyska, however, shook her head. Although she'd wrinkled her nose briefly, she was quick to force her lungs to adjust. There was a near constant tinge of metal and dust in the air, enough to taste it on her breath as she exhaled, but she wouldn't let it affect her. "It stinks." She answered honestly. "But no. You?"

Jack shook his head as well. "Believe it or not, I grew up in this."

"I know."

There was a short pause before Jack's expression turned to mild amusement.

"Oooh. Okay. Someone's in a joking mood today. You do know that I'm in charge of your well-being right? I could probably end you, get rid of the body and still have at least the rest of the day to chase after Ms. Xiao before anyone knows what happened."

"Ms. Moon!" A man in a hard hat and an orange vest called out to her as he entered the landing pad. A badge dangling off the breast pocket read him as Mark Maxis. "Mark. It's a pleasure to see you again!" He reached in for a handshake which Vyska took.

"And a pleasure to see you as well. It's been some time since my father had me here for a tour."

"Yes. You've grown so much since then. Oh!.. And as I'm sure you're already aware, he's doing fine at the Synergy Plant. Said he was looking forward to hearing about you chastising us during your visit. We've buttoned up in anticipation of your arrival because of his warnings."

Vyska let a genuine smile pierce through her more professional poise to the girl underneath who was simply excited to do the work her family had been for years. There was a hint of anticipation in her eyes as she started toward the doors that lead to the rest of the plant. "I promise not to be harsh. I'm sure everything is running smooth. Besides, this is less an inspection and more my continuing acclimation to my duties."

Mark followed quickly behind, slowly over taking the woman before they reached the doors and opening one up for her.

"What's that?"

Jack's voice stopped her before she'd stepped inside and she turned to follow his gaze toward the large security gates at the front of the plant. They were open when they were supposed to be closed although barricades had been put into place and it seemed like there was a small number of men in hardhats crowded around it.

"Ah. Maintenance. Routine."
Some bbcode may not display correctly on your device.
cs · theme · wiki
name. Blake Lou Delarose
origin. Greek.
location. An apartment in Manhattan.

tl:dr. Blake leads Nyx to Dacia, hoping to teach Dacia a
lesson. Nyx learns something new instead.
A collaboration between @Exit and @ningal700

"Are you sure this is the place?"

Blake stood in front of a rather unassuming, green painted door; better kept than most of the others they had already passed although some bits of paint had been chipped near the knob. Above that was the keyhole marking the only deadlock securing the door in place and behind her was the one escape route that led down an inadequately lit hall.

If this wasn't their destination, the only thing left to do was to leave.

...You heard him too. This is it...

"It is such a strange place to call home." She looked around for what must have been the hundredth time, noting the way the walls looked as if they were melting. Studying every stain. Counting the curling fingers of paint as it peeled into itself. Tasting the mold in the air with her every breath. "Is this what our home is like?"

...No. I have no-... I... will show you after we're done...

"Then we will part."

...If we must, angel. Now, knock on the door...

Blake rapped her knuckles on the door firmly enough that the sound of her knocking echoed down the hall and back. While they waited for an answer however, she became very aware of a slowly growing urge to simply use her ax to break the door down and enter. "Is that you?"

...I'm usually already inside by now...

"...How strange is this... to 'feel' you inside me."


"Your emotions. I did not know I'd feel them. Not in this way. Although I will say..." Blake's eyes fell on the large rectangular case in her hand. "...I do like the idea of using it. Maybe I'l-" The sound of shuffling feet from the other side of the door was sudden enough to interrupt, as was the light in the peephole being smothered.

...Doesn't look like we have to...

A moment later and the door opened up. A woman with pale skin, green eyes and long black hair in a black sweater stared back at her. A woman matching the description of the one person they needed to find. "Um, hello?"

...That's her. That's the sinner. Ask for her name. Ask her if she's Daciana...


The woman quickly looked her over before responding. "Erm, yes, that's me... Most people just call me Dacia, though. And, who are you?" She asked, raising her brow.

...Her. Get inside. We need to see what she's selling, her setup and then deal with her directly...

At the confirmation of her name and as if she'd been waiting for the exact cue, Blake ignored the rest of what Dacia was saying and pushed her way further into the apartment, much to it's occupant's dismay. "Um, EXCUSE ME, ma'am, can I help you with something?" She heard her call out, but while Dacia tried to make sense of the intrusion, Blake kept her eyes not on the bewildered woman but on what she could glean from what bits of of the room she could see behind her. The layout was fairly straight forward. A small apartment without enough room for the basics. There was a table in the center of the room in front of a couch that was facing the TV anchored to the opposite wall. Below that was a shelf with a few books and random odds and ends. There were pictures, posters, a few plants and a number of lamps all turned off. To her left lead to the rest of the apartment and an open door to what looked to be a balcony. Other than that, there wasn't much of anything of note.

...Does it smell like anything?...

Blake inhaled sharply, still pushing against Dacia's protest at letting her in. "Like, 'foumart'... in your more ancient English. I do not know what you call them today. Everything is so very different than what I remember."

...Yes! ...yes. Now tell her you're here to buy...

In the breadth of a heartbeat, Blake's energy seemed to change. She stopped fighting and instead, in complete calm, turned to the confused woman. "I'm here to buy."

There was a brief pause of disbelief before she was given a reply. "Um, alright then, that's fine I suppose." Dacia said as she finally relented and backed away, allowing Blake room enough to enter further. "My regular customers usually don't meet me here at my apartment, though. Where did you get my name? And my address?" Despite the sudden deescalation, there was a tension in the air that was hard pressed to leave and it only became more stifling as Dacia closed the door.

...The Lord provides all...

"The Lord provides all." To which Blake was given another confused look.

...We know who she is and what she's doing... It's time my angel. We need to teach her about the sins she's committed...

Blake continued to the table and laid the case out on top of it, one hand gently placing it down while the other was already working the latches with gloved hands.

...NO! No. Not with the ax...

Her hands froze in the middle of undoing the second latch and this time it was her turn to express confusion. "Then why bring this if we're not to use it?" Her eyes wandered as she spoke. "Am I to use my hands again?... Would it not be faster with the bla-..." Wandering eyes fell on Dacia who had since moved to gather the things she would need to conduct fair business. The silver scale in her hand called out to her. "Ah... that is something I recognize. Scales. A balance. Or manipulation. How curious to find it in a world so touched by change. Is this yours, child?"

...Angel, that is just a scale...

"Child?" Dacia began, baffled. "We seem to be rather close in age... In fact, your face appears younger than mine. But yes, the scale is mine. I have a few." She then gestured quickly at the case. "What's in the box? I don't feel quite so comfortable with strangers bringing undisclosed items into my home... Especially strangers who don't provide me with a name in case I should need to find them later." She raised an eyebrow. "So you can either give me a name, even a nickname, it doesn't have to be your real name, I understand why some of my clients are uncomfortable sharing that information... Or I'm afraid we won't be continuing our business today."

Blake paused for a moment.

...You don't have to answer tha-...

"My name is... Blake."


"...And there is an ax in this box."

Dacia's eyes flicked briefly over to the cane leaned into the corner of the living room.

...If you tell her anymore, we'll have to use the ax!...

"Well, I appreciate you sharing that..." She slowly started walking over to another drawer by a second scale and began to work it open with the key around her neck. "I certainly hope you don't plan to take that out here and now...? And, what is it that I can get for you?"

"Well, I'm very much confused right now because I want to know where you came by such an item... the scale. But I'm also here to..."

...We need to punish her like we did that boy...

"...She says I need to rough you up. I still don't understand why we brought the ax if we're not supposed to us-"

What was once a simple state of confusion on Blake's part as she watched the other woman quickly abandon her belongings on the ground and make for something in the corner of the room, quickly turned into the realization that... the goddess felt pain. The sensation of a blunt object colliding violently with her wrist sent a shockwave of fire into her bones and straight up her arm. It flared over her shoulders, burned into her neck and she could feel the warmth begin to climb up her cheek. The muscles of her body tensed immediately, straightening out her back and forcing in a sharp gasp of air that would be her only audible response to the preemptive attack on her person.

And then a second blow to the arm expelled that air and sent her tumbling to the ground.


"...Ow..." Blake wheezed. In a haze of the most disorienting orientation to the life of a mortal being, she watched the edges of the world before her fade in and out of focus and from some far off place, could hear the woman speak.

"What do you mean, 'she'? I thought you said that you came here from church?!"




sir chloe

over again
did you know...
My Char's gym is wherever he's currently at. Get at him.

Holding Sublevel B2

This room...
...is two parts. Simple cuboid with a door that leads to a second, similarly shaped room that one could assume is usually meant for interrogations. There is a holo-table in the center of this room that is currently turned off. The side opposite from the door that Kefira uses to enter through is a blank wall. To the left is a number of blinking and buzzing monitors sitting on a counter. The light in this room is bright enough to see easily.
One medical officer in particular perked up as soon as she announced herself. The wrinkled, olive-green bodysuit twisted around awkwardly toward the sound of her voice and goggle framed eyes found the woman as she wandered in and began asking around. "O-officer Kefira!" He yelled out with a little more excitement than either of them had expected. As he turned to greet her, his hip bumped clumsily into the edge of the table that was his workspace but the man gave little to no reaction. "You're here!" As he spoke, he tore away his head covering revealing the man underneath: Ebony skin and dark brown eyes that seemed only slightly glazed over. Short hair nearly buzzed and the signs of facial hair that had been recently done away with. His nose was slightly longer than the norm but besides that and a peculiar looking stud fixed to his left ear, there was little else to see.

"You look great. I mean good. Like you're doing good... healthy." His eyes flashed dull shades of grey to white as he looked her over. "It's... wow. Just. Uh... It's good to meet you. Lorelei... and what the rest of us are allowed to know about your work. It's amazing. Really. I mean to live with Skittles? What was that even like?" When he'd glossed over her entirety twice, his eyes settled once again on the dark brown from before. "Actually, I'm so sorry. My manners. Uh. Peter Bradbury as you already know. And you're Officer Kefira. Here for work which is what I should get to... uh... Aida. Yes."

Peter quickly returned to his station and tapped at one of the monitors before moving toward the opposite wall. "So I have been made your chief medical and science officer for the duration of this investigation. You can come to me for anything including whatever you find on the field you think I may be able to help you with or..." Once he was at the wall, he tapped its surface as well and it became transparent. On the other side was the holding cell where a man in a similar suit to Peters was standing opposite to the waiting Aida. "...Upgrades. Like our Aida unit here. It is... incredible to get to work with the first batch of the version fours. I mean I know... They did some terrible things but they've really outdone themselves with the new features... Which we'll get to right now. I'm so sorry. I ramble."

With his right hand, he grabbed a ball of air and pulled it toward himself. A dialogue box was dragged onto the wall. "This process is complicated but only on our end. All you have to do is get to know him. After you two have talked for a bit and you think you're ready, you can tell me and we'll get started on setting up specific commands that you can say that will override any process or actions he's taking. They're direct to his core programming and must be obeyed. Safety guards. And it doesn't just have to be 'safe words'. It can be any action besides self-harm. Any."

"Did you have any questions before we started?"

Okay. I went and counted through the final types that are available:

Water. Grass. Bug. Rock.

None of the above have been claimed... well except for Grass because I just claimed it.
@Majoras End Grass. Water. Dragon. The last time I checked. You can pick first and I'll grab one of the other two?

Edit: Rock. I had a list at home lol. I'm not in front of my comp.

Edit Edit: Bug. Fighting.
You can make any type you want, since you'll be competing with people at getting in.

You can ask me what you want and I'll let you know if you can make it :)

I'm so sorry. This confused me. All types are available but some aren't?
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