Avatar of Fabricant451


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24 days ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
24 days ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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24 days ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
24 days ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
24 days ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

weird way to spell 4

Weird way to spell worst.
As long as we all agree 5 is the best okay thanks.
More like, people claiming they can't be disappointed about the entire list of missing features because there's kids starving in Mozambique.

When it comes to people enjoying the game even with its flaws (which range from minor to 'blown out of proportion' to 'actually wrong') or the people who would bring up Iwata as "THE GAME WOULD NEVER BE RELEASED IF HE WERE ALIVE" or the people petitioning for the government to stop selling it, I'm gonna go ahead and side with the former. People aren't out here saying the game is a perfect, flawless masterpiece. They are saying that it's a fun game because it's fucking Pokemon and Pokemon is a fun game. You're allowed to like a game despite its issues. That doesn't make you a shill and it makes you sound far more reasonable than people who post the same gif of a turning legendary or "DEXIT DEXIT DEXIT" or a fucking tree on every post about Pokemon.

Yes, more polished games with better graphics, on the same console. I took at look at it and yeah, you can't tell me it was the best they could do. The idea that this game wasn't rushed to get it out before Black Friday (or more likely Christmas) is something I very much doubt.

Jedi: Fallen Order was rushed. That game could have used six more months to sort out its stability issues, its load times, optimization, and hiccups. It's still a good game. SwSh runs at a consistent frame rate when docked (other than the Wild Area which also has hundreds of other people all running around and Nintendo has always struggled with online connectivity) and part of the reason it keeps the framerate is the render distance. It's not bad graphics or lazy development or whatever because the game pops in 3D models when they come into render distance: that's how game development works.

The process simply sounded tedious when he explained it in greater detail.

How did he explain it, with a fucking powerpoint?

But your witticisms don't really matter to me, as I really haven't played/been a fan of the games. So this new critic obsession with "people don't like the new thing because of changes that take away the value from a previous experience, so I'm going to defend this one by saying old games suck now/more." doesn't really register with me.

I can defend this game without having to compare it to old games. I also don't get my information second hand. Disssssssss.

(Though the three button press, I looked it up, takes one google search and a few seconds. So yes, the new option certainly takes longer. So that point seems a bit moot.)

It doesn't take longer. You don't even have to load up the game and it deletes data FASTER.

Yeah how dare he have a sense of humor! Fuck that guy! They should be consuming the product!

Yeah, that's so funny, did he name his other Pokemon 'Shit' and 'PoopyDiaper' and 'FartFart'?

In the same way I think disappointed fans don't have to be merely complacent.

If the past six months have taught people anything it's that disappointed fans both can't help themselves from shouting and also still buying the game anyway. No one is saying fans don't have a right to be disappointed; but people can enjoy the game without being demonized because of it.

And the idea (expressed a lot by others, not specifically yourself) that people can't have opinions either way "until it comes out/purchase it themselves" is obviously fallacious. As the people wouldn't have gotten something like the new less shitty looking Sonic. (Not that, that will improve the movie itself, but hey good PR and it won't give the kiddies night terrors anymore.)

You know what's a bad precedent? Shouting at people to make them change something you don't like. People can certainly have opinions, but we're dealing with an audience of people who disagree with high reviews on games they already told themselves will suck (vice versa for games they convinced would be amazing and then aren't). Outrage culture is a vocal minority that acts like a majority. But if you don't play a game because you personally think it's not worth your time/value/whatever that's fine, but you also waive the right to make informed personal opinions on the quality of the finished, purchased product.

Well you still could, but I'd sooner trust the opinion of someone who has actually played/experienced the product good or bad.
So I was going to originally come here, and laugh at some of obvious shilling and the white knighting I saw on twitter about this game, which is officially more absurd than the criticism ever was.

Yeah how dare people enjoy a game! Fuck those guys! They should be mad because Dexit!

So my roommate brought it and already saw/showed me graphical errors & pop in.

I heard that if something's not on screen they don't even render it! How lazy are these devs? I can't believe they would opt for a smoother gameplay experience! Other games don't have pop in!

And apparently there's an overly complicated progress in order to even make a new game/no starting menu.

It's really hard to delete your save data, you have to go through TWO separate Switch menus! The horror! Unlike before where you had to do a button combination that wasn't ever told to you, that's definitely preferable to just...deleting save data or making a new profile!

And he's upset that he can't call his Scorbunny, 'Aids'. (Vermin, was his next choice for the curious.)

Well he sounds like a hoot. I can't believe Nintendo games continue to censor names! I was really mad when I couldn't name my Sobble 'HitlerDidNothingWrong' because the character limit is so restricting!

And because I want to be nice and still give a price drop PSA, roommate still got the game for like $49 bucks at Walmart (no, not at same price as the online deal sale), which is still 10 bucks cheaper than if you get it online or at other retail chains, so if you still want to buy the amazaballs game, say IGN, you can already get it *cheaper* if you know where to look.

I paid $120 for both versions step up, yo.
Coalossal is the best new Pokemon and I will fucking fight you if you disagree
Jedi: Fallen Order doesn't have an opening title crawl so I don't know if I can take it seriously as a Star Wars product.
Pokémon good

Death Stranding bad

You just don't understand Kojima's masterpiece you fucking SHILL
I think Star Wars is dumb but I also really love Star Wars so I'm excited to watch The Mandalorian even though I don't like Mandos and I am immeasurably excited for Episode 9 even though I don't think it'll be as wonderful as The Last Jedi. I'm just really excited and in a Star Wars frenzy for the rest of the year, thanks Disney+!
Why are so many people against the word "marijuana," let alone talking about it?

Drugs are bad, mmkay
Hmmmm perhaps
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