Avatar of Fabricant451


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2 days ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
3 days ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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3 days ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
3 days ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
3 days ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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Reserving Kaori Housako
I've never liked the Shenmue games but Shenmue 3 being basically a game released in 2019 but with the trappings of a Dreamcast era snoozefest is eternally fascinating to me. I'm sure Shenmue fans are getting exactly what they want from that game based on the videos I've seen.
I'm interested
On one hand, I can understand people being upset with the National Dex or if they believe that GameFreak are no good dirty liars or whatever for cutting the dex and then re-using models like game devs do; but on the other as someone who was never really into competitive Pokemon, I feel much more inspired/able to actually 'catch 'em all' than I would be if there were 800-something dudes scattered about. I'm a fairly casual Pokemon player, I catch my favorites and I catch new ones and regardless 90% of them stay in the box all game. I see every game as a new adventure, and I'm sorry for those who like to bring in their old teams but this was going to happen sooner or later - I just wish it was handled with a bit more...care?

Frankly I'm more inclined to try out competitive battling in SwSh than I ever have before because they made it easier to do the insane EV/IV training that crazy people do.
In regards to the new Pokemons: The type variety available in the game early on makes it really hard for me to just stick with a stable six. I suppose that's why they made it easier to swap Pokemon on the go
@ me next time

Also the only personal attacks I made about your roommate is his supposed sense of humor. If you wanna keep on misrepresenting my very obvious point of "if you haven't experienced something yourself, your opinion on it critically is about as useful as screen doors on a submarine" then we can go around the horn again, but frankly I'd rather get back to shitting on Hideo Kojima.
I don't mean this as some kind of detrimental comment or anything, but I think I would've liked Diamond and Pearl more if it had been my first Pokemon games. Gen 4 came out at the time when everyone and their mother had a DS and I think it more than any other gen was a whole lot of people's 'first Pokemon game'. In the same way there are still those who wave the Gen One flag, so too are those who have such fond memories of Gen 4 that it's their favorite. And that's not a bad thing, like whatever you like it's all good. The good that Gen 4 did with the meta cannot be understated, the physical/special split remains the best thing they've done, and it even is the gen that introduced one of my favorite Pokemon (it's Froslass) but it's also the gen I have to struggle to recall something I liked about.

Basically I just want Gen 5 remakes when GameFreak when.
Just tidying this up bit.

Helps when I'm not trying to argue quite as desperately as you are at the moment. ^-^'

lol you think this is me arguing.

So, are you trying to turn this into a personal argument? Like, what does, "I got called this" have to do with what was replied to? It seems to imply I'm the one that said it. Same with the former statement. (While most of your complaints boil down to how if I don't play, I can't say "Yeah, that's texture pop-in alright.") But no, you're wrong. I am saying, what my roommate is saying, and only confirming what I saw with my eyes. You can't make a "you aren't playing it argument", for more reasons than one, almost like my roommate got it for me or something. But ignoring that, your argument (which at this point I'm not sure what it is anymore.) is purely dismissive and erroneous.

You'd be able to pin down my 'argument' if you didn't keep moving the goalposts, buddy. You've gone from 'my room mate played it, my room mate showed me, to now 'my room mate bought it for me'. Don't use your room mate's opinions as your own. That'd be crazy, what kind of person just blindly accepts the opinions of people reeeeing over the place.

Originally, first reviews were all 90's.

Yeah, and originally first reviews for Joker were in the 90s and 5 stars but as more people saw it they decreased and leveled out. Almost like criticism doesn't exist in a bubble!

And yeah...game critics are more frequent proof that they *don't* have informed opinions on games.

Moreso than the average shit poster. They're the ones going to events and trade shows.

That last part is contradicting later statements about you permitting people to have opinions or reservations about a game. But no, Bloodborne and RD2, didn't have the same problems this game does. But this is steering farther off topic.

Not a contradiction and also yes they did. Bloodborne got to the point where they had to issue a patch just to fix the loading screens and the game didn't ever run at a solid frame rate. RDR 2 was full of technical glitches and issues but sure, let's gloss over that because the trees look better I guess.

I feel like explaining why would be wasted time. Not that having trusted people giving you their takes is bad anyway...I mean you're literally defending the critics...

I'm literally not. Stop assuming that because I'm not going "CRITICS ARE PAID SHILLS!" or whatever that I'm defending the critics over a goddamn fucking Pokemon game. I don't even fucking read video game reviews.

I guess would you prefer people pirate the media?

No, I would prefer if people have stated how bad something is, how not worth the money it is, how they've spent six months hating on a thing, that they would then NOT FUCKING BUY IT. 'Vote with your wallet' gets thrown around a lot but obviously it means fuckall. How is this difficult to grasp?

But why can't you criticize something and buy/try it anyway?

Because here's the funny thing about criticism: Criticism tends to work better AFTER you experience something. Imagine being a film critic, watching a trailer and going "I think this movie is shit" and then not even watching the whole movie but still going around saying "The movie is shit!" because you've seen a trailer. You can get a value judgment from a trailer, but you can't in good faith give an opinion on the finished product without experiencing it firsthand. And if you spend the entire release cycle saying how it sucks, how you don't want to see it and then still go on to spend money on it? That's being a hypocrite.

It's the easiest thing to not spend money on something.

Because criticism is occasionally negative sounding, and you can't have that ruining the fun, can we?

My dude, you do realize that I'm probably the most critical person posting in this thread? My guy, I know how to analyze media - I got a degree in it. Any idiot can criticize something (not well but hey). Not everyone can or does analyze media. Why do you think I'm against criticism? I'm against hypocrisy and bad faith criticism, or destructive criticism. Everyone's a critic.

If can TDLR this: This whole thing is "You can't talk about a thing, if you didn't see/play it. Insert insults and rage here."

I'm not raging. Insulting? Ehhh, debatable. But I mean, if that's all you took away from it you're almost there. Imagine talking to someone about a movie. You've seen it. You love the movie. This dude starts talking about things he didn't like and he goes "Oh, I didn't see it, but I heard-" do you still treat his criticism as valid? You can talk about something if you didn't see it or play it or whatever, but don't expect me to take your criticisms with anything other than the smallest grain of salt.

I have played the game...so now you're okay with the criticism that my roommate gave it right?

No, dude, I don't fucking care about your roommate.

I wasn't calling or saying anything about you, or what you have to say about the game. And *my roommates* opinion and observations are so mild as is. That the over the top reaction seems to highlight that you (if this isn't just been all for my sake.) can't accept the lightest issues brought up about games you personally enjoy. But that isn't my judgement to make.

Yet you're making a judgment all the same. I can accept issues, but when you come in being a snarky git pushing up the glasses while also being factually wrong about something, I'm going to snark back. I'm a fucking diehard fan of shitty JRPGs, believe me I can handle criticism of games I enjoy. I go to bat for fucking Kingdom Hearts and Nier - before it was cool to like Nier. My favorite FF games are 8 and 13, trust me, dude, I can accept people having issues with games I enjoy.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
To get back on topic, I do have a question.

What makes Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum such a bad generation for you, exactly? I've always thought it was one of the stronger generations with its features, content, and protagonists. I mean I still prefer the generation preceding it due to Fire Red and Leaf Green being excellent updates of the original games to the features that were new at the time with additional polish.

Personally, Diamond and Pearl were just ungodly slow - and not just in terms of battles but in the pacing of the game. So much of the game is spent aimlessly wandering just looking for the next thing to do. It also has the most HM roadblock bullshit with the fog/defog thing that turns an already slow game into an even bigger chore. The only 'memorable' character from Gen 4 is Cynthia (probably because they kept bringing her back). The balance of type is totally fucked (how's your two fire types, fire Elite Four guy) and I personally can only think of about three new Pokemon (other than new evolutions to older Pokemon in which case it'd be about...six) that I genuinely like from gen 4. Plus all the cool Pokemon were just relegated to post game which further reduced the team variety aspect that makes Pokemon fun. Diamond and Pearl are sluggish games and the best thing they do is the physical/special split which is no small thing, of course.

Platinum is the saving grave of gen 4 but my opinions on gen 4 as a whole are soured by my distaste for Diamond and Pearl. Gen 5 remains the best gen for me, personally, and nothing will change that until GameFreak decides to say fuck it and give us a region full of all new dudes again.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Game critics are giving it near perfect scores. But yes, yes you can like or dislike something for pretty much any reason one chooses. *I don't want to spam more examples of the white knighting, because we'd be here all day.

It's got an 81 on Metacritic. 'Near perfect' scores is more like 'It's good because Pokemon is a baseline of good'. Guess what? Critics are people too, and chances are they at least have an informed opinion on something well before anyone else does.

Kay? And games that aren't rushed, don't have those problems. Games can be fun, rushed. Bad movies can be fun ironically. Until we can argue complacency with laziness is good, don't think we're getting anywhere.

Games that aren't rushed often do have those problems. Case in point, Bloodborne, or Red Dead Redemption 2, or a handful of others I could easily mention. What evidence do you have that the game was 'rushed' other than the fact that they announced the game being in development PRIOR to Let's Go even being out and then a year after Let's Go it comes out in the Nintendo Holiday Slot. It's easy to say something is rushed when you don't have anything other than belief.

Granted, he's not exactly the most tech literate. Though, it 'deletes faster' because of the Switch.

Yes and? Thank you for agreeing with me, I guess?

Well, you'd be wrong. So...

I'd be wrong for...defending a game without comparing it to older games? Uh, no I wouldn't. Am I wrong in saying you're getting your information second hand? Because you're literally saying that. Unless your room mate is imaginary.

You can fun ticket him later, Chief.

Says the king of parade shitting.

This statement seems a bit confused, the former sounds like you're mocking fans for fandom.

Yes, I am mocking fans and fandom culture because there is not a single fandom out there that isn't full of shit raving lunatics that ruin it for everyone.

And the later you're lambasting those that demonize fans who usually buy things because of nostalgia. (A thing this game does pander too, by adding a lot of 1 gen pokemon in the Dex.) Why can't you enjoy or dislike something & rightfully criticize it?

If you want to talk nostalgia pandering, that'd be Gen 7 where every regional form was just a Kanto variant. SwSh at least gives the nod to other gens with its variants, and there aren't even that many gen 1 Pokemon out in the wild. It is, in fact, a blend of Pokemon from different gens and of different typings so even before the first gym you can have a party of six Pokemon of various typings - waltz into the first gym with a Dragon type or an Ice type the world is your oyster.

I'm not saying you can't dislike something or that you can't criticize. I am saying that review bombing something with criticisms that aren't helpful, thoughtful, or anything other than yelling into the same bubble as everyone else accomplishes nothing other than making people seem like whiny piss babies, especially when those same people buy the fucking game anyway. It's real easy to yell and criticize, but it makes you look like the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE if you spend half a year saying how shit a game is and how it's not worth your time and then day one you buy it anyway. Shit or get off the pot.

And if you didn't happen to read my thing, or just forgot already, there's literally people saying you can't be sad about the game. But I digress.

Okay, and I got called a shill because I said "I'm having fun with it, it's not my favorite but camping is cute" so you know, takes all kinds.

Sure, outrage culture bad. But then again, it's an erroneous comparison, as most of the time, the people hating something for social/political reasons would've never purchased the thing in the first place.

Most of the time, people hating something for social/political reasons still wind up seeing/buying/experiencing it anyway so they can reaffirm their beliefs and miss the forest for the trees.

Because you say this like it's a universal rule, but it's not at all, and I'd argue most "angry gamers" incidents are almost always justified grievances. (Bad apples aside.)

I wouldn't. The only time in recent memory where there was any justification was Battlefront 2 and guess the fuck what, before the game came out they did away with the loot box business.

And the last bit seems oddly doubtful for some reason, maybe because my roommate has it, and I can literally watch him play and everything. (I can even play it myself.) And you don't seem to thrilled about him having an opinion, or was one of the gazillion (estimated figure) people who played pokemon who called their rival a bad word.

Your room mate isn't here giving his opinion. You are. And when you open with opinions that aren't your own and come from second hand experience, yeah those get taken with a grain of salt. I don't watch a stream of a game for an hour and go "MAN I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS GAME IS OBJECTIVELY SHIT!" And on the topic of opinions: it's my opinion that people who name shit dumb bad words or give the player character's jersey number as '69' or '420' are fucking dumbshits who probably like Rick and Morty.

Aren't the very best things in entertainment, even better when you think or go into detail about them and analyze what they got right?

There's a difference between criticism and analysis.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Now I know I can't take your opinion seriously ever again

If it wasn't for Platinum, gen 4 would be second only to gen 7 in terms of worst. Instead it gets to be like, 4th or 5th.
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