Avatar of Fabricant451


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Current A fourth Drake diss has hit the tower.
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Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown
1 mo ago
I'd like to think I've matured with age but then on weekends I watch cartoons and eat too much sugar cereal in my pajamas so if anything I've stayed the same.
1 yr ago
I've watched the trailer for The Marvels a dozen times already you can't stop me I've needed this this is my heroin and my herione. Wordplay.
1 yr ago
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Seabiscuit


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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And the purpose of the MMO genre is to provide people who don't ordinarily get up and socialize with a way of doing so that does not actually involve getting up. It is a venue for social interaction first and foremost.

It's not 2004 anymore and MMOs these days can literally be played solo until you get to optional super end game raid content and even then the entry level raid stuff can be done with randoms to varying degrees of success. Hell, in SWTOR the game just now gives you a one-man raid team NPC to do the important dungeons with and even the non-important ones can be soloed with you and your NPC companions. 14 has implemented similar things as well. I'm someone who plays(ed) 14 and never found a permanent FC and so didn't exactly socialize outside of saying 'Hello!' in a random dungeon and still had a good time doing it.

MMOs are single player friendly almost to their own detriment at times. In most cases, the social interaction in an MMO outside of a guild is muting general chat because oh no they're talking about racism again or whatever the fuck. Some people get enjoyment out of an MMO by treating it as a largely single player experience that just happens to also have a chat room attached to it; that doesn't mean an MMO's primary purpose is socialization

Featuring: Mickey Kimura & Andi Lin
Location: The Airport —> The Bus
Collab with: @Hey Im Jordan
Briefly Mentions: @LovelyComplex @metanoia while getting on Kim’s bus

Landing in the Washington airport was the furthest Mickey had ever been from home, and she had to wonder how she got away from it. It probably had something to do with Andi’s glowing reviews, but Mickey had to beg her father all the same before he agreed to send her along with her adopted brother. As soon as they’d landed, Mickey was sure of two things: firstly, she loved the way Washington looked. Secondly, and more importantly… Mickey decided she hated planes. She hated the way they felt when they took off, the feeling when they landed, and they had hit turbulence on the way and Mickey had assumed she was going to die.

Luckily, she was off of the plane! She and Andi found their way through the airport (Andi knew what he was doing), and Mickey had even stopped to pick up some KFC for the bus ride into the camp. Granted, it was airport KFC and as she took a bite of chicken she made a face, glancing over at Andi. “Geeze, airport food really does suck. They even ruined KFC.” She scowled, a look that wasn’t often on her face, then ate another bite. “Not bad though.” Not bad? Or was Mickey addicted?

She slurped from her cup of Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning, and then looked over at Andi, “so, what’s the first day at camp like? Should I be excited? Or nervous? I’m already nervous. That’s why I bought junk food,” Mickey said, gesturing at the three bags of KFC she had — some of it was for her… well, most of it was for her, but some of it was for her new friends! “Maybe people in the Green Cabin will like me if I bring them fast food.”

Sometimes Andi forgot what a virgin Mickey was and not strictly in the sexual sense of the word. Andi had no strong feelings about airplanes, other than the fact that male flight attendants were never cute. Ever. He’d flown at least six times in his life and not once had he ever even considered trying to join the mile high club with one. Maybe it was because airlines still liked to pretend that flight attending was a woman’s job,, but that didn’t excuse the fact that the pilots were never cute either. Movies lied to him. Every movie that wasn’t a comedy always had some hot slab of perfectly marbled beef in a uniform that was at least two sizes too tight and a smouldering gaze that Andi just assumed being a commercial airline pilot meant you had to be hot. Like, mega hot.

With his no strong feelings came a flight consisting of Andi ensuring Mickey that no, the plane wasn’t going to go down just because there was a little turbulence and that they don’t actually serve peanuts anymore, especially on flights that were like two hours - at least they served beverages and Andi really wished he had the hindsight to ask for something stronger than orange juice. He refused to drink soda - that terrible sugar water would make his teeth look like a homeless junkie before he turned twenty-five and no one wanted to make out with a gap-toothed boy toy. So despite travelling with his indisputable bestie, Andi’s virginity and flight made for a..less than normal flight. Andi couldn’t even sleep with Mickey’s...entire being which meant he had to suffer through the watching a movie and even the shortest flights felt forever when the only movie choice was a Kevin James disaster.

“I can’t believe you’re eating that.” Andi, now on solid ground and shaking his head at Mickey’s chicken-clutching fingers, could not have sounded more judgy if he tried. “It’s not going to go to your ass or your thighs, honey, it’s going to go to your gut, and I’m sorry but for as much as gets tossed around about body positivity, no one’s going to look at a chunker even with your profile.” Sometimes Andi had a way of...reminding people, Mickey in this case, that he was cattier than an alley full of strays. “Listen, you’re in green cabin, for some reason, they’ll like you even if all you brought was a sleep apnea mask. You have to actively try to get them to hate you. Just don’t let any of them give you baked goods. Trust me, one year a newbie ate a brownie and had to be taken to the hospital because he went ice fishing but the fishing rod was his penis, if you get what I mean.”

Andi paused for a moment.

“I mean he stuck his dick in freezing water, Mickey.”

Mickey raised an eyebrow at Andi’s words. Was the idea to make her want to eat the baked goods less? It was definitely having the opposite effect. “Wait… don’t dicks shrink?” Mickey asked, tilting her head as she thought about it. If that were the case, then… that was pretty messed up wasn’t it? Mickey was doing a good job ignoring Andi’s more aggressive remarks, but then she was somewhat used to it. After a few years, they just kind of went in one ear and out the other. Mickey wanted to eat her chicken, and dammit, she was going to. “Don’t answer that, it’s not important. I wanted to go to Green, ‘cuz I thought it’d be better for me! I know you’re in Pink, but Green seems more my style, y’know?” She asked as she took another bite of her chicken. It couldn’t have been surprising to Andi that Mickey had picked Green. After all, the Green Cabin was touted as the premier cabin for people who liked nature — and Mickey definitely did that.

“I wanna learn about winter flowers and stuff. Plus, Pink doesn’t seem like my style, at least from what you said. It sounds like a lot of people like you, and I dunno if I could handle that… No offense.” Mickey smiled after she spoke, hoping the smile would help alleviate any upsetness Andi might have felt from her words. Andi had a flair for the dramatic, Mickey knew that well. “It’s a bus ride from here, right? I think I see camp people.” Mickey said, pointing out a group of people that included not one, but two older looking people wearing shirts that pretty plainly denoted them as Camp Counselors.

“Those aren’t the flowers the green kids care about.” Obviously the brochure couldn’t just say ‘this cabin is where all the stoners go’ but Andi had hoped Mickey would be able to put two and two together to come up with four. But, eventually the baby bird had to leave the nest, though in this case Andi was certain said baby bird would be back before too long. And Andi wouldn’t even say I told you so. More than once. Or four times. Six tops. “You can protest all you want but we both know you’re a pink at heart. Babe, I’m so pink you could serve me up and call it raw. I have more than enough pink for the both of us, so if you ever get tired of talking about...I don’t know...which Seth Rogen movie is the least bad - they’re all bad, by the way - then you know where to find me.”

Mickey knew perfectly well there would be other, green flowers involved in the cabin… she was kinda interested in those too, she just didn’t think Andi would necessarily approve of such things, so she wisely kept it to herself. Mickey stood up and put her KFC back into its bag, and grabbed her suitcase, wheeling it along behind herself and gesturing for Andi to follow along. “There’s no way it can be that bad, right? It’s a camp! It should be great. Plus, I’m just really excited to play in the snow. I wanna make an Olaf snowman, and you can’t stop me.” Not that Mickey thought Andi would try to ruin her day like that — but still. It was showcasing the energy she was feeling. “What do you even do at camp? Do you like winter stuff? I don’t know if I do or not.” While the counselors were dealing with a pair of (very) loud blonde girls, Mickey had gestured for Andi to follow her up into the bus. “Not all the campers are like that, right…?” She asked quietly, taking a seat near the back with her luggage stowed at her feet.

“Sweetie, if you make a snowman I’ll bring the carrot. I just have to protect you, not everyone at camp is...well, me.” Andi had a way of saying arrogant things without it coming off as arrogant. It was a gift, and one he did not intend to share with anyone. “What I do at camp and what you do are very different things. What I do at camp is try to sync up my showers with whoever has the biggest...muscles. Nothing says ‘gay meet cute’ like running into another guy when he’s fresh out of the shower and you’re not sure if the steam is from the water or the intense sexual chemistry.” Andi followed along onto the bus, sitting next to Mickey - as of course he would - wishing he had gotten a smoothie from the airport now, if only because banana smoothies hit different after a flight.

“No, they’re not all like that. Just most of them.” Andi looked to Mickey and saw the face she was making. “Kidding. Of course I’m just kidding. Relax, just be yourself, and if you see any cute guys that I’m not aware of, I better be given all the info.”

There was a loud slurping noise as the other campers loaded up, and the caravan began its trip to Second Horizons, as Mickey finished off her soda; potentially the last one of the year… Could they go back to town to get more food? She frowned. A Christmas without soda sounded shitty, to say the least. “Have you ever, like… actually had sex at camp?” She asked earnestly, changing the subject as the bus began to pull out of the airport, and their winter adventure came closer to starting. “Does that happen a lot? It’s not, like, a sex camp, right?” She had to know, and she knew Andi would give her an honest answer, even if it was somewhat loaded with thirst comments. The comments were just part of his charm, as far as Mickey was concerned.

“Of course it’s not a sex camp, what do you think this is, Epstein’s Winter Retreat?” Andi seemed almost offended at the insinuation. Just because a group of hot people all congregated in close proximity for a few days and did what hot people did didn’t make it a sex camp. It made it a reality show in the making. “And you know I don’t kiss and tell.” Andi lied as easily as breathing. “Let’s just say I haven’t used my mouth just for eating at camp. Because I’ve swallowed. You know what I mean.”

“Lewd, but message received. Is it cool if I listen to some music for the bus ride?” Mickey knew she didn’t have to ask, but she felt it might be rude to just put her headphones on without warning Andi what was coming. After all, with her headphones in, Mickey might as well have been on another planet. “If you wanna chat it’s totally cool. Awwww man, I hope the KFC doesn’t get too cold.” Mickey had not thought this through.

“Of course it’s cool. We can chat any time. Sorry about your chicken.” Andi knew full well it was going to get cold. He just didn’t have the heart to tell Mickey. He was a queen, but not the cruel kind.
Now I can finally be like best character Aqua
If this still needs some blood I'm interested and a Level 99 KH loremaster
Spider-Man: Miles Morales may well have been expanded DLC but I don't even give a fuck because it plays better than its predecessor both in terms of the new Venom Attacks and because of the animation differences in stuff like Miles' swinging and finishers. The fact that they made the random crimes no longer tied to completion (seriously, five random crimes and then all crime in a district is done was a weird choice) means I'm way more likely to do a random crime on my way to a side mission or collectible or whatever and it feels more organic than just intentionally swinging around one area of the map waiting for the last crime to proc for completion sake.

While it's not worth getting a PS5 specifically for (I mean it's on PS4 but psssh, 60 frames baby) it's definitely a nice addition to the original game as a sort of psuedo-sequel thing.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

I wasn't exactly enthralled by the story either. (Which is supposed to be its greatest strength.)

That's only true once you get to Heavensward and even that's a pretty heavy ask.
Also, if I can complain about grind for a moment. Final Fantasy 14 was a solid time sink. (While playing with others.) But holy fuck, leveling jobs in this game genuinely feels like soul sucking work.

I can't say I agree with you on this, because with the armory boost and the adventurer in need stuff plus just good old dungeon running, levelling jobs has rarely been enjoyable. Plus leves and the like make the crafting jobs way easier than ever. I'm curious what aspect you didn't enjoy and if it was POTD then I guess that's understandable.

I'm not sure how I feel about the PS5 UI but boy do I like the controller a whole lot and really hope devs take advantage of it in the years to come.

if this isn't in your Christmas playlist then re-evaluate


Physical Description
There almost seem to be two sides to Roz based solely on if she's on or off the clock; obviously when she's working she can't parade around looking like she just got done trawling through back alley biker bars which is why she comes off as fairly clean cut despite her off-the-clock hobbies and lifestyle. Working Roz often sports a blazer and a skirt - or sometimes pants - and a smile that blends the line between genuine and manufactured to come off as 'safe'. Her eyes, a muddy brown, seem to brighten and come alive when she's giving tours or, really, whenever she talks about something that really takes her interest. Roz has been told she's tall for a woman, standing at just shy of a flat six foot, but hearing that just makes her shrug and wish she could've cracked that six foot ceiling. She doesn't have any tattoos to speak of but there is a horizontal scar on the top of her right arm that probably needed stitches as it never quite healed fully and there's a slight pinkish discoloration forever on her; fortunately it doesn't hurt both in the physical sense and in selling the whole 'cool girl' vibe that she has off the clock.

When she's away from the job, Roz tends to dress a bit like a cliche but it works for her. Leather jacket, denim jeans that may or may not be snugly fitting, hands in pockets, black hair more windswept and uncaring rather than immaculately maintained, and really putting in work to look like someone that walked out of an indie album cover. It's difficult to say which is the real Roz as she feels comfortable in either attire, and perhaps that's the most important part.

Character Conceptualization
Rosalyn Ballard was fortunate enough to find her first love at a very young age and that, like anyone, was Henry Walton Jones Jr. otherwise known as Indiana Jones. Her father took her to see a screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark when she was ten and that was when she said she wanted to be an archeologist which lasted up until she was told that real archeology didn't typically involve punching Nazis and faces melting. It was disappointing, to be sure, and for a time she thought about getting into acting, but after getting cast in a junior high production of Treasure Island as Billy Bones of all characters and realizing she died ten minutes in, her acting dreams died there. Still, her fascination with Indiana Jones is what led her to anthropology and rather than become a teacher, she opted the tour guide route which is sort of like a teacher except she doesn't have to deal with kids for eight hours a day.

Roz has been a midwest kind of girl her entire life, growing up in a boring suburb until the great divorce of her parents when she was thirteen. She went with her dad which involved moving in with her grandmother until her dad got back on his feet. Unfortunately he never did, thanks to being the victim of a DUI accident. What was supposed to be a temporary situation with her grandmother turned into Roz living with her mother in downtown Chicago. Her mother, a banker, tried to be Roz's friend first and foremost and Roz really just thought that was kind of lame; Roz didn't need a friend for a legal guardian. They got along well enough but it was clear that Roz was a bit of a daddy's girl and considering that they bonded over Indiana Jones and Dead Milkmen records, it was hard to blame her.

Not a standout student in high school with no real extracurriculars to speak of, she still got into UIC and got her degree in anthropology. She had planned on going on a backpacking trip to celebrate but it wasn't meant to be. The money she had saved up for it since working part time in high school through to college (all from the same place, a local chicken shack that also came with the benefit of her working numerous Tastes of Chicago in her time) was used instead to help support her mother's legal fees after she did a hit and run. Fortunately for Roz, she had enough to put a down payment on an apartment and within the next two weeks not only had she moved out and left her mother to fend for herself, she had found employment at the Field Museum - where she continues to the day.

While Roz certainly enjoys her life, the fact that so many of her dreams have been compromised or cancelled is an unfortunate reality and has colored her outlook even if she'll never admit it. Roz doesn't feel the need to aim any higher in terms of career or stability because she believes that if she does that it'll amount to nothing. Sure, she would've liked to be an archeologist but it wasn't like the movies. Sure, maybe she would've liked to be in the movies but if she couldn't land the lead role then what was the point. Yeah, she would've liked to do an anthropology backpack trip but why should she get to get what she wants when her mother needed her help for a little bit. Why bother having long relationships when her first serious girlfriend cheated on her. It's not cynicism, it's bitter realism that nothing she wants really works out so she takes the pleasures in other ways, such as her work and going to punk shows in crappy bars on the weekend. It's not the life she envisioned, but maybe one day she'll treat herself to a vacation.

Other Information
Roz was a smoker in her college days because she thought it was 'cool' and she has since quit.

She thinks people are too harsh on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

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