Avatar of Fading Memory


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1 yr ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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@myrkwise Appreciate the heads up! No stress over length; write as much or as little as you want, the only thing necessary in the next post is what kind of form you’re taking.
Nah. Freyja be catching mad Z’s tho.
Alright, so far on my end I’m going to give a few more days for the folks who haven’t posted yet to do so before I respond with the NPCs; if I do so before they post it’ll be just a continuation of chatter (Odaya and Weasel, Freyja will remain slumbering, then Alycia) for a short time, before Creepy Vampire Guy approaches.
My primary computer is back in the shop, turns out nothing was fixed and everything still sucks. Huzzah. I have a backup laptop so my presence here shan’t be disturbed.
Dreaming Together With You: Only On Wednesdays

The prequel we never asked for.
Well now I gotta know what the power is!

Is it something we'll receive during the prologue, or not until after the time skip?

My compatriot in dice, I am a professional lurker chuckling along with the antics. Let not your apologies be wasted on me when I find this funny and would probably have just acquiesced to Brut anyway if I were still controlling her. It’s way fun(ner/nier) for her to grumble and not get her spells back lmao.
It’s just like Math to create a Zero Sum Game where She Loses anyway. Good old Math
Sounds good @Teyao
@Teyao if you go with the wings, gliding but not true flight for now would be acceptable.

Cat’s eyes with nightvision would be perfectly fine as is if you chose those features.

I have no idea what clay hands would entail besides being kinda moldable.

Gills would be fine if you chose that route.

Hooves instead of feet is mostly cosmetic, barring some floor based hazards so that’s also fine.

Wild crazy wriggling hair is whacky and cool.

If you meant to say all of them at once, I’d say bring it down to one or two you think fit him best for any sort of function, with my preference being to not take anything else if you went with the wings; cosmetic to flavor, if your concept is that he’s a wildcard chimera at heart.
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