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Having actual free time feels so weird


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In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Frettzo>

Sounds like a problem with your internet. I can simplify it, but it won't look as good.

EDIT: The current iteration is currently about 6mb, which means it takes me about 6 seconds to load it. If your internet takes 5 minutes to load it, there's Big Issues with your internet.

Don't worry about it, I live in the third world so my internet speed is not as fast. I downloaded the map and saw it was at 9.3 mb so that answers my questions lol.

Anyway, here's my landgrab, had to upload the pic in a smaller size and resolution for practicality purposes (landgrab is the yellow dot up and to the left, named Aella's Retreat): sta.sh/0btau7sw9jp . Yes, I'm linking it cause putting the pic here directly seems to lower its quality. No idea what's happenin.

Edit: here's another version, I think this one's bigger? I think my eyes are mad. Gremju's getting to me mate sta.sh/0apo3bct1oc
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@WrongEndoftheRainbow, is it possible to cut down the map size a bit? As of now it takes me a p long time to load it, I have to keep it open in a different tab for like 5 minutes for it to display completely.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Level 1 Goddess of Kindness
In our childishness, life was filled with torment. We have to do better.

It seemed like this planet had much more water than the last one she'd been a part of. The oceans covered so much of the surface that for a moment, she'd actually wondered if this was supposed to be an entirely oceanic kind of world, but her doubts were silenced when she stumbled onto land, a big continent with numerous mountain ranges and the potential to become something beautiful in the future... Then she realized this was in fact the same land on which the Oasis was located, and that she'd just gone around the world because she went the wrong way.

Still, this wasn't what she was looking for, no. In order to ensure that this world met with a more... Enjoyable fate than her last, setting up in large landmasses was undesirable.

Or maybe not. The more she explored the mountain ranges and saw the valleys and crevasses, the more she realized that there were quite a few spots good enough to start setting up in. Besides, while being in a large continent like this made sure that you'd eventually have to deal with sentient beings stumbling into your territory, it also meant you'd have a lot of options in the department of 'places to run off to when your house has been found by a mob of angry, scared people'.

So yeah. While she'd love for her little resorts and get-aways from life to be secluded, surrounded by ocean, it was true that being on an island prevented your escape as much as it made invasions difficult.

Of course, when she found a valley surrounded on all sides by steep mountains and whose only entrance was a crevasse between two of such mountains,she knew she'd hit the jackpot. Giddy, she planted some seeds borrowed from her Brother's forest along the valley and made sure they'd grow in the different, colder temperature, then she accelerated the growth of grass, planted her various flowers all across the valley and added a healthy dose of Squiggles.

Eventually, a proper valley had been created. Still, she was no Goddess of Creation or Building. She wasn't particularly creative either, so when the time came to actually build something that deviated from what her family had already created, she started to struggle. After hours of trying to build some kind of home at the foot of one of the mountains, her results showed her lack of ability.

A simple cabin stood alone in the valley. And while it certainly wasn't magnificent, she made sure it was functional. She made sure to include a small storage area for food and another for miscellaneous things such as wood. She also added a bedroom in the attic and worked some of her magic on the structure, ensuring a sound and safe infrastructure and that the inside was always at a comfortable temperature.

When everything was done, she walked out of the cabin, sat down on a nearby boulder and looked it over with a placid smile. After a while, she brought her palm up and created a small figure of a man with pure light. The figure seemed to run and jump and dance on her hand before disappearing. She kissed her palm.

"I can't wait to meet the mortals, I bet they're going to be very pleasant this time around..." She said softly before bringing her knees up to her chest - a somewhat awkward movement, considering her armor - and resting her hear on the tips of her knees. Soon, she'd closed her eyes and began waiting for time to pass. There wasn't much to do while her family was out and about being their creative selves.

In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
*cracks knuckles*

NOW we have birthed every god.

It's Lei time.

Is it time for the turn-mobile to rev up???

I might wanna accelerate a post using up 2 more miracles if so!
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Y'all mind if I got ahead and make Gremju the sole reason for madness exisiting in mortals?

and a wee bit extra for my schemes later

I don't mind it myself. What does the madness involve, though? Bipolar stuff, multiple personality thingies, OCD, depression? All that jazz? Does it include phobias?
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Frettzo Are you sure you want to spend a whole Might point on Squiggles? You could totally get away with making them for a free point Miracle, or two if you do one for their plant aspect and one for their animal aspect.

Oh! I hadn't thought of that, dang. I'll edit that in, no one will realize! That brings my acts of creation down to 1 right? cause of the saved MP
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

In our childishness, life was filled with torment. We have to do better.

It had begun, then, she realized with a heavy heart. This world had existed for so little time and things were already going wrong. Her family was beginning to fight and disagree on the most basic of ideas... Just like before.

Were worlds Fated to be like this, hopelessly tied to reach a gruesome end every time?

Maybe they were. Maybe there was no escape from the cycle, if there even was one.

"No, it can't be..." Aella whispered to herself as she ducked under a low hanging tre branch, its leaves grazing her hair as she moved past, "But if it is, then... No." She shook her head and let out a sigh. Thinking about such things would only slow her down now. She had a goal. So what if Fate wanted to lead people down the same path over and over again? It didn't matter. If Fate had an adoration for the suffering of beings, then Fate was bound to suffer a lot in this Universe. As long as Aella was around, she'd make sure everyone lived as well as they could.

She wasn't far from the others, and while she couldn't see them, she could still feel them. More and more Great Ones came into being, all thanks to the Door. Of all of them, one stood up the most. A strange kind of Essence... As if a mortal was a God, or a God was a mortal. She'd never felt anything like that before. Maybe he was the one that would lead them into a new direction this time? She would have to find this new God - Césure apparently, or so she felt his name was - and talk to him. Later and in private, of course.

For now, she focused back on the forest. As she walked, she began to smell the putrid air of the swamp nearby, the creation of Pelegath. A good creation certainly, she could already imagine the kinds of civilizations that would settle such lands. Maybe a reptilian species? Perhaps an insectoid race? Either way, she didn't want to explore that yet and so she turned around and went deeper into the forest.

She reached a clearing and realized something was lacking, something extremely important. With that, she knelt down and took a blade of grass. She stretched it and molded it into a long stalk with a bulb on top. She then blew softly on the bulb and from it sprouted a beautiful set of petals, complete with Stamen, pistils, and eveything a proper flower needed. She repeated the process numerous times, trying with different combinations of colors, shapes and most importantly, scents.

Eventually, the entire clearing was covered in a wide variety of flowers. But the flowers needed help to reproduce, so she went to the middle of the clearing and raised a single tree, somewhat taller the the others of the forest. From the wood on that tree, she created another bulb, this one considerably bigger than the ones for the flowers, and blew on it.

A moment later, the bulb flowered. A set of huge petals, at least a meter long and hanging from the tree branch, covered the bulb. Then over a few moment, a soft buzzing could be heard coming from within the petals.

Dozens of small insects - which resembled brown, fuzzy balls of spiky hair with miniature flower petals on their bellies - flew out and onto the flowers. They would be the ones to take care of pollination, Aella thought.

Finally, she gave the little insects a stinger and named them Squiggles. She giggled at the name, then felt very silly and left the clearing with a blush on her face and puffed out cheeks.

In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Has anyone created flowers yet? If not, I'd like to call dibs ;p
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I added the tree millipede to my profile, it has the neat stuff you need to know about Kiko’s Babies. And why the cost 1 might to make. And before you ask, yes they can uproot trees if they are angry enough.

I can see it now, worms and milipedes are going to be the dominant sentient species of this world. Humans will be forced underground for centuries at a time and will have to fight for their lives at every turn, developing technology to counter the evil worms's humanicide that they drop on fields from planes.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Is it eating an entire bird...?

Whelp, hold on, Aella's gonna burn this world too
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