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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Myra @13org

“Astra... “ Vrexen paused as he attempted to remain calm. He was not fond of how his new servant skirted the line of obedience. “Why are we not going to River Port?” With his tone, he demanded an explanation.

“Breecaush-” Astra tried answering with a mouthful of bread, but stopped when her eyes met Vrexen’s. She quickly gulped it down and cleared her throat. “Because Myra tossed Traven. You see Traven was only ever going to take us to certain places on the map. If we’re trying to reach that big tree, River Port is a way, but not the quickest method of getting to where your buddies are.”

“Hmm… Quicker is better. The war has already been declared and I must ensure victory for-” Astra cut him off and spoke quickly.

“Your side. Yes. Let’s not discuss the war too freely since lines are still being drawn. I don’t know Yenworth’s allegiance just yet, but I can bank on our next location being comfortable with whatever big plans you have.”

"Foo?" Astra raised an eyebrow as she faced Myra. She simply slid over the basket of warm buttered bread rolls towards Myra. Her expression was still serious from the topics being discussed with Vrexen.

“This is the best you’re gonna get until the real meal comes… Oh, but look at that!” She perked up as the waiter walked over with three tankards filled with mead. The waiter set one down in front of each of them with a smile

“Enjoy!” The waiter left the table with the patrons she was slightly wary of due to their appearances. How did they just walk around with no shoes?!

“What might this be?” Vrexen sniffed the tankard in front of him, taking in the sweet aroma. He was interested in tasting it, but there was a much more serious matter at hand. “And share what you know about the next location.” Astra grabbed her tankard and held it up.

“It’s deliciousness, BUT you can call it mead.” She took a swig of it’s contents before setting down the tankard with a smug smile on her face. “And the next stop is Aldrakh. It’s an orc settlement… Oh you both probably need a rundown. Orcs are big savage fuckers… and fighters of course. I’m not sure what they enjoy more, but those two are their main priorities. They’re very set in their ways, but they’re willing to listen to reason... some of the time. They actually might like your whole ‘we take what we want when we want’ and ‘dominance is the way’ talk.” She imitated Vrexen’s voice as she loosely quoted him.
“And clothes?”

“Honestly, you can wear whatever the fuck you want over there. They don’t care and despite some of the smells it’s a good time.”

“And killing?” Vrexen had to ask which made Astra before taking another swig from her tankard. She briefly shut her eyes as if she could escape the conversation. She had always found Vrexen scary because he was always serious about the crazy shit he said. The was never a punchline with him. She leaned in so she could speak at a low volume.

“No. No killing. BUT there’s hunting and maybe they’ll let you fight and gobble up some dwarves if you ask ‘em. For you they’re like bite-sized snacks or something.” She chuckled despite how dark the conversation was getting. Vrexen was somewhat satisfied and decided to take a break from speaking so he could indulge in the mead. He grabbed his tankard and completely chugged its contents with no hesitation.

“Halastra’s cunt! Vrexen!”

Location: Haly's Circus
Interactions: No One Yet

Viktor hoped his pep talk with Zach helped him perform successfully and confidently tonight. Until then, he had planned to sit in a makeshift dressing room and practice the script. Memorizing it was the easy part, but the delivery was what Zach was probably more worried about. Emulating things he had seen on television and from others had been his go-to when it came to social interactions, but it made him lack authenticity. Since their performance would be towards the end of the show, Viktor dressed down, removing his coat, dress shirt, and tie. This left him with a white tank top, black slacks, and dress shoes.

While practicing, he would take short breaks to see how the rest of the team was holding up. Six persons of interest, three reports but one ended in failure. He appeared to be somewhat indifferent initially. It took all but a few seconds for his eyes to narrow. There were three others to investigate but he could have sworn he saw Alisa follow the Fortune Teller down the hall. The Pyrotechnician and the Bearded Woman… I also can’t count out the Juggler. I think I’ll-

Viktor noticed the script again, remembering how he had assured Zach of how well he would deliver the introduction. He almost felt like he was trying to juggle two different missions at the same time. One was more about playing a role and the other was simply elicitation with a little site exploitation. Sadly the former seemed to be the most difficult despite seeming less complicated.

He was about ready to rehearse the script when he heard screams from outside of the tent. His senses also allowed him to pick up the sound of many hooves thundering across the ground.

“Hmm.” He let out before standing up while trying to listen in more. It could have easily been another loud and exciting show.

"Where are the others?!"
"Zach, something crazy just happened. We got attacked by a bunch of wild ponies. I don't know where they came from, I think I saw about six of them. We have to do something, but I couldn't stop them. They are freakishly strong."
“They couldn’t have at least waited until it was my turn! Cousin Zee can make Elephants disappear, but I bet you she hasn’t even tried that with some crazy ponies. The audience would have loved that!”

Viktor bolted out of the room and into the hall ready to spring into action. He was in a full sprint until he realized something. It was more of him picking up Aleen’a shouting about a reasonable problem.

"I cannot let out my full power or else we might get exposed again! We must contain these horrible beasts to prevent them from causing more chaos!"

He sucked his teeth as his sprint slowed into a fast jog as he tried to think of something before he burst on the scene. I wish I had prep time. How does Batman manage it? Wait! Batman! Inconspicuous! Viktor nodded before exiting the circus tent. Rain could not save the day, but another hero could keep from blowing his own cover. He had to be quick if he was going to save the mission and the show!
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Ferry Approaching River Port
Interactions: Eris @Tae

When Kaleb had asked about the magic of humans, those on the ferry looked amongst themselves before a light elf answered.

“The forces of nature if I remember it right. Each one can have either fire, water, earth, air, or lightning. They’re naturally good at it too. It’s why the kingdom brought them over. With that kind of power, the dark elves don’t stand a chance.”

“Wow, to have part of the world literally at your fingertips. I wonder how they figure out what they have though.”

“That, I don’t know. Magic wasn’t the easiest thing for me, so I can’t imagine not knowing what I could do and being in a place where there are few with first-hand knowledge of it. How about yourself? You an adept in magic?”

“I wish. I can barely get a sparkle out. It’s one of the reasons my parents would never let me venture outside the kingdom for so long.” He continued talking to different occupants in the ferry, gathering more and more background information. It was especially easy since they thought he was a sheltered light elf full of curiosity.

After some time, the ferry arrived at the beautifully lit port town. Kaleb was a bit impressed despite its small size. Finally he could meet some more people and potentially the supporting cast types. He had the feeling that River Port was going to be a grand time. Something nice and fun before he went on to save Avalia, or so he thought.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks to Yenworth Tavern
Interactions: Myra @13org

“Foo?” Vrexen continued looking at Myra, but he was more interested than he had been just a second earlier. To hear her speak, even if it was slightly unintelligible, was nothing to overlook. So she was not one of those types of demon. The thrall that slugged about the Abyss, unable to utter a word due to their low intelligence keeping them unable to communicate with speech.

“Food! Food! I love it! She’s just missing the ‘D’ but I think you can help her with that, right?” Astra raised her eyebrows twice with a smug smile.

“Food? Your food is in the deep, sister.” Vrexen pointed out towards the sea to remind Myra of her disposal of Traven. He narrowed his eyes towards Myra as a way to let her know it was her fault she was hungry. She had made her decision and was now paying for it with the pangs of hunger. He bared his teeth that quickly formed into a toothy grin. “But let us claim what we desire in town.” Though Myra discarded the potential food that was Traven, Vrexen was all about taking what you wanted when you wanted it. It did not matter if you had it before or had more than you needed. As valuable as speaking was, Vrexen would much rather have Myra learn his beliefs.

“Ew! Those faces- I mean. You both look very hungry so let’s go to the tavern and I can show Lord Vrexen the power of amas!” The three would set off to the tavern co-located with the inn. As they entered, Vrexen found himself fidgeting his shoulders some and pulling at the crotch of his pants not being very used to the clothing he was wearing. The rabbit woman was still at the desk to greet the three with an uneasy smile. Myra was odd looking sure, but Vrexen’s appearance caused her to stare. She assumed him to be a demi-human, but could not put a finger on what sub-species he was. His third eye bothered her most, but she also knew some demihumans had unique features.

“When can we remove our clothes?” Vrexen asked, causing the woman at the front desk and Astra’s eyes to widen.

In our room. I know you’re excited, but we have to eat first.” Astra faked a smile before leading the way to an unoccupied table in the dining area. The waiter approached the table with a basket of complimentary buttered bread rolls. As he set the rolls down at the center of the table, Astra took the initiative with a menu in hand “One order of Cheesy Prawns for me and two orders of the Roasted Pork Belly for these two. We’ll all have mead.” Astra gave the waiter a quick nod before looking at Vrexen then Myra who sat on either side of her. “And now we wait for the food, but I guess you can try the bread rolls.” She shrugged.

“I do not notice any of my brethren here. Perhaps this River Port will-”

“I don’t think we’re going there.” She casually grabbed a bread roll and took a bite while Vrexen glared menacingly at her.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks
Interactions: Myra @13org
Equipment: None

Vrexen's eyes shifted towards both Astra and Myra approaching the boat after being gone for some time. He was seated exactly where they had left him and appeared unfazed by how long he had been left to wake. The notion of time had melted from his senses long ago. He had lived and suffered for so long within the planes of the Abyss that waiting on the boat felt like a forgettable moment in time.

However, it was not time wasted. His mother whispered to him, her message soothing yet cruel. He loved her. Vrexen could not wait to share her with this world.

Before Astra greeted him, his eyes focused on Myra wearing her dress. What is she… Clothes, yes. Vrexen remembered agreeing to the use of amas and clothes. Clothing in the Abyss was considered optional and made from parts of other demons or abyssal creatures. It usually came down to appearance and functionality.

“Astra. Give me these clothes so I may roam freely.” He ordered as he stood up on the boat. Astra would have rolled her eyes if she knew whether or not she could keep them.

“Of course.” Astra removed her backpack and stepped into the boat. She removed the outfit (left) and tossed it onto the deck. “I can assist you in putting it on. I had to do-”

“Do not insult me. I am not ignorant.” Vrexen growled as he snatched up parts of the outfit to wear. There were grunts and mistakes Vrexen would not admit to but once he was settled he stuck to wearing the brown vest and the pants secured by the belt that came with the outfit. The vest remained open but Astra was not looking for perfection. She simply wanted unnecessary attention off of them. Her face lit up with a smile.

“Look at you! Both of you are ready to really experience life! Myra, tell Vrexen what you want.” Astra winked at Myra, hoping to show off Myra's talking. Vrexen narrowed his eyes at Myra wondering what Astra was alluding to. To his knowledge, Myra did not speak.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: On the road from Roshmi CIty to Myriamor
Interactions: Kuroi @hide on mana, Mika @Tae

To Slick’s surprise, Sivaros had stopped the group to inform them of his decision to part ways. He had only wanted to ensure Mika would be safe and he felt the princess had that in the talented fighter, Kuroi Usagi. He felt even more confident when they had all safely landed in Myriamor. The location seemed to have been unaffected by the war being waged between the Sun Elf and Malthemoor Kingdoms and Mika would soon meet with Princess Rosaria that added more protection. With his combat skills better suited elsewhere, he gave the group his farewell and re-entered the Amora.

Slick simply let out a deep sigh and a few nods as he watched the amora doors shut, but once Sivaros was out of sight, he shrugged nonchalantly and faced Mika, the leader of their group. She recommended he get a change of clothes to fit in with other Avalian’s which only made him chuckle due to the odd things he had seen on people so far. His eyes set on Kuroi’s attire with scrutiny before his gaze returned to Mika who expressed her insistence without having to utter another word. Who would I be if I turned down this doll of a princess? He briefly side-eyed Kuroi’s kimono.

“Alrighty then, let’s go to this Odds and Ends merchant. But I swear to almighty god that I ain’t wearin’ a get-up like his… No offense.” He remembered he needed these two to get around for the time being, so playing noise was key. His chances of survival in Avalia were significantly lower without their knowledge and support. Many things felt the same as where he came from. Some aspects were more advanced while others were outdated by his standard. As the three walked through Myriamor, he paid more attention to the people than the infrastructure he passed. The animal people made his right eye twitch depending on how extreme their appearances were. The elves and dwarves were an easy sight to take in. The man had seen all manner of deformities in his life, so the ears and short stature were easy to look past. Orcs were monstrous, but thank goodness there weren’t many of those around. And lastly were the fairies, they were easy on the eyes with their pretty wings and hair color variety.

Once the trio ventured to the Odds and Ends stall, Slick looked over the wares critically, before his eyebrows raised and a smile crept onto his face.

“Well I’ll be damned. They got themselves a good selection.” He pointed at the hat and cowl which seemed to be a good one to one trade for the stetson on his head, but the cowl would hide his ‘non-pointed’ ears and shade his neck from the beating sun. The scarf was nice, but his black neckerchief would serve the same purpose without having to spend anything.

Next, his eyes looked over the outfits. Slick ogled the female outfits a little more than he probably should have as he imagined a certain someone wearing the more revealing garments on display.

“Mika, I really think you would look quite lovely in that one there. It’s probably swelterin’ out here in what you got on.” He pointed at the white outfit on display. He then moved to pick out the black outfit he felt best suited himself. It was a little different than what he was used to, but he’d make it work. As he picked it out he noticed a looser outfit. He pointed at Kuroi and at the outfit at the same time while nodding with a big ol’ grin, assuming it was the vulpine’s style for sure. On his way to the counter he grabbed the saddle bag on display. “Now I’m set. Hat, clothes, and a bag for some of the stuff I’m barely holding onto right now.” His eyes rested on the critters in their respective cages, more specifically the rabbit with the horn poking out of his head. To think... that ain’t even the weirdest thing I’ve seen today.

Purchases by Mikazuki: 90 amas (10 hat, 20 bag, 60 male outfit)
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

“They lick people after they lick their crotches…”

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth
Amas: 20 Spent

While Myra was a bit sad to see how many of the round shinies Astra had given the fish-man for the colored pieces of fabric, she was also curious about what those pieces of fabric were and why Astra had bought them. The pretty, vibrant colors were undeniably pretty, just like the ones she saw back on the papers she got from the dark-skins' city when searching for the 'map'. Despite her curiosity, since Myra was already scolded she decided it would be better if she behaved herself, lest she wanted to be left on the boat like Vrexen…

The two entered the inn filled with people and conversation. Astra held the door open behind her so Myra could sneak in. The female rabbit demi-human behind the counter stared at Astra with a bit of fright. On the other hand, Astra fearlessly initiated conversation.

“Hi! Looking for a room for me and my boyfriend. It's our anniversary and I want to… well… It would be nice if our room was a bit away from other folk y'know.” Astra's face portrayed faint embarrassment.

“Uh…” The woman at the desk made an uneasy face that transitioned into a smile. “Yes, we have a double-bed room for 20 amas… And it's in the back corner of the hall.” The woman winked.

Thanks to Astra having held the door open for a bit, Myra was able to sneak inside the building without problem.
While the building was definitely smaller than the huge place she and Vrexen entered back on the dark-skins' cave-town, it was still a relatively big one. The style both inside and outside were also completely different from the ones in the cave-town.
Curiously, she began looking around as Astra talked with the rabbit woman, who, for some reason, seemed to be a bit alarmed. It reminded Myra a bit of how wild rabbits reacted when they saw or met her by chance when she wasn't hunting.

As she walked inside the inn, Myra was careful to behave herself, not wanting to get scolded again. This time, she wasn't trying to pinch anyone, even though she was curious about the rabbit woman's ears, or doing anything that could draw attention to her presence, at least not knowingly or on purpose...
Due to how dusty the streets were outside, Myra didn't notice, but she was leaving very noticeable footsteps behind her as she walked inside the inn, much for Astra's dismay.

“Easy. Here you are. We should be out by dawn or so.” Astra handed the woman 20 amas, who recoiled after taking it. Astra wasn’t sure what the problem was.

“Excuse me, but you’re tracking dirt. Can you take your… What is...” The woman was confused as she noticed the shape of the prints. “Do you have a pet with you?” Astra looked down at the prints, but was already sure who they belonged to without positively identifying them. You are definitely challenging me… And you will pay me back for this.

“By Halastra, no! I hate pets. All pets. They lick people after they lick their crotches… Truly disgusting.” Astra made a sickly face showing her aversion. She was handed the keys to the room as she continued. “Trust me, if I find the creature that’s dirtying up your establishment, I’ll kick ‘em out myself.”

Myra watched as once again, much for her dismay, Astra handed over a bunch of shinies away to the rabbit woman. Just as she grabbed the shinies though, the rabbit woman suddenly called Astra, pointing to the ground behind them, revealing the dirty footsteps Myra was leaving behind, much to her own surprise.

Having not realized that before and being too late to try to clean the already dirty floor, Myra did the best she could to wipe off the dust from her feet, trying to avoid any future problems inside the inn.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

“...please don’t kill anyone”

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Port

A look of concern painted across Astra's face when Myra proudly crouched low on the dock. She couldn't even be mad at the girl for following her guidance so literally.

“Myra.” Astra forced a smile.

Seeing Astra smiling, Myra smiled back happily at her, thinking it would be okay if she was that low. “Well, I was meaning to leave you on the boat...” The moment Myra heard Astra say this, her smile immediately disappeared, giving place to a disappointed and sad expression as she went back to her normal posture. She was almost walking back inside the boat when Astra continued. “...but I guess you can tag along if you keep hidden. Come on, do that neat trick the ugly lamplights do.”

Hidden. A word that Myra not only knew but a concept she could perform really well.

Myra nodded excitedly towards Astra as her innocent smile immediately returned to her face. When she exited the boat again, she looked to Astra as she used her camouflage. At first, she was only slightly transparent but became completely invisible once the two made eye contact. Astra gave a charming smirk and wink to add some positive reinforcement. Naivety. Does it make you cute? Somewhat. Does it make you easy to manipulate? Absolutely.

“Good job, friend!” Her eyes then darted to Vrexen who had taken a seat on the boat. “I'll be right back with your clothes, so just keep watch of the boat… and please don't kill anyone.” She waved at the lonely red-faced demon.

Location: Haly's Circus
Interactions: Zach @crimson flame

Viktor gave a slight frown towards Zach’s initial comments as he didn’t seem to grasp what he was alluding to. He was going to interject, but let the troubled magician vent to him. Viktor could understand Zach’s frustration in wanting to get out from under Zatanna’s vast shadow, but he was intrigued by the last thing he said. There’s his confidence. We can work with that. Viktor rested a hand on Zach’s shoulder.

“And I will ensure you are successful. You and I, we don’t accept anything but success.” Viktor glanced at the script, feeling a lot more motivated to deliver it due to the current sense of competition. He dropped his hand from Zach while his face filled with seriousness. “The steak… I was not being literal, Zach. If you can’t transform one thing into another, then just make people believe that you did. If we stash props near the stage, you should be able to change a steak into a rabbit. Also… I will aim to give you one of the greatest introductions of your life.” Viktor said as if he was speaking about a crucial mission objective.

Location: Haly's Circus
Interactions: Daphne @dreamingflowers Zach @crimson flame

“Just don’t screw things up”

Viktor sent the text as he considered following Daphne or in the best case, intercepting her. He could not allow her to ruin another mission, and so he got up from his seat so he could get backstage. He had escaped the audience before a familiar voice stopped him.

“Viktor darling, I do hope you weren’t planning on interrogating those suspects yourself. We have a show to prepare for. First things first.” Viktor faced Zach with a somewhat bothered look at first, but remembered he had agreed to assist him in his act. Gathering information was important, but maintaining their cover as performers was just as crucial. He received Zach’s script and listened to his guidance before he heard a familiar spell. He flinched some as his casual clothing changed into something more formal. He favored the colors, but simply said…

“Thanks.” He looked over the script, noticing many exclamation points within it. Inflection… Viktor was finding his responsibility as Zach’s lovely assistant would be much more taxing than he thought. He could have suggested having Daphne or Ja fill his position, but the challenge presented enticed him. When Zach asked about what his act might be, he noticed that he was somewhat stressed. It was whenever he brought Zatanna’s talent up, that Zach’s confidence was shaken. “Change a steak into a rabbit… Your way. Fill in the gaps.” Viktor suggested.
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