Avatar of Fuzzybootz


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Current Dumb that accounts cannot be deleted. Any way I will not be logging on anymore. Bye!
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I have returned, but I am not super active. Mostly because I am not seeing too many interesting threads. Will only play in small group as big groups get messy real quick.
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6 yrs ago
Gonna have to step away from playing for a while. Its a bummer but I just dont have the focus.
6 yrs ago
Thinking of starting a new Advanced small group adventure after the new year.....
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... waiting for my Character profile to be excepted....


I am a 30 something from California who enjoys all Nerdy things.

Most Recent Posts

Oops posted in wrong section. Will repost in Ooc.
Reliability - Part 3

Mackenzie sighed deeply standing up from her seat. She had not heard any news of Agent Edwards surgery in a while and she finally gave up waiting here. She would wait back in Robotics. That's when her Datapad beeped and flashed an incoming message from Clara Albright. She opened it quickly, vaguely recognising the name of the sender.

Could you please meet me in the MedBay Room 12B ASAP. I have an issue that could use your expertise.

-Clara Albright

At that point her interest was peaked. It was highly unusual for a member of the Med team to contact her directly. Most of the time, when there were issues with a droid, a work order would be created and then it would be put in the system. She began to move in the direction she thought the private rooms would be in. Only looking up from her datapad as she bumped into someone. He cursed as he bent down to pick up everything he had been carrying and was now spread across the floor thanks to Mackenzie. She apologised profusely and even attempted to help. However, he grumbled and just shooed her away. It seemed that all the medics were still tense from all the chaos.

When Mackenzie reached the room stated in her message she was surprised to find it heavily guarded by two security Droids. For a moment she hesitated. She reopened the message to make sure she had the correct room. She did. Slowly she walked up the guards and cleared her throat.

“ Ahh, It seems I have been called in by Clara Albright. Is it alright If I go in?” she asked as she gestured toward the door. They continued to stare down at her, emotionless. Then the droids suddenly moved away from the door to allow her access. Timidly she said thanks and knocked on the door gently to announce her entrance.

The door quickly swung open from the other side and Clara practically burst out, only stopping to do a doubletake when she spotted the security droids. She had been so distracted by Chizuru that she almost forgot the hulking droids were there. “She’s with me.” she said from the threshold, reaching out to grab Kenzie by the arm and dragging her inside with nothing but a “Hi.”

“Clara!” came a familiar voice from down the hallway and Clara peaked around the corner of the doorway again to see Amara coming their way. She smiled at her friend, happy to see her and more than a little relieved. Clara waved to her, signalling for her to come into the room. Amara hurried to the room but she slowed as she approached the security droids. As she passed them by she asked Clara “What’s so urgent? And what’s with the--Oh!”

She had all the answers she needed upon seeing Chizuru as she stepped into the room. She had already been made aware of the stowaway’s presence aboard the Vitae. One of the benefits of being the boss’s daughter. She hadn’t expected to see her here through.

“And I thought my day couldn’t get any weirder.” she half muttered with a weary sigh as she turned around to close the door behind her.

Mackenzie yelped as she had been suddenly pulled into the room. She barely even had time to wrap her mind around what was happening before Amara was with them as well.

The cyborg took the newcomers in with her artificial eyes. “Well,” she blinked, “I did not expect to see the Chief of Robotics here so fast. Well done, Clara.” She gave the Ph.D a wide smile. “I had planned on dropping by at a later date, but really, my medical and technical check-ups can’t be separated anyway.”

She walked to the back of the room, where a bed was set with various medical machinery hanging over it. “On another thought, I will drop by your lab anyway. This equipment is inadequate. Your presence here would mainly be as backup to read the medical monitoring data. But let’s get down to business.”

The black exoskeleton still standing in the middle of the room like some kind of tasteless modern art piece, loomed behind the Cyborg in a stance of subtle threat as she spoke. “We are gathered here today to protect what we cherish most - us, or in a broader sense, the Vitae. In order to greatly upgrade Mr. TreVayne’s security forces, a bureaucratic and technical procedure is required, set by our very own Mr. Locke. This procedure includes a medical and technical examination, as well as a psychological evaluation, which I assume has already been completed, some short parole, topped off by what I assume to be a job interview. It is within all of our interests to make each step as thorough and professional as possible, but also as quick as possible, especially in light of the recent failed planetfall.”

“In short, please check if I am fit for duty. If so, forward your approval to Mr. TreVayne. If not, please set me on the right path to compensate.”

Clara, still with a smile on her face, looked from Chizuru to the others, noting their confusion, and then back at the cyborg before she cheerily stated “OK then.” With a clap of her hands she said “Let’s get started.”

For a long moment Mackenzie just stared at the woman who resembled Frankenstein’s monster. The bluish tint of her skin reminded Mackenzie of those whom had frozen to death during one of Mars’ cold storms. Whatever this woman was, it clearly wasn't human anymore. She had seen and heard of people going to extreme measures to prolong and improve their existence through technology, but this was morbidly perverse. Then the woman grinned back at her and Mackenzie's stomach lerched.

“ Wait what exactly is going on here?” Mackenzie asked completely confused. She looked to Amara and then Back to the woman on the table. “ No offense, but who the Hell are you?”

Woohooo... More minions! *gets out whip*
@Binary Reign we need to talk.... our characters are VERY similar... I have some character backstory that I developed after creating my initial CS that Would make our character.... ahhh... familiar with one another if you are so inclined... it has to do with coding.. I was in the process of clarifying my character further...

Seperation Anxiety Part 2

Mackenzie and Edwards

“Come on.” Edwards said as he pulled Ms. Newton away from the swarm of Insects. She was still attached to his arm and she didn't put up any resistance. Moving out he decided they needed to move quickly. For a moment he thought he shouldn't push Ms. Newton any harder, but he couldn't afford not to. The insects were filling in the spaces behind them and could easily swarm again.

For the time being however, Ms. Newton seemed to be keeping pace. Without a word Edwards quickened his step. If they were lucky they would cover the remaining click and half in less than 20 minutes.

Adrenaline rushed through Mackenzie, giving her a renewed sense of energy. She had trained and participated in several marathons, so pushing herself beyond her limits was something she was used too.

Just then she heard the crackle of noise coming from Edwards radio. It appeared that the com systems were back up and running. She could easily feel Agent Edwards let out a long breath and relax as they heard Guerrera's voice. It was a bit garbled, but the message that he was alive got across. He had gone back to find Michael and would see them back at the Beast.

“Just get your ass back safe. I still owe you that beer.” Agent Edwards said with a renewed sense of vigor. He pushed forward again covering more ground than they had previously.

McKenzie said nothing, however she had to let go of his arm in order to keep from falling. She was breathing heavily by the time the Beast came into view and they didn't stop to take in the carnage surrounding it. They just pushed on through. They cleared the Beasts bay doors moments later.

“Medic! We need a medic!” Were the first words out of Mckenzie's mouth as they passed the threshold. She noticed that agent Edwards was in more danger of collapsing than she was. Luckily with in moments Amara Locke was heading their way.

Neither she nor Agent Edwards relaxed, however. They were both worried about the people they had left behind. It was evident by the way Agent Edwards started cursing when Amara tried to examine his arm. Amara wasn't at all amused and even threatened to remove his arm completely if he didn't settle down.

“Over my dead body!” Edwards yelled at the Medic that had threatened to amputate his arm. He didn't normally act like this, but tension was still high. He needed to know that his Partner and that scientist were safe.

That's when Ms. Newton got his attention. She pointed to front of beast and just as he looked up Gurrera and the scientist rushed inside. A weight seemed to be lifted from his shoulders and it seemed like he now had permission to collapse from blood loss.

Seperation Anxiety Part 1

Mackenzie and Edwards

Mackenzie let out a gasp of surprise and horror as Agent Gurrera plunged his knife into Agent Edward’s arm. With the skill of a surgeon, he gouged out the insect. Blood spilled down Edward’s suit, bicep, and began to pool into the ground. With one smooth motion Gurrera removed the invader and crushed it below his heavy duty boot.

The sound it made was not organic. It was a strangely familiar sound to Mackenzie. It reminded her of the sound of computer parts being crushed or broken. The insect’s guts even reminded her of the oil that lubricates the inside of clocks and other machines with moving parts.

With a jerk, her attention was quickly drawn back to the current situation. So many things were fighting for her attention that she didn't object when Gurrera instructed her to hold pressure to Edwards wound. Her body continued to tremble and staying focused was becoming increasingly difficult.

“What the fuck is wrong with that man?” She grumbled softly as Gurrera turned his back to them.

“Hey, that man probably just saved my life.” Edwards said defensively.

“hummm,” Mackenzie began a little indignant. “He didn't even hesitate before stabbing you.”

Men who were quick to violence made her uneasy. It was not something she thought she would ever get used to. Though she shouldn't be surprised that men like Gurrera were desirable to the military and security officials. Why try to be diplomatic when intimidation can be just as effective?

Edwards didn't know how to put Ms. Newton at ease. He could feel the slight tremor in her body as she held his arm. He found it odd that a person with Martian military experience would be so anxious in a situation like this.

Granted even he was unsettled by these dangerous insects. His arm hurt tremendously, but that pain pushed him forward. For a moment he couldn't help but wonder if he would have full use of it again.

“Let's just get back to Command” He said as he crushed several more of the bugs under his boot. He decided it was better to focus on getting them to safety.

Suddenly a burst of gunfire sounded from a nearby location. Edwards immediately lifted his weapon one handed. Which was uncomfortable and definitely not ideal.

“Fuck.” Edwards cursed as he turned towards the sound. He didn't immediately see Gurrera and He took several steps forward. However, he stopped as Mackenzie tugged at his wounded arm.

Mackenzie didn't have to say anything as she pointed up towards the top of the foliage surrounding them. A large mass of the insects passed overhead and swarmed on the path ahead of them. They were now effectively cut off from their teammates.

Edwards cursed again as he realized going forward would essentially be suicide. He was torn between wanting to attempt the rescue of his partner and getting Ms. Newton to safety. Not to mention he was wounded himself and longer they were out here the more likely he would lose the complete function of his arm.

kinda how it is going at the moment
Mackenzie couldn’t sit Idle as they all waited for the Nyx to enter the planet’s orbit and the Beast to head out. Her stomach turned slightly in both excitement and hunger. She hadn’t really had much to eat before she donned her suit. Now, she sat beside Michael, her fingers tapped almost tirelessly across her data pad. She was re-running several diagnostic checks in preparation for the landing. She wanted to make sure data would be stored correctly and that there would be nothing in the files that might accidentally corrupt any incoming data. The Nyx made landfall.

Michael had begun some idle chit chat with her to which she was surprisingly interested in. Not so much in what he was talking about, but the fact that it seemed so human like. Was this behavior something he had learned or was it just programmed? She made a note to herself to see if he engaged in the exact same conversation with someone else. She desperately wanted to run a diagnostic but she knew that was impossible during this mission. Not only were his files not kept in the main system, but she couldn’t just ask him to let her plug in right there. He was a secret after all.

When the Beast had finally come to a stop and everyone began to roll out, Mackenzie found herself a little out of sorts. Her job was really not all that critical in the field unless something broke. A few people asked her some questions about their droid’s operation, though. She answered them as quickly and clearly as she could. It was a skill she had been forced to learn during her time in service. Turns out that when a superior asks a question they want the Sparksnotes, not the textbook.

While everyone else bustled about, she watched Michael as he stared out at the mysterious orbs. Her gaze quickly followed his as she stepped up beside him. She let out a long breath as she witnessed all the damage to surrounding structures the thing had caused. Something deep in gut told her something unusual had happened here.

As Michael took several steps forward, Mackenzie reached out and touched his arm gently as she heard the sound of someone approaching. Both she and Michael turned to see two security personnel walk up to them.

“Ms. Newton?”One of them asked with a familiar voice. She then realized he was the agent who had escorted her to see their chief. “I am Agent Edwards and this is Agent Gurrera. We will be accompanying the two of you. ”

Mackenzie just nodded her acknowledgment and Michael proceeded to introduce himself. Once that was all said and done they all set-off. Michael quickly took the lead leading them up a small looping path towards what seemed like a fully intact Orb.

"We should be careful, make sure not to get too far from the Beast," Edwards stated as he looked around, his warning clear.

"Of course, safety should be a priority, though exploration is one as well. Who knows what we may find here? It's fascinating." Michael replied back with a smirk and they continued on.

Mackenzie stayed pretty much silent the entire trip up the metal path. She only looked over the edge once. She decided not to do that again. When they reached the top they found a bridge leading towards the orb. Michael looked back to her silently asking her if she wanted to continue. Even though it made her uneasy, she nodded.

"Dr. Newton and I wish to inspect the orb closer, is that alright?" Michael asked the Agents. It also seemed that Michael had not saved in his files that Mackenzie did not like to be called Doctor.

"Alright, just be careful. It's quite the drop from all the way up here. Gurrera and I will stay back."

Mackenzie gave Edwards an uneasy smile and thumbs up before she followed behind Michael. The feeling in her gut only intensified as they drew nearer to the orb. For a moment she thought she was going to be sick but she managed to push through it.

When they were finally within an arm’s reach from it, she realized that the orb had intricate carvings all over its surface. She could not even begin to imagine what they said or meant.

"I wonder what the purpose of this orb is?" Michael asked and then before she could answer he reached up to touch it. The Orb shimmered with a just barely visible blue light and just like that it opened to Michael’s touch.

Mackenzie instinctively stepped back from the orb. Her eyes darting over the orb just in case something else happened. Nothing did. Then with horror, she realized that Michael was about to step inside the thing.

“No. Wait!” she cried and reached out to stop him. It was already too late. The opening of the orb slammed shut with Michael now inside. Against instinct, she rushed forward.

“Michael!” she banged on the orb and hoped that it would reopen for her. However, it did not.

“Is everything alright Dr. Newton?” Edwards asked over the coms after having noticed the sudden commotion.

“Michael… he, is inside the orb…I...I... can’t open it” she banged on the orb again, the fear apparent in her stuttering.

“Stay calm, we will be right there,” Edwards replied back as he and Gurrera rushed across the bridge to access the situation.

Then suddenly the orb began to vibrate violently. To Mackenzie’s utter shock and bewilderment, it then fell apart leaving only the floor and Michael in one piece. As far as she could tell he didn’t appear to be harmed in any way but then she realized that for those brief moments she had completely forgotten he wasn’t even human. Breathing heavily she looked down at the thing he held out in his hand. It was like the orb he had just come out of, only much smaller.

In the next moments, Edwards and Gurrera arrived and canvassed the area for any more immediate threats. When none were found they began to question Michael. It was then that Mackenzie needed to step away to calm herself. Going only a short distance away she turned her back to them to hide the small shake her hands. That’s when she remembered exactly why she hadn’t been cut out for the service.

“Are you alright Dr. Newton?” Edwards asked stepping up beside her.
“DON’T…” She suddenly snapped then stopped herself. She took in a deep breath and continued. “Ms. Newton was fine.”

“Alright, Ms. Newton I need you to tell me what happened as you best you can”

“ Yes, of course”
Collab with @rawk

Mackenzie returned to the Robotics Bay once she received a clean bill of health from Amara and the creepy medical droid Ruby. Her tools still lay scattered about as she had not yet finished repairing all the Droids set to be used for this trip. The team would just have to deal with one of the geological data gathering droids as the other two were still on the fritz. Quickly she began to pick up her tools and put them away. For a moment she hesitated outside the storage room before putting what needed to go in there away. She had to convince herself that it would not lock her in again. She would never hear the end of this from Amara as it was. A second time would be the death of her.

It only took about 10 minutes to finish her clean up. She now needed to find Chief TreVayne and convince him that she would be useful on the trip. Usually her presence was not necessary on trips like these but that didn't mean she couldn't find something to do. She smirked to herself as she thought about it. The universe was pretty good at putting her where she needed to be and she counted the crew of the Nyx to be lucky she had gotten herself trapped here. It would have thrown off the entire team if those data droids had not functioned correctly.

“Noah, could you please tell me the whereabouts of Chief TreVayne?” She asked as she headed out the door and towards the central lifts.

“Of course, Mackenzie. Chief TreVayne is currently located in the Hangar Bay aboard the R207 Beast Command Vehicle.”
Mackenzie took the central lifts down to the lower level of the Nyx and hooked a left. Several people greeted her as she passed them. She didn't recognise any of them, but she nodded her greets anyway. She didn't stop however and she entered the Hangar Bay. She headed straight for the Beast.

“Pardon me miss.” One of the guards, a tall, lean build, light brown-skinned man who looked to be in his early twenties was stationed outside of the transport’s main entrance stairway and held a hand out while holding a datapad in the other. The stitched name tag on his uniform read J. Edwards. “I need to see your boarding pass please.” His tone seemed firm but was still friendly.

Mackenzie froze in her tracks. “ Ahhh, about that. I ahh, am here to see Chief TreVayne about a little bit of a misunderstanding and why I don’t currently have a boarding pass. I’ll wait here, if you wouldn’t mind paging him for me. The name is Mackenzie, Mackenzie Newton.” She paused for a moment. “ From Robotics.”

“Storage Locker Girl” The guard said matter-of-factly as he began typing something into his datapad.

Mackenzie sighed deeply. No doubt that her predicament had spread across the Nyx quickly. She wouldn't be surprised if she became the butt of many security jokes.” Yeah, that’s me. Now, could you please contact Chief TreVayne.”

The guard smirked at the girl for a moment before nodding in acknowledgement. “Alright, just a minute, Ms Newton.” He said, as switched his comm on. “Chief this is Edwards at the front entrance, over.” The guard continued after confirmation. “There is a ‘Mackenzie Newton’ standing here requesting to see you about a matter regarding her boarding pass, and is fairly insistent.” Again, Edwards paused as he listened, and then a slight smile cracked. “Yes Sir, that would be the same girl.” He said, giving Kenzie a mocking wink. “Ten-Four Chief, I’ll have Ramirez take my post and escort her to you immediately, Edwards out.”

The Agent keyed in a few more things on the datapad before looking back up at Kenzie with his bright hazel eyes. “Well, looks like it’s your lucky day, Ms Newton. Chief TreVayne will meet you up near the cockpit in ‘Briefing Room A’, but don’t worry, I’ll show you the way.” He said, motioning his hand toward the steps leading up into the Command Vehicle. “After you, ma’am.”

“Much appreciated,” Mackenzie said as she walked passed Edwards up the steps she was directed towards. As she walked, she also watched as the hangar bay bustled with activity. There were a few Droids already in use and she took note of them. Amara had not shown her the inside of the bay during their tour but merely pointed it out to her.

Not completely sure where she was headed she looked back to Edwards. “This way?,” she pointed in the direction she thought the briefing room would be.

The Agent nodded and lead the rest of the way down the corridor toward the front of the vehicle, stopping outside a small room marked “Briefing - A”, and addressing the man standing inside who was currently leaned over a small holo-map in the center of the table.

“Chief, this is-”

“Come on over Ms. Newton” The Chief said abruptly while fidgeting with the device that appeared to be malfunctioning, it's holographic images showing up distorted and noisy. “Maybe you can figure out what's wrong with this damn thing.”

Edwards turned to Kenzie and smiled. “Alright...then I'll leave you to it. Good luck.” He gave her a quick pat on the shoulder before exiting back down the corridor.

Mackenzie nodded her thanks to Edwards as he turned to leave the room. She wanted to ask him out to coffee some time, but she realized this was really not the right time to ask.

Gavon looked up from what he was doing to address the woman across the table. “I assume you know a thing or two about holo-tech, so this shouldn't be a problem, right?” He said nonchalantly, with an expression was hard to read otherwise.“Oh, and by the way, welcome to the team.”

“Thanks Sir,” Mackenzie said as she turned her attention to the Chief of Security and casually walked up to the table. “ I am thoroughly embarrassed about the inconvenience.” She paused for a moment as she looked over the image projector. Then without warning she slammed the bottom of her fist into the table twice. The image flickered slightly and then solidified. Mackenzie sighed and continued, “ I'd like to blame someone else, but I can't. Its happened before and it more likely will happen again.”

It had not been too difficult for Mackenzie to convince the Security Chief that she could be useful during the away mission. He didn't seem against the idea to begin with but with knowledge of the misbehaving Droids he seemed apt to have her near by should anything go wrong.

Once that was settled, Chief TreVayne explained how the mission would proceed and all the rules that need to be strictly followed. Mackenzie nodded her acceptance of those rules even though she could only remember about half of them when he was done. She was then dismissed to go get the proper Id Badge and get outfitted for the mission.

A short time later Mackenzie stood aboard the Beast as it was in was in final preparations to launch. She was more excited than she thought she would. Her mind raced with all the possibilities this planet could represent for adventure and discovery.

“This is sooo awesome!” she said to Michael who stood beside her.

Mackenzie swayed gently and hummed ,not so quietly, to herself as she worked. The sounds of the Martian National Orchestra reverberated loudly through her cordless headphones. She sat on a small stool surrounded by an array of tools and Droid bits with her hands wire deep into a droid.

After Amara had offered to show her around the Nyx, they spent a short time exploring the different bays of the ship. Along the way she made several quick notes about certain areas in which droids would be held or working. She also thought it was particularly apt to note the expresso machine in the break room. The last leg of the tour was Amara's medical bay. Mackenzie could see the sense of pride in Amara's eyes they entered. A creepy Droid stood at the back of the room waiting to be needed. Mackenzie had never liked the loom of the medical droids. It was like something from those very old thriller movies.

That was where Mackenzie left Amara and headed back to the common area. The Expresso machine called to her and she couldn’t resist. While she waited she was approached by cute Nyx Engineer. Mackenzie attempted to flirt awkwardly as she was not very good at small talk. They parted ways with the hope that they would see each other again when the Nyx returned from its mission. She then quickly found her way back to the robotics bay to get to work. had not taken her long to find a malfunction in a group of Droids. The malfunction had caused a sensor error and several of the droids kept running into the walls.

Mackenzie stood as she realized she needed another part from the storage room. She bounced to beat of the next song as she crossed the room and scanned her ID to allow her access. It glowed green as the door slid open. She was completely oblivious to the announcement made over the Nyx com system alerting the crew of immediate departure. The door slid closed behind her as it was supposed to be locked for the remainder of the away mission.

The ground shook as Mackenzie went to grab a spare part off the self. With loud yep, she fell backwards onto her butt. Pain seared her forehead and she reached up to rub it. Her fingers became slick with blood as she realized the spare part, now laying beside her, had cut her. She pressed a small button on her arm Datapa to stop her music. For moment she sat there wondering what the hell had happened.

Mackenzie grumbled as she got to her feet and headed back towards the door. She scanned her Id but the door panel just flashed red and beeped out in warning.
“ What the Hell?” She cursed as she tried again. Again it flashed red and beeped.

“NOAH, let me out of here.” She demanded. Nothing. Quickly she checked her data pad. NOAH it seemed was disconnected from the Nyx at that moment.

“Fuck!” It suddenly dawned on Mackenzie. The only reason NOAH would disconnect from the Ship was if the Nyx had left the Ark altogether.

In an act of pure frustration and desperation Mackenzie began pounding on the door in the hopes that someone might hear her.
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