Avatar of Fuzzybootz


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Dumb that accounts cannot be deleted. Any way I will not be logging on anymore. Bye!
5 yrs ago
I have returned, but I am not super active. Mostly because I am not seeing too many interesting threads. Will only play in small group as big groups get messy real quick.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Gonna have to step away from playing for a while. Its a bummer but I just dont have the focus.
6 yrs ago
Thinking of starting a new Advanced small group adventure after the new year.....
1 like
8 yrs ago
... waiting for my Character profile to be excepted....


I am a 30 something from California who enjoys all Nerdy things.

Most Recent Posts

@Fuzzybootz One does not apply to the Genesis Project, one is chosen. Though it is possible I suppose that some people put their names into a hat.


Last one everybody :P

Prologue ends today.

She could have basically had her brothers put in a good word for her.

Here Is my CS. let me know what you think. Im trying to stay away from a Mary Sue.@Sep
@Sep can I can get a Discord Link?
Hummm.. Really Im undecided but Ill definitely have something by Saturday.
Lol. The thought crossed my mind of being a Doctor. Though i would not be Amara.
Awesome. I wasnt aware that you closed it, but thanks.
Can I get a new link to discord. The one yove got up is expired.
Looks like Ill Have to come up with a new character since we already have a robotics expert.

What is still open or wanted or needed?
Of course Im in. Would love to continue with Mckenzie but I am also will to create a new character.
Very Interesting. Though, I am a bit concerned about it being completely character driven. In my experience, unless we as players come up with "goals" or "plot points" the game will quickly devolve.

So long as everyone can agree to communicate clearly what their character's objective is, I would be interested in playing.
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