Avatar of Gelatinous Cube


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2 mos ago
Current Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama. A huge part of so many childhoods. His legacy lives on stronger than ever.
3 yrs ago
Better yet, make a new game somehow bringing Halligan and Briggs from Limbo of the Lost together
4 yrs ago
Baldur's Gate is my absolute jam, but I'm having trouble getting on board with 3
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4 yrs ago
"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
4 yrs ago
Well, I'm off to pet one or both of my cats!


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The gods are at times kind and generous!
Had not heard of Witchfire, but it looks sick.
Definitely want to check that out more.
Interactions: @Prosaic
Mentions: @VitoftheVoid @ScoundrelQueen @EchoicChamber @LorelleQuips @Akayaofthemoon

It was a pleasant morning on the school's track and Ray was delighting in a long run. After his stint in a Council appointed rehab clinic he had been perturbed by the amount of weight he gained in such a short time. Without the drugs and the day to day life of War itself to keep him trim (and often times hideously malnourished) he had packed the pounds on in no time.
So with all the extra time on his hands, no longer fighting and hardly able to hold down a full-time job he had turned to fitness with a voracious appetite. It was like he had grown so used to pain that he didn't even know he was pushing himself too hard until he puked.

These days however, he had learned his limits and only probed them gently. He maintained a good physique through cardio and endurance lifting, and he was happy enough for that.
Besides, there was just something so calming about feeling the cool morning air rush by him as the music in his ears (some obnoxiously loud Death Metal group) gave him a beat to run to. Each step fell in time with the pounding rhythm of the music and made him push ever onward.
It was also a good time to reflect upon his last few weeks of lessons.

They had gone surprisingly well. Though that was to be expected when his expectations were as low as they had been. Despite his mismatched and rather motley classes, nobody had yet done anything out of line. Though judging by the glances some of his more affluent students stole when they thought he wasn't looking they were none too happy about being told what to do by some lower class ex-junkie like Ray. Others were just seemingly disinterested.
He had begun his lessons with theory to gauge how much knowledge the students had brought with them. A week of that and then he went practical. First showing them a basic Defense ward against physical blows, the kind of shield that would deflect concussive force or bludgeoning attacks, but not so much a piercing strike such as a bullet or blade. He simulated the effect with a Pitching Machine, hurling tennis balls. A few students were left with bruises (to their bodies and egos), but most picked it up with little effort.
Still, it was only a matter of time until someone stepped out of line. His Defense class was tough, because it had to be. You didn't learn to defend yourself by being mollycoddled. His Toxin Production class would include nothing at all on how to make anything psychotropic even though he knew very well how to do that.
After all is said and done, his students were still kids, forever thinking they were more grown up than they actually were. It was their nature to push boundaries and be upsetting. The challenge for Ray was understanding how far to let them go before reigning them back in.

He finished his run and took a moment to catch his breath.
It wasn't just the students that were challenging him, but some of the Professors as well. Most of them were fine, easy to get along with and not the type to probe at anything personal. Every now and then a Professor would be asked to help out on a lesson. Professor Madison had come in to a few of his Toxin Production lessons already, lending his expertise and sunny demeanor.
Ray still clashed with Professors Kovalenko and Byrne. He highly doubted Maeve would ask for his help in one of her Combat classes...unless it was just to beat the snot out of him in front of her class. Strangely enough Ray and Professor Spire got along just fine, despite him carrying around a very dark reputation. Perhaps there was some kind of kinship in being misfits, however their relationship remained respectfully professional.
He had been most drawn to Professor Odyssia Leventis, finding her to be as kind and easy going as Professor Lovette. He often found himself gravitating towards her without even realizing it, though only to make idle chit-chat.

He made his way inside to take a shower and then head to the cafeteria his some mid-morning food. He walked in wearing casual clothes, a t-shirt, sneakers and blue jeans, and holding a bottle of water which he took long refreshing draws from.
He noticed one of his students - Isaiah Parrish - already there. Ray served himself up a meal and walked by the boy.
"Morning Mister Parrish," he said affably enough, "Good work on Friday's lesson. You're really getting to grips with the material."

A pretty underrated album in the Pain of Salvation discography. It's easily my favourite due to it's quirky nature and the amazing way they took twelve thoroughly unique tracks and arranged them into a totally cohesive album.
Also that circa 70's production and general analogue sound really does it for me.

This and Mama were such dark tracks. Really goes to show that the 80's didn't change Genesis entirely. Peel back the layers and there was still some amazing, sonically dense and complex tracks to be found.

Sometimes I enjoy power metal...

Power Metal is easy to enjoy when Tommy Karevik is on vocals.

The walk home had been a pleasant one in spite of the days events and the unshakable feeling that there was far, far more to the situation than what could be taken at face value. Nothing reminded him of that more than the permeating smell of dirty smoke wafting up from his clothes.
Quint was craving a cold shower, and then after that an even colder drink. It didn't take him long to reach his modest apartment. The living space was certainly not much to brag about, but for just him it suited his needs perfectly. It was moderate and unassuming, a place where work took up a minuscule place. Best to keep work and home separate after all. If his apartment ever got raided, MorSec would find sweet fuck all.
Thankfully, thus far, nothing of the sort had happened. Still, no reason to let down ones guard.

He took his time in the shower, as he liked to do. The white noise of the water striking tile was a fine veil obscuring everything outside the glass and it gave him time to breathe and clear his head. It was a little ritual that had slowly become habit, owing to a necessary measure of calm required to deal with ham-fisted MorSec border security and angry patrol men. Not to mention your average Eden socialite...insufferable bunch of pricks they tended to be.

It was roughly an hour later that he made his way to the Floating Lotus. The familiar neon glow felt more like home than his apartment did and he felt a small smile creep onto his face. He was sure Esperanza would have started by now.
He approached the door, the familiar bouncers going about their clockwork routine of making sure only the right folks made up the Lotus' clientele.
He didn't notice Connor Sullivan storming out of the building at first, he was moving like a man possessed.
"Well, hey Sully. Long time no s..." Sully brushed straight past him as if Quint wasn't even there. Clearly he had more important matters to attend to than small talk. Quint could hardly blame him...he despised small talk.
"Alright then, catch you later I guess," Quint said to nobody in particular.

He approached the door and positioned himself for a pat down.
"Evening Quint, how's it hanging?" One of the men asked, familiarity easing into his voice.
"Can't complain, I guess. Awful business in town today, huh?"
"Yeah. Mr Sullivan was looking real mad."
"Well, woe betide the guy who gets in his way, right?"
"Heh, you said it Quint. Alright, you're all good. I don't have to tell you the rules."
"No sir. Hey, catch me later and I'll buy you a beer."

Quint took a moment to observe Miguel and a cadre of Unseen escorting...Ret fucking Shuzu into the back? Now just what in the hell was that little spy doing here? That anxious knot in his stomach was back again, and with a vengeance. The Unseen wouldn't call Ret unless they needed to find someone, and they didn't need to find someone unless that someone needed dealing with.
Don't even think about it, Casey. That's Unseen business, not yours.
Taking his own advice, Quint resumed his otherwise clockwork routine. Approach the bar, order a drink, pay for drink, find seat with good view of Esperanza, drink and enjoy.
Life wasn't all bad in Korven. But it's just like the locals always said.
Things can always be worse.

Quint breathed a sigh of relief when they found the girls parents. Both that their search was over and that they were alive to be reunited with their child.
He let the squirming child down and watched her run towards the man and woman. He decided to stay back and let Esperanza handle things, she was clearly better at it than he was. Sure, he could bluff his way past border guards, security checkpoints and even fool sniffer dogs, but here he was out of his element somewhat. Situations like this were more within Esperanza's skill set.

As they parted ways, Quint waved as they left to go and take in the unknown. Today was just another way Korven chewed people up and spat them out, but at least they were here and not in Lisden.

"What an exciting day, huh?" she asked playfully, heading toward the back of the crowd. It seemed that things at the scene were well under control. "Better yet I get to work later. Will you be coming by for a visit?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. She paused at the sidewalk which would toward her home.

"Yeah, to say the least. Something about this doesn't feel like an ordinary electrical fault. Sully and your Brother seemed tense..."
Quint shook his head and turned back to Esperanza, no sense worrying too much about it. It was Unseen business, apparently. If Quint was needed for anything he would be there, but until they asked there was no getting involved. He respected The Unseen, and knew their practices well enough to know what kind of distance he should keep.
"Oh, you better believe I'll be there. I need a drink to get the taste of smoke out of my mouth," he said as he realized how the smell had gotten into his clothes as well.
"Do you want me to walk with you?" He asked her. Asides from his genuine fondness for her company, he knew what kind of grubs came out of the woodwork during times like these. There were always small-time crooks looking to take advantage of the panic, and if one or more of them were to see a lone woman with one leg walking on her own they would be like sharks to blood.
Esperanza was tough as nails, and anyone who knew her brother would know not to fuck with her, but Quint wasn't going to be the guy in the torture seat for letting anything happen to her.
All that aside, Esperanza was one of the closest friends Quint had in a world where he really had few people to truly count on.

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