Avatar of Girlie Go Boom


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@Lexisheeps, @Days, would you guys like to roll with me in this rp? Totally no pressure. :>

@Girlie Go Boom Still interested! I was thinking of a character that has their soul joined with a ghost, giving way to lots of strange and paranormal experiences. What do you think?

Yeah that works, again anything in the urban fantasy realm and we all good. TYSM for giving this rp a push too. bruh appreciate you fr TYSM!!


I admit that I saw this earlier and am slightly interested. I'm unsure though, since idk if this is gonna be a large or small group 🤔😅

I like the idea of a 👻 gi Joe though 👌

Edit; I'm slow. 5 ppl isn't too bad.

Cool cools TYSM for interest! And loving another ghostie lol

Oh! Well, would a link suffice? Totally not from our own RP.

Writing example

Is the shaved head negotiable 🫢

i'll take cookies fo sho!! lol but fr tho its all good if your charries have hair.

And my gosh love the sample. love the dialogue and characterizations. I can get pretty goofy so nice to see serious writing


I admit to enjoying low level lore games. I much prefer to ooc scheme as we go along. I can easily get turned around if there's tons of stuff to remember right off the bat. Story arc ADHD maybe? I also appreciate low level post apocalyptic to fuller scaled ones as well. Feels less high strung. Leaves me lots of wiggle room and I'm rambling now, but I enjoy a good ooc banter. Which I'm sure you know by now. xD

Oh, Girlie Booms did ask for a sample, didn't she? ...huh, where ever shall I find one??????? I haven't the slightest... *wink.gif* And thanks for the invite <3 I'm looking forward to continue writing with you!

@Girlie Go Boom

Well, color me interested! Love me some low planning, high scheming!
Here's my most recent public sample for you:


amazing. sooo like I take it these samples are from the same rp? all good. love the reacts to all the other charries.

k soooooo like yeah this rp is going to be a lot of scheming and vibing offa each other to see where we go next. i see everyone is like really descriptive so like go nuts with what your charries sees the rooms or environs, i'm easy going and will go along with it too. I see that you do the npcs well too and yeah in this rp we can bunny the npcs as we see fit too just let each other know.

i'm busy again so I'll have the ooc up tmrw. TYSM again to all of you for showing up and sharing your amazing posts!!

I think i'mma close the int chk and hopefully the others that were interested will show up. but we gots our 3 tysm!! so lit

We walk throughout our lives always trying to be comfortable with ourselves, don't we? We go through our daily routines every single day, earning our next little piece of the pie. Just to be comfortable. And to what ends? Happiness? Happiness is bliss, no? For we live in bliss ignorant to what we cannot see in the dark. And what is there darker than the abyss. No, we cannot see what lurks beyond inside the abyss. But the abyss is not out there somewhere writhing in blackness. No, it was within us. We just did not realize it yet.

So who are you really? Do you really know that person you see in the mirror? Do you really mean the words they say? Do you really think the thoughts they forn in their minds? Who are you really? You are just a normal everyday person right? So why? Why did they choose you?

We thought we were just normal everyday people. We walked throughout our lives always trying to be comfortable with ourselves. We tried to be comfortable in our own skins. But we never really were true to ourselves now were we? But we told ourselves things to make us feel better. We made up stories to tell ourselves that our lives were filled with happiness. All made up... Just like the ones they told us. And sold to us as lies.

Folktales. Myths, legends or just scary tales to frighten children. The things that go bump in the night. Ghosts, goblins, ghouls. Angels, demons, monsters. Vampires, werewolves and witches. They don't exist. At least we believed that. In our daily routines, we never once believed they exist. Well they do now. Because someone or better yet something believed they do.They always did exist. We were just lied to.

We were just normal people. But they chose us. They took us. They... they did things to us...

There is an abyss within us... oh my god... oh my god...

What did they do to us...?!


Sooooo like I just wanna do some writing so why not do a low planning, high plotting, low entry, bare bones, but demanding RP! Cuz let's gooooooo!!!

K right. So the idea is simple. We are experiments that have just woken up from cryo-pods.

The lids open and we wake coughing, minds cloudy and feeling like crap. No idea who we are or what this place is, but once we look at each other, we see that we are all in onesie type uniforms but barefoot and head shaved. Yeah, we get a sense somethings a weeeeee bit off. Once we make eye contact with each other, wecan't help but get that 'on the tip of your tongue' feeling. Like you feel like you know the people you are staring at, you kinda' remember getting into the-cryo pods down here but other than that its all just an arms length beyond your memory.

We start off amnesiac and running. We will slowly remember things and with that we will remember our powers and ultimate purpose. We were supposed to be some kinda' supersoldiers but our powers come from SUPERNATURAL!! sources. So like think urban fantasy powers like witches, werewolves, ghosts, demons, etc but not superheroes.

CS will be barebones, but I will be asking you to fill in your charrie sheets as the RP goes, so yeah, like i said; demanding. Power level will ultimately be on a scale of 7/10 kinda like Batman but with SUPERNATURAL!! Powers. BUT!! We will start off running scared.

We will just be squishy regular people that never bothered to get into a regular gym routine. But the way it works is that the more memories we unlock, the more of our abilities we will unlock. So soon enough we will be cut, muscular and athletic. The powers we will start to remember and wield. But it comes at a price. You stare into the abyss and it stares right back into you; the more you wield your power, the more you become like what they did to you.


- | This is closer to ADV cuz of how demanding the RP is. But basically about 300 words is usually standard size.
- | 18+ RP only. There is a lot of physical trauma and psychological scarring as well as horror elements tied to such nasty things. We will discuss Trigger Warnings and Boundaries in the OoC. It's meant to be dark but not disgusting mind you.
- | Since this is demanding and there is basically no CS to write up (you'll see) I'll be asking for writing samples. Just link them out or spoiler them k?
- | Post freq is 1-2 times/week or like every 7-10 days there will be a 'GM prompt' post to get us moving. 3rd person, past tense. OoC here on RPG. Speedposting limit: min 2 posts before you post again please.
- | There will be 'markers' when new abilities will be discovered and they will usually co-incide with a major memory break through. We will always discuss what comes up next OoC so no surprises.
- | Only accepting escapees as MCs, but NPCs may be bunny'd as we see fit. If you make a NPC you need to provide a small paragraph blurb with their desc. Even 3 sentences will do. Like I said; demanding.
- | If you ghost and do not say anything for 7 days, YOUR CHARRIE IS GUNNA GET BUNNY'D!! ...and they might be written out with extreme prejudice is you ghost for 2 weeks lol
- | This is demanding so I am expecting creative people. We will be building off of each other's ideas. And there is only going to be barebones in terms of Lore. I will provide the skeleton for the RP but we will provide the filler as we go; low planning, high plotting. I will be updating a Lore page as we go.

So why do I post this here and not ADV/LIT? Cuz its not really that demanding post wise, so its more Casual but the expectations of 'journaling' your CS into existence is demanding and thus closer to ADV.

As soon as we get 3 interests WITH linked posts/samples. I will do up the OoC. Capping at 5 RPers.

Tysm for reading! And if ya wants: Like, Comment, Subscribe!!


"Alright, this is my stop. I will be meeting with representatives from Taiwan today and we're unsure when they'll land... so don't expect me home till late. If you..."

KJ watched the man's mouth move but his words faded away as she drifted off in thought.

Micah... always has to over explain eeeeeverything... bruh. Makes you wonder how in the hell he got things done. Welllll... at least he's trying... it's been what 24 days since we tried the whole 'KiKi' and 'Dad' re-naming attempt. Dad... its still so weird to call him that but I guess he does deserve it. He loved mamma... and... M-mamma?!

"KiKi...! You look like you just seen a ghost...! Maybe you should take classes off today..." for whatever reason, he adjusted his black tie before tapping on the divider window of the limosine, "Henderson... Please take Ms. Lowry back to--"

"Oh! Oh, Mic--Dad...! Dad, it's okay, it's okay. I think I just... I just ate to fast at breakfast. I'll be fine... 'kay? I'm good. Henderson...! It's cool. You can take me to 'class' right?" a blue eyed wink she tossed the driver.

A small knowing smile and a two finger salute he returned the young woman. 'Class.' Sure. If class was a grafitti'd up skatepark...

"Ohhhh... oh okay. Well, if you feel any worse don't be afraid to call the car to come get you. Okay. I'm off. Time to win over some clout from foreign investors!! I got this... bye, Kiana. Henderson...? Thank you."

He just placed a hand on her arm and squeezed before he turned to exit the limo. Affection was still awkward and a bit cringey between the two but hey, again at least he was trying. A big grin she gave and managed to pat his hand in return before he left. He still was not in tune with her yet. As always, he was on his phone, muttering to himself as he texted away but this time not once did he have to tell KJ to 'knock it off' or 'pipe down'; she wasn't the most quiet nor motionless person to ride with. But he never seemed to notice the change in her demeanour. And never once asked what could be wrong. How could he not notice?

Henderson noticed though. He was an ex-pat but still had a feel for her North-American vibes. A few minutes after they continued on to KJ's 'classes' he cleared his throat and lowered the divider window, "Is Miss Lowry lost in thought about what tricks she'll 'slay' today?"

KJ startled, her pink and blue braids jumping with her, sending the few bells attached to them chiming away. Blue eyes lost their glaze and brightened once more. A thankful smile she flashed followed by a quick nod, "Yeeeeeah... I got one lined up alright. And it's why I love going to the skatepark at this time of day; no annoying kids to get in my way for me to absolutely slay out there hahahhah...

"Buuuuut... I can't help but keep thinking of my mom... Hendie, I think I'm going crazy... I keep thinking I see her face in a window's reflection but it's not... it's always just some rando lady..."

"Ahhh... I see... Perhaps your mom is thinking of you... Perhaps you've done something that pleases her. Or maybe... just maybe she knows that you will be doing something that will please her..."

A small laugh. A tatted up brown hand reached up for one of the bells attached to her braids, "Yeeeeeh... maybe. Maybe, you're right, Hendie..."

Mamma had given her that bell for christmas. A rainbow hued nail flicked it and it tinkled so full and sweetly. Just like Mamma's laugh.

Or maybe it's something more...

Actually KJ thinks it's just nightmares actually. I think when she meets him she'll be pretty freaked out lol

Even now her lower lip trembled. Dark eyebrows knit tightly over an everdeepening scowl. Beads of sweat continued to form on her forehead and upper lip. Teeth clenched even tighter than her fists, attempting to will herself to stop crying. Just Freeeeekin' stop it!! STOP!!

But even more tears streamed down her brown cheeks. The floodgates opened and the lower lip ceased its tremblings. The wail she held in check for so long escaped her like a dam broken wide open. One hand gripped the edge of the white porcelain, knuckles just as white. The other pulled back at shoulder height, then the muscles of her tattooed arm bulged as her fist sprang forward like a wild beast, the mirror cracking from the force of her strike.

A howl of anguish the young woman let out. She knew she was awake but... but she saw that face in the mirror-- no not a face. A mask.

'His' mask.

It wasn't so much the visions of victims and violence he forced upon her that wounded her so. KJ knew it was of his doing but what was worse was that contract. She signed it. She felt powerless, so worthless and inept, spineless and broken. And of course she signed it in blood.

That bastard made her sign that contract and not with her own blood. It was the cold blood of her mother; it was all on hands. It was always there wasn't it--

The mirror shattered as she struck it again, screeching in pain and anguish. Another crushing blow, another screech as red sprayed angry patterns across sterile pale tiles. Again she punched. And again. And Again. The mirror exploded and in its wake was a blackened mouth. It grew in size, opening up like revelations buried deep within those locked boxes of guilt, trauma and pain. KJ screamed a terrible scream as it swallowed her whole.


"KiKi!! It's okay! It's me...! It's Micah-- Dad! Yeah, that's me; Dad. It's okay... shhhh you're just dreaming... relax... there you go... there you go... relaaaaax... oh, KiKii you scared the bejeezus outta me? You okay now...?"

The echoes of her screams still sounded alien in her ears but it really was hers. She had nightmares before... But a nightmare inside a nightmare...? She shook her head and her stretchy cap finally fell free, her pink and blue braids spraying across her face like a demoralized octopus. "M-Micah...? I-I mean; Dad...? Oh my gosh! Dad! I just had the wooooooorrrrst dream! Bruh! It was awful... mamma... she... it was her--"

"Blood...! Oh no! KiKi, you're bleeding...! Wait here. I'mma get a towel. Back in 2 shakes of a lamb's patootie..." he leaned over, squeezed an arm around a shoulder then fled to the bathroom.

"Oh! Oh, Dad... Dad, it's not that bad. Just my hand. It stopped..." her voice had regained some of that familiar bubbliness to it but then her voice trailed off the moment she saw what she had done to her hand.

She had balled her fists in her sleep so tightly her nails dug so deep into her palms they drew blood. One even broke off (she had just got them done too!)

Maybe it was that bad.

Dang, what a woooooonderful way to start the day...

@Estylwen very niiiiiicee!

k soooooo waiting one more bite in the int chk then we can get to it!!

@Wayward mmmmm think more like urban fantasy: fae, vamps, weres, ghosts, undead, demons, angels etc.

But like we in a supersoldier program so once we begin to remember who we are, we will alla sudden go from squishy, to toned, to buffed, to olympian with our bodies. But there will be drawbacks which we will discover later on.
K Ty for answers.

And we are yucky. Part slug tunnel cleaner is pretty much an ick lol

K as long as it's talking and not indulging SA is something I can cope with. And as long as it's dark and bloody but not like full on disgusting I'm good!
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