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Ah, but if you used that fifth fire bolt, the wand would be permanently depleted?

And such a wand could be used by anyone regardless of their own natural element, I take it? Or would it take training for an earth aligned person to use it?

How commonly used is magic? Everyone has a soul stone, so anyone is capable of it, yes?

Would you need another soul stone to use an element that is foreign to your own?l

Does a soul stone that has been extracted from a dead creature regenerate over time, or is it eventually used up and "dead"?
I am quite interested, im working on reading through stuff now.

I noticed a rather familiar monster in the backstory lol.
Just letting you know, I don't think I'm gonna apply here after all. I'm not quite feeling the character and don't have another in mind.
Suga eyed her comrades, wondering why the Shistavanen wanted to be bogged down by extra people in her ship. Suga had been quite adamant that the extra(as she viewed them) seats in her ARC should be empty when she flew it, it was strange to her that one would volunteer to carry people when there were already ships in the mission dedicated to that particular job.

She too wondered about the conspicuous lack of information about enemy forces, but took it to mean there was simply information they didn't have.

"We gonna destroy what we don't take? Or just get out once we have what we can carry?"

What are the names of the Jupiter cities? I'm not sure if they were left off or if I'm just not able to read them on that map
Suga loped into the room last, just barely scooting by as the door was being shut. She looked around dully at everyone, leaning against the wall by the door frame. She wore her pilot's jumpsuit, green for the squadron, just up to the waist so that the top portion hung loose behind her. Hands tucked into the front of the suit, she watched as the man who was meant to be her commander began a briefing.

This was a part she wasn't fond of. Playing(as she thought of it) the simulations had been a good time, as was blowing past other recruits at physical training drills(owing to having an extra heart to keep her blood oxygenated). Likewise, she looked forward to blowing some ugly imperial fighters out of the sky. Sitting down and making a plan, however, was simply not her speed. For now, she looked steadily at Tomlin, waiting for him to prove that he was worth listening to.
@Omega Man

Yeah, I was meaning for them to be similar in age.
I am, yeah!
I'll write this out more comprehensively, but I wanted to give a quick lost of backstory beats to make sure it meshes with what the gm and other players have in mind.

1) born on earth, but raised on Azarath for the majority of her childhood.

2) banished after an incident made the monks of Azarath realize how dangerous the daughter of their greatest enemy was to have around. Came to earth around the age of 12.

3) found by authorities, and placed in foster care, from which she ran away to find others like herself. Joined the Titans, and learned to fight and further control her powers.

4) Trigon attempted to enact his plans for her, but with the help of the Titans, he was bound in the void between worlds.

5) Raven returned to Azarath to keep watch over her father.

6) ignores a premonition of great doom until after she heard the news of Superman's death.

7) returns to earth to help restore the world that first made her feel at home
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