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Name: Faira Blodwen
Race: Human
Gender:  Female
Age: 27

Faira is tall and broad, her body is covered in stretch marks like a cat's stripes, the result of her Bloodheat expanding her muscles spontaneously.

Bio: Faira would love to tell people she lost her eye in battle, but she's no liar and the truth is it was injured in a shipwreck when she was small, and traveled aboard the merchant ship her father owned. She was pulled from the water near the shore of Dragon's Maw by a beastman named Erevan. He took Faira in, and taught her some of his ways.

Faira got on well enough wit Erevan's natural born daughter, Arn, until they were teenagers. It was found that Faira had the same elemental affinity to Life magic as Erevan, and he took her on as an apprentice to learn his family's traditional magic. Arn, who took after her mother with Earth magic, was jealous of Faira for this, and stopped calling her a sister. Though generally thick skinned, Faira was devastated by this change, and soon left to go see the world of humans that she was born in, but could barely remember.

The skills she learned in Dragon's Maw were best suited to combat, and she found work back in the Grand Empire as a mercenary.

Personality quirks:
1. When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.

2. I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups.

Ideals: I would rather die than betray a friend.

Bond: Found Family. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

Flaw: I fear I do not belong, despite my loyalty.

Erevan Blodwen, a beastman who rescued Faira when she was young, and raised her as a daughter.

Arn Blodwen, Faira's adopted sister. They were close once, but Arn is jealous that Faira was able to learn family magic that Arn herself could not.

Fighting Style: Southclaw. A ferocious style of swordplay, utilizing a bastard sword, sometimes accompanied by a large hunting knife. Rarely using a shield or heavy armor, it is weakest to ranged attacks that it is unable to block.

Equipment: A bastard sword, a wicked curved knife, fairly basic studded leather armor.
The knife is called Emberclaw, and has two small soulstones set on either side of the pommel. One is fire, the other earth. The spells carved into the blade will heat the metal white hot, while the earth magic preserves the blade's integrity, and prevents the heat from expanding beyond the guard. The spells activate at once, but the fire has four charges, while the earth only has three. It is activated by tasting the weirder's own blood. She won it in an arm wrestling contest with a captain she worked under once.

Skills/Abilities: Bloodheat. A special skill learned from her adopted family, in which one floods their body with life magic, strengthening it temporarily. It can take an enormous toll on the bones and ligaments, but makes the user faster and stronger than before. It also causes a fever, hence the name, and is dangerous over long periods.

Other Information:

I can't see the picture either, lemme try.

Hey, Arthanus, is it Bergoff or Berkoff? You spell it both ways.
Ah, but if you used that fifth fire bolt, the wand would be permanently depleted?

And such a wand could be used by anyone regardless of their own natural element, I take it? Or would it take training for an earth aligned person to use it?

How commonly used is magic? Everyone has a soul stone, so anyone is capable of it, yes?

Would you need another soul stone to use an element that is foreign to your own?l

Does a soul stone that has been extracted from a dead creature regenerate over time, or is it eventually used up and "dead"?
I am quite interested, im working on reading through stuff now.

I noticed a rather familiar monster in the backstory lol.
Just letting you know, I don't think I'm gonna apply here after all. I'm not quite feeling the character and don't have another in mind.
Suga eyed her comrades, wondering why the Shistavanen wanted to be bogged down by extra people in her ship. Suga had been quite adamant that the extra(as she viewed them) seats in her ARC should be empty when she flew it, it was strange to her that one would volunteer to carry people when there were already ships in the mission dedicated to that particular job.

She too wondered about the conspicuous lack of information about enemy forces, but took it to mean there was simply information they didn't have.

"We gonna destroy what we don't take? Or just get out once we have what we can carry?"

What are the names of the Jupiter cities? I'm not sure if they were left off or if I'm just not able to read them on that map
Suga loped into the room last, just barely scooting by as the door was being shut. She looked around dully at everyone, leaning against the wall by the door frame. She wore her pilot's jumpsuit, green for the squadron, just up to the waist so that the top portion hung loose behind her. Hands tucked into the front of the suit, she watched as the man who was meant to be her commander began a briefing.

This was a part she wasn't fond of. Playing(as she thought of it) the simulations had been a good time, as was blowing past other recruits at physical training drills(owing to having an extra heart to keep her blood oxygenated). Likewise, she looked forward to blowing some ugly imperial fighters out of the sky. Sitting down and making a plan, however, was simply not her speed. For now, she looked steadily at Tomlin, waiting for him to prove that he was worth listening to.
@Omega Man

Yeah, I was meaning for them to be similar in age.
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