Avatar of Gunther


Recent Statuses

21 hrs ago
Current Summer break is upon me! Woo Hoo! Roleplaying, Warhammer (Age of Sigmar), writing a book, and the gym are my main activities for the next nine weeks.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The dot over a lowercase i and j has a name! It's called a tittle, which is a noun meaning "a tiny amount or part of something". Like the dot over an i or a j.
2 yrs ago
Cows don't leave the slaughterhouse, steaks do.
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3 yrs ago
Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water Put water into a cup, becomes the cup Put water into a teapot, becomes the teapot Water can flow or drip or crash Be water, my friend --Bruce Lee
3 yrs ago
The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t.
1 like


I am a veteran of the United States Army and the US Army National Guard. I spent three years on Active Duty serving in the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Ft. Carson, CO and 3rd Armor Division at Kirch Göns, West Germany. I spent 18 years in the Army National Guard with the 26th Infantry Division "Yankee" and 29th Infantry Division (Light), "The Blue and the Gray". I was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina with the 29th ID (L) in 2001 - 2002. I have also been reading military history articles and books for over 49 years. I do prefer Military Role Plays over all other genres, primarily because I have a vast knowledge on the subject to include personal experiences. At the very least, my characters are always veterans.

I have been writing for pleasure for at least 35+ years, but only got into forum-based Role Playing about fifteen years ago. I do enjoy Nation Role Plays and get into minute detail when designing my military. The only reason I enjoy excruciating detail in my militaries is because for me, it is fun. My education and experience on this subject afford me the insight to see the depth of the structure. It is not just a General and a large pile of soldiers. If someone wants assistance in designing an army, navy, or air force, please send me a PM. I will help. Please specify what level (echelon) or depth you would like me to go. When I say echelon, I mean Army, Corps, Division, Brigade/Regiment, Battalion/Squadron, Company/Troop/Battery, Platoon, and Squad/Section.

When I was a student in High School, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons (Edition 1 & 2). Later editions came out after I quit that game. Recently, I have been DMing a 5e campaign of my creation for my son and his friends. 5e is so much less cumbersome than earlier editions of D&D. I do have an interest in Tolkien-esque fantasy-styled Role Plays as well. Time travel has always been a fun genre for me, but to do it well, one must have a firm grasp of historical facts. I love doing this form of role play, especially since I have a solid foundation on the past.

There are only a few fanfictions I will participate in; Star Wars and Star Trek are two of them. I want to do an exclusively Klingon RP one of these days. I also avoid Canon characters.

I have real-world martial arts experience. I would love to write an RP about hand-to-hand combat, no fantasy magic chit, just hands elbows, knees, and feet. Maybe the occasional head butt thrown in to mix things up. I trained in Krav Maga for six and a half years. I earned a first-degree black belt in Krav Maga on 3 June 2017.

Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art form that employs practical self-defense techniques drawing forms & techniques from Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwando. It is very brutal, demanding, and aggressive. During the seven years I trained, I have bruised two ribs, sustained several muscle pulls, and various lacerations and bruises over my body. I have received a sprained ankle and a fractured wrist. Before the first black belt test, I received a bone bruise to my right shin; where my roundhouse kicks impact. Yet, I am stupid enough to continue training. [Regardless of the physical pain, it is more fun than any other physical activity I have engaged in. Fortunately, the bone bruise healed up prior to the third and final test. EDIT: I did leave the sport over four years ago. :(]

Almost two years ago I completed my first novel, a science fiction set in the 24th century. It focuses on a Private Military Corporation solely employed by the earth government. I started a second book in November 2022 and hope to work on that this summer when I have more time.

Send me a PM for a Role Play or if you would like to see what sort of an army I could build for you.

--Gunther (AKA: Old School)

Gunthers Cast of Hooligans

Most Recent Posts

Is the wife coming to pick Tom up at the Airport? 7 = No
1-10 = No
11-20 = Yes
Primary Character Sheet
Name: nicknames and/or Call Sign (Call Sign should contain a proword and two numbers. i.e.: Cobra-zero-six or Saber-one-one)

Appearance: Age, gender, Height, build, facial structure. Voice and mannerisms, even.

Platoon Type: Platoon number will be assigned by GM.

Education/Training: Include both Civilian and military education. Include any knowledge and experience in foreign languages.

Background: You can include civilian history here, but I am mostly interested in your military background. What nation? What units? What job skills? What echelon your character has led or trained at? Connect the language experience your character has with places he/she has visited. Is he taking a position that he might be overqualified for simply because he enjoys working at that echelon level?

Personality: Try to get detailed with this. Please include both positive and negative personality types. How have these traits affected your character? Is he stronger because of this? Or weaker?




Morale: (See Unit Sheet section regarding Morale. Your Platoon Commander will not be Green. He/she will be either Yellow, Orange, Red or Black. Black is the highest morale level which enables the leader a morale level of 18. If you roll a 19 or 20 on a 1d20, your leader has suffered some form of a mental breakdown and would rather not be in combat at that particular time. If a unit sees its leader break, the unit must undergo an additional morale check. If they fail two morale checks in the same turn, they run away and suffer 25% casualties.)

Leadership DRM: Your leader can roll a 1d20 to rally your unit to return to the fight. This can only happen when they are in earshot; i.e.: He is yelling at them! Depending on what your men think of their leader, he may have more of an impact on the unit than you think. This Die Roll Modifier is actually subtracted from (or added to) the dice roll because when it comes to morale, the lower the number, the better. To determine your character’s Leadership DRM roll a 1d20.

If the result is 1 – 3, his DRM = +1.
If the result is 4 – 10, his DRM = 0.
If the result is 11 – 15 his DRM = -1.
If the result is 16 – 18, his DRM = -2.
If you roll 19 – 20, his DRM = -3.
The best Morale and DRM combination you could have is Black (-3).
The worst Morale and DRM combination you could have is Yellow (+1).

(20 points to spread out within these attributes)


Personal Skills:
Gifted(+5): 2 skills
Adept(+4): 3 skills
Average(+3): 3 skills
Novice(+2): 4 skills

Weaknesses: At least one nonphysical and physical weakness.

Equipment: (Optional) Please do not post the weapon you carry or the clothing you are wearing. All of your clothing, military equipment and weapons are issued to you from the Global Securities International (GSI). Please feel free to include personal items. As an employee of GSI, you are not authorized to carry privately owned weapons (POWs; firearms), but you can carry your own knives/tools if you wish.

Every employee of Global Securities International (GSI) is issued a combat uniform which includes black leather combat boots, tactical short sleeve shirt made of Polyester Mesh and spandex colored in olive green on the body and multi-cam on the sleeves and shoulders. GSI issues the Danish desert Camouflage pattern for its uniform wear. Employees are issued four different headgear. Their primary uniform cover is a sand or light brown colored beret, complete with GSI Flash worn on the left side of the head. Employees are also issued a navy blue wool watch cap, Kevlar ballistic helmet and a multi-cam booney cap which all can be worn in the field. During Hot climates, the T-shirt is authorized to wear without the combat uniform blouse.

Relationships: As characters are added, write your character’s observations/opinions about the other characters. Write from his/her perspective.

Primary Character Sheet
Name: If your character has a nickname or a codename, please include that here.

Appearance: Age, gender, Height, build, facial structure. Voice and mannerisms, even.

Unit: If your character is the leader of a foreign band of mercenaries, please include what size unit this is. YOu can write the quantity of men and whether it is a squad or platoon and also what type of unit this is.

Education/Training: Include experience in foreign languages.

Background: How did your character get here? What sort of training does he/she have that brings him/her to this place in his/her life.

Personality: Try to get detailed with this. Please include both positive and negative personality types. How have these traits affected your character? Is he stronger because of this? Or weaker?




Include your character's statistics and skills below:
(20 points to spread out within these attributes)


Personal Skills
Gifted(+5): 2 skills
Adept(+4): 3 skills
Average(+3): 3 skills
Novice(+2): 4 skills

Weaknesses: At least one nonphysical and physical weakness.

Equipment: (Optional)

Relationships: As characters are added, write your character’s observations/opinions about the other characters. Write from his/her perspective.

Republic of Mumbaka

National Reference

President: Isa Samadi
Vice President: Sayid Alim
Prime Minister: Arken Mijiyet
Foreign Minister: Justice Shire
Defense Minister: Robson Vera
Minister of the Interior: Tendai Hove
Minister of State Security: Shimmer Magwa
Press Secretary: Makani Gappah

Political Divisions
There are 17 political Districts known as Provinces. The information below contains the provincial name, Provincial capital and population of the province as well as the number of seats in the National Assembly in parenthesis.
Sippikaku (Sibaku) 127,000 (3)
Ruboga (Bigaya) 105,000 (3)
Kindado (Boway) 201,000 (6)
Martiga (Marnir) 387,000 (11)
Bebunsi (Bebuni) 490,000 (14)
Muchupuka (Muchakos) 56,000 (1)
Kiamali (Kiamraka) 753,000 (22)
Kandable (Kandalu) 508,000 (15)
Gayaba (Gayaga) 2,113,000 (64)
Timpala (Ntumpala) 104,000 (3)
Muhama (Muhanmara) 24,000 (1)
Mobani (Moban) 147,000 (4)
Pumyala (Pumyala) 29,000 (1)
Mandejlini (Kyoroti) 117,000 (3)
Rukuzo (Gayekuzo) 600,000 (18)
Mobeyna (Mobe) 89,000 (2)
Mukere (Mukele) 33,000 (1)

National Assembly: 172 Representative members
Representation is based on population (1 Representative per 33,000 citizens, rounded down)
Must have at least 51% majority vote to pass legislation. (88 votes) Samadi controls Gayaba (64 votes), Kiamali (22 votes) and Kandable (15 votes), for a total of 101 votes.

Notable members:
Itai Balakasi, Representative from Kindado, Socialist party pushing for the removal of President Samadi.
Kudzai Daudpota, Representative from Gayaba, supports President Samadi
Tanatswa Sibanda, Representative from Kiamali, supports President Samadi
Tashinga Gunda, Representative from Kandable, supports President Samadi. The president married Tashinga’s sister.
Mutsa Dabengwa
Chido Masiyiwa
Farai Mahere

Major Cities
Capital City: Gayaga, 1,320,000
Cities: Kiamraka 520,000
Gayekuzo 450,000
Bebuni 367,000
Kandalu 330,000
Marnir 290,000
Hakaba 125,000
Moban 110,000
Boway 95,000
Kyoroti 88,000
Ntunpala 78,000
Mobe 67,000
Sibaku 55,000
Bigaga 50,000
Lawyadado 47,000
Marbera 45,000
Muchakos 42,000
Oweru 40,000
Jirere 39,000
Bonret 38,000
Dodoa 30,000
Bugemkabanda 29,000
Sargaruen 27,000
Mukele 25,000
Pumyala 22,000
Muhanmara 18,000
Murobya 12,000
Kanuyunga 9,000
City Population: 4,368,000
Rural Population: 1,515,000
Total Population: 5,883,000

Economy: Mumbaka is an agrarian culture with limited government controlled industry in the major cities (8 largest cities). In Western Mumbaka there are several privately owned diamond, gold and iron mines. A few of the diamond mines are controlled by the government. Western businessmen have urged President Samadi to protect their business interests which has led to the private military contracts. Their focus will be in protecting the diamond mines.

Currency: Mumbaka Shilling (Exchange: 1 MSX = 0.00025 Euros or 1 Euro = 4,000 MSX)

The people of Mumbaka are Metabeke tribesmen who suffered an attempted genocide in neighboring Zimbabwe. They were fortunate enough to settle into the Lake Zathura region with dense forests in the east and the Soka and Melani Mountains in the west.

Racial composition: 53% Metabeke (Ndebele), 22% Mixed African tribal races, 9% Middle Eastern Arabic, 8% Indian, 5% Asian, 3% European.
Freedom from Oppression

By Invitation Only! If you were not invited and are interested, please send a PM to Gunther.

Itai Balakasi seated at center in white

In Character

Your character is in the Republic of Mumbaka in the southern regions of Africa under the oppressive rule of fascist dictator, President Isa Samadi. Friends of President Samadi, enjoy a fruitful existence in a nation settled years ago by the Metabeke tribe; a group who suffered terribly at the hands of neighboring tribes. Samadi especially enjoys dealing with foreign businessmen, like the De Beers Diamond Group of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Due to their presence in the nation, Europe and the US turn a blind eye to crimes committed against the people. Most of the outside world, have no idea what is happening here.

There are reports of the Samadi administration taking more than their share of the wealth from the mines of the Soka and Melani Mountains. Many of the representatives in the National Assembly, the nation’s legislative branch of government are on Samadi’s payroll receiving British Sterling Pounds as compensation for their votes in the assembly. It is so bad, the Mumbaka Army disregard crimes committed against the population in those regions that are not in favor with the President. There are reports of murder, rape, theft, graft and property destruction that goes unreported because they just aren’t a priority to the current administration.

To protect his assets, Samadi has deployed Federal troops around the country to protect national interests. Most of the turbulence is in Western Mumbaka where the mountains provide their wealth. He ordered the Defense Minister, Robson Vera to pay close attention to the activities of his soldiers to insure they comply with enforcing security for the Republic of Mumbaka. President Samadi has also contracted Global Securities International, a professional military corporation (PMC) based in Paris, France to reinforce his soldier’s defense of those locations he deems a priority interest, notably the De Beers Diamond mines.

The PMC known as Global Securities International (GSI) has deployed a Brigade sized formation of military contractors into the country. Many of these soldiers are veterans of the French Foreign Legion. This Brigade consists of three battalions, artillery, engineers, helicopters, and special forces soldiers. The Brigade is currently operating out of three Forward Operating Bases (FOB) in Western Mumbaka near Sibaku, the provincial capital of Sippikaku, which has a population of 55,000; Lake Ruboga and Oweru with a population of 40,000 inhabitants.

The Mercenaries in the Melani Mountain region conduct force protection patrols in the cities and villages in the region, they provide force protection missions at governmental buildings and the diamond mines. The diamond mines are a large source of revenue and their continued operation is necessary for the furtherance of the nation. Thus far, the European contractors stay out of Marnir in the south; a hotbed of war between a rebel army and the national forces of Mumbaka.

Itai Balakasi is one of six National Assembly Representatives from Kindado province. He is also the Mumbako Socialist party leader and is urging the citizens of the nation to stand up and fight against this oppressive regime. He wants nothing less than the removal of President Samadi. He ostracized himself from the capital city in Gayaga due to recent assassinations of Socialist Party members in country specifically those who verbally stood up to President Samadi.

Itai Balakasi retired to his hometown in Boway (Pop. 95,000). After a squad of Mumbaka special forces soldiers attempted to assassinate Balakasi, he moved his rebel headquarters to an undisclosed cave in the Soka Mountains. Mr. Balakasi has a retinue of three hundred rebel soldiers who serve as his personal protection while the nation waits for the outcome of their revolution. The country recently endured a recruitment period in which several thousand Mumbaka fighters have flocked to the Socialist side as well as a few foreign nationalists willing to fight for Socialism. They have taken to call themselves the People’s United Front of Mumbaka (PUFM). Mr. Balakasi has ordered the PUFM to conduct limited attacks and raids upon Mumbaka military positions as well as force protection sites manned by contractors from Global Securities. They have been very active over the past three months conducting rocket and mortar attacks as well as sniper attacks or random shootings in the direction of these military establishments.

While much of the country has clearly aligned themselves with one side or the other, the southwestern city of Marnir is suffering the worst of the fighting. As the sixth largest city in Mumbaka with roughly 290,000 citizens, Marnir has drawn blood in the streets. A force of five thousand rebels are standing up to a federal army unit numbering over seven thousand. The nation’s worst violence happened in this city with several factories burned to the ground. In a war that has been waging for only two months, the once beautiful city of Marnir has fallen to be its first victim.

With the continent rife with a surplus of firearms, there are rumors that the Peoples Republic of China has been providing Ita Balakasi with Chinese built Type 56 Rifles (AK-47), Type 56 Carbines (SKS) and even a few of the newer QBZ-97 assault rifles as well as larger support weapons like CQ 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun, which is based on the FN MAG used by the mercenaries and the Type 81 Light Machine Gun. They have provided other Chinese built equipment to support the rebellion. The Chinese have taken an interest in Mumbaka because like the Western industries vested in diamonds, they too have made forays in other manufacturing industries in the largest eight cities of the nation. The Chinese are also hoping they can help the Metabeke people in the Zathura basin realize the benefits of living in a Socialist culture.

Out of Character

You are a soldier fighting for freedom from an oppressive African ruler. Focus your character(s) on the southwestern region of the nation. Refer to the map linked below. You can equip your character with any of the weapons mentioned above in the In Character story detailing the situation in the Republic of Mumbaka.

Please note, there are two threads telling this story. This one tells the story of a fight for freedom from oppression, while the other thread tells the story of a mercenary band hired to protect the national interests of its oppressive ruler. The Mercenaries are well equipped and well paid. They are highly experienced veterans of either the French Foreign Legion or combat from their home country. They may or may not speak the native language of Mumbaka but do speak either English or French.

Your character may be a native of Mumbaka or a revolutionary from a foreign country except Russia! The revolutionaries are funded and equipped by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) who have a vested interest in the country. They have established industry in Mumbaka and could have easily sides with Federal Government. Years of painful negotiations with Isa Samadi have left them frustrated, ready to replace the fascist dictator. Although there are no PRC military units in Mumbaka, the presence of Chinese Private Military Contractors is high. This is a route you could take in creating a character. If you do wish to go this route, please create a squad or platoon sized element of Chinese Mercenaries working in Mumbaka.

If your primary character is the leader of a mercenary type unit, please submit a separate sheet titled, "Unit Sheet" with the following information...

Armored Reconnaissance Platoon:

Mechanized Infantry platoon:

Armor Platoon:

Motorized Infantry platoon:

Light Infantry Platoon

Battalion Support Elements

The Company will receive support from the battalion Headquarters Company which consists of the Battalion Headquarters section, medical platoon, communications section, support platoon, maintenance platoon, Mess section, Mortar Platoon and Reconnaissance Platoon.

The Battalion Commander and his staff are all members of the headquarters section. The administrative officer oversees the battalion’s paperwork, personnel changes, promotions and awards. The intelligence officer collects all intelligence from subordinate units as well as from higher headquarters; analyzes this intel and provides the battalion with an analytical perspective of enemy activity in the battalion’s Area of Operations (AOR). The Operations Officer and his staff plan all operations and provide mission specific details for all subordinate units. The Supply Officer provides the battalion with all logistical support through the various classes of supply; food, fuel, ammunition, barrier materials and everything else the battalion needs. The Communications Officer insures all communications equipment are working properly in the battalion including a commo maintenance section.

The Medical platoon answers to the battalion’s administrative officer consisting of a Battalion physician, a Battalion Aid Station (BAS), line medics and an evacuation section. Each infantry platoon is issued a line medic for first response activities. Each company is issued an ambulance to provide immediate casualty evacuation as needed. The BAS is used for simple wound treatments and either sent back to their units or triaged for more serious cases and sent to the Brigade Support Area (BSA).

The Support platoon consists of ten 10-ton Lorries used to carry the battalion’s basic load of ammunition (BLA). One BLA is issued to the battalion, one BLA is maintained with the support platoon and one BLA is stored in the BSA to be pushed forward when needed. The support platoon is not used to transport the light infantry platoon.

The Maintenance platoon consists of a platoon headquarters, Maintenance Contact Teams which are capable of deploying with a company when necessary, services section, POL section and recovery section.

The Mess section prepares all meals for the battalion whether using A rations or C rations.

The 120mm Mortar Platoon consists of four 120mm mortars and provides indirect fire support to any unit deployed in a combat zone. The 120mm mortar has a range of 8,140 m (8,900 yd) with standard projectile or 12,850 m (14,050 yd) with rocket assisted projectiles. Priority of fires may be given to whichever platoon is determined to be the Main Effort.

The Reconnaissance Platoon is either heavy or light depending on what platoons the players choose for their platoon.

Other Combat Support Assets available
The Battalion has external support from Brigade which may be attached to our battalion for operational control. The Brigade has a battalion of 105mm Towed Howitzers which can provide support through either a six-gun battery or all three batteries of 18 guns.

The Brigade has an attack aviation company and a medium lift helicopter company consisting of AS565 Panther (Airbus) aircraft. The Panther is configured in two different versions for its role with the Brigade. The troop carrier is equipped with nylon and aluminum seats and the attack aircraft version is armed with several different sets of munitions and armaments including a 20mm pod-mounted cannon, 68mm rocket pods, a maximum of eight Mistral air-to-air missiles, or a maximum of eight HOT anti-tank missiles; all of which can be mounted onto a universal weapon support beam.

An Engineer Battalion supports the brigade providing a company of engineers or sappers to support the units during mobility, counter mobility and survivability operations.

The Air Defense Artillery battery provides air defense through both gun and missile systems throughout the Brigade’s area of responsibility.

The Brigade has a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon (LRRP) consisting of four 6-man recon squads to provide long range reconnaissance and surveillance support against enemy operations. The LRRP platoon is also capable of providing platoon sized direct action missions including raids and ambushes when needed.

Republic of Mumbaka

National Reference

President: Isa Samadi
Vice President: Sayid Alim
Prime Minister: Arken Mijiyet
Foreign Minister: Justice Shire
Defense Minister: Robson Vera
Minister of the Interior: Tendai Hove
Minister of State Security: Shimmer Magwa
Press Secretary: Makani Gappah

Political Divisions
There are 17 political Districts known as Provinces. The information below contains the provincial name, Provincial capital and population of the province as well as the number of seats in the National Assembly in parenthesis.
Sippikaku (Sibaku) 127,000 (3)
Ruboga (Bigaya) 105,000 (3)
Kindado (Boway) 201,000 (6)
Martiga (Marnir) 387,000 (11)
Bebunsi (Bebuni) 490,000 (14)
Muchupuka (Muchakos) 56,000 (1)
Kiamali (Kiamraka) 753,000 (22)
Kandable (Kandalu) 508,000 (15)
Gayaba (Gayaga) 2,113,000 (64)
Timpala (Ntumpala) 104,000 (3)
Muhama (Muhanmara) 24,000 (1)
Mobani (Moban) 147,000 (4)
Pumyala (Pumyala) 29,000 (1)
Mandejlini (Kyoroti) 117,000 (3)
Rukuzo (Gayekuzo) 600,000 (18)
Mobeyna (Mobe) 89,000 (2)
Mukere (Mukele) 33,000 (1)

National Assembly: 172 Representative members
Representation is based on population (1 Representative per 33,000 citizens, rounded down)
Must have at least 51% majority vote to pass legislation. (88 votes) Samadi controls Gayaba (64 votes), Kiamali (22 votes) and Kandable (15 votes), for a total of 101 votes.

Notable members:
Itai Balakasi, Representative from Kindado, Socialist party pushing for the removal of President Samadi.
Kudzai Daudpota, Representative from Gayaba, supports President Samadi
Tanatswa Sibanda, Representative from Kiamali, supports President Samadi
Tashinga Gunda, Representative from Kandable, supports President Samadi. The president married Tashinga’s sister.
Mutsa Dabengwa
Chido Masiyiwa
Farai Mahere

Major Cities
Capital City: Gayaga, 1,320,000
Cities: Kiamraka 520,000
Gayekuzo 450,000
Bebuni 367,000
Kandalu 330,000
Marnir 290,000
Hakaba 125,000
Moban 110,000
Boway 95,000
Kyoroti 88,000
Ntunpala 78,000
Mobe 67,000
Sibaku 55,000
Bigaga 50,000
Lawyadado 47,000
Marbera 45,000
Muchakos 42,000
Oweru 40,000
Jirere 39,000
Bonret 38,000
Dodoa 30,000
Bugemkabanda 29,000
Sargaruen 27,000
Mukele 25,000
Pumyala 22,000
Muhanmara 18,000
Murobya 12,000
Kanuyunga 9,000
City Population: 4,368,000
Rural Population: 1,515,000
Total Population: 5,883,000

Economy: Mumbaka is an agrarian culture with limited government controlled industry in the major cities (8 largest cities). In Western Mumbaka there are several privately owned diamond, gold and iron mines. A few of the diamond mines are controlled by the government. Western businessmen have urged President Samadi to protect their business interests which has led to the private military contracts. Their focus will be in protecting the diamond mines.

Currency: Mumbaka Shilling (Exchange: 1 MSX = 0.00025 Euros or 1 Euro = 4,000 MSX)

The people of Mumbaka are Metabeke tribesmen who suffered an attempted genocide in neighboring Zimbabwe. They were fortunate enough to settle into the Lake Zathura region with dense forests in the east and the Soka and Melani Mountains in the west.

Racial composition: 53% Metabeke (Ndebele), 22% Mixed African tribal races, 9% Middle Eastern Arabic, 8% Indian, 5% Asian, 3% European.
Diamonds in the Rough

By Invitation Only! If you were not invited and are interested, please send a PM to Gunther.

In Character

“The future our nation is at stake. Its survival is in the hands of each and every one of you. We must remain vigilant in our defense. There are a group of people calling themselves Socialists who intend to disrupt our way of life. They wish to interfere with the economic develop of our great state. We cannot stand by and allow this to happen. I beseech every citizen of our great nation to stand up against their efforts. To help us defeat our enemy, I have deployed our soldiers, your sons and brothers into the affected areas of our country to prevent these dirty Socialists from taking over our nation. I plead with you, my brothers and sisters to stand by my side in this great hour of need to defeat our foe.” – A portion of President Isa Samadi’s speech to the Free and Independent People of Mumbaka.

An internal socialist force has taken up residence in the mountains of western Mumbaka and threatens the very existence of the nation. The President will stop at nothing to prevent this rebellion from taking over the nation. He has deployed the army into western Mumbaka to defend points of national interest and economic development for the nation. He has hired a Private Military Corporation based in France to help protect the country and overthrow the rebellion.

It is rumored there is a nation supplying the rebels with arms and ammunition to fight the war, but as of yet, President Samadi does not know by whom. He has verbally threatened the global community that he will oust the perpetrator when he learned their identity. It is high on his priority list to highlight this rogue state. He knows that the war has attracted foreign mercenary groups and expects to hear of their treachery before too long. He has urged the French Group, GSI to identify these people as they are encountered.

Out of Character

You are a professional military officer holding the rank/title of Platoon Commander. Please choose the type of platoon you command and create a character sheet for your officer. Choose one of the following options for your platoon.

Motorized infantry
Mechanized Infantry
Light infantry
Armored reconnaissance

Inform me in the OOC which type of platoon you would like to command. The second post in this OOC thread contains information on the soldiers, vehicles and platoon equipment you will command. The soldiers of your platoon, or employees of Global Securities International (GSI) are a mix of races. Every officer or non-commissioned officer (NCO) are combat veterans from any of the European nations including the USA and can speak both English and French as well as a few others. The entry level employees may also be combat veterans by serving their own country or in the French Foreign Legion. They are composed of people from any nation across the globe, but must possess the ability to speak, read and write in either English or French. Combat veterans are a preference. The racial groups most likely to join this PMC are Syrian refugees who ended up in Europe, Africans from French-speaking nations and Middle Eastern nations outside Syria; especially those people who were recently involved in combat.

Please write a separate “Unit Sheet” to describe your platoon. You can include the Unit Skills in this second sheet for your convenience. These are all your NPCs which fight for you. You can write out all their names or none at all; your choice.

List the Platoon organization that I have provided in the 2nd post. If you named an NPC, fill in his name and any other information pertinent to the RP (including skills and DRMs that may affect the unit’s skills.

I was driving to my boyfriend's house yesterday night and someone started flashing their lights behind me after I left the gas station. I kid you not I thought I was being targeted and I was going to get killed in a gang initiation or something, but it turns out this guy who was around my age just wanted to inform me my headlights were off once he pulled up next to me.

About 30 years ago, some young people; probably members of an inner city gang would drive around in the hours of darkness with their headlights off. If someone flashed their headlights at them, they would turn around and chase the person down. When the victim stopped, five or six would get out of their car and beat the snot out of person who flashed their headlights at them.

seeing that actually made me smile. lol

"Have fun storming the Castle!"
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