Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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Hmph, what a bore.

She had expected more of a reaction from him. But he kept his cool regardless, even after she flashed him her panties. It was almost like an insult for a man to not react at all to the sight of a woman's most sacred garment.

This is why she preferred the innocent types. So much more fun to tease.

And speaking of teasing, it seemed she had successfully teased the little crusader girl. How funny that she was more distraught by her black "loincloth" than Nidgardt, who was a man.

"Oh my, it seems I have accidentally revealed my undergarments due to my improper sitting position. Please excuse me for the uncouth display," she said with a knowing smirk. "And thank you, Lady Sasha, for notifying me of the matter."

She moved her legs around, as if to fix the problem. But she instead exposed her panties even more.

"As for you, dragon boy," she switched her attention to Nidgardt, "What I desire is money, simple as that. A lot of money, mind you. Around the ten digit range at the very least. In dollar, mind you."

With her frightening smile, she continued, "Or, you can give me access to meet someone really really rich in a one on one meeting without their bodyguards and such. I shall take care of the rest."

"So, how about it? Can you fulfill this wish of mine, hmm?"

She had noticed Kato's arrival. But she had nothing to say to the boy. Maybe he could "take care" of Sasha while she's settling her deal with Nidgardt.

"Hmm? I desire others to be enthralled with me? Now that's a funny thing to say. All those people who adore me do so simply because of my... ah, irresistible charm. Even you should have noticed that, no?"

With her index finger, she touched Nidgardt under his chin, caressing his skin lightly as she gave him a teasing smile. She then recrossed her legs, this time making sure to do it in such a way that she flashed him a glimpse of her black panties.

"I never really desire them," she continued. "I simply view them as simple amusement and nothing more. A little romance is part of your typical everyday school life after all."

"Although, I do have something that I do desire. That perhaps you could grant..."

Before she could tell him that however, Sasha barged in, saying some platitudes about evildoers and honor and whatever, as usual.

Alicia rolled her eyes. If not for her holy protection, she would've placed a curse on her. Maybe a depression curse, just to make her less annoying and chirpy. It could be a love curse too. The girl was pretty cute at all. And she's the type that would be fun to tease.

And then, she heard a stomach growl. It wasn't her of course. She always had a low appetite. And it didn't seem to come from dragon boy. So by process of elimination...

"You might want to hold of your crusade until you fill up that big stomach of yours, little Sasha," she said with a smirk.

"Oh? Well if it isn't the demon dragon himself. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Alicia greeted him with a grin. "I was just about to head home but Ibsuppose I could spare a few minutes."

She honestly did not expect him of all people to approach her. They never really crossed paths before and he wasn't really her type so he didn't interest her. Unlike most people, she didn't care if he was a demon or a dragon or whatever.

"Hmm? You want to recruit me for your team? Now that's a surprise," she replied, raising one of her legs over the other as she sat on her chair. "I honestly have no interest in such a thing. But you say you have something beneficial to me if I join me. Mind spelling out what it is?" She leaned forward towards him, her smile still as mocking as ever.

Christine Abigail

"Alright, Rurik! I'll be ready when you are!" she replied as cheerful as ever, not picking up on his bitterness in the slightest.

Suddenly, she heard a loud peal of laughter coming from the other side, followed by what she assumed to be a declaration of an incoming assault. She readied herself for whatever the opposing team might send to her direction.

Bak responded with her own crazed laughter. I guess she's big on that whole theatrical declaration thing...

Then, she saw it appear. An angel coming out from the doorway.

Bak immediately fired off all her cannons and artilerries towards it, making a deafening bang over and over again. Christine covered her ears at first, but then she realized she could join in as well.

She gathered moisture in the air and fired them off as rapid fire icicles towards the angel. They might lack punch compared to Bak's bullets but getting stabbed by them would hurt the same.

Only after then she realized that Rurik was standing right in the middle of their firing line.

"Oh, Rurik, what are you doing there?! I-I have to take you from there now!"

She stopped her assault and launched herself towards him. She wrapped herself around him and dragged him away without his consent, all the while pressing her sizable chest to his. She only released him once they were out of harm's way.

"A-are you alright, Rurik?" Christine panted.
I might be interested in playing a teacher.

“Hand over your money, right now!”


“Don't fuck around with me, you little whelp! Hand me over your wallet, right now!”

Such was the scene that ensued at the front of the school on one fine afternoon. A third year--his name wasn't important for the occasion--was towering over a first year that was just going to go home after doing his cleaning duty. As you might have imagined, the third year was a bully, and he was mugging the first year for his money.

It wasn't that unique of a scene. Bullies were many in the school unfortunately.

The first year--his name was Charles--realized that he was not going to get away from this without a fight. So he activated his electric power and gave a shock to the bigger boy.

Only to find out that his opponent's skin was now made out of rocks.

With a huge grin, the bully said, “Your power won't work against me, pretty boy! Now, hand me over your money! I know you rich folks always bring lots of money with you!”

Charles wasn't a brave man. In fact, he was quite a timid one. He looked somewhat girlish in fact, with his bright blue eyes, blond hair, and his youthful face.

Thus, he did as he was told, going over to his pocket to get out his wallet.

“Hmm? What's going on here, I wonder?”

From the building came Alicia in her school uniform, a light brown blazer over a white shirt with short plaid brown skirt and black stockings. Her bag was slung over her body and her cat was perched on her right shoulder.

“Hmm? What's this? Is this a mugging I see?” she said with her trademark amused smile.

“Y-you're the… the witch!” the bully said, fear rapidly filling his voice and expression at the same time.

“I...I-I'm sorry!”

The bully immediately ran as if he was afraid for his life.

“T-thank you!” Charles said with relief.

“Oh? A freshman, aren't you?”

Without warning, Alicia suddenly moved her right hand to his cheeks, touching and caressing it as she looked deeply at the boy's face.

“S-senpai?” Charles stuttered, blush creeping in to his white cherks.

“Well you're a cute one,” she said with a smile. “I've decided. You're going to be Anthony's replacement. He's getting boring these days.”

Her cat leaped to his right arm and scratched it, getting some of his blood on her claws. He yelped in pain while backing off, pressing his wound with the other hand.

“See you tomorrow,” Alicia waved as she walked past him.

“W-what was that all about?” Charles stood dumbfounded.

When the next morning came, Charles was all over Alicia. Another confession right in the middle of the class with him barging in without even asking for permission.

As for Alicia's former lover, he woke up from his love-induced slumber, never knowing why in the world he was dating her.

The witch had claimed her new victim.
Alicia von Rheumann
Better known as “The Witch of Zarkov”

18 years old

Third grade

“Hee hee, you sure ask a lot of questions for one young little boy. That's not good for your health, you know~”

She was born as the sole heiress of the esteemed Rheumann family. Her mother died giving birth to her while her father died in a plane accident just when she was five years old. The deaths didn't stop there however. One by one all the other members of the Rheumann family died, either with a mysterious illness or a freak accident. It didn't take long until she was dubbed as the “Child of Misfortune” by the maids and butlers of the family. Frightened by the evil curse they saw hanging over her, they all left one by one, leaving the once beautiful mansion into the grim and desolate place it was now. Only the chief butler stayed loyal to her.

As she grew up, she slowly realized what kind of power she possessed. But instead of scorning or running away from it, she embraced it. She accepted the fact that she was destined to be the witch of misfortune, leading to her twisted personality now.

She went to Zarkov just because she thought it would amuse her. And it indeed did, as her favorite pastime was giving out curses to the other students and saw how they would react. This naturally made her be feared by the rest of the academy, leading to her not having any friends.

But it's better this way. You wouldn't want to be infected by the witch's curse now, would you?

She always brought Tiana, her black cat, with her. She usually perched herself on her master's shoulders.

Core power:
Inflicting curses. Simple ones like making you trip once could be done by a simple touch.But stronger ones required her to obtain a drop of your blood, usually done by having her cat scratch you, and then using it as ink to write your name in her grimoire (which is actually just a normal book) that she always had in hand.

Auxiliary powers:
She could inflict a curse on herself as a buff with a price. Like having her have bad luck for the rest of the day in exchange for an increase in physical strength. She could also use the same technique to allies though naturally, they each had to pay on their own.

She could inflict a curse on an inanimate object. All her belongings were cursed so that anyone who stole them would suffer terrible things happening to them. This stopped the bullying she got right away.

Her cat was also cursed by her to be her loyal servant. It was far stronger than your ordinary cat as a result. Not to mention, its life was now intertwined with her master. As long as her master lived, she would live. But the moment she died, it would die as well.

She liked having one boy and one girl chasing and worshipping after her. She had put the curse of love to them. She would change her victims periodically however, usually when she got bored with them.

Her current male victim is Charles, a freshman.
I might be interested.
Christine Abigail

"Rurik? You're not going over to their side?" Christine asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Ah, I see. So you decide it would be best for us to stay on the defensive and wait for them to come here instead of the other way around. Alright then! I can go with that!" she replied cheerfully after Rurik explained his plan. "You know, I actually have been thinking of a new technique that would be perfect for this situation. Watch!"

Without warning, cold, pale hands appeared below Rurik, grabbing his legs before freezing it.

"As long as there's snow on the ground, I can spring this trap on the opponent!" she said with a smile.

Christine Abigail

Christine smiled brightly after she heard Bak approving of her plan.

"Yes! We can win this for sure! Now we just need someone to actually go to the other side and grab the flag!", she thought to herself.

As if on cue, Rurik volunteered to be that someone. Or at the very least, that's what she thought in her heart.

"Go get them, Rurik!" She waved at him.

Suddenly, just when she thought everything was going their way, heat began to spread all around the battlefield, diminishing the cold she had been generating.


She saw magma and rocks appearing from the earth at the opponent's side, protecting them from her wind and cold.

Of course! Its their side's ability!

She glanced nervously towards Bak. "Umm, Bak, what should I do now? I can go there and combat the heat but I have to get close."

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