Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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Is genderbender character okay?
How about this?

Nαɳαƈα Dαιɱσʂ

Nanaca soon found out that her ability was too much for the cultists. It was all too easy for her to dispatch of them all, until the remaining ones decided to not even try engaging her in combat, opting to take the "run away" option instead. She chased after some of them, but not to the point that she was forced to leave the arena. This was where the real action was after all and she wasn't interesting in just chasing small fries.

Her gaze then turned into what looked to be the big boss of the whole thing. She would've engaged him as well, if not for the fact that King had told her and the others to not engage him. He told her that it would be "too dangerous", or something like that.

She sighed, floating backwards and taking one of the still intact arena seats. She sat with crossed legs, waiting until she could have her action again.

Haah, maybe I should join in after all... Who cares what that guy says?

As she waited, she heard a horrific scream echoing across the arena. She stood up at once, excited by the prospect for a new opponent, but she couldn't find anyone.

Oh great I think that had to come out from the outside. Grrr, should I just go there?

And then the whole arena trembled. The air itself trembled.


She reflectively turned herself weightless before she was thrown around by the shockwave. Since she was weightless, she was like a cotton bud, greatly reducing the effect of the shockwave and the normal force she received when she crashed onto the seats behind her. She quickly recovered, and she quickly determined that the source was the guy Alto and King were currently fighting against.

S-such amazing power!

Instead of feeling fear, she felt exhilaration instead. And it didn't change when their airship fired upon the big bad guy, and when the big bad guy responded by opening a huge red portal to absorb the barrage, accompanied by a painful ringing noise.

But then, the portal shrank, followed by a loud boom as it exploded, sending an even stronger shockwave to its surroundings.

Oh, crap!

Nanaca quickly turned herself weightless once more as she knew she couldn't escape the blast radius. The blast sent her flying into the stand behind her, and that stand itself was soon turned into flying debris and rubble. She could only close her eyes, hopefully protecting them from any dust or rock that might harm them.

When she opened them back, she could tell that she was buried under a bunch of rubble.

Naturally, it was not a problem for her.

She immediately broke free, sending the rubble on top of her flying as she took their weight.

Unfortunately, she didn't escape without a scratch, both literally and figuratively. Literally, as there were now scratches all over her body that stung like hell. And figuratively, as she coughed a heavy, painful-sounding cough as her body tried to expel the dirt and dust that had entered her lungs.

"W-wait, where do those people come from?"

While she was recovering, she had missed the portal that had suddenly appeared, dropping a bunch of new faces into the arena.

Oh my, Machina has one girl who has to sleep alone...
I don't mind my two characters rooming with yours (they share the same room).

What's the maximum range of a summon being away from its summoner?
Call me interested.
Corona and Esther might be most active in the future tech club, with them presenting the results of their private research periodically to the club. Corona is only attending herbology and alchemy as it reminds her of her old life as the village apothecary. She still has an interest in medicine but she believes the most effective way of treating all sorts of illnesses are by inserting nanites into your body that would fix them for you instead of using some magic cure-all potion.

If it's allowed, I'd like to make Corona the head of the future tech club, with Esther as her vice-president.
Post what clubs you think your characters would join.

Corona = Herbology Club, Alchemy Club, Future Tech Club
Esther = Future Tech Club, Probably Machinery Club as well if it's not already included with Future Tech Club

Are clubs cross-house? And how about the club presidents? All NPCs?
CS for my second character.

What's the energy source for the summons? Do they just drain the energy of their summoners?
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