Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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No problem.
I usually write around one to two paragraphs. I try to match my partner's writing though.

Yes, I do, though since this RP is going to get NSFW, I can't do it that way. Has to be through PMs.

What do you mean? I usually never really plan that far ahead. I just make up things as the story goes along.

Yes, I do.
"Wow, Kath, is that my old dress?" Christine asked with an admiring smile, clapping her hands together.

Her sister, after finding her old dress in the attic, decided to wear it for the rest of the day. Christine naturally took notice, and she immediately praised her for how good she looked at it.

“I’m surprised how fitting my old dress looks on you!” she continued. “It’s all white and icy after all and you’re pretty much the embodiment of fire!”

Christine too was wearing her dress, as it just arrived today after she ordered it online.

She had her complains however.

“But please stop with the laugh,” she said with concern in her eyes. “You… you don’t look like my Kath at all when you do it!” she shouted, her voice shaking with tears pooling in her eyes.

It might seem silly for the average onlooker for Christine to be so concerned by her sister’s fake persona that she was only going to use for the masquerade party. However, for her, who admired her sister very much, it was simply… wrong for her to be that way. It sent a guttural feeling of disbelief and disgust to her, so much so that she could not stand even listening to her fake laugh.

I-it’s not right! I-it’s just not right!

She herself had no plans to change her personality for the party. She didn’t even know whether or not she would be capable of such a thing.
Does Kat show off her dress early to Christine? Or does she hide it for a surprise later in the ball?

Also, your link is still broken. It's forbidden for me.
"Hmm, what sort of mask should I wear, huh?" Christine tilted her head, pressing her index finger to her chin. "That's a good point, Sis. I should match my dress with my mask."

Thankfully for her, Kath quickly came out with an idea of her own. They would do a little switcheroo. She would masquerade as Jill Frost, while Christine would take the role of a volcano goddess. Hot and cold switched around.

"Ah, that could work!" Christine brightened up, clapping her hands together as she agreed with her suggestion. "A volcano goddess, huh? Maybe something red... Dark red..." Her forehead wrinkled as she remained deep in thought.

For the rest of the day she would remain that way, wandering around in her room, looking around inside her wardrobe for ideas on what her costume should be like. She even did some quick internet searches with the computer in her room; anything related to fashion and volcano goddesses.

In the end, she decided on a simple shoulderless dark red dress. The dress resembled a wedding dress, only that the flared skirt ended on her upper thighs, and that she didn't wear a veil with it. And with how her breasts threatened to spill out from its top, it was definitely more of the "sexy wedding dress" kind. Her mask would be crimson red, brighter than the dress.

Her idea was actually combining the myth of volcano gods that asked for virginal brides to be sacrificed to them. She imagined that all the sacrificed brides throughout the ages eventually became one volcano goddess that overthrew the original god.

(Imagine the dress to be dark red on the pic up there)


Got a specific concept I'd like to try.

The MC is transported straight into a crapsack Lawful Evil world where racism, slavery, and war are rampant, and the common masses are exploited gleefully by the ruling class who only cares about themselves and their power play.

Using his cheat ability, he would tear down any injustice he finds and perhaps even rebuild society to be a better one.
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