Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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A poor and downtrodden family, losing their home to the flames of war that enveloped the entire continent. Our family was forced to hide in a forbidden forest, filled with dangerous monsters and beasts. Our father and mother had died, leaving us to fend for ourselves. But, it was only a matter of time until we stumbled upon something we should have never awakened. An evil dragon, sealed deep inside the forest, forgotten by the world. The dragon, sick of their imprisonment, forced upon us a deal. They would transfer their essence to both of us, transforming us to half-dragons, freeing them from their imprisonment, and giving us the strength we desperately needed in order to survive. And now, as the new leader of the forest, it became our job to ensure the outside world would never touch the beasts and monsters that lived in it. And, eventually, seek revenge on the world itself, for taking away our peaceful, innocent lives of the far long past.

Your character will be either an older or younger sister to my male MC. And she would be the first member of his harem, consisting of various monster girls, just like him. We can decide the others later. And, ideally, I would like you to play them as well.

It doesn't have to be dragons. We can get transformed into other kind of monsters as well if you prefer.

As for my MC's personality, it depends whether your character is a younger or older sister. If younger, he's the jaded type, willing to do anything to protect his little sister. If older, he can be more innocent, though of course, he would still fiercely defend your character with his life.

Yes, ideally, the sister would be part of his harem. But if you don't like incest, then I suppose that plot point can be changed.
Sorry guys, but I think I have to quit this RP. I'm just losing interest with it.

Thank you for these past six months.
When Hinami did not answer her question, Luna knew for sure there was something wrong with her. She didn’t know whether she just didn’t hear her or she just chose not to respond. But whichever it was, it meant she wasn’t acting as a group anymore. She was just rampaging around with her monstrous strength, using those Varjan soldiers as her playthings.

Her thought was interrupted, however, with her need to rescue Sam. And so, while she was away, no one was there to watch her over.

And when she returned, well, the talisman was gone.

W-what? What is this… menace I’m feeling coming from her? It’s like I’m going to be swallowed whole by her! No! Not just me! The entire village will suffer the same fate!

The aura she felt bursting out of her sent chills all over her body. Her ears began to twitch wildly and her tail, now visible due to the wind coming from Hinami blowing up Luna’s skirt, was quivering.

It was fear. But not the rational kind. The instinctual.

She knew that if she didn’t stop her soon, everything would be over.

And then, she got a better look on her face.

What she saw made her let out an audible gasp.

Her teeth had sharpened and elongated considerably, looking more like the fangs of a wolf. Her eyes were now just emerald green, with no sign of their pupils anywhere. Her nails too had lengthened. Luna was sure she could gore a man cleanly with those.

Her fighting style has changed considerably! She’s biting and scratching at the soldiers! And is that her drinking their blood?

There was so much blood on the ground now. No longer using her non-lethal weapons, the poor soldiers taking her now had to actually be careful fighting her as they could lose their lives in the process.

I have to stop this! Before it’s too late!

Her eyes scanned her surroundings. Where is it?! Where’s the talisman?!

Ah, forget about that! I have the spare her sister gave me!

She reached under her skirt, down into her panties. She imagined the talisman she had stored there before, bringing it into the focus of her mind’s eye. The panties responded, manifesting the paper out of thin air into her hand.

She brought it out before looking to where the jiangshi was. She was still attacking the soldiers. Good. She could use them as a distraction.

She ran as fast as she could to catch up to her, while being careful not to alert her of her presence. Who knew how she would react to someone sneaking up to her, even if that someone was an ally? She had a hunch that she no longer knew who her allies were and who her enemies were. They were all just dolls for her to destroy.

When she jumped on top of a mounted warrior, the horse panicked, throwing its owner off its back before running away. The jiangshi didn’t pause her attack even when she lost her footing. The soldier couldn’t do anything as his chi was being drained away.

Now! While she’s sitting still in one spot!

She leaped forward, using her powerful rabbit legs to fly like a cannonball. Landing in front of her, she reached forward, attempting to slam that talisman right at her forehead.
Oh shit the talisman is off.
“Sam, look out!”

Lunatea’s eyes caught wind of the approaching Varjan riders. She ran as fast as she could, preparing to cast her spell. She channeled her mana into her undergarments as she reached forward with her hands, aiming towards the distance. She would knock them off their horses before they could reach the male demon. Sylph should hear her prayers and aid her in her aim.

Sheesh, why are you even here if you can’t fight?

Right in time, before their spears could pierce Samael or his escort, her tornado spell triggered, lifting the soldiers up in the air while their horses bolted, scared by the sudden shift in the wind. Her skirt flew upwards as well, fluttering proudly with her panties in display as the soldiers hovered in mid-air. And then, with a downward hand movement, she let them all drop, knocking them out of commission.

“There you g—”
Her ears twitched. Someone was coming after her from behind!

She turned around to defend herself. Only to find out that the man was thrown away from her by another man, who proceeded to use the distraction to attack Wyn instead.


"Luna! Hinami! On me!"

Wyn’s shouting cured her of her stupor. Now that Samael’s safe, she should rejoin the others and resume the fight.
@Dark Cloud
I'm still kinda busy now unfortunately.
“What in the—”

Lunatea could only watch in awe as Hinami slaughtered the soldiers. No. “Slaughter” wasn’t the correct term. The blade she wielded was made out of Demon Realm Silver, which meant it couldn’t, or wouldn’t, kill any of them, merely incapacitating them by draining their energies. It was created under the same principle as her panties—a tool of war that could be used to end wars without shedding a single blood.

Still, she couldn’t help but be impressed by how smooth and swift her swordsmanship was. It reminded her of a wandering swordswoman she once met in the ruins, who had rescued her from a trap she had clumsily triggered. Though, she only wielded a single blade there. And what was that chain technique she was using alongside it?

“Hey, Hinami. Are you alright?” She spoke to her once she finished off her enemies. “You seem… out of sorts from your usual self.”

Her sister told her to keep watch at the talisman on her head. And that was exactly what she was doing right now. Whatever this is, it was clearly not normal.
Tch, this is bad! We’re late

Lunatea cursed under her breath the moment she and the others reached the town. The town was already under assault. Everything was burning and the villagers were slaughtering the innocent townsfolks by the dozens. They were even dragging them out of their houses!

Pillagers! Murderers! Have they no honor?

And so, when they spotted a squad of Varjan Brigands cornering a man and his child, she did not hesitate.

Her eyes lit up. And her skirt as well, as her panties drew mana from their surroundings.
And then, she fired.

A powerful gust of wind came out from her palms, blasting the brigands where they stood. It lifted them up, spun them around in the air, before dropping them back down, head first. As the magic of the Sylph was merciful, it wouldn’t kill them. But the force was enough to knock them all out.

Make no mistake. It wasn’t that Lunatea was a pacifist. It was just that most of the magic items the monsters crafted to fight their wars were designed not to kill, as they would rather convert the invading army to their side rather than to slaughter them.

She watched as Samael walked in to save the man. Good thinking. And Wnyndressa was pulling her weight as well in combat.

“On it!” she replied to her command. Her eyes scanned the rest of the village and she began blasting the brigands with her wind one by one, focusing first on those closest to a villager. She was quickly drawing attention to herself, both from her assault from the fact that she flashed her panties every time she cast her spells.
Lunatea can put out the fires with her water magic.
“Well, that is unfortunate…” Lunatea made a long note in her notebook. “Do come to me when you remember anything, alright?”

It seems he’s uncomfortable talking about the subject. I should not push him any further.

The strange odor didn’t escape Luna’s notice. Though unlike Sam, she quickly identified that it belonged to the high orc that was part of their entourage the moment she saw him at dinner. It was his pheromones, flying around in the air, spreading easily inside the cabin as the ventilation there was quite lacking. Oh, and he was another male demon. At this point, she was too tired to act surprised.

Once again, if only I had biology as my expertise, I could just abandon this whole expedition and make them my research subjects instead.

Thankfully, the odor didn’t really reach their room that much. Why she sat there having dinner, she felt a constant itch and throb down on her crotch. She knew what that meant and it wasn’t really something she usually attended to. In normal circumstances, she would barely feel it and whatever she felt would soon be forgotten once she was engrossed in her readings.

Little did she know that it would aggravate her companion a lot more than her.

* * *

Luna’s slumber was peaceful. Dreamless, even. Her breath was as soft as silk, barely imperceptible to Samael’s ears. Her chest rose up and down in harmony while her buttocks faced themselves towards him, flashing him her panties.

Now that she was asleep, she was completely vulnerable to whatever the little demon wanted to do to her.


She let out a sigh, turning from facing the wall to Samael. Instead of her butt, this time, it was her crotch that was visible to the young demon. There was no escaping the sight of her cameltoe. Her magic panties made sure of it. They even tightened the fabric, making sure the shape of her girlhood was even more noticeable to the not-so-young monster boy.

They knew what their mistress wanted. And they were now inviting him to do it.

* * *

If Lunatea noticed Samael’s confusion, she certainly wasn’t showing it to him. She was too busy with the thought of the oncoming battle to notice anything else.

“Stop dawdling around,” she said to him with a stern look. “Do you want me to carry you on my shoulder or something?”

She wasn’t being mean. It was just that they were now in the middle of the war and he shouldn’t be confused like that. He should be focused on his goal, just like she was.
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