Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Got a lC up for a casual High School SoL RP for those that might be interested: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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5 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
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5 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
5 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
5 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Just so everyone is aware, DS positions are no longer taking applicants until we have more Guild members.
This is my first go at the sheet, might add some more details for the other section, but was trying to keep it short and sweet for now. Will edit with extra pictures shortly.

Character Name: Adam Rowen
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Male
Personality: Adam is known rather well for his hard working demeanor and his drive to want to help people. To him the happiness of others is paramount, even if it means that he has to sacrifice his own happiness in the process. Behind this exterior however, Adam is a scared and nervous man, using his work to try and mask the fact that he is delaying the inevitable. Not that he would allow anyone to see that. Happiness is the only thing he wants the world to remember him for.

Biography: Adam had a fairly average upbringing. There wasn’t anything to suggest that he would become who he was today. Usually people who are extremely kind do it because of a bad upbringing or something along those lines. But this never applied to Adam. One theory that has emerged is that once he discovered he was Fragmented, and the results of not finding your soulmate were, Adam became desperate to try and find his soulmate. Realising that the odds of finding your soulmate was slim, he decided to start a matchmaking website which helped other Fragmented find their soulmates. After finishing the site, he was able to find enough investors to go public with the service. To date it became the premier site for finding your soulmate.

Adam as a result became a bit of a celebrity as a result of the site’s success. Though more for the irony of the fact that he helped people find their soulmate, but he himself could never find his soulmate. As he is approaching his later 20’s, signs of becoming lost are starting to show, despite the fact he has plenty of time. He uses his charity and happiness work as a way to try and make up for the lack of a soulmate. Perhaps his soulmate is the happiness of humanity itself.
Most certainly intrested. Will work on a character once I get home from work.

First Post is up, so you may begin IC posting. The Three week cycle starts today and the deadline for IC Posts is Thursday 8th August (My Birthday)

I want to emphasise this. I would rather you take a week extra into the cycle and post something better, than have you rush to get out a post at the beginning of the cycle. I want this one to last, so that starts with getting good quality posts up. If you have any issues or are struggling then let me and the GM team know. We are more than glad to help.
Somewhere in New York
09.35pm - 1st August 2019

”It all started on a dark and stormy night...” A voice echoed in the darkly lit room. Looking around it was nearly impossible to tell where the unnerving voice was coming from; was it to the left? Perhaps the right? ”Well… I can’t really use that as an opening can I?” the voice continued, the sound getting closer, the silhouette of a man emerging from the darkness blanketing the room. There wasn’t any notable details that the silhouette gave away. The voice most certainly belonged to a man. The accent bore a strange hybridisation of both English and American. It had the authority and superiority that normally came across from an American, but also had the refinement and grace that menacing villainous undertone that only your Hiddleston’s could muster.

”Mostly because it isn’t a dark and stormy night. I mean night has not even arrived in full yet.” The figure took another step forward. This time the light from the centre of the room was glowing on the highlight of the males body. Enough this time to actually give some detail to the mysterious voice. The male had long dark coloured hair; long for a male anyway as it brushed to just past his ears, the odd split end caressing his cheek. The hair parted exactly in the centre of his head, the right side brushed behind his ear while the left was free to dangle down and almost cover his eye. It was a look that most people could never pull off, but this guy seemed to pull it off flawlessly.

”Plus it sounds too cheesy, don't you think?” The male asked somewhat casually, taking another step forward into the light and bending down, looking at something right in front of him. That something was a woman; bound and restraint, a little beat up too. Normally a person would show fear once captured, but this woman had eyes filled with anger, annoyance and wrath. Ironically she couldn’t respond to the male as her mouth had been gagged with a cloth that had been tightly knotted around her face.

The male stared deeply into the female’s eyes, noticing the hatred that was radiating from them towards him. That however only caused the males lithe lips to tighten into a smirk. He jumped back to his feet, holding his hands up and then placing them over his heart. ”Aliira, Allira… I am hurt.” He mocked ”It is almost like you are trying to stab me with your eyes.” The smirk on his face quickly changed to a pout as he bent down once more to look at her face in more detail. ”Do you hate me that much? What has poor little Aloysius done to irk the usually calm and composed second-in-command of the Guild?” With a flick of his wrist a small gust of wind formed at the back of the woman’s head and was just enough to release the knot bounding her mouth and for once allowing her to speak. Though the first thing to escape her lips wasn’t a word, so much as it was a growl, a more feral growl.

”You are a sick bastard you know that?” The woman finished the sentence with a snarl. The amount of hatred towards the male was clear. ”Do you really think Salem will let you get away with this Aloysius? Do you really think that she won’t come and rip your guts out one by one?” Listening to the last part of Aliira’s words, Aloysius’s face scrunched up in disgust, his mind visualising that rather morbid process quite vividly.

”Please, Salem couldn’t deal with me when I killed her father, all she did was go on the attack and burn everything else down.” With that Aloysius rose to his feet, and retreated back into the darkness. ”But this time it is going to be different”. His voice this time was colder, more reserved. The joking, laid back and somewhat psychotic Aloysius of the past few moments had gone. Walking back into the darkness there was silence for a few moments. The only sound in the whole room was the clanging of metal.

A moment or so later, Aloysius re-appeared into the light. He walked right over to Aliira, pulling the females phone out of her pocket. Unlocking it, he took a moment to observe the homescreen background; it was an image of Aliira and Salem, both looking rather happy. Salem actually had a smile. Aloysius couldn’t even remember the last time she had seen Salem smile. For a second Aloysius stopped. His brain was processing the thoughts in his brain, and Aliira had clocked on too.

”Let me guess, not used to seeing Salem so happy? You would be surprised how happy and nice she is when your ass is not around.” Aloysius stopped looking at the phone, and looked over into Aliira’s eyes. His pupils had widened and his eyes softened. It was almost as if you were looking at a stray cat… Aliira however laughed, not quietly, not nicely, but loud and abruptly in Aloysius’s face. ”No… Please don’t tell me you actually… ” Aliira couldn’t bring herself to finish her sentences before she began laughing again. ”You thought she would… wow… Salem told me you were a gullible idiot, but this...wow.” With that final laugh from Aliira, Aloysius let out a huff, placing the phone on the ground as he reached up grabbed a piece of Aliira’s hair, the woman letting out a groan of pain and frustration at Aloysius’s manhandling of her.

”You ought to remember who is currently tied up and close to losing her life. Aloysius hissed with a low growl. His free hand swiped across the phone screen until he reached Aliira’s contact list. His fingers danced around the screen until a single contact turned up: Salem. Calling her, Aloysius placed the phone on speaker mode so he could make sure that they both could hear Salem. It didn’t take long for her to answer.

”Salem it…” before Aliira could say anything else, she quickly had her hair pulled, a scream of pain shutting her sentence down.

”I do apologise about the noise. Hostages these days don’t seem to remember about shutting up. I miss the good old days where everyone remembered their places.” With that Aloysius let go of Aliira and rose back to his feet. ”You know Salem, me and you, we are very alike, even though in high school you were the popular one. Little miss alt princess. But anyway, As you can see I have Aliira. I hope you don’t mind. Well, you kind of have no choice.” The entire time that he spoke he was walking around the room, staring at the ceiling for no apparent reason.

”Anyway, I thought you should know that I plan to extract vengeance for Lana yada-yada-yada. How dare you think you could get away with killing Lana blah...blah...blah… you get the idea.” With that Aloysius went back into the darkness and revealed exactly what the source of the metal clanging before was. In his hand was a pistol, and he certainly looked comfortable holding it. Waving it around he looked down at Aliira.

”Look kid. It’s nothing personal. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong crowd.” He said with a what was possible one of the worst New York Italian accents of all time. ”You see, it is just business.” With that he stopped waving the gun around casually with his hand and trained it right on the female on the floor. Without even saying another word he pulled the trigger, the shot echoing across the room. He didn’t even say anything else at that point, just walking over towards the phone and stamping on it several times until it stopped sending a signal.

With the woman no living, Aloysius kicked her body over to make sure, mumbling to himself about how important Lana was to him in the process. With that done, he walked towards the exit of the room, which lead out onto a balcony, giving him a nice view of the evening-scape of New York. It was fairly nice. It was only interrupted by the sudden flash of lightning. Aloysius watched as the blue flashes appeared in the horizon. However all Aloysius did was fold his arms and smirk. Afterall the lightning had come form the ground and rose upwards. That wasn’t natural, there was only one person in New York he knew who could do that.

”Ohhhhhhh. It seems shark week has visited someone a little early this time around.”
@FunnyGuy Okay, that looks good. You have demonstrated that you don't intend to powerplay with it, so move it on over.
@Maxbrady I think you may have chosen the wrong place to ask this sort of the question.

The Casual RP forum is for RPs that are active, or are starting up, not discussing ideas. You may find it better to ask this is the Roleplaying Discussion group.


Welcome to the site! Given your love of dice RPG games, the Tabletop forum might be the ideal place for to you start and find the RP of your dreams. If you ever get stuck or need a hand, just let anyone here know. Most of us are wonderful people who will gladly help others navigate their way around. We were all new at some point

Apologies for the slow delay in getting back to you. Life is a wonderful thing!

In terms of the power it is something that we are willing to go for, however the only thing I would ask is for some detail on its upper limit. Otherwise we could just say that Lex can go super saiyan halfwayy through the RP xD
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